LOCAL/STATE As final exams loom, students combine sunning with studying The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 17, 2002 - 5 By Ted Borden Daily Staff Reporter With blue skies and temperatures reaching the mid-80s, most students are having a hard time concentrating on their, studies. Despite the fact that finals begin in two days, libraries remain empty during daytime hours as most students have moved to the Diag to sunbathe, socialize and take in the good weather. "It's very hard to study when you see everyone on the Diag tanning and lying around," LSA jun- ior Matt Ross said. "You have to wonder, 'Should those people be studying instead of throwing the frisbee?"' LSA sophomore Christina Rukstele said finals week "doesn't seem as stressful because of the weather. It's just been more enjoyable because I've been studying outside." "The people watching is the best," LSA sopho- more Oanh Nguyen said. Some students have chosen to work outdoors to escape the heat and humidity of dormitories and classrooms. LSA sophomore Justin Ricci, reading a book outside of the Shapiro Undergraduate Library yesterday afternoon, said it's easier to study out- side and "it's better than sitting in my room, ber of other buildings on North Campus were left without air conditioning this week. Ross said yesterday the worst part is having to do a paper or anything else on a computer "because the Fishbowl is a sauna today." Still, students have not forgotten the impend- ing term papers and exams. "I'm cramming a whole semester of work into two weeks," LSA freshman Lauren Savage said, adding she was not looking forward to her eco- nomics exam. LSA junior John Nargy said finals this year are "annoying because a lot of my grades are borderline, but honestly, part of me just doesn't even care at this point." He added because he usually does not begin his studies until late at night, the weather "has not been too much of a distraction." LSA sophomore Cortney Debruin said for her, it seems as though one class always gets more priority than others. Most students are simply looking forward to finish- ing school for the semester and leaving campus. "I just want a change of scenery," Rukstele said. "I feel bad for the people who have to stay in Michigan." Nargy said he is looking forward to going home to well-cooked meals, sleeping in and driv- ing his car. "I am literally counting the hours until I leave "It's very hard to study when you see everyone on the Diag tanning an lying around.. . You have to wonder, 'Should these people be studying instead of throwing the frisbee?" - Matt Ross LSA junior Ann Arbor," he said. LSA sophomore Caroline Jenkins, who studied outside in front of East Hall yesterday, said she is simply looking forward to a break. "After eight months of slaving away at the library, I could use a vacation," she said. As for finals, "they suck, basically," LSA freshman Cara Labarbera said. But they are inevitable, leaving students this year to make the ultimate decision - stay out in the sunlight or retreat to the depths of the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library. where it's like 500 degrees." The Art and Architecture Building MSA Continued from Page 1 "We would hope to have the bus totally full," Wells-Reid said. "The suc- cess or failure of (the project) is going to depend on getting the word out." MSA also passed a resolution sup- porting and promoting Ride to Remember 9/11, an organization dedi- cated to building memorials that com- memorate the attacks on the World Trade Center on college campuses nationwide. LSA senior Trevor King and Western Michigan University sen- ior Jeff Suffolk, the founders of the group, are cycling to each of the plane crash sites - Shanksville, Penn., Washington D.C. and New York - on an 1,800 mile trip. "These two gentlemen are doing such an amazing thing that it would be a miss for the assembly to not credit them," LSA rep. Jason Mironov said. The resolution will help the fledg- ling organization with its goal of unit- ing academic communities across the nation, King said. "MSA support is key to bringing the academic community together," LSA senior Jason Foster, a supporter of Ride to Remember, said. But several representatives voiced concern that the resolution, which requires the assembly to promote the cycling excursion to the administration and Ann Arbor media, is giving prefer- ential treatment to Ride to Remember. "I don't feel that this is the assem- bly's role. We shouldn't be doing their work," LSA rep. Zach Slates said. Engineering rep. Ruben Duran coun- tered the argument by saying he believes the resolution is not controver- sial and will win the support of all Uni- versity students. In addition to the two resolutions, many MSA committees provided detailed reports about their goals for the next term. Boot said these reports show the assembly is "going to accom- plish an unprecedented amount of things this years" Two other resolutions were passed unanimously at the meeting. One was the approval of the Community Service Commission's funding allocations to University community service groups. The other provided fnding for Serve It Up, a volunteer-oriented Diag event sim- ilar to Festifall, scheduled for Sept. 9. MSA also approved LSA senior Ed McDonald and LSA senior Fadi Kiblawi as the Minority affairs com- mission co-chairs, and Rishab Jhun- jhunwala and LSA freshman Pragav eas co-chairs for the International studentaffairs commission. At the meeting, Business rep. Aaron Ruhlig also announced Maize Rage's decision to appoint LSA junior Brian Groesser as next year's "Superfan." MIDEAST Continued from Page 1. short of the formal cease-fire he left Washington in search of 10 days ago. I n Washington, Bush signed a rou- tine document yesterday that gave Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organi- zation permission to have an official presence in the capital. This time, however, permission was tied to conditions including a cease-fire in the Middle East, resumption of security cooperation with Israel against terror and an immediate order to crack down on terrorist networks. The conditions were to be met immediately. If held, a peace conference would implement Powell's declared search for an accelerated political process that the Palestinians want. EMMA FOSDICK/Daiy Art and Design senior Ben Fife writes a story yesterday while relaxing in a tree on the Ding. and a num- RALLY Continued from Page 1. from Israel. "A growing number of students have moral concerns with our investments that maintain this occupation," LSA junior Fadi Kiblawi said. The protest was held in the wake of Israel's Indepen- dence Day today, which students on campus are com- memorating by wearing a royal blue T-shirt that says, "Wherever we stand, we stand with Israel." The proces- sion began at Fleming and made its way to the Diag. In addition to the stretchers, supporters carried Palestinian flags, signs and two large banners saying "Stop the Killing: End the Occupation" and "U of M: Divest from Israeli Occupation." Kiblawi, one of the event organizers, said the Univer- sity invests in many corporations situated in the occu- pied territories - some of which supply military weapons to Israel. Hel said the University Board of Rggents should conduct research on their investments so they don't spend tuition money on issues some students don't support. "It's not that we're trying to get the University to divest from Israel per se, just the companies in the occupied territories," Public Health student Sara Alrawi said. Many involved were members of Students Allied for Freedom and Equality. "SAFE is an organization that is here to fight for human rights, international law, and freedom for oppressed people," Zahr said. LSA junior Samantha Rollinger said the American Movement for Israel is sponsoring a bucket drive to raise money for the Red Cross to distribute to Israeli victims of suicide bombings. ALL 303 S. STATE STREET, BY LIBERTY " 998-3480 " OPEN 7 DAYS UNTIL LATE DENIM JEANS, CARGO PANTS, CARPENTER PANTS, CHINOSCARGO SHORTS, KHAKI SHORTS, WOMEN'S SHORTS & LANK POLO SHIRTS ONC INS ? LI ETIME NOTIGEXCLUDED! I L- a aca A i.m * V .a m u V/-n - rul- - - -w ON __r_________ _1 I