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February 12, 2003 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-02-12

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 12, 2003


Russia, China criticize U.S. plan



LONDON (AP) - The United
States' drive to disarm Iraq by force hit
mounting global opposition yesterday,
with Russia warning that military action
without UN. consent would be a "grave
error" and China backing calls to give
U.N. weapons inspectors more time.
With the world's other big powers lin-
mg up against Washington, the NATO
alliance was in disarray, failing for a sec-
ond day to support a US.-backed pro-
posal to begin military planning for a
conflict with Iraq.
The showdown comes just days
before chief U.N. weapons inspectors
Hans Blix and Mohamed ElBaradei
report Friday to the U.N. Security Coun-
cil, where the United States hopes to get
Continued from Page 1
past two years due to the increased
national focus on Islam, he said.
"The number (of Muslims) from
America who actually went to Hajj
decreased, stemming from their fear
of excessive detainment and wrongful
detainment on the basis of minor visa
violations or heresy," Basha said.
Homeland Security Secretary Tom
Ridge told CNN the terror level was
increased from an "elevated alert" to a
"high alert" status Friday partly because
intelligence signaled that attacks might
occur around the time of Hajj.
"President Bush raised the terror
(threat) level to high because of Hajj,
but Hajj is a very peaceful thing. The
Hajj itself should never be a cause for
concern," Khalil said.
But Basha said Muslims still
remained upbeat during the holiday.
"In spite of these issues, Muslims
have not lost track of the celebrato-
ry nature of Eid, as it will still be a
special one for Muslims all over the
world" Raha said.

approval for tough action against Bagh-
dad. President Bush's national security
adviser, Condoleeza Rice, met Blix yes-
terday to discuss the inspection process
in Iraq, a senior U.S. official said.
Russia and China, which both have
veto power on the Security Council,
could eventually mute their opposition
to military action against Iraq if they
conclude war is inevitable. Neither
Moscow nor Beijing is eager to risk a
major breech with Washington, whose
support and trade they both need.
But the vocal opposition to U.S. plans
reflects growing concern about unbri-
dled American power in the 21st centu-
ry, and the flurry of diplomatic activity
in Paris and other capitals was as much

an attempt to curb Washington's domi-
nance as save Iraq.
If the United Nations does not author-
ize military action against Iraq, the Unit-
ed States reserves the right to take action
along with a handful of key allies such
as Britain. But a U.S. decision to flout
the will of other major powers could
severely strain the post-Cold War struc-
ture of global politics.
"I am convinced that it would be a
grave error to be drawn into unilateral
action, outside of international law,"
Russian President Vladimir Putin told
France's TF1 television yesterday.
Putin said he saw no need at present
for Russia to use its veto as a perma-
nent member of the U.N. Security

Council. But asked if Russia would
support France if it uses its veto, Putin
said: "If today a proposition was made
that we felt would lead to an unrea-
sonable use of force, we would act
with France or alone."
Chinese President Jiang Zemin told
French President Jacques Chirac during
a phone conversation that U.N. inspec-
tions were working and it was vital to
avoid war.
"The inspection in Iraq is effective
and should be continued and strength-
ened," the Chinese government's news
agency Xinhua quoted Jiang as saying.
"Warfare is good for no one, and it is
our responsibility to take various meas-
ures to avoid war."

Continued from Page 1
including University Assistant General Counsel Jonathan
Alger and Philosophy Prof. Carl Cohen, stating cases for and
against affirmative action in admissions policies.
"We felt that the University of Michigan is obviously in the
spotlight on affirmative action right now, and regardless of the
outcome of the cases, students' education is going to be affect-
ed," said MSA Communications Committee Chair Pete Woi-
wode. "We thought we should present a factual, educational
opportunity for students to come and learn about the issue in
depth, and then decide for themselves how they feel."
In order to maintain a civil atmosphere at the forum, Woi-
wode said the speakers will give individual addresses and will
not engage in debate. "We are presenting an evenhanded case,
because we want students to have the agency to make the deci-
sion "he added.
"There will be questions, but we will do our best to keep a
fluid, unheated feel to the event, so that the questions and
answers will be in an educational format."
Citing the attention paid to human rights issues at universi-
ties across the country, MSA agreed to vote next week on a
resolution supporting the establishment of a Human Rights
Center at the University.
"It would lean more towards providing for scholarships and
providing internship opportunities," MSA Treasurer Liz Mul-
lane said. "(The resolution) is basically realizing that in a lot of
countries and in the U.S., a lot of people's rights are ignored ...
(That) doesn't seem to have such a big emphasis on the Uni-
The resolution also seeks to organize human rights
events and to "develop the University's curriculum by
allowing for more courses on human rights topics and
assisting faculty to incorporate human rights into their
present courses."


The Student Relations Advisory Committee
The Michigan Student Assembly
Invite your comments and suggestions
regarding proposed amendments to
the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities
(formerly known as the Code of Student Conduct)
Thursday, February 13, 2003, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Kuenzel Room, the Michigan Union
Amendment proposals may be found at:

Continued from Page 1
But while criticizing the Bush policy, Greenspan said
he is more concerned with the government's spending
than its income.
"Re-establishing budget balance will require discipline
on both revenue and spending actions, but restraint on
spending may prove the more difficult," Greenspan said
in his speech.
Sloan said the proposed tax cut is aimed at luring con-
sumers to spend with the extra money, and thus stimulating
the sluggish economy, but he added the benefits to the
economy would not be seen in the short run.
"There's no quick fix ... things like the dividend tax cuts
could have long term beneficial effects" he said, adding
that the idea of pumping money into households will fix up
the economy is "a little bit naive."
"In terms of, would it stimulate the economy this year,
any effect likely to happen will be modest," Business Prof.
James Hines said.
Hines, who once worked as an economist at the U.S.
Department of Commerce, said although the tax cut pro-
posal is intended to support the current level of consumer
spending, the main consequence of the cut will emerge in
the future.
"It cuts the taxes today, simply what that means is the
government has to raise them in the future or it has to cut
its spending in the future," Hines said. He added that the
government would be reduced in size if the latter happens.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed down by 77
points to a four-month low yesterday when Greenspan' cau-
tious comments were joined by Secretary of State Colin
Powell's announcement of the recent statement made by
Osama bin Laden, which made investors more worried
about the situation in the Middle East.
Continued from Page 1
The speaker urged the Iraqis todrawthe
Americans into urban combat, saying
"the thing that the enemy fears the most
is to fight a city war."
U.S. military planners fear Saddam
might ring Baghdad with his best troops
of the elite Republican Guard and draw
U.S. forces into bloody street fighting
where they could not use their high-tech
weapons for fear of causing massive
civilian casualties.
The speaker also told Iraqis not to
worry about American smart bombs and
laser-guided weapons because "they
work on only the clear, obvious targets'
He encouraged Iraqis to use deception
techniques to neutralize American tech-
nological superiority.
Some Middle East experts have ques-
tioned ties between bin Laden's Islamic
extremists and Saddam's government,
which nominally adheres to a Pan-Ara-
bic socialistic doctrine called Baathism.
In the tape, however, the speaker said
it was acceptable for Muslims to fight
on behalf of Iraqi "socialists" because
"in these circumstances" their interests
"intersect in fighting against the Cru-
saders;' or Christians.
Yasser Thabet, a broadcast editor
at Al-Jazeera, said the station
received the tape by the same chan-
nels as previous bin Laden state-
ments, but he did not give details.
Bin Laden often used Al-Jazeera to
broadcast statements during the
Afghanistan war until the elusive ter-
rorist leader vanished -after the battle
at Tora Bora in December 2001.
Al-Jazeera is not widely seen in
Iraq because few Iraqis are permitted
to have satellite dishes. However,
many of them listen to foreign Arabic
language broadcasts which relayed
details of the broadcast.

Shuttle crash bigger
than anticipated
The head of the space shuttle
inquiry said yesterday he has the
best investigators in the country to
figure out what caused the Colum-
bia crash and is confident the mys-
tery will be solved.
But one of those experts cau-
tioned the scope of the disaster is
the biggest any of them has ever
"Looking at the complexity of
this, it is huge. It is one of the
biggest debris fields that I think any
of us have ever seen," said Navy
Rear Adm. Stephen Turcotte, who as
commander of the Naval Safety
Center is responsible for investigat-
ing every aviation mishap in the
Navy and Marine Corps.
Thousands of pieces of debris
have been found in a 500-mile area
across Louisiana and Texas.
The search is expected to take at.
least several more weeks.
Democrats threaten
to filibuster Estrada
Senate Democrats said yesterday
they will filibuster Miguel Estrada's
nomination to the federal appeals
bench until he reveals more of his
judicial thinking.
President Bush called the move
"shameful politics."
Senate Democratic Leader Tom
Daschle accused Estrada of

stonewalling Democrats last year
when they questioned him about his
nomination to the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia.
"Every nominee who comes
before the Senate has the obligation
to be forthcoming with information
about his position, with information
about his record," said Daschle (D-
"Until he does, we don't believe
that it is in the Senate's best interest
to allow this confirmation to go for-
Study brings hope
for premature babies
Very small premature babies born
with brain damage are not necessarily
doomed to below-normal intelligence
after all, according to a surprising new
study that found that many youngsters'
IQ scores improve over time.
Children born extremely prematurely
run the risk of a variety of neurological
problems, ranging from cerebral palsy,
retardation and vision trouble to more
subtle learning and behavior difficulties.
But the study found that many
youngsters considered borderline
retarded make up for lost ground and
end up scoring in the nearly normal IQ
range by age 8.
The findings are surprising because
previous research has found long-term
consequences in very small preemies
and because the conventional wisdom
says that IQ does not change - at least
in people born at normal weight.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

FBI knew Okla. bombing was possible
Two federal law enforcement agencies had information before the 1995 Okla-
homa City bombing suggesting that white supremacists living nearby were con-
sidering an attack on government buildings, but the intelligence was never passed
on to federal officials in the state, documents and interviews show.
FBI headquarters officials in Washington were so concerned that white sepa-
ratists at the Elohim City compound in Muldrow, Okla., might lash out on April
19, 1995 - the day Timothy McVeigh did choose - that a month earlier they
questioned a reformed white supremacist familiar with an earlier plot to bomb the
same Alfred P. Murrah federal building McVeigh selected.
"I think their only real concern back then was Elohim City," said Kerry
Noble, the witness questioned by the FBI on March 28, 1995 - just a few
weeks before McVeigh detonated a truck bomb outside the building and
killed more than 160 people.
Noble told The Associated Press that his FBI questioners appeared particularly
concerned about what Elohim City members might do on April 19 because one of
their heroes, Wayne Snell, was being executed that day and another, James Elli-
son, was returning to Oklahoma after ending parole in Florida.
FBI officials confirmed Noble's account, including concerns.the group at Elo-
him City might strike on April 19.
SEOUL, South Korea
South Korea seeks 'continued cooperation'
President Kim Dae-jung is asking for cooperation from Europe to help resolve
the standoff over North Korea's nuclear ambitions, while China is rejecting a
request from the United States to get more involved.
Kim said yesterday he wants "continued cooperation" from the European
Union. EU chief Javier Solana, in Seoul for talks, said the union can help faciliate
U.S.-North Korean talks - but he said the two adversaries must negotiate directly.
Meanwhile, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue said Wash-
ington and Pyongyang must resolve the dispute on their own. China is a longtime
ally of North Korea.
"Although it touches upon regional security and nuclear proliferation, the
key to resolving this issue is the resumption of dialogue between the U.S. and
North Korea," Zhang said in Beijing.
Secretary of State Colin Powell has sought greater Chinese involvement
because of the issues of regional security. He has said North Korea should
not be allowed to dictate terms of talks, and negotiations should be in a "mul-
tilateral setting."


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Continued from Page 1
surprised by the change.
"I guess I'm going to have to change
my study habits," said pre-med LSA
sophomore Yu Kawai, who had planned
to take the MCATs this spring. "The
first time I was just going to see how
much I knew and then concentrate on
studying the areas I did poorly on -
now I think I'm going to push back my
test date." Kawai added many students
are unaware of the change, which could
have some unfortunate consequences for
students who take the test for practice.
But the change should not come as a
surprise to students, Chen said, as the
information was released over a year
ago to pre-health advisors and other
sources for information on the MCAT.
"Today is the first time that I've
heard about it, but it doesn't bother me
too much," pre-med Kinesiology soph-
omore Ryan Schinska said. "It just
means I'm going to have to work hard-

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