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February 19, 2003 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-02-19

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February 19, 2003
©2003 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXlll, No. 98

One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom

Scatte red
snow flurries
in the morning
witha a wsternj
wid, and
skies clearing
by afternoon.

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Strumming for the crowd


submits briefs

to Supreme Court

By Tomisiav Ladika
Daily Staff Reporter

University lawyers that argue the use
of race as an admissions factor is essen-
tial for creating a diverse student body,
but it does not substitute for academic
qualifications, in briefs filed with the
U.S. Supreme Court yesterday.
The University briefs were joined by
about 60 amicus, or "friend of the court"
briefs from 300 national organizations
and corporations expected to be filed by
today's deadline, which was delayed
from yesterday due to weather concerns.
University lawyers laid out their
legal arguments in the University
briefs for the two lawsuits, Grutter
v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger,
which challenge the use of race as a
factor in the admissions policies of

the Law School and College of Lit-
erature, Science and the Arts,
The court will hear oral arguments on
the cases April 1.
Both briefs state that using race as a
plus factor is vital to the University's
goal of achieving a diverse student body,
and both also present empirical evidence
arguing that diversity benefits all Uni-
versity students.
"The University cannot achieve
meaningful diversity without consider-
ing race or ethnicity as factors in admis-
sions;"the Gratz brief said.
But the briefs argue the University's
admissions policies consider many fac-
tors beside race and conform to the

court's ruling in University of California
Board of Regents v. Bakke, University
General Counsel Marvin Krislov said.
In the Bakke case, the Court banned
racial quotas but allowed the use of race
in conjunction
with other
*A1DMISS1 admissions
ONTRIAL/ factors.
"We take
'the Bakke
into account
and give
some weight to race, but the pre-
dominant weight is academic,"
Krislov said. "We do a decent job of
balancing these factors."
The LSA admissions policy grants 20
points out of a possible 150 for race,
See BRIEFS, Page 3

Granholm bri'efargues colle es
have discretion to shape po icies

At Amer's in the Michigan Union, Ann Arbor resident Matt Calestino performs during yesterday's
Open Mic Night, an event sponsored by the Michigan Union Program Board and Mentality.
Study examines differing values
resulting fro inmegap

By Tomislav Ladika
and Andrew McCormack
Daily Staff Reporters
The Michigan Constitution grants the
University the right to determine its
own admissions policies, Gov. Jennifer
Granholm said in a brief filed with the
U.S. Supreme Court yesterday
The filing deadline for amicus, or
"friend of the court," briefs supporting
the University in two lawsuits chal-
lenging the admissions policies of its
Law School and College of Literature,
Science and Arts is today.
Granhohm's brief argues that in previ-
ous rulings, the court has deferred to
educational institutions in determining
their admissions policies.

"The First
Amendment pro-
tects the University
of Michigan's
admissions deci-
process against
undue judicial
interference," the
brief states.
Granholm The Michigan
Constitution places
control of universities in the hand of
autonomous elected boards and the
Michigan Supreme Court ruled that
these boards have jurisdiction over edu-
cational policy, the brief states.
"The Michigan Supreme Court
forcefully reaffirmed the principle that

By Michael Gurovitsch
Daily Staff Reporter

As the coalition-building effort for a
potential war with Iraq gains momen-
tum on both sides, each country's posi-
tion undergoes scrutiny by the -
international community.
The World Values Survey, a study

conducted by researchers around the
world, investigated the values of peo-
ple in 80 different countries that hold
85 percent of the world's population.
The results indicate a correlation
between societal values and the will-
ingness to go to war.
"Generally speaking, the lower-
income countries are more willing to

fight for their country - the United
States is an exception," said political
science Prof. Ronald Inglehart, presi-
dent of the World Values Survey.
"The United States has consistently
been the one that is first or second high-
est on national identity, national pride
and willingness to fight for nation," said
See SURVEY, Page 7

Michigan's constitution guarantees the
University full autonomy over educa-
tional matters," the brief said.
In a written statement yesterday,
Granholm argued if a federal court
overrides the University's autonomy
will encroach upon the academic free-
dom granted by the First Amendment
to universities, and the state's constitu-
tional right to make policy decisions.
"Michigan's universities are guar-
anteed the right to govern them-
selves by law," Granholm said in
the statement.
"The University's decision to achieve
a diverse student body falls within the
doctrines of academic freedom and
institutional autonomy guaranteed
See GRANHOLM, Page 3
by Andrew Kaplan
Daily Staff Reporter

Bush: Iraq policy unaffected by protest

WASHINGTON (AP) - Declaring that
America's security should not be dictated by
protesters, President Bush said yesterday he
would not be swayed from compelling Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein to disarm. "We
will deal with him," Bush said as U.S. and
British diplomats weighed another bid for
U.N. backing.
"War is my last choice," Bush said at the
White House as echoes of anti-war protests
circled the globe. "But the risk of doing
nothing is even a worse option as far as I am

Standing firmly against skeptical allies as
well as the demonstrators, Bush said: I owe
it to the American people to secure this
country. I will do so."
Administration officials in Washington
and at the United Nations in New York were
discussing the possible gains as well as the
risk of a diplomatic defeat if the United
States proposed a new resolution to the
Security Council to endorse force as an
option to disarm Iraq.
One U.S. official said yesterday there was
no decision on a text or even on whether to

go ahead, though White House spokesman
Ari Fleischer said, "I think it will be a sim-
ple and rather straightforward resolution."
Bush said a second resolution "would be
useful," although "we don't need a second
resolution. It's clear this guy could even care
less about the first resolution. He's in total
In Rome, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi
Annan said Iraq had to "move very fast" to
heed the call of the international community
and cooperate with U.N. inspectors or face
See IRAQ, Page 2

Dingell's dialogue
discusses Bush's
stance on Iraq

By Elizabeth Anderson
Daily Staff Reporter

U.S. Rep. John Dingell (D-
Dearborn) welcomed members
of the University community
and other constituents to an
intimate dialogue yesterday at
the Michigan League. Dingell
invited audience members to
"tell what you have as matters
of concern," focusing most of
the conversation on the
impending war against Iraq.
Dingell repeatedly said he
does not support President
Bush's plan to attack Iraq and
compared Bush to a headstrong
Texas cowboy. "I voted not to
give him the authority to go to
war," he said. "(Going to war
without allies) is dangerous to
us and to the system of collec-
tive security."
Dingell frequently,
denounced Bush's plans
because of his failure to focus
on possible post-war repercus-
sions and the possibility of
going to war with North Korea.
"I think we will have a fairly

dam's army. We have a much
more dangerous situation in
Korea;' Dingell said. "Throw-
ing away all our capital on Iraq
is a stupid blunder. We're just
about over-committed."
In response to a question
from Ann Arbor resident Den-
nis Mullin, Dingell said he did
not remember a government
administration situation like
this in the past.
"I don't like to make a parti-
san comment," he said, "but
George Bush is an unsophisti-
cated student of history if he's
even a student of history at all.
Consultation, cooperation and
a friendly relationship with
other people in the world is
Sonia Chang, an audience
member visiting from Boston,
asked if anything could be
done to prevent the war in Iraq.
Dingell said Bush will most
likely attack Iraq between
March 15 and April 15.
The conversation also
focused on criticism of the
Bush administration's politics.
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Rendez Vous Cafe, on South University Street, is one of the few
restaurants on campus that allows patrons to smoke inside.
State consi1ders
ban on smOking
in restaurants
By Christopher Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter
Arguing that second-hand smoke presents a serious health
risk, state Sen. Ray Basham (D-Taylor) submitted a bill to the
Legislature last week, intending to ban smoking from Michi-
gan restaurants.
The bill would apply to all institutions serving food -
except bowling alleys, private clubs and drinking establish-
ments where food sales comprise less than 30 percent of rev-
enues. Although the legislation is currently in committee,
Basham expects to initiate action on the bill soon to send it to
floor debate.
As evidence for the need to ban restaurant smoking,
Basham cited a 2001 study by the Michigan Department of
Community Health that found second-hand smoke kills up to
1,900 non-smokers each year in Michigan.
"I think (the elimination of smoking in restaurants) saves
lives and it also protects those folks with asthma attacks
who have to leave in the middle of a meal," Basham said.
"The smoker's rights end when the smoke goes up the non-
smoker's nose."
Seventy percent of Michigan residents are non-smokers,
Basham said, and he expects most residents of Michigan to
sunnort the hill T rede that manv cities in Michiann snch

After a wave of amicus briefs filed
in support of the University's admis-
sions system yesterday, the Michigan
Student Assembly chose to "actively
support the University's affirmative
action policy" in admissions last night.
In an almost six-hour-long meeting
rifted by debate between constituent
speakers and representatives, the
assembly passed a resolution that for-
malizes its support for race-conscious
admissions policies. The resolution -
which succeeded by a 24 to nine to
three vote - also requires representa-
tives to educate students about affirma-
tive action.
"The statistic that really got me is that
if we got rid of affirmative action in this
school, the chance that you could be in a
small class (of 10 people or less) with
three or more minorities is 0 percent,
effectively" said Budget Priorities Com-
mittee Chair Angela Galardi, who sup-
ported the resolution. "To me, it's
important to have different perspectives
and diversity within a classroom."
"Not all men are born equal unfortu-
nately, and people have to get realistic
here," said Community Service Com-
mission Vice Chair Edgar Zapata. "I do
believe diversity does bring education.
I have never felt so passionate about
something in my entire life."
Before voting, MSA gave several
student speakers five minutes each to
argue their positions on University
admissions policies.
"If we are about maintaining a certain
sense of quality in this country, at this
University, this is the only way we have
to do it," Black Student Union Speaker
Aundrea Johnson said. "I haven't heard
of anyone else coming up with a plan
that can he imnlemented on contact"

U.S. Rep. John Dingell addresses domestic politics and issues
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