The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 3, 2003 - 3A
Upperclassmen may be left out of 'U' housing
Student breaks leg
outside West Quad,
DPS will investigate
The Department of Public Safety
received a call at 7:45 a.m. yesterday
regarding an incident occurring at West
Quad Residence Hall. DPS officers,
Huron Valley Ambulance and the Ann
Arbor Fire Department all responded
to the call.
DPS Sgt. Stacy Richmond said
that, upon arriving at the scene,
officers discovered that a University
student broke his leg outside the
building. Richmond said the events
leading up to the broken leg are still
being investigated.
The student was staying at Uni-
versity Hospital yesterday and was
in stable condition by yesterday
afternoon, he added.
Students hit heads
playing basketball
Two students playing basketball at
the Intramural Sports Building col-
lided heads Wednesday night. DPS
reports state that one basketball
player was transported to and treated
at the University Hospital emer-
gency room.
Students caught in
Couzens smoking
large amount of pot
Two female University students were
caught smoking marijuana in Couzens
Residence Hall Wednesday night. The
students were found in one of the girl's
residence hall rooms after a housing
officer smelled marijuana in the hall-
way. According to DPS reports, a pipe
and large amounts of marijuana were
seized. Both students were released,
pending authorization.
Female trespasser
refuses to leave
campus building
A female subject refused to leave the
Campus Safety Services Building
Thursday afternoon, according to DPS
reports. DPS cited the woman for tres-
passing and escorted her from the
No suspects found
in theft of wallet{
from 'U' employee
A female staff worker at the L Yt01
tute of Science and Technology
reported money from her wallet was
stolen from the building Thursday
afternoon. DPS reports state the wal-
let contained $50 cash. DPS has no
suspects at this time.
Man collapses in
front of Subway in
Michigan Union
DPS reports state a male subject
fainted at the Michigan Union Subway
restaurant Thursday night. The subject
was unconscious but breathing. DPS
transported the subject to the Universi-
ty Hospital emergency room.
Caller confesses to
hitting garage door
with automobile
A caller reported he had broken a
garage door at the Equipment Mainte-
nance Shop on Fuller Road by backing
into the door with a University vehicle.
According to DPS reports, no damage
was done to the vehicle.
Dark blue Saturn
stolen from Glazier
Way parking lot
A car was stolen from a parking
deck on Glazier Way sometime
between Friday morning and Saturday
afternoon, according to DPS reports.
The caller reported he had left his
1994 dark blue Saturn in the parking
deck and that, when he returned Satur-
day, the car was missing. DPS checked
the area and filed a report, but the car
has not yet been located.
Thief nabs bag
from porch of
Northwood home
A caller reported his backpack
was stolen from the front porch of
his residence at Northwood IV Sat-
urday night. DPS reports state the
backpack had been left unattended
outside on the porch. DPS has no
suspects at this time.
Student caught
Sa. L - n~ I L __
By Michael Gurovitsch
Daily Staff Reporter
With the student housing re-application
process already underway, current residence hall
occupants must soon decide if they want to live in
University housing another year. However, the
comforts of dormitory life may not be an option
for some students as Residence Hall rooms
become less available.
"We are pleased if students who lived with us
are having a positive living experience and decide
to return," University Housing spokesman Alan
Levy said. "If many more students than normal
decided to return, it would be wonderful but it
could also be a problem. We have been and are
essentially at full capacity."
"There are some schools around the country
that are experiencing problems - they are hav-
ing vacancies," said Levy. As a result, those
schools have been renovating dorms to attract
older students, particularly by building suite-
style apartments, Levy added.
Statistics show that most will not applyfor Uni-
versity housing. According to the 2001 Residence
Hall Survey, although 95 percent of all freshmen on
campus exercised their option to live in a residence
hall for their first year, only 40 percent of all sopho-
mores live in residence halls. That figure drops to
13 percent for juniors and 7 percent for seniors.
Residence Hall Association Vice President Amy
Keller said many factors contribute to why most
students do not live in residence halls after their
freshman year. "There is a stigma attached that it is
cool to live outside the residence halls," Keller said.
But Keller added that the residence halls' ameni-
ties outweigh the perceived extra cost. "The loca-
tion (of residence halls) is definitely a lot better.
You have laundry on site, most residence halls have
cafeterias ... It is just more convenient," she said.
LSA junior Wes Farrow has spent all three of
his college years in West Quad Residence Hall,
including one year as West Quad Residence Hall
council president.
"I basically stayed in West Quad to be (a resi-
dent advisor)," Farrow said. "I do like it, though.
They are more convenient. They are close to cam-
pus, have hot food three times a day and people
clean the bathrooms."
Since leaving the residence hall system after her
freshman year, LSA junior Amanda Bart has lived
in both an apartment and a house.
"I liked the social aspect of (Mary) Markley
(Residence Hall), but I still wanted to switch,"
Bart said.
She cited quality of living accommodations as
the main reason she left. "I don't live in residence
halls because the rooms are too small ... They
need more suites with common rooms (and) your
own bathrooms," Bart said.
Rather than constructing new buildings, the
University is focusing on renovating current resi-
dence halls. Levy said the Residential Life Initia-
tives Project - comprised of a group of campus
representatives - is comprehensively looking at
the need for residence hall renovation.
The youngest residence hall on campus is
Bursley Residence Hall, which was built in 1968,
while the oldest is Helen Newberry Residence
Hall, built in 1915.
But new housing - not owned by the Uni-
versity - may still be on the way. A private
group received approval from the Ann Arbor
City Planning Commission to build a housing
complex on North Campus. The building, tbn-
tatively titled North Quad, will feature apart-
ment-style living. Although the project is still
waiting for approval from the Ann Arbor City
Council, it is expected to open no later than
fall of 2005.
Corporate threat
-r 81
Catholic priest placed on leave
DETROIT (AP) -A Roman Catholic priest his ministry
has been placed on leave after a church review A messag
board determined an allegation of sexual mis- ment fromA
conduct involving a minor was substantive, the has been co
Archdiocese of Detroit announced yesterday. Churchc
Fr. James Wysocki, 62, pastor of Holy Cross brought to t
Parish in Marine City and administrator of St. but the ar4
Mark Parish on Harsens Island, was placed on enough info
leave and restricted from public ministry effec- "In thes
tive Saturday, the diocese said in a statement. involving F
The Archdiocesan Review Board deter- authorities,
mined the allegation of sexual misconduct of time, no
that allegedly took place in the early years of ther," thea
Proj ect to- help
Afghan school
NORTHVILLE (AP) - Five years after helping start a
project to improve the lives of children in Afghanistan by
building a school and medical clinic, a teacher is getting
other children involved in similar efforts.
Khris Nedam, a third-grade teacher at Amerman Elemen-
tary School and sponsor of a project called
Kids4AfghanKids, is leading the drive to raise funds for
expanding the Jamaluddine Wardak Primary School in the
Wonkhai Valley of Afghanistan.
Nedam told The Detroit News for a story yesterday that
the goal is to add three classrooms to the six already in
place, along with a library and tin roof. The addition will
cost around $43,000.
"We're just getting started," said Nedam, who spent three
years teaching in Afghanistan in the 1990s.
The expansion comes after another group of sixth-grade
students Nedam taught at Meads Mill Middle School raised
$100,000 to .build the original school and medical clinic,
which opened in March 2001.
The project started in 1998 after Nedam asked a former
colleague from the Afghanistan Embassy in Washington to
syjik foifef sixfh-grade class about conditions in his fami-
ly's homeland. Moved by what they heard, the students
decided a school and medical clinic would have the biggest
effect. They collected cans, sold stationary, and staged a
used book sale to raise $100,000 over a three-year period.
y was substantive.
ge was left yesterday seeking com-
Wysocki, who the archdiocese said
officials said the allegation was
their attention "several years ago,"
chdiocese initially didn't have
ormation to proceed with action.
spring of 2002, the information
Er. Wysocki was shared with civil
who chose, because of the passage
t to investigate the allegation fur-
archdiocese said in a statement.
"Subsequently, the Archdiocesan Review
Board commissioned an investigation."
In April, the church officials agreed to pro-
vide prosecutors in the six-county archdiocese
with reports of alleged sexual abuse or sexual
misconduct dating back 15 years. Officials
weren't able to seek charges in many cases
because of statute of limitations issues.
Wysocki was ordained in 1967 and began
his career as a priest as associate pastor at St.
Michael Parish in Pontiac; in 1972, he took on
additional responsibility as chaplain and
counselor at Pontiac Catholic High School.
How would
Seth Lower/Daily
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LANSING (AP) - Gov. Jennifer
Granholm walked into her new job in
January knowing the state had serious
budget problems.
But even Granholm was shocked to
learn how far in the hole Michigan has
fallen. Not only does spending for the
next fiscal year need to be slashed by
up to $2 billion to make ends meet, but
the current budget has a $292 million
shortfall as well.
That reality may mean a lot of
deferred promises for Granholm, who
delivers her first annual State of the
State address on Wednesday.
While she said during her campaign
that she wants to bring more good jobs
to Michigan, pay for more preschool
and after-school care and beef up the
number of workplace safety inspectors,
Granholm now must find ideas that
can be done with no new money, or in
partnership with private entities.
She already has had to break a cam-
paign pledge to try to shield public
schools from budget cuts. With a $134
million hole in the current school aid
budget, Granholm has proposed trim-
ming per-pupil grants and money for
programs such as adult education and
But Granholm spokeswoman
Mary Dettloff said the governor still
is deeply interested in helping'
schools improve and in guiding
Michigan toward a better future.
Granholm laid out a blueprint for
doing that in a 79-page campaign
platform entitled, "Securing Michi-
gan's Future."
"Everything listed in that book is
still a priority for the governor," Dett-
loff says. "She understands that it's not
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