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January 10, 2003 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-01-10

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January 1, 2003
©2003 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan

One-hundred-twelve years of editoldfreedom

Scattered snow
showers during
the day and
snow shower at
night, with
winds up to 18

R W N1
Tame row,.

Vol. CXIII, No. 71


Atty. gen.
vows to
new post
By Dan Trudeau
Daily Staff Reporter
Mike Cox, Michigan's new attorney
general, is laying a determined and
deliberate course for his term in office.
Cox, who is taking the position vacated
by recently-elected Gov. Jennifer
Granholm, is calling for dramatic
reforms within the attorney general's
office as well as in the laws of the
Cox's early agenda includes a plan to
reorganize the bureaucracy of the attor-
ney general's office, combining the 31
different legal divisions of the office
into five larger bureaus. Cox said in an
interview with The Michigan Daily
that the conglomeration would increase
the efficiency of the office and provide
support and resources to departments
in need.
"We're making this into a modern
law office. You used to have divisions
that had 22 lawyers and divisions that
had one lawyer. By consolidating, you
make it possible to share lawyers and
to share secretaries," Cox said.
The attorney general noted that the
changes would allow the office to
operate within a more efficient budget
and would also help other areas of the
state government perform more effec-
"If the attorney general's office is
more effective, it can generally save
the government as a whole a large sum
of money," Cox said.
In addition to his plans for internal
improvements, Cox has made a
strong statement about more public
reforms. In outlining his priorities as
a public official, the attorney general
highlighted enforcement of child
support payments as a pressing issue
and hopes that reform of the current.
system will be part of his legacy as
attorney general.
See COX, Page 7

Alliance files
in favor of 'U'
race policies

By Tomislav Ladika
Daily Staff Reporter

A coalition of organizations rep-
resenting the nation's second
fastest-growing minority group sent
a letter to President Bush yesterday
asking him to support the Universi-
ty's admissions policies and affir-
mative action.
The University policies, which are
expected to be delib-
erated in the U.S. %
Supreme Court in i
late March or early
April, are vital to
increasing the num-
ber of Hispanics attending college in
the United States, chairman of the
New American Alliance Moctesuma
Esparza said.
The New America Alliance is one
of 12 national Hispanic organiza-
tions that united in sending Bush a
letter asking him to support the Uni-
versity in the two cases.
"We are requesting that the presi-
dent acknowledge publicly his com-
mitment to diversity," Esparza said.
The Supreme Court ruling "will
determine whether or not the top
selected colleges in the United
States will continue to reach out to
The lawsuits, Grutter v. Bollinger

and Gratz v. Bollinger, challenge the
University's use of race as an admis-
sions factor in the Law School and the
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts, respectively. The Court's ruling
will be the first on the issue since its
1978 Bakke decision - which per-
mitted colleges to consider race in
admissions decisions - and is
expected to have huge ramifications
for college admissions policies.
One-third of Latinos are under 18
years of age, but only 11 percent of
all Latinos have received post-sec-
ondary education, according to U.S.
census data. A press release from the
coalition said a ruling in favor of the
University's policies would benefit
Hispanic youth in the future, but
Latino enrollment rates could
decrease if the policies are judged
"If decided against the University,
they could severely limit Hispanics'
opportunities to gain the education
they need to become doctors,
lawyers, politicians and business
leaders who make a strong contribu-
tion to society," the coalition said in
the statement.
Although Bush has not yet
responded to the letter, Esparza said
that upon delivering it to the White
House, employees assured him that
See ALLIANCE, Page 7

Business senior Amit Agarwal has applied to work for companies who have offered him positions in India, his home country,
but will not offer him a job in the U.S.
Political climate slows job
search for int'l students

By Lydia K. Leung
Daily Staff Reporter

The most fundamental qualities needed to secure a job
include a solid resume, interview savvy and ample amount of
work experience. While that may be enough for most students,
for others, one thing is still missing from the list - U.S. citi-
"I was interviewing with one of my top choice compa-
nies - General Electric - and I did very well in the first-
round interview and got into the second round, but I didn't
tell them I was an international student," Business senior
Amit Agarwal said.
"When they found out I was an international student, they

said if I am interested in working with them, they can inter-
view me in my home country but they cannot offer me a job
here (in the United States)," he said.
Agarwal, who is from India, said he was extremely disap-
pointed by the experience but with perseverance and persist-
ence, he finally received an offer for a full-time position from
Dell, Inc. in Texas.
"I am one of the lucky ones to have gotten a job, so I am not
complaining at all," Agarwal said. "Most of my friends from
India are not able to find a job even though they are pretty
actively searching - just because of the fact that they are
international students."
U.S. companies are not xenophobic, but they are unwilling
See JOBS, Page 7

Live local laughs

Family memorializes
son with generosity

By Christopher Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter

Although almost a year and a half have
passed since the Sept. 11 attacks, individuals
continue to cherish the memories of the
loved ones who perished.
One act of memorial is the recent donation
of $250,000 to the Medical School in honor
of Todd Ouida, an alum who was killed in the
Todd Ouida was on the 105th floor of the
World Trade Center, where he worked as a bro-
ker for Cantor-Fitzgerald. Although Todd called
his mother on his cell phone to tell her that he
was unharmed, he did not come out of the build-
ing. Todd's father, who worked on the 77th floor,
managed to escape.t
"Somebody told me that Todd was above me.
I still say that Todd's above me," said Herbert
Ouida, Todd's father.
Herbert said he and Todd's mother Andrea
offered the money to the University because
their son was particularly fond of his days as a
student at Michigan. Todd graduated from the
University in 1998 with a bachelor of arts in
psychology. Herbert noted that a speaker at his
son's memorial service said everyone on campus
referred to Todd as "Buddy." The remark
inspired the name for his memorial website,
"Todd came into his own at Michigan," said
Herbert. "He loved the school. It was a signifi-
cant part of his life."

Todd's parents offered the money to the Med-
ical school specifically for the treatment of
childhood anxiety disorders. The school will use
the funds to establish the Todd Ouida Clinical
Scholars Award and an annual lecture in child-
hood anxiety and depression.
"The Todd Ouida Clinical Scholars Award
will support new research on the genetic,
biological and psychological factors con-
tributing to childhood anxiety disorders,"
said school associate Prof. Gregory Hanna,
director of the Division of Child and Adoles-
cent Psychiatry, in a statement. "The annual
lecture will allow us to focus national atten-
tion on these important problems and to pro-
vide information to clinicians and
researchers about the latest advances in the
Herbert said he contributed the money to the
Medical school because his son suffered from
panic attacks in his youth. After medication
failed to alleviate Todd's anxiety disorder, the
young Ouida entered psychotherapy and signifi-
cantly improved his condition.
"Many people get stuck in this problem," Her-
bert said. "He didn't. He thrived. He traveled all
over the world."
Todd's parents established the Todd Ouida
Children's Foundation Fund after his death to
provide financial assistance to programs that
treat children who suffer from anxiety disorders.
The memorial website lists many beneficiaries
of the fund and how others can make additional

Local comedian Jim McLean presents his routine at the Ann
Arbor Comedy Showcase on Liberty Street yesterday.
Public institutions

The Detroit Project Is trying to convince local television
stations to air advertisements that discourage driving SUVs.
SUV ads stir u
area controversy
By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter
Debate stemming from an environmental group that
* believes fuel-inefficient sports utility vehicles instigate ter-
rorism has caused confusion in the Detroit area because
their organization's name is the same as a local community
service group.
The Detroit Project, a California-based environmental
group, is persuading television stations across the country to
run advertisements convincing Americans not to utilize
SUVs because they require the U.S. to purchase more oil
from Middle Eastern governments.
Engineering sophomore Jeff Powers said the group's mes-
sage is ridiculous because there are so many different parts
of American life that require the use of oil, such as smaller
cars and public transportation.
"Anybody who doesn't walk or ride a bike is a supporter
(of terrorism) to a lesser extent," Powers said.
Cap _q1 Des 7

narrow p
By Allison Yang
Daily Staff Reporter
The disparities in perceived academic
might and achievement between public
and private higher education may be
diminishing as more public institutions,
including the University of Michigan,
try to compete with top private schools.
The University attracts students with
its academic reputation, faculty and
facilities whether they are looking for
an Ivy League school or a public uni-
versity, said Ted Spencer, director of
undergraduate admissions.

vate edge
"We are a great institution. We can
compete with Ivy League schools for
all the right reasons, and that's based
on more than a feel-good attitude,"
he said.
While University admission process-
es enroll 5,000 undergraduate students
a year, private institutions enroll less
than 500 students on average, Spencer
said. The chances of getting into the
University are higher, which he said is
very attractive to students.
But for some students, the lower
acceptance rate of private institu-
See SCHOOLS, Page 7

Conference investigates impen

By Carmen Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter

As more U.S. troops prepare for departure to the
Middle East in case of a possible war with Iraq, Uni-
versity students are organizing to educate and confront
the conflict with this weekend's anti-war conference at
the Law School.
Organized by Anti-War Action! and the Muslim Stu-
dents' Association, the two-day conference will feature
speakers such as former U.S. Rep David Bonior (D-Mt.
Clemens) - who will discuss his visit to Iraq, and
Michael Alhert editor of 7Maaine urho uillsneaknl

on alternative economics of corporate globalization.
Conference organizer and AWA! member Megan
Williamson said more than 500 students are expected
to attend the conference, which was organized to raise
awareness of the Iraq conflict and to explain why peo-
ple should be against the war.
"Firstly we wanted to raise awareness by educating.
We also want to facilitate, network and encourage
effective activism," Williamson said.
Tomorrow's speakers will be covering topics, includ-
ing the historical background of the Iraq conflict, the
"War on Terror" and the general impact of war in the
nast nresent and future. Workshnn sn international

ing war in Iraq
law, lobbying and community organization will be held
on Sunday.
Phyliss Englebert, a staff member at the Ann Arbor
Area Committee of Peace, which was formed after the
Sept. 11 attacks, said the committee has been
impressed by the anti-war efforts of MSA and AWA!.
AAACP will be at the conference to hold a workshop
on creative community action and organizing.
"We will be talking about how to craft literature,
(and) what to do with a public speaker and using music
and culture. We want to help activists appeal across
generational differences and people of different races,"

I .

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