LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 5, 2003 - 3 THIS WEEK House moms' tasks key to sorority houses Ah Feb. 7, 2002 Medical residents picketed the University Medical Center demand- ing a 3 percent pay increase. Some residents that protested said they calculated while working 80 hours a week with an annual $40,000 salary, they made between $7 and $10 per hour. Feb. 2, 1996 The Graduate Employees Organi- zation picketed various University locations in the middle of contract negotiations. Members protested for wage increases and international graduate student training. GEO and the University had already agreed on changing the title of teaching assistant to graduate student instructor, as well as apply- ing same-sex benefits for GSIs. Feb. 6, 1986 Michigan Student Assembly offi- cial Cheryl Bullard resigned her position after being reprimanded by MSA leaders for speaking to the media over an internal matter. Two weeks before, Bullard told The Michigan Daily that Lawrence Norris, chair of MSA's Minority Affairs Com- mittee, also worked in the University's Minority Affairs Office, creating a conflict of interest. Feb. 5, 1976 Forty students walked into the public session of the University Board of Regents' meeting, protest- ing campus-wide CIA and National . Security Agency recruitment. University President Robben Fleming allowed the students to speak and promised to meet with them within the next week. Feb. 2, 1966 Washtenaw County Circuit Court Judge James Breakey sentenced 12 University students to 15-day sen- tences in jail. The students were pun- ished for holding a sit-in at the Ann Arbor Draft Board Office on Oct. 15, 1965. Feb. 5, 1946 The Ann Arbor Common Council pasegd an ordinance making it a criminal offense for minors to pur- chase or attempt to purchase liquor at local taverns. The new law attempted to take the burden off local tavern owners, who had previously been solely responsible for selling alcohol to minors. Feb. 4, 1936 Highly regarded English Prof. O. J. Campbell left the University after 15 years to teach at Columbia Uni- versity. During his tenure on cam- pus, Campbell made his views about the Greek system well- known. He vocally called for fraternities to contribute more to campus intel- lectual life and said students should not be permitted to participate in fraternity rush until their sopho- more years. Feb. 3, 1981 ;Due to severe budget constraints and a lack of state funding, LSA faculty debated at a meeting the pros and cons of eliminating the geography department. LSA later did eliminated the department. Feb. 3, 1997 Lee Bollinger officially began his job as the 12th University president. His immediate responsibilities included filling several vacant Uni- versity positions such as chief financial officer and executive vice president for medical affairs. Bollinger also said he would be teaching an undergraduate class on the First Amendment. Feb. 5, 1963 The Ann Arbor City Council asked its human relations commit- tee to draft an ordinance calling for fair housing. The main reason for the ordi- nance was to make sure that stu- dents and residents would not be discriminated by race when they looked for housing in the city. Feb. 4, 1974 University Vice President Allan Smith recommended lowering the minimum faculty retirement age frnm A q,. T7a e A By JayUhler For the Daily Though officially known as house directors or head residents, sorority members of the University's Panhel- lenic Association all affectionately refer to the women who manage the house as"house moms." Mary Beth Seiler, director of Greek Life, said house moms are a tradition as old as sororities themselves. Of Pan- hell's 15 sororities, 14 have these behind-the-scenes women living in- house, she added. "A house mom is basically an on-site manager of the facility," said Shelley Winters, house mom of two years at Sigma Delta Tau. "Historic homes can often have unexpected problems which require someone who understands the building," she explained. Winters' daily duties include receiv- ing food deliveries in the morning and being available in the office for the sorority members later in the afternoon. An additional role house moms some- times take on outside official duties is to be the sorority historian, Winters said. They can facilitate historical continuity in part by passing on traditions and sto- ries, maintaining memorabilia and not- ing when competitions are won, she added. House moms are employed by sorority alumni boards who own the properties and the women who live there. Lindsey Beauchamp, president of Kappa Kappa Gamma, said it is important to have someone experi- enced around to help, but also one who respects the women's privacy. Her house mom of one year, Helen Fields, said "I'm not curious or too nosey. I keep out of their lives. We talk, but it's not like I have to know everything about them." Both Fields and Winters said they have a very good relationship with the sorority women. "They are very patient with me because I'm not as organized as I'd like to be," Winters, a former Uni- versity sorority member in the '70s, said. "With 40 to 50 people living here, not everyone gets their needs addressed. But it's very fun. They keep me up to date on music and events. It's a unique situation where you have someone of an older gen- eration living in a house of younger women." Becoming a house mom was a slight accident for both Fields and JONATHAN TRIEST/Daily Sorority mom Shelley Winters poses by a wall of past and present sorority members in Sigma Delta Tau on Hill Street Monday. Winters' daily activities include receiving food deliveries and serving as the sorority historian. Winters. Winters had lost her job in sales two years ago when a friend mentioned a house mom opening. With no housing of her own and her daughter studying at the University, Winters said it seemed like a good opportunity. Fields said 20 years ago, after she closed her beauty shop in New Mexico,, a house mom friend mentioned an open- ing as for the position at another univer- sity. She has been a house mom across the country ever since, she said. "I don't like living alone, I dis- covered. This is perfect because I have my own apartment, but if I feel like talking to somebody, I can just make contact with someone," Fields said. There is currently only one fra- ternity with a house mom, Fields said. "They should all have one. The guys act better and take better care of the premises," she said. MSA Continued from Page 1 campus walls with campaign flyers. Noting a lack of female and minority faculty at the University and at institutes of higher education nationwide, the assembly agreed to vote next week on a resolution to lobby for change. They will ask the University to seek methods of "recruiting and maintaining minority DIETS Continued from Page 1 Duvernoy said more women than men have died of heart disease in the United States each year since 1984, a phenomenon that she attributed to later diagnosis and treatment, and other factors. She pointed out that the women studied were in their late 50s and 60s, RELIGION Continuedfrom Page 1 was secularization and its ramifications. "When secularization has run its full course, it will destroy a culture of its sense of shame. Show me a culture with no sense of shame and I will show you a culture that will stop at nothing,' he said, referring to moral codes that are difficult to reinforce without the defining lines set by religion. Zacharias also discussed the conse- quences of having competing world- views without one being dominant. "Pluralism in culture is a good thing, but if it is extrapolated to mean that truth therefore is relative, then it becomes fatal to our thinking," he said. Campus Crusade for Christ staff member Janet Oberholtzer stood on the Diag in the snow yesterday afternoon passing out fliers advertising the event. She said she hopes the series of speeches on religion by Zacharias and William Craig will help encourage stu- dents to consider their beliefs. "In the University setting, a lot of times aca- demic success is stressed," she said. "That's what is encouraged in class- es and by professors, but students aren't encouraged to consider the spiri- tual side." Following the lecture series, students can choose to participate in discussion groups that will meet once a week for four weeks to explore these issues fur- ther. Oberholtzer said she hopes it brings Christians and non-Christians together in a safe place to explore Christianity and religion further. BRIDGE Continued from Page 1 will be replaced with a modern steel beam structure, providing greater effi- ciency in construction. He added that the new bridge will feature several aesthetic improvements such as increased pedes- trian lighting. Bukoski is the resident engineer for Parsons Brinckerhoff Michigan, a company the city will con- sult on the project. Project manager Dave Wilson said construction on the south half of the bridge will continue until October. Reconstruction of the north half will fol- low and last until October 2004. While traffic headed toward North Campus will be prohibited for the entire duration of the construction, traffic going south will remain on the free half of the bridge, he said. Wilson added that pedestrian access will also continue for the duration of the construction. Despite the added traffic, many stu- dents do not believe bridge construction will inconvenience their travels between North and Central campus. "Unless thar' l lir,l, ani 1nnt .Nrrth Cam and women faculty members," the resolution says. "There was a 2001 survey done by the Center for the Education of Women, which found that the percent- age of doctorates awarded to women is higher than the percentage of women faculty members at the University," said MSA Student General Counsel Joe Bernstein. The assembly proposal points out that the University of Iowa increased its tenure for minority faculty more indicating that yo-yo dieting has been a factor for at least 20 years. Education student Alissa Emmons said yo-yo dieting is a problem among young women. "Most of the people I know maintain a healthy lifestyle through exercising and watching what they eat," she said. "But a lot of people are looking for a quick fix - they'll try anything to get that ideal body." People are heavily influenced by than 2 percent and its tenure for female faculty by more than 7 percent over the past decade. MSA hopes the Universi- ty will seek similar strategies in creat- ing a diverse staff. "We're giving out all their degrees and not hiring" women and minority faculty, MSA Communications Com- mittee Chair Pete Woiwode said. "This (resolution) shows that the University is committed to diversity in those being educated, but not so committed to diversity in those educating." media images and popular dieting trends, Duvernoy said. They need to get back to a more common-sense way of dealing with weight and recognize that yo-yo dieting is not a good way to attain long-term health, she suggested. "It's more important to maintain a healthy weight than to swing between extremes," Duvernoy said. "We need to take a more positive approach and healthier attitude towards weight issues in this country." kTfEND ThE DAILY MASS MEETNNG$ eu ND 11 P IT WILL SE FUN, WE PROMISE. [ x How would (w Take a FREE practice test at Kaplan's Test Drive and find out. 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