The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 3, 2003 - 7A Students celebrate Lunar New Year with traditions By Min Kyung Yoon Daly Staff Reporter Students tried to recreate the festivities of home as Asian countries welcomed the Year of the Goat with fireworks, beating of the drums, decorations and food Saturday. Uni- versity students celebrated with nostalgia the Lunar New Year by trying to observe the traditions of their families back home. The Lunar New Year begins on the first new moon of the New Year and ends on the full moon 15 days later, culminat- ing with the Lantern Festival. The holiday falls on a differ- ent date each year because it is based on lunar and solar movements. This year, the New Year fell on Feb. 1 and Asians all over the world renewed hopes for good fortune and prosperity in 2003 - or year 4701, according to the Lunar calendar. New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are a family affair marked with reunion and thanksgiving. The celebration is a religious ceremony to honor Heav- en and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors. Koreans focus on the family as they celebrate the New Year, dressing in traditional clothing called han- bok, and kneeling and bowing to their ancestors and elders in a ceremony called charye. The children partake in saebae - a form of greeting by bowing to elders - to wish them good luck. Chinese children share this same tradition of receiving money or saebaedon in Korea for every bow. "It was my second New Year's away from family and Hong Kong," said Bo Youn Song, a junior in the Taub- man College of Architecture and Urban Planning and international student from Hong Kong. "Although I ate traditional New Year's food, I missed a lot of things I used to do during Chinese New Year. I missed going to the flower market to buy flowers, rang- ing from chrysanthemums to peach blossoms. I miss the warmth of family and friends wishing the best for New Year - and definitely the food." The holiday starts on New Year's Eve with a reunion din- ner to pay respects to the ancestors, whose spirits - along with the living - welcome the New Year. This symbolizes family unity and honors past and present generations. "I called my father and best friends in China," said Bo Qin, a junior in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, who has family in Beijing. "In the background I could hear fireworks. There are fireworks all day long.", The Lunar New Year is also called the Spring Festival, marking the end of winter and ushering in spring. Tet is the New Year holiday observed in Vietnam while the Koreans celebrate Sulnal. No meal is complete without dduk gook in Korea. Tradi- tionally prepared by the women in the family one day before all the family gathers, dduk gook is a rice cake soup with meat and vegetables. "I miss home and traditional food, especially dduk gook," Ji Young Bae, an LSA junior from Korea said. "I also miss saebae money and buying gifts with that and playing yutnori, a traditional Korean game." "I miss charye, remembering my ancestors and thanking them for the fact that we were born from them," Song said. "And because of the amount of effort they gave to improv- ing the quality of their lives, it has brought us to where we are today." COLUMBIA Continued from Page 1A lation was installed on the two types of tanks. Wadsworth said the tank used aboard the Columbia mis- sion was manufactured in November 2000 and delivered to NASA the next month. Only one more of the older tanks is left, he said. Dittemore said the tank, though no longer manufactured, had been used for many years and was between 6,000 and 7,000 pounds heavier than the newer version, but "we had no reason to doubt it capability." Earlier yesterday, NASA administrator Sean O'Keefe named a former Navy admiral to oversee an independent review of the accident, and said investigators initially would focus on whether the piece of insulation caused the damage that brought down the shuttle. "It's one of the areas we're looking at first, early, to make sure that the investigative team is concentrating on that theory," O'Keefe said. The insulation is believed to have struck a section of the shuttle's left side. O'Keefe emphasized that the space agency was being careful not to lock onto any one theory too soon. He vowed to "leave absolutely no stone unturned." For a second day, searchers scoured forests and rural areas over 500 square miles of East Texas and western Louisiana for bits of metal, ceramic tile, computer chips and insulation from the shattered spacecraft. State and federal officials, treating the investigation like a multi-county crime scene, were protecting the d'ebris until it can be catalogued, carefully collected and then trucked to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. The effort to reconstruct what is left of Columbia into a rough outline of the shuttle will be tedious and painstaking. When a shuttle piece was located this weekend, searchers left it in place until a precise global position satellite reading could be taken. Each shuttle part is numbered; NASA officials say experts hope to trace the falling path of each recovered piece. The goal is to establish a sequence of how parts were ripped off Columbia as it endured the intense heat and pressure of the high-speed re-entry into the atmosphere. At least 20 engineers from United Space Alliance, a key NASA contractor for the shuttle program, were dis- patched to Barksdale for what is expected to be a round-the-clock investigation. Other experts, including metallurgists and forensic medicine specialists, are expected to join the investiga- tion. Their focus will be on a microscopic examination of debris and remains that could elicit clues such as how hot the metal became, how it twisted and which parts flew off first. In addition to NASA's investigation, O'Keefe named an independent panel to be headed by retired Navy admiral Harold W. Gehman Jr., who previously helped investigate the 2000 terrorist attack on the USS Cole. Gehman's panel will also examine the Columbia wreckage, and come to its own conclusions about what happened. O'Keefe described Gehman as "well-versed in under- standing exactly how to look about the forensics in these cases and coming up with the causal effects of what could occur." AAN Mishra, the founder of the non-prof- it organization South Asian Ameri- Continued from Page 1A can Leaders for Tomorrow and the explosion. Patel said Chawla had executive director of the Indian been invited to speak at the confer- Center for Political Awareness. ence but was unable to attend He led a workshop on hate crimes because of her NASA activities. and also gave a keynote speech in Conference participants were able which he urged students to take to choose from 10 different work- political action. shops on political, social and cul- Business junior Jayanth Surakan- tural issues. ti, who served as a small group In one workshop, actor Kal Penn, facilitator for the conference, said who had a leading role in National he was excited to see so many Lampoon's "Van Wilder," discussed prominent South Asian media fig- the portrayal of South Asians in the ures making appearances. media and his personal difficulties in "But it wasn't just the celebrity," the entertainment business. Surakanti added. "They were basi- Gupta also spoke at a workshop cally saying, 'We've done these regarding the AIDS epidemic in South things and you guys can do the Asian countries. same.'" "I like that he said that if you feel Surakanti noted that many of the like you can't make a difference, speakers have become successful in you can. Spreading awareness fields where South Asians are among everyone is key," said Nurs- underrepresented in non-traditional ing sophomore and small group career paths. facilitator Seema Ghelani. "They're breaking into acting, Danyanti Gupta, the first female music and even cheerleading. engineer hired by Ford Motor Co. in They've opened up a lot of options 1967, spoke at a workshop that for the South Asian community," he explored the obstacles South Asian added. women have faced because of LSA senior Chethra Muthiah, one stereotypes. of the conference's co-chairs, said "I thought she provided a lot of about 180 people registered for the inspiring insight for women," LSA conference. senior and conference co-chair Muthiah added that the conference Chethra Muthiah said. exceeded her expectations. Musicians from Rukus Avenue, "It was a really positive and the first South Asian label in North refreshing reflection of the South America, performed for participants Asian community on this campus," and also spoke at a workshop Muthiah said. regarding South Asian classical "We definitely achieved the goal music. of reaching the community with Another prominent speaker and awareness of South Asian activism," University alum was Debashish Patel said. the michigan daily CONSUMER Continued from Page 1A of people to go to graduate school because it is definitely hard to find jobs at this time," Kinesiology senior Kate Kullgren said. Kullgren added she is now trying to secure a job and said the econo- my situation has slowed down the process. "While consumers expect the econ- omy to stagger forward, they think the pace of growth will be too slow to keep the unemployment rate from rising," Curtin said. Last week, the U.S. Commerce Department reported that the real gross domestic product - the broadest measure of national output, adjusted for inflation - only crawled upward by 0.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2002. Although the whole year's growth was 2.4 per- cent - which was much better than the 0.3 percent growth in 2001 - it was still historically low for the world's largest economy. Another part of the survey, the Index of Consumer Expectations, a component of the Index of Leading Economic Indicators, also declined to 72.8 in January from 80.8 in Decem- ber. This indicates that consumers are still skeptical about the unclear state of the economy ahead of them. The Surveys of Consumers, which is accessible only to paying sub- scribers, is conducted by the Universi- ty Institute for Social Research. The final results are based on about 500 telephone interviews with Ameri- cans nationwide and are announced monthly. REACTIONS Continued from Page 1A after the 1986 Challenger explosion until evidence could be gathered and analyzed and changes made. "This is a tragic thing to happen to the space pro- gram," Rosenthal said. "I think it will set back the space program a couple of years. It will take a long time to find the causes. It's sort of like after TWA flight 800 - not much is going to survive intact." Aerospace Engineering Department Chair David Hyland said he didn't think the accident would put space travel permanently on hold. "I don't think people who believe in manned space flight will be deterred from this dareer by this acci- dent," he said. "Those seven astronauts gave their lives to open new frontiers for mankind. I think we're going to pick our- selves up and dust ourselves off and continue." Hyland called for increased safety. "Hopefully NASA or the administration will decide to augment the budget for safety concerns. Many elements of the shuttle design are a few decades old," he said, adding that Columbia is the oldest space shuttle in the United States and that the budget for space flight had recently been cut. "Despite Murphy's Law, we have an outstanding record of success," said Hyland. He pointed out that the United States has launched 113 shuttle flights to date. "The incidence of failure is pretty small." Hyland said space travel is very precise. "(During) every single flight, there are numerous things that must go exactly right," he said. "You can have the best people doing the best things with the best technology and bad things can still hap- pen, like a few tiles coming loose." Engineering freshman Greg Berman said he thinks that time should be taken after the accident to improve safety. "I think we should spend more time developing tech- nology that would be safer and more efficient." "For sure we have to look into this to see the causes," he added. INS Continued from Page 1A concluding from that that all international students are potential terrorists is absurd," he said. "There's absolutely no more privacy anymore." Baldwin said, "A lot of these changes in immigration reg- ulation were the result of things that have happened in world politics." In addition to facing more rigid policies, internation- al students must also undergo an extended visa pro- cessing system - called VISA MANTIS - if they wish to pursue degrees or conduct research in "sensi- tive disciplines" like chemical engineering and nuclear technology. "There are a lot of grad students who are pursuing their masters degrees, and I'm pretty sure a lot of them are going through hassles and troubles," Jain said. "If they do manage to get a visa, they'll have to wait a lot of months to get (them) processed, which is again hindering their education." Moreover, scholars of certain nationalities automatically qualify for VISA MANTIS. "All the people from the Arab world have to go through Detroit to one of the INS centers and have to give their fingerprints," Jain said, reflecting information expounded by MSA. VISA MANTIS also applies to students from non-Arab, but predominantly Muslim countries like Pakistan. "I think that if (the INS goes) in for something like that, it's just going to make people more angry around the world, and I think the support for America might actually go down," Jain added. "If we're all under the same sky, we should be pro- tected by the same law," immigration attorney Alex Azzam said. "Dealing with the failure of the (CIA), we say all immigrants are bad and mean and we have to kill all of them." Azzam added that current United States immigration policy is weak because it is susceptible to party poli- tics and the congressional docket, and should be put under judicial review in order to limitthe power of lawmakers. "Basically, we need to take the politics out of immigra- tion," Azzam said. "If you keep on changing the law depending on the political agenda, it means you don't have a consistent policy that's clear to everybody and clear to implement." Although some students complain that the new INS poli- cies are unconstitutional, Xzzam said the nation's current political tenor prevents their voice from having any impact in Washington. "In the Supreme Court under (Chief Justice William Rehnquist's) leadership, he said that if you are an alien in the U.S., you have no constitutional protection. You have to have a green card or citizenship to have constitutional protection," Azzam said. COL hiring semin sched sary. M BARTENDERSNEEDED!! WORK FROM HOME Join a Rock Solid CHILD CARE: yr. old. 2-3 weekend ***ACT NOW! LAST Chance to Guarantee SPRINGBREAK! NO experience necessary!! Eamup to Comapny who, for 22 years, has helped Peo- days/mo. 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