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March 06, 2003 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-03-06

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 6, 2003
Missile hits Gaza after suicide bombing NEWS IN BRIEF
GAZAS C G i )ya g A c-e. a g kee Ga A yA G
GAZA CITY, Gaza City (AP) - A heavy machine guns. A helicopter hov- man crew. Days later a gunman killed camp next to Gaza City. A 60-year-old WASHINGTON "" . .

missile fired from an Israeli helicop-
ter killed at least 11 Palestinians today
while they watched firefighters put
out a fire in the Jabalya refugee camp
in Gaza, witnesses and hospital offi-
cials said. More than 100 people were
The Israeli military operation in
Gaza came hours after a Palestinian
suicide bombing on a bus in the north-
ern city of Haifa killed 15 Israelis and
wounded dozens.
The army did not immediately com-
ment on reports of the missile attack.
A gun battle had erupted in Jabalya
during an overnight Israeli operation in
the refugee camp, witnesses said, and
continued as troops pulled out of the
area and withdrew into an alley.
The troops fired tank shells and

ering overhead fired missiles, hitting a
group of people who were watching
the firefighters at work.
"Until now, we have 11 killed and
more than 100 wounded, among them
30 are in very critical condition, in a
new massacre committed against the
citizens of Jabalya," said Moawia Has-
sanen, chief of emergency services at
Shifa Hospital-in Gaza City.
Earlier, two other Palestinians were
killed during the army's operation in
Gaza. The army blew up two buildings,
including one belonging to a Hamas
activist. A Reuters TV cameraman and
photographer were among the wounded.
Israel has stepped up its operations
in the Gaza Strip since mid-February,
when Hamas claimed responsibility for
blowing up a tank and killing its four-

a soldier.
Since then, the army has raided sev-
eral Gaza Strip towns and cities,
including Hamas strongholds, in what
it says is a hunt for militants and fugi-
tives. More than 50 Palestinians,
including militants and at least eight
civilians, have been killed in more than
a dozen raids.
After yesterday's suicide bombing,
Israel's Security Cabinet closed off
the West Bank and Gaza Strip until
Sunday, banning all Palestinians from
entering Israel, as one of the steps in
response to the attack, Israeli officials
said early today, speaking on condi-
tion of anonymity.
Early today, about 50 Israeli tanks
accompanied by helicopter gunships
moved deep into the Jabaliya refugee

Palestinian night watchman was killed
and three other people wounded in
exchanges of fire, hospital officials said.
Israel's new hard-line government had
pledged earlier to step up strikes against
militant strongholds in the Gaza area.
Dozens of Palestinians have been killed
in more than two weeks of raids, includ-
ing at least 10 civilians. s of explosives.
Bus No. 37 was packed with students
from Haifa University when it stopped
in the hilltop neighborhood of Carmelia
at 2:17 p.m. to let off passengers.
"I suddenly heard an explosion,"
said bus driver Marwan Damouni, an
Israeli Arab, who was being treated at
a hospital. "I didn't feel anything. I
didn't hear anything. I opened my eyes
after a minute and saw blood all over
my arms."

Republicans fight Estrada filibuster
After more than three weeks of debate, Republicans decided Tuesday to
try to break the Democratic filibuster of Miguel Estrada's nomination to a
federal appeals court before moving the Senate on to other legislative
Democrats say the GOP will lose today's vote to end the filibuster, but
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) promised to keep demanding
such votes until Estrada gets a confirmation vote on his nomination to the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.
"It may take five weeks, it may take eight weeks, it may take two
months, it may take three or four months," Frist said. "I'm going to use
everything I possibly can, every tool I possibly can. This battle is just
beginning. We are going to see that this nominee has an up or down vote."
If Republicans don't gain the 60 votes they need today and in other
Estrada votes, the Senate will likely move on to other business instead of
debating Estrada every day, although the nomination will not be with-
drawn, GOP senators said.
"That is the beginning of the battle," Frist said. "This is not going to go
away not until we get an up or down vote."

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Students remember bus WASHINGTON
Supreme Court upholds three-strikes policy
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By Andrew Kaplan
Daily Staff Reporter

Ending a day of University activism
centered around Middle East turmoil,
students of the American Movement of
Israel gathered on the Diag last night to
hold a candlelight vigil for victims of
yesterday's bus bombing in Haifa, Israel.
The bombing, which marked the end
of a two-month respite from terrorism
in Israel, left 16 dead and injured
dozens of civilians.
"The purpose of the vigil is to show
our solidarity with Israeli people in these
trying times," said AMI President Avi
Jacobson. "It's part of a national move-
ment holding vigils of response to every
terrorist attack against Israeli civilians."
"We stand here this evening united
with the Israeli people not only in their
ultimate hope for a peace ... but in their
determination to continue with their
daily lives undeterred by the threat of
terror" said Brad Sugar, co-chair of the
Orthodox Minion. "Regardless of per-
sonal politics, it cannot be disputed that
there is no moral equivalence for the
direct and very intentional targeting of
the civilian population, let alone for the
suicide bombing."
Huddled in a circle and carrying an
Israeli flag, the 20 students sang the
Israeli national anthem, the Hatikva, and
recited a psalm to conclude the vigil.
But despite a conservative Israeli
government led by Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon - who has consistently

launched military reprisals against
Palestinians after suicide bombings -
students at the vigil did not feel yester-
day's suicide attack paralyzed the
peace process in Israel.
"The fact that (Israeli government
officials) are deliberating a response
instead of going in shows the care with
which they're weighing their options,"
Jacobson said.
But earlier this morning, the Associat-
ed Press reported that Israel killed at
least 11 Palestinians with a helicopter-
based missile just hours after the bus
And while Jacobson said he sup-
ports Israel's military defense against
terror attacks, he believes the complex-
ity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
transcends party politics.
"The Israeli people themselves do
not wish to occupy another people," he
said, referring to the perennial pres-
ence of Israeli troops in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip. "But they can't with-
draw under fire. It has to be done in a
way that ensures the safety and securi-
ty of both peoples."
"It's not just an attack against Jews,
it's an attack against Israelis," LSA sen-
ior and Israeli native Arik Cheshin said,
citing the large number of Arab-Israeli
citizens who inhabit Haifa. "Actually,
the bus driver was an Arab-Israeli."
In addition to coordinating vigils,
AMI will also send a petition to the
federal government demonstrating
University support for Israel.

The Supreme Court said certain repeat offenders may be locked up for long
periods for relatively minor crimes, ruling yesterday that a sentence up to life is
not too harsh for a criminal caught swiping three golf clubs.
The court also said a term of 50 years to life is not out of bounds for a small-
time thief who shoplifted videotapes from Kmart. The tapes, including "Batman
Forever" and "Cinderella," were worth $153.
Both men were sentenced under California's toughest-in-the-nation law for
repeat criminals, known as three-strikes. By votes of 5-4, the court said the law
does not necessarily lead to unconstitutionally cruel and unusual punishment.
Gary Ewing had more than a dozen prior convictions when a clerk at an El
Segundo, Calif., golf shop noticed him trying to make off with golf clubs stuffed
down one pant leg. He was convicted and sentenced to 25 years to life in prison.
There is no possibility of parole before 25 years.
"Ewing's sentence is justified by the state's.public-safety interest in incapacitating
and deterring recidivist felons, and amply supported by his own long, serious crimi-
nal record," Justice Sandra Day O'Connor wrote in the main opinion in that case.

DOHA, Qatar
Insults mar discourse
at Islamic conference
Iraq's envoy called a Kuwaiti diplo-
mat a "monkey" and a "traitor" in a
rare public display of divisions at an
Islamic forum convened yesterday to
seek a unified stance against any U.S.-
led war on Iraq.
The angry name-calling, broadcast
live on satellite television, was the sec-
ond time in a week Arabs across the
region got to watch tensions usually
kept behind closed doors erupting
between their leaders.
The gathering of the Organization of
the Islamic Conference at which the
spat took place made little diplomatic
The 57-member OIC summit
issued a final statemett that broke
no new ground, welcoming Iraqi
cooperation with U.N. weapons
inspectors and-expressing hope it
would continue.
The leaders rejected any military
strike against Iraq.

diverted 40 million barrels of crude
from the markets into the government-
owned reserve last year, helped drive
up gasoline and other energy prices.
With markets tight and oil prices high,
refiners dipped into their inventories to
replace the oil going into the govern-
ment reserve, said the report produced
by the Democratic staff of the Senate
Governmental Affairs investigations sub-
committee. "We're confident this had a
significant impact on the price of oil in
2002," said Sen. Carl Levin of Detroit,
the ranking Democrat on the subcom-
mittee and its chairman last year.
T-shirt leads to arrest
of protester at mall
A man was charged with trespassing
in a mall after he refused to take off a T-
shirt that said "Peace on Earth" and
"Give peace a chance."
Mall security approached Stephen.
Downs, 61, and his 31-year-old son,
Roger, on Monday night after they were
spotted wearing the T-shirts at Crossgates
Mall in a suburb of Albany, the men said.
The two said they were asked to
remove the shirts made at a.store there,
or leave the mall. They refused.
The guards returned with a police
officer who repeated the ultimatum.
The son took his T-shirt off, but the
father refused.
"I said, 'All right then, arrest me if
you have to,"' Downs said. "So that's
what they did. They put the handcuffs
on and took me away." Downs pleaded
innocent to the charges Monday night.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

Loyola University Chicago is an equal opportunity educator and employer. 02003 Loyola University of Chicago

Court allows online

posting punishm ent U.S. built up stores of
dr ex ofe rs ol following Sept. II
for ex ffen ersPresident Bush ordered a rush of oil

Supreme Court ruled yesterday that
states can post sex offenders' photos and
other personal information on the Inter-
net, a step the states say is aimed at pro-
tecting people from criminals living
In a key first test of "Megan's law"
provisions that are on the books in every
state, the justices said sex-offender reg-
istries are not an unconstitutional extra
punishment for offenders who already
have served their sentences.
"The publicity may cause adverse
consequences for the convicted defen-
dants, running from mild personal
embarrassment to social ostracism," Jus-
tice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the 6-3
But the laws are intended, he said, "to
inform the public for its own safety, not
to humiliate the offender."
About 35 states have Internet list-
ings now, most of them featuring pic-
tures, and the court's ruling may
encourage more.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, in a
dissent joined by Justice Stephen
Breyer, said listing people as regis-
tered sex offenders "calls to mind
shaming punishments once used to

mark an offender as someone to be
shunned," like branding a murderer
with the letter "M."
Kennedy compared the Internet list-
ings to paperwork being kept in a gov-
ernment office, but said it is just more
easily accessible. Kennedy said it was
not like requiring "an offender to appear
in public with some visible badge of
past criminality."
The contested Alaska registry puts
offenders' pictures on the Web along
with information about where they live
and work and what kind of car they
drive. Repeat offenders must report to
police every 90 days, notifying authori-
ties when they grow a beard or change
their appearance.
Justice John Paul Stevens, who pro-
vided the third vote against Alaska's law,
said offenders have lost their jobs, their
homes and been threatened after being
listed. He said the law wrongly punishes
people who served prison time for sex
crimes before the Alaska registration law
was passed.
In a separate case, the court rejected a
challenge from sex offenders who
argued they deserved a chance to prove
they are not dangerous in order to avoid
being put in the registries.

into the government's Strategic Petrole-
um Reserve after the Sept. 11 attacks,
and the Energy Department stopped its
practice of holding off shipments to the
reserve when prices got high or sup-
plies got tight.
A report by Senate Democrats yes-
terday maintained the decision, which

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Rebel attack Is seven
shoppers in Colombia

NEWS Shabina S. Khatri, Managing Editor
EDITORS- C. Price Jones, Kylene Klang, Jennifer Misthal, Jordan Schrader
STAFF: Elizabeth Anderson, Jeremy Berkowitz, Kyle Brouwer, Sopjung Cpang, Kara DeBoer, Ahdira Dutt, Victoria Edwards, Margaret Engoren, Rahwa
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Frank Payne, Rebecca Sahn, Nicole Terwilliger, Jonathon Triest, Ryan Weiner
ONLINE Geoffrey Fink, Managing Editor

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - A
bomb set off by suspected rebels ripped
through a shopping center in northeast-
ern Colombia yesterday, killing seven
people, injuring at least 20 and setting
the complex on fire.
Television images showed shocked
survivors wandering around the shop-
ping stalls, blackened Ash Wednesday
marks still on their foreheads.
Government officials said the attack
in Cucnta.nn the hrder with Veneznela

Rodriguez said the National Liberation
Army, or ELN, was responsible for the
attack. The bomb was left next to a car
in the basement parking lot, police said.
Firefighters, rescue crews and police
officers hustled through the smoke into
the shattered complex as frightened
passers-by looked on.
Family members of shopping center
employees gathered nearby waiting for
word of their relatives.
The ET.N and the nation's largest

BUSINESS STAFF Jeffrey Valuck, Business Manager
DISPLAY SALES Anne Sause, Manager
STAFF: Pamela Baga, Jeffrey Braun, Lashonda Butler, Rachelle Caoagas, Lynne Chaimowitz, Belinda Chung, Joanna Eisen, Laura Frank,
Christine Hua, Kyungmin Kang, Elizabeth Kuller, Julie Lee, Lindsay Ott, Tarah Saxon, Julie Sills, Leah Trzcinski, Lindsay Ullman



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