4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 OP/ED U£mD 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 letters@michigandaily.com EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 LOUIE MEIZLISH Editor in Chief AUBREY HENRETTY ZAC PESKOWITZ Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. NOTABLE QUOTABLE "This is not small." - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, on the 21,000-pound bomb the United States tested yesterday in Florida, as quoted by The Associated Press. I / SAM BUTLER THE SoApix. // i c. G) 6_ CeeJ neat pvb V/flQ Lies, damn lies and (some) statistics DAVID HORN HORNOGRAPHY ecretary of State Colin Powell was on "Meet the Press" last Sunday, and was having a difficult time swatting away even the softballs that Tim Russert was throwing at him. Russert showed Powell a clip of then- candidate George W. Bush during the 2000 presidential campaign, in which Bush said that American troops ought not be used for nation building. Powell, realizing the ridiculousness of his boss's hypocritical position, admitted that the effort in Iraq would indeed require "nation building." Bush's claim in 2000 then, Russert's audience was led to conclude, was effectively a lie. Powell was unable to refute it - a recurring theme over the course of the show. Russert went on to challenge Powell on the link between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida. Powell said that "the case" for war does not rest on the link between Saddam and the infa- mous terrorist network, but rather on Saddam's defiance of the United Nations over the last 12 years. OK. So that's the case. Then how can he and Bush even consider military action without the support of the United Nations? If "the case" for war rests on Saddam's defiance of a decade-old U.N. resolution, then it is the U.N.'s responsibility to address that. We fight our own wars - not the U.N.'s. If the United Nations had a problem with Saddam defying its demands, then the United Nations would pony up and join the war effort; my sense is that that's not happening any time soon. There is such a fundamentally-flawed logic in the administration's argument it makes me ache for a more analytical media and a more critical public. Why are you not pushing Powell on these questions, Russert? How is the media allowing these significant and fundamental contradictions to be so successfully shrouded by the Bush propaganda campaign? Meanwhile, 55 percent of Americans, according to a just-released CBS/New York Times poll, believe that military action in Iraq will increase the probability of a terror- ist attack on the United States. Just 12 per- cent believe that it will actually decrease that risk. If this country's primary foreign con- cern is combating terrorism, and just 12 per- cent of Americans believe that military action in Iraq will be a productive approach to that challenge, then Bush has a great deal of explaining to do. Instead he just speaks in circles, jumping from one "underlying" cause for war to another. As for the alleged weapons of mass destruction, all Powell was able to provide was a plea to the American people to keep open the possibility that Saddam might possess weapons X, Y or Z. "With respect to the aluminum tubes, we still believe the case is out ... I think we have to keep an open book on this as more information comes forward." That statement was in response to the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohammed El- Baradei, accusing Powell and Bush of mislead- ing the United Nations with their report on Saddam's weapons supply. You're called a liar and your response amounts to "Eh. We'll see. Maybe I'm not." Secretary Powell! We're talking about building a case for war! Not building a case for whether or not "Chicago" was the best film of 2002. There is no "We'll see." There is no "The case is still out." There is only "We have irrefutable evidence that Saddam has, and is a threat to use, weapons against American citizens. Fur- thermore, the only way to keep that from hap- pening is to send our boys over there." Powell and Bush both lack that essential conviction and confidence. I can understand Bush not appreciating the gravity of war. But Powell, a distinguished and decorated military hero, must comprehend the seriousness of what we are about to embark upon. I could write all day and all night, until the first bombs over Baghdad, on the flaws and hypocrisy and dangers of the president's plan for war. My sense, and hope, is that the pro- paganda train is running out of fuel, and that Americans are becoming increasingly skepti- cal of the benefits of a war in Iraq. I had tried to maintain an open mind over the course of this debate, and sought to evaluate the Bush "justification" thoughtfully and objectively. But I have found mostly fault in the adminis- tration's reasoning. And while I know that most of this campus does so as well, I ask that you continue ques- tioning and continue raising awareness of the reality of this forthcoming war. Don't be dis- couraged by the seemingly unstoppable war train - it takes just a little resistance from a lot of people to deride it. Horn can be reached at hornd@umich.edu. Untying the yellow ribbon JESS PISKOR Tis SPACE NOT FOR SALE ar is here and that lost the United States the Vietnam War. killing and dying for bad reasons. the Democratic Supposedly, public dissent at home lost us the Of course this can be taken too far. Spitting contenders for Vietnam War - the American people refused on infantrymen is a black mark on the face of their party's 2004 presi- to give the army the tools of victory. Yeah, if we non-violent protest. Cries of "babykiller!" dential nomination seem hadn't criticized the war maybe Gen. William directed at random soldiers should never be surprised that war with Westmoreland could have sent in another tolerated. Yet, if wrong actions occur, people Iraq is the hot button topic 250,000 soldiers or maybe President Richard can be blamed. Some U.S. soldiers have killed with voters. "I had a press Nixon could have found sufficient support to children in the heat of battle. U.S. generals and conference and it was all carry our his plans of using tactical nuclear military planners should be held responsible about the war. Finally I weapons or blowing up irrigation dams and for atrocities committed at their direction. said, 'Would anybody like to talk about the flooding most of North Vietnam, drowning mil- I just don't see the rationale behind sup- enormous jump in the unemployment rate that lions. Wouldn't that have been wonderful? porting our troops. It's not like a lack of sup- was announced in the morning papers?"' said We shouldn't have been fighting the Viet- port will seriously undermine our chances of obviously bewildered former Vermont Gov. nam War. We acted disgracefully and in the destroying Iraq and its army. I can't imagine Howard Dean in The New York Times. end, the anti-war movement was proved correct. soldiers driving their tanks to the outskirts of The Democrats all of course have memo- People were right to speak out against the war Baghdad and turning around in defeat because rized poll data and they know that most like- and it is too bad it took years of fighting to get "America wasn't behind them 100 percent." ly Democratic voters are leery of war. So past the "rally around our troops" mentality. A We must have the wimpiest soldiers in the even though four of the five members of lot of innocent U.S. soldiers and Vietnamese cit- world if a little dissent at home reduces them to Congress in the running voted to support izens died unnecessarily and the people back on an ineffective quivering mass. Of course a President Bush's war, (Sens. John Kerry of the home front who felt the war was wrong but divided America probably sharply contrasts Massachusetts, John Edwards of South Car- wouldn't speak out because "we need to support with Pentagon propaganda that informs U.S. olina and Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, our troops" have blood on their hands. soldiers that their cause is the most just in the along with Rep. Richard Gephardt of Mis- If people believe this war is wrong, when world and they should proceed to kill without souri) they are all sure to at least criticize the U.S. troops invade, it doesn't change anything. the slightest hesitation or regret. rush to war. Just because soldiers are risking their lives to If we criticize the war some soldiers will However, despite reservations about the fight a war for the United States doesn't make feel their country is abandoning them. What we war, they are all quick to add that should war protest against the war wrong. need to ask ourselves is whether we are more come, they will dutifully step in line behind What exactly does it mean to support the concerned with the feelings of a few U.S. sol- the president and stop criticizing the war. troops, anyway. If it means I hope they don't diers who may feel slightly discouraged know- After all, they argue, it is wrong to criticize die, sure, then I support the troops. If support ing that people are against the war or are we war once U.S. soldiers go in. means cheering them on and, in the words of more concerned that thousands and thousands Kerry's quote is typical, "When the troops Dean, "You know, root for your country," of people will die. Those who default to blind are in the field and fighting - if they're in the then I do not support our troops. I don't sup- support of out troops would rather see thou- field and fighting - remembering what it's like port their goals, I don't support their motiva- sands die than hurt a few feelings. U.S. soldiers to be those troops, I think they need a unified tion and I don't think this is a necessary war. are tough people, I bet they can handle it. America that is prepared to win." Apparently Why would I silence myself once the bullets Kerry, a Vietnam veteran, continues to wrongly start flying? If anything, it should increase Piskor can be reached believe that it was a lack of desire for victory protest. It should be made clear that they are atjpiskor@umich.edu. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR a 01 'U' alum: Students should leave while they still can To THE DAILY: It goes without saying that we are in extremely unstable political and economic times. What most people fail to realize when they hear about the often-mentioned budget cuts and tuition increases at the University, is that there are many more affordable routes to suc- cess in any field that do not run through the streets of Ann Arbor. Many of you will soon enter the corporate world, teach, practice law or take on many other though, the outside world offers many choices as opposed to elite universities, which offer the same, over-priced, rambling, socialist lectures as the next one. Do yourself a favor in these chaotic times and consider alternate avenues. Going $50,000- 60,000 in debt makes little sense when you can get an affordable degree and solid experience at the same time living at home or at least some- where cheaper than Ann Arbor. You will have more than enough time to enjoy whatever the University is offering you now, when you are living free of debt. As you know, many highly successful, intelligent peo- ple came from other paths than the $30,000-a- year one you are on now. Get off while you can columns (Pres deserves much of blame in Bonnie scandal, 03/10/03, Bonnies, Bulldogs are cowardly quitters, 03/11/03),I feel compelled to defend St Bonaventure, at least to the point they can be defended. I'm not saying it's OK to quit, but I ask for a little empathy for the players who made the decision. At a time when they were trying to get their spirits up for the A-10 tournament, they learned that some officials in their school betrayed them. Unlike the Fab Five scandal, the wrongdoing at St. Bonaventure rests entirely on the administra- tion. And the anger that caused in the players resulted in their refusal to play out the season. Is it OK to stop playing when things don't go your way? No. But does it mean that St. Bonaventure THE BOONDOCKS .AxRON McGR-U;DER W" .... - - m