4 - The Mich gan Dai - Wedriesoay Februan 12. 2003 OPTED ~reĀ£tbiE aui -7..z MAYN.A. R?.Si. EE: NOTABLE QUOTABLE D:TEDAN:D MN:EDA1 B S:NCI 1 59C LOUIE MEIZLISH AUBREY HENRE TTY ZAC PESKOWITZ Unes .n.rse=m r, u- r .ts - -'_e - irarT- s .F ._ i crno z ,. T&2rr\c We are embarrassed to be related to him." S imBUTLERTi &Ak\ V * Cracking the (former) Code Students should attend hearing on statement - Karhn Cecere. o f Wevhe-Sudwevhe Donal Rums eld. a quie in L-ondon ~s Sunday Telegraph hen University administra- tors chose last year to change the abrasive name of the Code of Student Conduct to the more innocuous-sounduizStatement of Student Rights and Responsibilities, their motive was clear: to dryw attention away tram this n tzvIlyove'bearing document in hopes that swdents would forget which of their rights it violated. The statement is up for revision this year, and tomorrow, students will have an opportunity to pay much-needed attention to the injustices contained within it. From 2 to 4 p.m. tomo in the Kuenzel Room of the Michigan Union, the Student Relations Advisory Committee of the Michigan Student Assembly wil b-hearing comments on and suggestions to the proposed amend- ments to the Statement. It is important that students attend this hearing and Voice their concems to the SRAC. The Students' Rights Commission of MSA has proposed seven amend- ments to the Statement. While these amendments do not address all of the problems with the Statement, they do address some of the most severe inf-ngements on students' rights. They clarify a wide range of issues. such as gender identity and the timeline for appeals of a decision made by the dean of students regarding a violation of the statement. One amendment would restrict the University's jurisdiction to punish behavior that takes place off of University property. Another would allow student to have legalrepresenta- tion at hearings in which criminal charges have been filed or are likely to be filed. In addition. there are amend- ments allowing the accused party to open hearings to the public and to ensure that there is always the requisite number of students on the panel. Former University President Lee Bollinger misled students byinforming them that the vst majority of their con- cerns had been addressed when the Code was last revised two years ago. when in actuality, most of the changes were simply grammatical. This year marks the first oppormnity that students have had to propose amendments' If the proposed amendments do find their way through the complex maze leading to approval. President Mary Sue Coleman will ultimately decide on the final version. Coleman should sup- port and approve these amendments; however, her record as president of the University of lowa is not encouraging. During her tenure there, the University of Iowa curbed students' rights with a restrictive alcohol policy and a crack- down on student protest. President Coleman would go a long way toward achieving her stated goal of making the University a more humane place by exerting leadership on this issue. Only a few years ago, students uni- fied to rally against the Code. Since then. only a small group of students, lead by the Students' Rights Commis- sion. have fought to preserve the rights of University students by challenging the statement. Students should attend tomorrow's hearing en masse to bring this issue tote light and to ensure that basic student rights are protected now and in the years to come. Washington, we have a problem KASHIF SHEIKH FRM THE XAITEBIN OF HISTORY he state of the union is utter con- fusiot. President Bush's address to the nation last month did lit- tle to quell uncertainty surrounding Iraq or the economy. but was instead candy coated with jingoism to boster supporT for polcies that will beneit either the wealthy or no one at all. With a quick update on the war on terror rwe're winning. stern warnings to ptential rogue governments rif they don't act. America will' and the firm resolve of he cotry free people will set e course of history-. he went on to cloud nearly eve-r domestic concern withmi several levels of abstraction. leaving much to the cytti's Imagination. Sure. there were bits about Washington's reckless spending habits. hydrogen cars. cor- porate dishonesty and creating jobs. but the details were spread as thinas the effort we'd ever expect Bush to extend towards these issues Instead. more pressing matters ncluded those damned dividend taxes and details of the bloated defense budget, all of which he excit- edly flaunted but poory justified. Yet almost half of this hour-long tirade was devoted solel? to Iraq. as if half our union's problems lay with some fat dictator ho has. coincidentally. unlimited sums of that coveted. precious oil. in fact. Osama wasn't even mentioned. nor was Palestine. w hch is the rea, cauldron in the Middle East and the prime source of anti-American senti- ment there. With such slanted priorities. it comes as no surprise that it takes this flat black and white. good -s. evil reasoning to make. at best. an asinine case for war. Fast-forward a week ahead to Secretary of State Coln Powell's presentation to the U.N. Security Council, when the world was pre- sented with audio intercepts. satellite images. and pure speculation attempting to prove Sad- dam's ongoing deception. Sadly, we have a record of fabricating audio to win public sup- port. and the use of hearsay from anonymous Iraqi defectors casts doubt over the reliability of some findings. On these grounds. this evi- dence alone would be insufficient to make the case in an American court of law; to apply a double standard on such a grander and more destructive scale is dangerous at the least. But even if we were to take the secretary's word for all it's worh, he only reinforced to the world that war is unnecessary and the mspec- tions should continue. by force if needed. After running out of cogent arguments. Powell desperately threw in a potential Iraq al-Qaida link, despite senior FBI and CIA officials who still maintain there is no connection between them. He went on to detail Abu Musab Zarqawi and his network. - notorious individuals who are malicious enough to be absent from the FBI's most wanted list. The secretary's insistence on this issue aroused more skepticism after repvealing a satellite image of an active al-Qaida training camp in northern Iraq. and why it would be left standing if it were such an imminent threat. More importantly. however. is why it is located in the U.S.-backed Kurdish region well outside Saddam's control. Unfortunate- ly. there was no question and answer session. There was also the matter of integrity. A British intelligence report. described by Powell as "a fine paper" and used as a resource in his presentation. was exposed by the United Kingdom's Channel 4 News as being plagiarized from a graduate student's paper and Jane's Intelligence Review - grammatical errors and all. The stupidity of British intelligence is striking, but the incompetence of American officials to blind- ly reiterate whatever fits their agenda is deplorable. There goes their credibility. What has resulted from Bush's odd fixation is a county that can no longer distinguish Sad- dam from Osama. Iraq from al-Qaida. unjust from evil terrorism from counter-terrorism. A survey by the Princeton Survey Research Asso- ciates shows that. out of 1.200 Americans. a pitiful 17 percent know how many Sept. 11 hijackers were Iraqi. The answer is none. of course. which clearly illustrates America's col- lective disorientation thanks to Dubya's mess. So when Americans unanimously trust our Middle East with the secretary of state rather than the president, according to a recent Gallup poll. it should not be that suprising (or reassur- ingi. though something is still amiss. But when former Secretary of State Madeline "1.2 mil- lion dead Iraqis ain't so bad" Albright has qualms about Bush's Middle East policy, pnor- itizing North Korea and the War on Terror instead, destroying Iraq might not be such a hot idea after all. hen the case for war hasn't yet been justified by an evident physical threat to the United States, its allies or Iraq's neighbors (almost all of whom agree that Saddam poses no real danger to them), it's high time that we put an end to this dishonesty. 0 Sheikh can be reached a ksheiikhaumich.edu. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 9 Fighters under fi e City should give adequate funding to AAFD It's hard to miss them: dozens of Ann Arbor's off-duty firemen, picketing in the cold on Huron Street outside City Hall After examin- ing its fiscal situation, the city found thet due to over ime expenditures near- ing $1.2 million, the Ann Arbor Fire Department would land over budget some S700.000. To correct the prob- lem. a plan was implemented on Jan.6, temporarily shutting down one of the cities six fire stations if operation caus es some of the firefighters to work overtime. Granted bigger is not always better, even when the issue at stake is as important as a town's fire protection services. Government services are expensive. but funding them adequately is essential for the public's well-being and, in this case, safety. The first real test of the city's new plan played out at a large fire that engulfed the Wells-Babcock Apartment Complex on Jan. 27. When responding to the call, 15 firefighters and five trucks were able to arrive within 10 minutes. The fire was extinguished. and it seemed apparent to the city that the plan worked as promised. However, the city cannot argue that its overtime policy did not in some wvay hamper rescue operations. As a result of this policy the AAFD had three fewer firefighters and one fewer truck with Which to fight the fire and handle other emergency calls. While the blaze was being fought, one lone fire truck was left to deal with all calls from the rest of the city for nearly two full hours. This truck responded to nine calls that day, many of them medical in nature. The strain was so great that ,ien a call came in from Briarwood Circle con- cerning an unconscious person, fire dispatch didn't have a truck to send. Fire units should be able to respond to dire medical calls, as their response times are usually faster - crucial in a life or death situation. Unfortunately, the city's overtime pol- icy left Huron Valley Ambulance. whose average response times are several minutes slower, to arrive and treat the individual. This is an extreme limitation to the AAFD's ability to deal with multiple scenarios simultaneously and a disregard to the safety of Ann Arbor citizens. Even at the scene of the fire, the initial response of the AAFD could have been made stronger by the pres- ence of another truck. The events of Jan. 27, as serious as they were, could have been worse. The fire ultimately did not cause any serious injuries. but this cannot be the bar by which we measure the success or failure of this initiative. We should measure and fund our emergency services to be cost effective, but also able to handle the needs of the city at uncommon levels of emergency. This does not mean the city should continue to pay huge sums in overtime; it should simply hire the firefighters necessary to keep the ones we do have off overtime. The bottom line as it concerns emergency services should not be dollars; it should be the reasonable and efficient protection of Ann Arbor citizens. Reader prefers 'rational arguments' to 'hippie rhetoric' To THE _..DAILY: hle reading the account of Sunday's Peace Rally Peace parde isplas grouing a i~r sern'en: it. Ann .rr. 02 10 03,). I was oercome by a sense of disgust that I have not felt since listening to Democrats whine and complain after the2(1 presiden- tial election. The sheer ignorance of the argu- ments and sentiments expressed by the protesters makes me wonder how any of them made it out of high school. Let's start with comments made about the Iraqi people. Two students expressed their dis- approv for war because Iraqi civilians will be killed and "human nghts I be lost." Under Saddam. the Iraqi people enjoy no human rights; they are dened food and shelter, there are no free elections and. if they oppose the pre- sent regime. they are murdered. A war to oust Saddam woud offer the Iraqi people the liberty and freedom that we take for granted. just as it has for the people of Afghanistan. Another ndicuous quote was that a war on Iraq "could not psibly be justified." As I already men- tioned. Saddam is actively oppressing his peo- ple, and let's not forget he tried to exterminate the Kurds with banned chemical weapons a few years back. both of which are clear violations of international law. He's in material breach of two .N. Securit- Council resolutions., which is grounds for the use of force. He suppots. finds and suppies terrorists. He's even threatened to use his populace as a human shield against bombings and invasion. What more will it take to justify removing him - a mushroom cloud over Manhattan? It seems to me that the only thing that isn't justified is why we haven't gone in there and ousted him,,vet. For the sake of the Iraqi people and the citi- zens of the world. Saddam must go now. Call me a warnonger. but at least I can validate my position with rational arguments. as opposed to moronic hippie rhetoric- JAY SCH"r.R Engi nerng senior heeere her hec e Sdet- seb- Cnr S x - an Litman's use of 'G> disrespectful to institutin of U.S. presidency To THE DALE: I am tired of seeing Joseph Litman refer to President Bush as "G-dub" in his columns ( The senaora uho cried toIf. 02 1 (3i .It is immature and highly disrespectful. Regard- less of one's stance on the policies of the Bush administration, it is still important to respect the institution of the American presi- dencv. If Bush were standing in front of hin. I highly doubt Litman would call the presi- dent "G-dub" to his face. EI SEGA;.r LSA jnor Daily applauded for supporting lecturers' right to organize labor union To THE DAILY: Thank you for coming out in support of the establishment of the Lecturers Employees Organization (Po er points, 02 11 03i. Undergraduate students are becoming aware of the appalling treatment received by non-tenure-track faculty at the University. Some lecturers have worked at the University for more than a decade and are still considered "temporary" workers. Many are paid less than graduate employ- ees on this campus. despite their doctoral degrees. Lecturers are an important part of the University community and deserve to be paid living wages and granted the dig- nity of real job security. Undergraduates understand that when non-tenured faculty face a stressful and non-sustainable working situation, we, the students, are likely to receive lower quality teaching. We stand in solidarity with the lecturers and will be prepared to support the LEO in any job action that may be nec- essary as they build their union and fight for a fair contract with the University. Mum MEDOW LSA junior T-nwiter is a member of Snidents Organngfor Labor & Economic Equalit 6 6 0 VIEWPOINT 'Go forth and be equal' won't narrow education gap BY BRIAN STEPHENS Constantly. I find myself unable to intellectually 'grasp the reasons why affir- mative action is not wholly supported by society and our government. The same government that used its constitution to preven! minorities from getting educated. ensured them that equal housing and work could not be attained. Then. hundreds of years later. the go.'- ernment says. "Oops' Our bad. no more barriers. go forth and be equal. even though ou are starting from a point well behind the original makers of the law and Andover High School's ACT a:'erage is 25.0. which leaps over the national aver- age of 21.2: in contrast. in 2002, Kettering High School's ACT average was 14 points. Giaen that Kettering High School offers curriculum like cosmetology. culi- nary arts and manicuring entrepreneur- ships,. it is painfully apparent that some Detroit high schools are preparing youth i(which consist nearly all of blacks) for blue-collar employment and not for higher education. The first reaction for many is to pour money into Detroit's school system, but how much can you dump in to sate the dis- parity Bloomfield Hills spends S11,775 incredible amount of money needed to make the Detroit Public Schools a com- petitive driving force at this time. While the Detroit schools have made steps in improving education, especially within Renaissance High School. whose mean ACT score has improved four points since 1997, there is a lot of work to be done with the rest of the 213 schools. Even if a miracle happened and S_ billion w as dropped in the hands of the Detroit School policy makers. it would decades to mod- ernize hundreds of old and dilapidated buildings. In its current state. affirmative action 0 0 THE BOONDOCKS As-~~ RO I RiD A