4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 7, 2003 OP/ED Ule lttau a~ 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 letters@michigandaily.com EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 LOUIE MEIZLISH Editor in Chief AUBREY HENRETTY ZAC PESKOWITZ Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. NOTABLE QUOTABLE They are German, hairy and have no respect for property." - Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto on why he dubbed his two dogs with the monikers Marx and Engels. The quote appeared in this week's Economist. SAM BUTLER TNEw SOAPBOX , JL', v bey }so~r I J Sn_ un1 Ba}tetsb)umldn.ej USED CARS c . SAL ),,. Y Av , ' >> k ,m LpS r ? My deity can defeat your deity HUSSAIN RAHIM NARCOLEPTIC INSOMNIA S* id you know that God was on trial? Not the one he's been on for years in my head but the one that occurred in a more corporeal realm this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 7- 9 p.m. in Rackham Auditorium. The time was within my schedule, the price of free was within my range and the topic is always relevant so I made the adventurous trek. The first night's discussion dealt with the existence of God and why that ques- tion is important. The speaker, while very eloquent, gave the philosophical argu- ments heard by those who have ever par- taken in the goodness that is a philosophy course. Then the really sexy part of the discussion came - the question and answer. The questions ranged from obscure Steven Hawking negative uni- verse theories, to pertinent questions of everyday existence. The closest question to the one I didn't get to ask from the line was about the purpose of life and the entire paradox of God. The lecturer agreed with the basic givens of God. If there was a God, he would be all knowing, all-pow- erful and perhaps all-good. He also said God would have created life for the cre- ations to enjoy it. So why would or how could an all-knowing God punish someone for sins they commit when their path is immutable? With the acceptance of God, as he is defined one also accepts the view that their life is all but determined. Maybe statements of "That's the way God wanted it to be" have incensed you as much as they have me. Although I may not know the plan would have, if there were one it leaves little reason to be alive. There is lit- tle purpose to live a fatalistic life. If one juxtaposes fate with the quaint notion of free will then you believe that one can act in a way that will surprise God? Pretty vain thought. So I asked Dr. William Lane Craig this. He explained with a pretty good analogy that God is a perfect barometer, he or she can tell you the weather but God doesn't directly affect the weather, whereas the sun, clouds, rain and such actually determine the weather. Good analogy, or so I thought until that pesky free thought started to seep in. Cut to Tuesday's lecture where the topic was secularism and pluralistic truth or religion's role in society. His lecture was quality and all but the question and answer is what I paid the big money for. The questions were fairly intelligent with the highlight being the Muslim student who tried to point out the divisiveness that is inherent in Christianity. Hmmm, is that a fight you really want to get into? There are so many inconsistencies within any religion that the only time they can unite is to fight another religion. The speaker easily dismantled the student's argument. During their discourse the tension of Mus- lim v. Christian became palpable. One mental giant proceeded to yell "Amen!" in conjunction with a retort from the speaker. And that's when I remembered that reli- gious people scare me. I was at an event sponsored by a myriad of Ann Arbor churches and University Christian groups. Visions of excommuni- cation and fatwas passed through my head. I realized the error in holding a philosophi- cal trial of God where the judge and jury are all Christian. God will get off with apologies from the court. I realized the question and answer session, while very scholarly, was tantamount to asking your heathen question, get your holy answer and move on. Without question, I appreciate the organization, effort and progressive thinking that went into this event and this was one of the most intellectual ways I have seen religion discussed. However, I did not attend the forum to be proselytized, and without a strong counter presence the mood inevitably shifts to this direction. At the end of the second night I asked this speaker my question from the previ- ous night. Why be punished for a path I can't alter? I told him the barometer anal- ogy but this time I said that God is the perfect barometer that can predict and control the weather. So if he can't be sur- prised, why give life? He said it comes down to two things: Either man is some- thing totally differently or God is not all- knowing. A powerful being with that is not all-knowing: I know him - he's the president, and that thought was even more disturbing. Maybe the only answer is that there is none and that the purpose is to enjoy it and live. I skipped Wednesday's lecture. Too much thinking, I should go pray. 0 Rahim can be reached at hrahim@umich.edu. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR In letter to the editor, Kiblai misrepresented content of Prof. Litvak's lecture on Israel TO THE DAILY: The Jewish Law Students Association is' proud to host scholars such as Prof. Meir Lit- vak, an internationally respected Israeli pro- fessor who spoke at the Law School on Monday about the struggle for peace in Israel. In a letter to the editor (Litvak's lecture, sugges- tions deny Palestinian rights, 02/0503) Fadi Kiblawi discussed concerns that he had with Litvak's talk. We would have been interested to discuss these concerns with him, but he was not present at the event. Perhaps it was due to Kiblawi's absence that he misunderstood the content of Litvak's speech. Most of Litvak's statements cited in the letter to the editor were in response to a question regarding solutions that have been proposed for peace. Litvak mentioned several proposals, including a physical separation between Israeli and Palestinian territories. He noted that, while this option was clearly undesirable, some Israelis had suggested it out of frustration with ongoing terrorism and the Palestinian refusal to pursue other avenues toward peace. Litvak concluded that, absent compromises from both sides, the only option would be to "continue the present situ- ation," with which neither Israelis nor Pales- tinians are satisfied, "and wait for a miracle." Jewish law-students at the University are proud of our school's diversity and our com- munity's interest in hearing ideas presented by speakers from all cultures, perspectives and backgrounds. Within the Law School, and within the University at large, we realize that it is only through an atmosphere of hon- est communication and mutual understanding that we can truly enjoy the intellectual and social advantages that are afforded by sharing our differences. DEBBIE ATLAS ERIC BAILEY AARON CUTLER DAN HADAR JACKIE REMESNITSKY MANNY SHACHMUROVE ROBERT SHERMAN Executive Board Jewish Law Students Association Kiblawi's comments on Litak had no correlation with reality rorism. A unilateral Israeli "solution" involves withdrawal from the occupied terri- tories and the construction of a dividing wall between these territories and Israel proper. However, Kiblawi's so-called "Apartheid Wall" has nothing to do with apartheid. Indeed, the Israelis have no desire to rule the Palestinians. Therefore, if the Palestinians continue to reject reasonable compromises, then Israel has no choice but to unilaterally wash its hands of the entire affair. There are four things that the Palestinian apologist must someday accept: 1) If the Palestinians want their claims of Israeli "apartheid" to be taken seriously, they must also confront the blatant repres- sion that is endemic in Arabic society. In particular, how can they ignore the vicious gender apartheid of Saudi Arabia, where women cannot travel abroad without the per- mission of a male relative, or walk alone in their own neighborhoods without fear of beatings by the religious police? 2) If the Palestinians want their claims of Israeli "occupation" to be taken seriously, then they must also admit to the brutal occu- pation of Lebanon by Syria. Lebanon, whose capital was once considered "the Paris of the Middle East," has been occupied by 35,000 Syrian soldiers since 1975. The Syrians have been ruthless in their suppression of anti- government dissidents. 3) If the Palestinians want their struggle to be legitimized in the eyes of Americans, they must adopt the strategy of non-vio- lence. They must accept the techniques of Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi, and they must explicitly reject the terrorist tac- tics of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. 4) The Palestinian "right of return" is a political fantasy and a practical impossibili- ty whose only purpose is the demographic destruction of Israel. Palestinians get angry, at Israeli settlements because they are built on Palestinian land. This is a fair complaint - the settlements must be ended. But pre- 1967 Israel belongs to the Israelis, not to the Palestinians. The Intifada has been difficult for Israel to bear, but it has been utterly cata- strophic for the Palestinian people. Now is the time for the Palestinians to adopt a pragmatic, peaceful approach that they have consistently rejected in the past. If order is not imposed from within Palestin- ian society, then Israel will have to impose it from the outside. JAMES MICKENS Rackham Daily, by the "Committee for a Safe Israel." My question to the Daily is, do you use discretion or even read the adver- tisements you publish? I am tired of open- ing the Daily and seeing a giant advertisement devoted to a super-Zionist organization that attempts to sway stu- dents opinions through typical Israeli pro- paganda. Yesterday's particular advertisement accused the United Nations and specifically Secretary-General Kofi Annan of terrorism for asking Israel "to live side by side with a Palestinian Nation." In addition the ad criticized the United States for allegedly funding Pales- tinian Liberation Organization "terrorist" activities and the "terrorist" United Nations' refugee camps, have the Israelis forgotten that the United States allocates almost $5 billion to Israel each year and is their number one ally in the world? I think that the students at the University should be able to read the Daily knowing that the writers and staff of the Daily do not sup- port pure propaganda and actually have some knowledge about what the Daily chooses to publish. MARIAM MUZAFFAR LSA junior Smith's column did not provide a viable cure for the nation's education system TO THE DAILY: If Luke Smith (NASA, we have a prob- lem, 02/06/03) actually believes that the country's education problems would be solved by budget cuts to NASA, then he is far more ignorant than his article makes him seem. I choose not to even address his uninformed opinion of the legitimacy of manned space flight or astrophysicists' Make-A-Wish Foundation as he would call it. I would rather like to point out that if he is- honestly concerned about the govern- ment wasting his tax dollars, maybe he should actually look at the numbers from previous budgets. In 1999 of the actual discretionary spending of the government, slightly less than half ($262 billion) went to defense spending, no doubt to drop mil- lion dollar bombs on $20 tents. Education received $56 billion dollars, while not nearly as much as it needs, far more than the $18 billion spent on "General Science, Snace and Technnolov" a fund that dAe- S. THE BOONDOCKS II I r-