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March 19, 2003 - Image 1

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March 19, 2003
©2003 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
* Vol. CXIII, No. 113

One-hundred-twelve years of editorialfreedom

Light rain will
fail through-
out the day,
with thundfr
in the early
evening and
wind from
the south-

HI 9


Saddam mocks, rejects Bush ultimatum

The Associated Press
In an edgy prelude to war, Saddam Hussein
mocked an American ultimatum yesterday to
surrender power, and the Bush administration
claimed public support from 30 nations for its
international coalition supporting Iraq's disar-
The streets of Baghdad captured the moment
- panic buying by residents bracing for a fear-
some U.S.-led attack, side by side with a gov-
ernment-prompted, mass demonstration in
support of Saddam.
"This war, in short, is tantamount to geno-
cide," charged Mohammed Al-Douri, Iraq's

ambassador to the United Nations, in one of a
string of insults the Iraqi high command hurled
at Bush.
It was a daylong act of defiance in the face
of an invasion force of more than 250,000
troops ringing Iraq, a nation of more than 23
million that Saddam has ruled brutally for near-
ly a quarter century.
One day after President Bush set his deadline
of 8 p.m. EST today, troops in the Kuwaiti
desert loaded their ammunition and combat
gear into fighting vehicles, ready to invade on
short notice.
"I think I'd probably have a better chance of
being elected pope than we have of Mr. Sad-

dam Hussein leaving the country," Capt.
Thomas Parker said aboard the USS Kitty
Hawk - an aircraft carrier preparing to take on
a supply of 1,000-pound, satellite-guided
bombs from a nearby munitions ship.
"So this is probably going to follow to its
logical conclusion."
As the hours dwindled toward Bush's dead-
line, the White House worked to keep Saddam
Presidential spokesman Ari Fleischer would
not rule out a U.S. attack before Bush's 48-hour
clock ran out. "Saddam Hussein has to figure
out what this means," he said.
One official, speaking on condition of

anonymity, said Bush was leaving the door
open in case Saddam makes a pre-emptive
attack or U.S. intelligence warns that one is
Underscoring what Bush said on Monday
night, Fleischer said U.S. troops would enter
Iraq, either as an invading force or as part of an
unmolested effort to locate weapons of mass
Turkey's government, meanwhile, said it
would ask parliament to grant the U.S. Air
Force the right to use Turkish airspace in an
Iraq war and that a separate motion allow-
ing in U.S. troops could be considered at a
later date. Last month, the Turkish parlia-

ment rebuffed a resolution to let in tens of
thousands of American soldiers, opening a
northern front against Iraq.
At the same time the administration prepared
for an invasion, it announced a series of steps at
home to protect against terrorist attacks.
"We know that our interests have been
attacked abroad. And we should prepare for
potential attacks, either here or abroad at this
time," said Homeland Security Secretary Tom
The plan, dubbed "Operation Liberty
Shield," heightens security at the nation's bor-
ders, airports, seaports and railways, at nuclear
See IRAQ, Page 7

urge renewed
focus on Korea
By Lydia K. Leung
Daily Staff Reporter
A day after President Bush delivered an ultimatum to Iraq,
three veteran diplomats addressed the situation in North Korea
- another member of the "axis of evil" - in a forum discus-
sion at the Business School yesterday.
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Korean
Ambassador to the United States Yang Sung Chul and former
U.S. Ambassador to Korea Donald Gregg, spoke at the forum,
titled "Korea: Issues and Prospects." The event filled Hale
Auditorium with hundreds of students, professors and others
concerned with the diplomatic conflict.
"We have the Iraq crisis going on now, and we may go into
war by the end of the week," said Albright, a distinguished
scholar at the William Davidson Institute of the Business
School. "But I think there is an even greater crisis, and that is
the relationship that we have with North Korea."
Albright said she believes the incredibly strong U.S. military
will have no problems in delivering a victory over Iraq. Con-
cerns should focus on the problems that will lie ahead in the
war's aftermath, she said. Although there are many differences
between Iraq and North Korea, Albright said "these two crises
unfortunately have become linked and I think they need to be
looked at, to some extent, together."
President Bush linked Iraq and North Korea ih last January's
State of the Union address. But Gregg said labeling Iraq, Iran
and North Korea "the axis of evil" was a "terrible mistake"
that put three heterogeneous countries together in the same cat-
egory. In October, North Korea's potential for threatening the
world's safety became apparent when it resumed the nuclear
weapon program that it agreed to stop in 1994. The crisis
intensified in January when the country announced its imme-
See KOREA, Page 3

FS students divided
over need for war

By Emily Kraack
Daily Staff Reporter
For many students, Iraq is synony-
mous with Saddam Hussein or victim-
ized citizens. But for some students,
Iraq means family and heritage.
Iraqi-American students on campus
hold a host of opinions regarding war
between Iraq and the United States, but
many agree that something should be
done to change the situation in Iraq.
LSA sophomore Areej El-Jawahri,
an Iraqi American, said she thinks
there is broad consensus among Iraqi
students regarding Saddam Hussein's
rule. "Personally, I think a lot of Iraqi
students support a regime change in
Iraq," she said. "We're worried about
Saddam Hussein really hurting his own
people and people in the region"
LSA senior Paul Gabrail, who
moved to the United States from Iraq a
few months after he was born, echoed
El-Jawahri's sentiments. He said that
2,000 Iraqi children die each month
from lack of basic medical care like
antibiotics. "It's hurting the Iraqi peo-
ple the longer we stay with (Saddam),"
Gabrail said.
While.-El-Jawahri and Gabrail said
they support a war against Saddam,
other Iraqi-Americans on campus in

favor of regime change were against an
American-led attack. University alum
Hiba Ghalib said she does not believe
all other means have been exhausted
yet. "I am not in any way supporting
Saddam Hussein's tyranny. But at the
same time I don't believe that war is
the way to deal with the situation," she
said. "I just don't see the justification
at this point"
She said that her family in America
feels the need to take a low-key stance
and not be too vocal against the war
because they are worried about being
labelled anti-American. "When I take
active stances for or against anything
in the government, my parents are real-
ly wary," she said.
LSA freshman Sayf Al-Katib said he
thinks Saddam should be removed
because of the harm he does to the
country, but he does not support war.
"Under the current situation in Iraq I
don't feel that there is the opportunity
for the country to prosper under Sad-
dam's leadership, under the current
economic sanctions," he said. "Now
whether or not a war is the solution -
I don't have the answer to that but I
feel that there are other alternatives to
war." He said he worried that war
would lead to strained relations
See STUDENTS, Page 7

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright speaks about the significance of the North Korean nuclear
crisis last night at the Business School's Hale Auditorium.

U, seeks to prevent medical errors

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Death at Duke University
Medical Center increases
nation's watchfulness
By Erin Saylor
Daily Staff Reporter
The death of 17-year-old Jesica Santillan
after she mistakenly received incompatible
organs during transplant surgery at Duke-Uni-
versity Medical Center has heightened con-
cerns among medical providers and patients
about medical errors.
"All of us have been saddened and alarmed
by the recent event that occurred at the Duke
University Medical Center. The only positive
outcome I can see from this tragedy is that it

serves as a trigger for other transplant pro-
grams to re-evaluate their policies and proce-
dures," Darrell Campbell, University of
Michigan Hospitals chief of clinical affairs
and a chair on the Patient Safety Committee,
said in a written statement. "Human error will
always be with us, but it is our responsibility
as a health system to put enough fail-safe
mechanisms in place that errors are detected
and remedied before serious harm is done."
But many health officials say that this is an
old problem that isjust now getting the atten-
tion it deserves. In November 1999, the Insti-
tute of Medicine reported that between 44,000
and 98,000 Americans die each year as the
result of medical errors in hospitals, making it
the eighth-leading cause of death - placing it
higher than motor vehicle accidents, breast

cancer or AIDS.
"Most of the country became much more
sensitive to the possibility of error after the
report was released," said Robert Winfield,
director of University Health Service.
"Whether the numbers are accurate or not, it
shows that there is a substantial problem."
Aside from the physical risks, medical
errors also carry a high financial cost. The
IOM report estimated that medical errors cost
the nation around $37.6 billion each year and
that about $17 billion of those costs are asso-
ciated to preventable mistakes.
Most medical errors have had less to do
with neglect on the part of the medical
providers and more with failures within the
health system itself, Winfield said. He said he
See ERRORS, Page 7

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War on the horizon

Plaintiffs' brief only
presents part of the
story, 'U' lawyers say



By Andrew Kaplan
Daily Staff Reporter

By Tomislav Ladika
Daily Staff Reporter
Lawyers prosecuting the University
for its use of race in admissions have
cited enrollment statistics and created
elaborate grids attempting to prove
the Law School uses admissions quo-
tas, but University Lead Counsel
Marvin Krislov said the grids do not
capture the comprehensive nature of
the Law School's policy.
The Washington-based law firm
Center for Individual Rights, repre-
senting the plaintiffs in lawsuits
against the Law School and LSA's
admissions policies, employed a stat-
istician to create grids placing appli-
cants into cells based on their grade
point averages and LSAT scores.
Krislov said the grids, which show
blacks and Hispanics in certain cells
were admitted at much higher rates

the same LSAT scores and GPAs, are
"only part of a picture of a human
being." He said the University looks
at every applicant individually, con-
sidering many other factors such as
references, essays, and strength of
Dis $ipg curriculum.
~. tIebriefs "It doesn't
+ represent the

}art twotin a
farr ro 4 ie

After three weeks of flyering, chalking and
haunting the Diag in costumes, candidates in
today's student government elections are mak-
ing their final campaign push before the Inter-
net polls close tomorrow at midnight. Students
can vote online at vote.wwwumich.edu.
Spearheading the race for seats on the Michi-
gan Student Assembly are Students First presi-
dential candidate Angela Galardi, University
Party presidential candidate Jon Clifton and
Defend Affirmative Action Party presidential
candidate Kate Stenvig.
While the presidential nominees have diversi-
fied their platforms with regard to campus
improvements, they also advocate divergent
views on what the assembly's role should be in
the debate over University admissions policies
and war with Iraq.
Pledging her commitment to students, Galar-
di, currently MSA Budget Priorities Committee
chair, said her goals as president include bring-
ing career counseling to North Campus and fol-
lowing through with recent Students First
projects - such as creating a new bus route on
Central Campus, expanding Entree Plus, mak-
ing Spring Break a week later in the Winter
Term and renovating the University's Recre-
ational Sports facilities.

Winter 2O
e ecIon S

"Most of the work that's being done on the
assembly to do things that students are con-
cerned with has been done by Students First,"
she said. "I think anyone who wants to be on
student government is concerned about the stu-
dents. However, I think the difference between
(Students First) and (other parties) is that we

way we do
Krislov said.
"The grids only
plot two num-
bers - LSATs
and grades -

want to repre-
sent all stu-
But Clifton,
who is vice
chair of the
Budget Priori-

ties Committee,
said his agenda best captures students' interests
because he refuses to address broad issues
before surveying his constituents.
"There's a huge amount of time spent on
those resolutions, and that's not the accurate
representation," he said, referring to recent
assembly resolutions supporting race-conscious
admissions and diplomatic relations with Iraq.
"I support a student-wide survey about what the
student body is actually thinking."
Although Stenvig said she supports campus
improvements - particularly those preventing
tuition hikes andreforming financial aid - she
added that defending University admissions
policies, opposing war with Iraq and combating
See MSA, Page 3

and we look at a lot more than that"
The University's legal brief filed
with the U.S. Supreme Court argues
CIR's evidence fails to explain why
the Law School accepted 85 white
and Asian American applicants from
1995 to 2000 with lower test scores

An F-14A Tomcat prepares to land aboard an
aircraft carrier yesterday in the Persian Gulf.





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