Weather Wednesday February12,2003 * 2003 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan One-hundred-twelve years of editorialfreedom TODAY: Snow will fall in late morning and continue into the evening, with strong winds from the west. M. 18 LOW!1 0 Tomorrow: 26115 Vol. CXIII, No. 93 ::i lip I ;:i i IN I:! I I 1 1 ffim INN III 11111111 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NIPPON MENNEN= A CEEBR~kTIION OF FAITH _ Bin Laden tape urges attacks on Americans DOHA, Qatar (AP) - A raspy voice believed to be Osama bin Laden's urged Iraqis to carry out suicide attacks against Americans and draw U.S. troops into combat in Iraqi cities. U.S. officials said the call broadcast yesterday proves the world must fear Saddam Hussein's ties to the al-Qaida terror network. The appeal was made in a voice tape aired by the Al-Jazeera satellite television station throughout the Arab world and believed by U.S. officials to be authentic. It was broadcast as U.S. officials warned of devastating attacks within the United States and the Persian Gulf, where U.S. forces are massing for a possible attack against Iraq. "This nexus between terrorists and states that are developing weapons of mass destruction can no longer be looked away from and ignored," Secretary of State Colin Powell told the Senate Budget Committee. Granhoim support 'Li Some analysts wondered at bin Laden's motives for issuing a statement supporting Iraq, given many countries' skepticism of U.S. allegations of Iraqi-al- Qaida links. Others worried the recording would inflame Muslims against U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf region. On the tape, broadcast on the first day of the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha, the speaker advised Iraqis how to fight the Americans, based on al- Qaida's experience in Afghanistan. "We stress the importance of martyrdom oper- ations against the enemy, these attacks that have scared Americans and Israelis like never before," the man identified as bin Laden said. "We advise about the importance of drawing the enemy into long, close and exhausting fight- ing, taking advantage of camouflaged positions in plains, farms, mountains and cities," he said. See BIN LADEN, Page 2 brief to r' policies Approximately 500 Muslims from the Baton Rouge, La., area bow in communal prayer y pilgrimage to Mecca. The prayers, and the holiday that follows, are called Eid ul-Adha, o Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael at God's command. Muslbns celebrate By Michael Gurovitsch Daily Staff Reporter Muslims gathered in prayer yesterday in observation of Eid ul-Adha, one of the two major annual Islamic holidays. The day marked the end of Hajj, a pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia that all physi- cally and financially-able Muslims are required to make once in their lifetime. "Most people enjoy the day with fami- ly and friends," said Kenan Basha, presi- dent of the Muslim Students Association, "It's not a celebration time MSA bans campaign flyers fro-m S 0n S buildingrs By Afrew Kaplan Daily Staff Reporter - it's a time to dedicate to sp Eid commemorates the Qu: when God first told Abraham his son, but in-the end, only as sacrifice a lamb and share it wi Muslims remember this during ing food to the poor, Basha said. LSA freshman Aisha Jukaku s Eid ul-Adha away from homec any different, except that sh friends instead of family. In the p spent the day at her mosque and over for dinner in the evening. Z Went to the mosque for prayer, esterday to celebrate Hajj, which marks the end of the annual r 'festival of the sacrifice,' which commemorates the Prophet Eid ul-Adha irituality." and then I went out to lunch with friends," ranic event Jukaku said. to sacrifice The 10 days of Hajj are observed in sked him to different ways, depending on whether a th the poor. pilgrimage to Mecca is made. Pilgrims Eid by giv- spend the days performing acts of wor- ship in and around Mecca. For Muslims aid her first who do not make the pilgrimage, the did not feel days are still highly spiritual and reflec- e was with tive, Basha said. But this year's obser- ast, she had vance took on a different tone, MSA J had family vice president Omar Khalil. Celebration This year, "I for Eid ul-Adha has changed over the and service See HOLIDAY, Page 2 By Andrew McCormack Daily Staff Reporter Gov. Jennifer Granholm will file a brief supporting the Uni- versity's admissions policies to the U.S. Supreme Court within the week, her office announced Monday. Granholm also filed a brief as attorney general in 2001 when the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals' was hearing the lawsuit challeng- ing the race-conscious policies. "The governor is very com- fights to mitted to the University's right general supports diversity, a se to determine the diversity of its arate brief would do little good. student body," said Elizabeth "The attorney general look Boyd, spokeswoman for the at the briefs that have been fil governor. She "has supported and felt that there was no ne the University's position legal ground to break," Eastm through this whole process." said. "There are briefs upo Briefs supporting the Univer- briefs.... -The issues have be sity, called amicus briefs, as well exhausted on both sides. It's tin as the University's, are due next to sit back and let the court ma Tuesday. Granholm asked Attor- its decision." ney General Mike Cox to write a While the governor's offi brief similar to her own, but he declined to comment on t declined. Cox spokesman Sage details of the brief, Boyd said Eastman said while the attorney See GRANHOLM, Page keep funding Cp- 1. ed ted, ew an ion en me ke ce he it e3 AATU By Christopher Johnson Daily Staff Reporter I Students experiencing problems with their landlords may soon find one less ally to help them with their struggles. The Ann Arbor Ten- ants Union demanded the remainder of its $20,000 Fall 2002 funding from the Michigan Student Assembly on Feb. 7, threatening to dis- continue its services if the assembly does not pay the funds in full by Friday. The AATU is also concerned with MSA's continued reluctance to negotiate a contract for Winter 2003. AATU Executive Director Amy Ament said MSA has refused to offer the fund- ing entitled to AATU despite the dependent organization's completion of its contract requirements. She added that AATU continues to advise students in expectation that MSA will eventually supply compensation. "We have fulfilled every part of the contract and they have not fulfilled their part," she said. "We continue to serve in a good-faith effort. And now they have stalled negotations with the service contract for Winter 2003." Joe Bernstein, MSA student general counsel, said the assembly has not given AATU its entire funding for Fall 2002 because the group has not spent the money it has already been given. He added that MSA is under no contractual obliga- tion to pay the money by a certain deadline. Because the contract for the fall term will not expire until all the money is paid to AATU, the assembly does not need to write a new contract, Bernstein said, disputing Ament's claim that the contract has already expired. While AATU has not decided on a definite response if MSA refuses to offer the funding, it has yet to dismiss the possibility of legal action, AATU board member Nicholas Roumel said. "We hope that (a lawsuit) won't be necessary," he said. "We're currently exploring all of our options." Roumel said MSA's recent refusal to cooper- ate with AATU comes after a long history of antagonism between the two organizations since the early '90s. He noted that MSA had once established that 5 to 10 percent of its fund- ing would go to AATU in its by-laws, although in recent years that amount has dwindled to 4 to See AATU, Page 3 Walls usually covered twice a year with colorful flyers advertising Michi- gan Student Assembly candidates will be bare during the election campaign this March. Responding to student complaints about flyering, MSA passed a resolution last night banning the posting of cam- paign flyers on all campus walls except those in residence halls. "I'm just excited to see that people will be on the Diag meeting students and hearing concerns, rather than killing trees and littering hallways," MSA Rules and Elections Committee Chair Jason Mironov said. The resolution "increases the democracy of the process, in that it's harder for frivolous claims to negatively affect candidates" "I don't think candidates should flyer," said Communications Committee Chair Courtney Skiles, who supported the ban. "I think flyering allows them to resort to campaigning on a name, their face, and not who they are or what they have to offer MSA or their constituents." But some representatives disagreed with the resolution, saying the regula- tions violated their constitutional right to free speech and overlooked the advan- tages of flyering. "If used correctly, flyering can be a very effective process," said Brad Sugar, Academic Affairs Commission co-chair. "If there were pertinent information on these flyers, such as campaign ideals, candidate info and platform promises, I think students would appreciate it." With the U.S. Supreme Court slated to hear the case against the University's admissions policies in April, the MSA voted to sponsor tomorrow's Outlooks on Affirmative Action event. The event will host four speakers, a rivrnolu- ' L J LISA OSHINSKY/Daily Tony Anderson, a first-year medical student, studies In the Medical Library yesterday. Anderson took the MCATs when it was still an option to withhold one's score from medical schools. New MCAT poli*cy pro-mpts mixed response By Erin Saylor Daily Staff Reporter Students applying to medical schools will no longer be able to submit only their best Medical College Admission Test score. Beginning in April, MCAT scores will be released directly to medical schools without student con- sent for the first time. The change in policy resulted from a decision by the American Association of Medical Colleges, which admin- isters the test. Alber Chen, executive director of graduate programs at Kaplan Test Preparation Services, said the decision was made in response to a number of concerns expressed by both stu- dents and medical schools. "The main problem was that many people who have not prepared for the test were taking it for practice because they could withhold their scores," thus dragging the aver- age score down, Chen said. Students had varied responces to the new policy, Chen said. "Those who are really geared towards medical school would not have a problem," he added. But some pre-medical students were concerned and .cPP MCT PROP 2 Giving a little Greenspan addresses war uncertainties Threat of war leaves businesses worried over state of economy By Lydia K. Leung Daily Staff Reporter Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan delivered his semi-annual congressional testimony yesterday, saying the uncertainties created by a potential war with Iraq have kept busi- nesses from spending, and emphasiz- ing the importance of fiscal budget discipline. The Bush administration maintains that a war to disarm Iraq may be nec- essary, and Greenspan said this is one of the factors that blurs the future of the economy. "The intensification of geopoliti- cal risks makes discerning the eco- nomic path ahead especially difficult," Greenspan said in his pre- pared remarks. He added that if the uncertainties over the war with Iraq are cleared, businesses would no longer eschew spending and the economy will be energized. Business Prof. Richard Sloan agreed with Greensnan's view and said the unpredictable outcomes of a possible war dent business invest- ment incentives and create a negative force on the economy. "The longer (tensions with Iraq) go on unresolved, the greater the uncertainty," Sloan said. "It's quite possible that we'll just stick in a stalemate, when the U.N. won't sup- port the war and the U.S. is reluctant to go in alone." Sloan added that although con- sumer spending has the largest impact on the economy and con- sumers have recently been steady in spending, the significant role of business investment should not be ignored. Last week, President Bush present- ed Congress with a new budget, which forecasts a record high $304 billion deficit this year. Greenspan said the government must be cau- tious in allowing such large deficits to accumulate. While Greenspan said he supports Bush's plan to cut dividend taxes, he criticized the president's overall $1.3 trillion tax cut by questioning whether the economy needs more stimulus. Qa rFFND PnDaM to§e LISA OSHINSKY/Daily Fifth year student Mike Patrick waits for care as he donates blood for his sixth time ever. I