2A -The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 17, 2003 NATION/WORLD Inspector: Iraq shows attitude shift NEWS IN BRIEF .1-2 4A~. BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The U.N. chief weapons inspectors emerged from key talks with Iraq officials yesterday, saying they saw signs of a "change of heart" from Baghdad over disarmament demands and that further U.N. inspections were preferable to a quick U.S.-led military strike. In two days of meetings with Hans Blix and Mohamed ElBaradei, Iraq officials handed over documents on anthrax, VX nerve gas and missile development. But Blix said there was still no immediate agreement on a key demand, using American U-2 surveillance planes to help inspections. "We are not at all at the end of the road," Blix told The Associated Press. "But nevertheless I'm bound to note, to register, nuances and this I think was a new nuance. The weekend session, ahead of Blix and ElBaradei's report this week to the U.N. Security Council, could help decide the next steps taken by the council in the months-long standoff that has left the Middle East sus- pended between war and peace. There was no immediate U.S. response to the inspectors' comments. But with tens of thousands of American troops in the Persian Gulf preparing for war, President Bush reiterated Wednesday that it was time for action against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Saddam "wants the world to think that hide- and-seek is a game that we should play. And it's over," Bush told congressional Republicans at a policy conference. "It's a moment of truth for the United Nations. The United Nations gets to decide shortly whether or not it is going to be rel- evant in terms of keeping the peace, whether or not its words mean anything." However, the United States was faced with renewed opposition in Europe to an Iraq war. Germany's defense minister said yesterday the Germany and France would present a proposal to the Security Council next week to send U.N. sol- diers to disarm Iraq - a plan U.S. officials GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip "(Saddam Hussein) wants the world to think that hide-and-seek is a game that we should play. And it's over" - President Bush denounced as ineffective. And Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose coun- try holds veto powers on the council - reiterated his strong opposition to military action against Baghdad. "We are convinced that efforts for a peaceful reso- lution of the situation regarding Iraq should be per- sistently continued," Putin told journalists after talks with Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in Berlin. Terror alert expected to fall, Ridge says WASHINGTON (AP) - Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said yes- terday he thought the current terrorism threat level would likely be lowered from the high-risk orange level, but wouldn't say when. "When it is lowered, and I'm con- fident it will be, then there will be an appropriate explanation at the time," he said. Ridge defended the Bush administra- tion's decision last week to increase the level to the second from the top on a color-coded scale of five, even though the government later determined that some of the information which led to the upgrading was likely fabricated. "The decision to raise it to orange was not based on one or two sources," he said on ABC's "This Week." A senior administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Saturday that the end of the hajj - the Muslim pilgrimage to the holy Mecca - was causing officials to con- sider seriously lowering the threat level. Ridge will present a "Ready Cam- paign" Wednesday encouraging the pub- lic to have a communication plan with their family, to prepare an emergency supply kit and to "stay alert on a day to day basis." "Terrorists give us a choice. We can either be afraid, or we can be ready," said Ridge, speaking on CNN's "Late Edition." Ridge also said U.S. intelligence offi- cials were evaluating a new tape, pur- portedly of Osama bin Laden saying American war plans against Iraq are part of a broader plot against Mus- lim nations. There has been some information about a second bin Laden tape "swirling around within the intelli- gence community for the past cou- ple of days," he said. "Obviously we haven't authenticated it, but again the message is consistent: The val- ues of the West are anathema to these people. If you don't believe, you're an infidel." While the release of statements from bin Laden have foreshadowed past ter- rorist attacks, Ridge said he saw no "trigger" in the latest tape. "But there is no rhyme or reason to when they attack," Ridge said. "Ultimately they attack when they are ready." Israeli tanks entered Gaza City early today and headed for a neighborhood where leaders of the violent Islamic militant group Hamas live, witnesses said. A Palestinian policeman was killed and four civilians, including a doctor, were wounded by Israeli gunfire, hospital officials said. It was the first time Israeli forces moved on the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in northern Gaza City. The incursion came after Saturday's blast in northern Gaza, in which four Israeli soldiers died when their tank set off a huge bomb. Hamas claimed responsibility. Early today, witnesses said about 35 tanks, accompanied by attack helicopters, moved into position around a five-story building in Gaza City where Ahmed Ghandour and his family live and blew it up. Palestinians said Ghandour is the top aide to Hamas bombmaker Adnan al-Roul, believed responsible for planning the attack on the tank. Two Palestinians were wounded slightly by Israeli gunfire, hospital officials said. Israeli military sources, speaking on condition on anonymity, said an opera- tion was underway in Gaza City but it was not a large-scale invasion. Israeli military sources, speaking on condition on anonymity, said that an oper- ation was underway in Gaza City, but it was not a large-scale invasion. WASHINGTON Greenspan's comments complicate Bush plan His pointed criticism of the Bush tax plan showed that Alan Greenspan, often taken to task for being too murky in his economic pronouncements, can be crystal clear when he wants to be. The Federal Reserve chairman warned that further tax cuts should be paid for, leading Democrats to proclaim that Greenspan had delivered the 'kiss of death' for President Bush's $1.3 trillion proposal. GOP lawmakers fumed. Greenspan, himself a Republican, had stabbed them in the back, they said. The White House went into damage-control mode, pointing out that Greenspan had endorsed the plan's centerpiece, elimination of the tax on stock dividends. Private economists saw the episode last week as remarkable given Greenspan's deft touch, after more than 15 years on the job, in avoiding political mine fields. They wondered if Greenspan's blunt words were a sign of a man no longer worried about his future. 'It appears as though Greenspan either does not want to be reappointed as Fed chairman next year or has learned that he will not be reappointed,' said Paul Kas- riel, chief economist at Northern Trust Co. in Chicago. SPACE CENER,Houston quences of war might be steep, caus- S t i t ting new instability and bringing more conflict. Similar dire predic- continues in factoy tions preceded the U.S.-led attack on Afghanistan's Taliban regime, and 0 Eastern snowstorm causes delays, 5 deaths The Associated Press - and a lot of it." The snow was part of a huge storm Williamson closed its flood wall as the Tug Fork River The East's worst storm of the season blew heavy system that also produced thunderstorms in the South, rose toward a crest of up to 3 feet above flood stage. snow along the Ohio Valley and into the mid-Atlantic states yesterday, shutting down two major airports and canceling church services. More than 3 feet of snow was possible in the mountains and other areas had floods and mudslides. At least five deaths had been blamed on the weather since snow burst across the Plains on Friday and Satur- day. "This is looking like the largest storm this year, and it may be one of the top five in our recorded histo- ry," said Lora Rakowski of Maryland's Highway Administration. "You name a place, they've got snow including an early morning tornado that damaged a house in northern Florida. In Tennessee, where more than 7 inches of rain fell earlier, a mudslide early yesterday destroyed an apart- ment building outside Knoxville, chasing out several dozen tenants. One man was hospitalized in serious condition, the Knox County sheriff's office said. West Virginia Gov. Bob Wise declared a state of emergency as his state had 20 inches of snow in the north, floods that blocked roads in the south and ice elsewhere. Some 41,000 customers were without power. Snow fell and flakes fe parts of Mar snow by latet to 20 inches i northern Virg The wea Illinois, one and one per train slamm drifting snov PROTESTS Continued from Page 1A In San Francisco yesterday, police estimated 100,000 anti-war demon- strators hit the streets, filling 12 large city blocks stretching from the water- front to city hall. Demonstrators had postponed their event one day so as not to infringe on the city's popular Chinese New Year parade. "Finally it seems there is a worldwide movement saying this is obviously a cat- astrophic path we're on," said Deborah Hoffmann,-55, part of a group of Arab and Israeli women. "And now every- body is out in the streets." In Denver, about 300 people waving U.S. flags and holding signs proclaiming "war is bad, evil is worse" gathered yesterday in support of using force against Iraq. "I support our president and I support , my sons. This is the only option," said Pam Pearson, 49, whose two sons are in the Navy. "I'd rather foXcecSadaam out, than have to play by his rules." yesterday from Missouri to New Jersey, The board investigating the Columbia 11 at a rate of up to 4 inches an hour in disaster toured the Louisiana plant Satur- yland. Forecasts ranged from a foot of . day where the shuttle's external fuel tank today in Rhode Island and Massachusetts was built, while searchers scouring the n New Jersey and 2 feet in Maryland and mountains of New Mexico - west of inia. where any debris has been found so far ther-related deaths included two in - were coming up empty. in Nebraska, one in West Virginia, Investigators also revealed that two son killed in Iowa when an Amtrak more Columbia control jets, making at ed into a car stuck on the tracks in least four in all, continued to fire in a w west of Danville. desperate attempt to stabilize the shuttle during its final minutes. Some demonstrators who arrived late The jets fire when flaps on the shut- at the New York rally Saturday com- tle's wings and tail are inadequate to con- plained that police kept them from trol any abnormal motions encountered crossing barriers to join the main rally. A at supersonic speeds. The information court order prohibited protesters fromny was coaxed from thefinal 32 seconds of marching past the United Nations ragged data sent from Columbia as it was because of security concerns, so the breaking apart, investigators said. Iiqrowd. gathered on a bloce-off First The last voice communication from Avenue instead. the shuttle's seven astronauts came as Columbia streaked across New Mexico S T' D ENduring re-entry on Feb. I before breaking apart about two minutes later. Continued from Page 1A ISLAMABADy Pakistan LSA freshman Gabi Strasfogel, an AWA! protester arrested at the New World worries about York City rally, said she felt the . of heightened terror level affected the ra.UJflCauons O War protest. "I think (the police) were using the code orange to scare us and A war to remove Saddam Hussein make us back down from what we would rid Washington of a longtime believe in," she said. nemesis. But from Pakistan's tribal fron- Strasfogel and Music freshman tier to the streets of Gaza, there are fears Sarah Herard were arrested for a conflict would unleash rage in a world obstructing traffic and recieved mis- already swimming in it, cripple strug- demeanor charges. gling regional economies and endanger But Herard said she was engaging in crucial U.S. allies. civil disobedience. "The punishment Critics of Bush say that the conse- does not matter. I see that there's a lot of policy in the U.S. that needs to be changed and a lot of'apathetic people," she said. "We get a lot more media Other students disagreed with the anti-war protests.The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Mond atirkrteelthstudents at the University of Michigan. One copy is ava I think the real thing we should be may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2. Subscript worried about is not the administra- are $105. Winter term (January through April) is $110, tion's path but Iraq's non-compliance affiliates are subject to a reduced subscription rate. On ti'arq'tions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member (with weapons agreements after the Press. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Gulf War)," LSA junior Eli Segall said. PHONE NUMBERS (All area code 734): News 76-DALY n SeCirculation 764-0558; Classified advertising 764-0557 "Saddam has murdered over a E-mail letters to the editor to letters@michgandaly.co 100,000 of his own civilians," Schoe Segall, saying America has an obliga- NEWS EDITORS: C. Price Jones, Kylene Klang, Jennifer Msthal, tion to help Iraqi citizens living in inhu- STAFF: Elizabeth Anderson, Jeremy Berkowitz, Kyle Brouwer, Soqung Chan mane conditions under Saddam's rule. Ghebre-Ab, Michael Gurovitsch, Lauren Hodge, Lisa Hoffman, Carmen Johns Lisa Koivu, Tomislav Ladika, Lydia K. Leung, Andrew McCormack, Whitney Some students opposed military Rafeeq, Erin Saylor, K, en Schwartz, Maria Sprw, Dan Trudeau, Samantha action without the support of American EDITORIAL allies. "If we go against the U.N. and ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John Honkala, Jess Piskor attack, we're going to make a lot of STAFF: Dan Adams, Sravya Chirumamilla, Howard Chung, John Honka Christopher Miller, An Paul, Jason Pesick, Laura Platt, Ben Royal, La enemies and further the cause of ter- CARTOONISTS: Sam Butler, Karl Kressbach ror," LSA sophomore Leslie Deckter COLUMNISTS: Peter Cunniffe, David Enders, Johanna Hanink, David said. "If our allies are not backing this SPORTS onSENIOR EDITORS: Chrs Burke, Courtney Lewis, Kyle O'N war, there's probably a good reason' NIGHT EDITORS: Daniel Bremmer, Gennaro Filice, Bob Hunt, Dan Ros S tras fogel said she felt the war STAFF: Gina Adduc, Nazeem Alli, Jeremy Antar, Eric Ambinder, Chris Am David Horn, Steve Jackson, Brad Johnson, Melanie Kebler, Albert Kim, Sel would be inhumane. Ellen McGarrity, Michael Nisson, Charles Paradis, Jeff Phillips, Jake Roser "I feel that bombing innocent peo- ARTS ple is wrong, considering the EDITORS:Jason Roberts, ScottSerlla WEEKEND MAGAZINE EDITORS: Charles Parads, Rebecc (Afghanistan) war we had where we SUB-EDITORS: Katie Marie Gates, Johanna Hanink, Joel M. Hoard, Ryan Le really destroyed a country," she said. STAFF: Marie Bernard, Tara Billik, Ryan Blay, Sean Dailey, Jeff Di Andrew Jovanovki, Stephanie Kapera, Graham Kelly, Jeremy Kres Herard pointed out that a war would LoGerfo, Zach Mabee, Ted McDermott, Maureen McKinney, Josh cause loss of civilian life and displace Runstrom, Mike Saltsman, Christian Smith, Luke Smith, Jaya Soni Iraqi citizens. PHOTO Ton But Teske said there was clear ju ASSOCIATE EDITORS: David Katz, Brendan O'Donnell, Aly TejUS- STAFF: Nicholas Azzaro, Elise Bergman, Jason Cooper, Tom Feldkamp, A tification for a war on Iraq. "When Frank Payne, Rebecca Shn, Nicole Terwilliger, Jonathon Triest, Ryan W (Secretary of State) Colin Powell ONLINE came out and showed pictures of where the chemical weapons sites were, that's enough evidence," he DISPLAY SALES said. ASSOCIATE MANAGER: Jen Kaczmarek "I feel like there's enough evi- SPECIAL SECTIONSMANAGER:JessicaCordero STAFF: Pamela Baga, Jeffrey Braun, Lashonda Butler, Rachelle Caoa dence, that we have reason to go in Christine Hua, Kyungmin Kang, Elizabeth Kuller, Julie Lee, Lindsay Ot didn't come to pass, but many feel this time will be different. Popular opposition is far greater, and the sympathy felt toward the United States in the wake of the Sept. 11 tragedy has all but disintegrated. More importantly, Iraq's fortunes are far more intertwined in those of its neighbors than were Afghanistan's. WASHINGTON Former gen. considers presidential race in '04 Retired Gen. Wesley Clark said yesterday he's thinkig -about "ch lenging President Bush in 2004 because he's concerned about the direction the administration is tak- ing on international affairs. "Well, I have thought about it," the former NATO supreme com- mander said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "And a lot of people have asked me to think about it." Clark usually gives a standard line that he is not currently a candidate, not a member of a political party and is not raising.money. Clark, an Arkansas businessman, said that for him the question about running for president "is about ideas, it's not about candidacies." It was his first public acknowledgment that he's considering a run. - Compiled from Daily wire reports. ay through Friday during the fall and winter terms by ilable free of charge to all readers. Additional copies ions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail yearlong (September through April) is $190. University -campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscrip- of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327. ; Arts 763-0379; Sports 647-3336; Opinion 764-0552; ; Display advertising 764-0554; Billing 764-0550. m. World Wide Web: www.michigandaly.com. - Shabina S. Khatri, Managing Editor Jordan Schrader g, Kara DeBoer, Ahdirj Dutt, Victoria Edwards, Margaret Engoren, Rahwa on, Christopher Johnson, Andrew Kaplan, Emily Krasck, Elizabeth Kassab, Meredith, Layla J. Merritt, Jacquelyn Nixon, Shannon Pettypiece, Mona Woll, Allison Yang, Min Kyung Yoon Aubrey Henretty, Zc Peskowltz, Editor la, Aymar Jean, Bonnie Kellman, Garrett Lee, Joey Litman, uren Strayer, Courtney Taymour Horn, Hussain Rahim, Jon Schwartz, Kashif Sheikh, Luke Smith J. Brady McCollough, Managing Editor eIll, Naweed Sikora en, Brian Schick, Jim Weber s, Waldemar Centeno, Eric Chan, Mustafzur Choudhury, Josh Holman, th Klempner, Megan Kolodgy, Matt Kramer, Kevin Marates, Sharad Matt, nwasser, Steven Shears, Joe Smith, Mike Wolking Todd Weiser, Managing Editor a Ramsey wis, Sarah Peterson ckerson, Andrew M. Gaerig, Meredith Grupner, Lynn Hasselbarth, smann, Christine Lasek, John Laughlin, Joseph Litman, Laura Neidus, Caitlin Nish, Archana Ravi, Adam Rottenberg, Melissa , Andy Taylor-Fabe, Douglas Wernert, Alex Wolsky, Daniel Yowell y Ding, Brett Mountain, Managing Editors ssa Wood shley Harper, Seth Lower, Danny Moloshok, Lisa Oshinsky, Sarah Paup, einer Soojung Chang, Interim Editor Mine Sae, Manager gas, Lynne Chaimowitz, Belinda Chung, Joanna Eisen, Laura Frank, , Tsrah Saxon, Julie Sills, Leah Trzcinski Lindsay Ullman I