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April 16, 2002 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-04-16

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2A - The Michigan Daily --Tuesday, April 16, 2002


Sharon: Forces in Ramallal

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP)
- Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said
yesterday that Israeli troops would
press ahead with a campaign
against Palestinian militants in two
major West Bank towns despite U.S.
pleas for a full withdrawal. Israel
also grabbed a senior aide to Yasser
Arafat whom Sharon says was
behind suicide bombings.
But Sharon told President Bush
in a telephone conversation yester-
day that Israeli troops would, within
a week, pull out of, Jenin and
Nablus, White House spokesman
Ari Fleischer said. However, Sharon

said in a CNN interview that Israeli
forces would remain indefinitely in
Ramallah, where they surround
Arafat's headquarters, and in Beth-
lehem until terrorists surrender for
trial or exile.
"Altogether, we are on our way out,"
Sharon said in the first indication of a
time frame for ending the large-scale
campaign against Palestinian militants
that began March 29.
Secretary of State Colin Powell,
meanwhile, continued his efforts to
calm regional violence, visiting
Lebanon and Syria. He also sup-
ported an Israeli proposal for a

Mideast peace conference led by
the United States, saying it would
be "a way to get the parties together
and talking."
Powell said the United States would
not host the conference, which Sharon
wants Arafat excluded from.
The Israeli withdrawal was far
from the complete rollback that the
American government is seeking.
The two exceptions to the pullback
Sharon gave were Bethlehem,
where Israeli forces are engaged in
a standoff with more than 200
armed men in the Church of the
Nativity, and Ramallah, where

Israeli troops surround Palestinian
leader Arafat's office.
Sharon said Israeli forces will not
leave Bethlehem until the standoff
is over and will not leave Ramallah
until those behind the October
assassination of Tourism Minister
Rehavam Zeevi are handed over.
In response, Palestinian Informa-
tion Minister Yasser Abed Rabbo
said, "We don't plan to deal with
these conditions. He must leave
every city that has been reoccupied
without any conditions. We are not
going to bargain with the Israelis
over every town and village."

. ~I
Powell in favor of peace conference
Secretary of State Colin Powell on Monday embraced the idea of an
international conference aimed at stopping Middle East violence and
restarting Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.
Sidestepping a clash with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who
wants to exclude Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, Powell said the meeting
might be held at the foreign minister level.
But European and Arab leaders said any such conference needs Arafat's
presence to be effective.
"It's a way to get the parties together and talking," Powell said on the
ninth day of a peace mission that has made little progress so far.
Pressing on, Powell will meet today with Sharon for a third time and is
making arrangements to visit Arafat for a second time Wednesday in his
battered Ramallah headquarters, U.S. officials said.
"We will maintain close contact with both sides in the coming days," the
State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said.
Powell said the United States would not necessarily be host for such a
conference and that Arafat could send high-level Palestinian officials to
represent him if talks were held at the foreign minister level.


Men stand trial for bomb
attempt on Strasbourg

The Washington Post
BERLIN - With its single spire, the Gothic
Cathedral of Notre Dame, once the tallest build-
ing in Christendom, has dominated the skyline
of the French city of Strasbourg for centuries.
On Dec. 23, 2000, the marketplace beneath the
cathedral was bustling with shoppers and tourists
- a scene captured on video by a group of men
believed to be Algerians who had traveled by car
from Germany.
"This cathedral is God's enemy," an Arabic
speaker said on the shaky 20-minute video, which
also recorded jihad battle songs on the car's cas-
sette player as the men allegedly planned a bomb
attack on the marketplace. "Here we see the ene-
mies of God as they stroll about. You will go to
hell, God willing."
The video captured the group's final preparations

to set off a bomb eight days later, during New Year's
celebrations, and unleash what could have been one
of Europe's deadliest terrorist attacks, according to
German police and prosecutors.
An intercepted phone call between one of the men
seeking more cash and the group's alleged leader,
who was based in London, tipped British intelligence
to the plot, according to a report by Italy's antiterror-
ist police.
On Dec. 26, a special German police unit raided
apartments the men had rented in Frankfurt. The
police found a bomb-making laboratory and seized
a detonation device, machine guns, rifles with
long-distance sights, $14,000 in cash, fake pass-
ports made in Thailand and the homemade video.
Yesterday, in one of the first major trials of a
cell linked to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terrorist
network, five men went on trial in Frankfurt for
planning the attack in Strasbourg. They are

New video declares Sept. 11 a 'victory'
Osama bin Laden, his top deputy and a man identified as a Sept. 11 attacker
were shown in brief video excerpts aired yesterday by the pan-Arab satellite sta-
tion Al-Jazeera. It wasn't clear when the tapes were made.
The deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri, was shown claiming the Sept. 11 attacks as a
"great victory."
An Al-Jazeera official told The Associated Press the tapes were received a few
days ago at its headquarters in Doha, Qatar. Al-Jazeera, known for airing bin
Laden statements, said it would air the complete tapes Thursday.
It was not immediately clear how the station received the tapes.
The excerpts aired by the Arab station yesterday were part of a series of clips
from what appeared to be videotapes from bin Laden's al-Qaida network. In one, E
bin Laden and al-Zawahri kneeled side-by-side. Only al-Zawahri was shown
Al-Jazeera also showed a man identified as one of the Sept. 11 hijackers speak-
ing to the camera in a style similar to videotapes made by Palestinian suicide
bombers before attacks.

Concrete barriers cordon the public entrance of the
court house in Frankfurt, Germany yesterday.
charged with planning to commit murder, planning
to cause an explosion, belonging to a terrorist
organization and falsifying documents, as well as
various weapons offenses.

I . I

Life moves you in any directions.

KI HAE, South Korea
Thirty-nine survive
South Korean crash
An Air China jet carrying 166 people
crashed into a mountain in rain and fog
yesterday as it prepared to land in South
Korea's second largest city. Thirty-nine
people survived, police said.
The Boeing 767-200, on a direct
flight from Beijing, was approaching
Kimhae Airport near Busan when it hit
the mountainside near a residential
area, police said. There were no casual-
ties on the ground, they said.
Survivor Kim Mun-hak, 35, told the
cable news network YTN that Flight
CA-129 crashed shortly after an
announcement advising passengers to
buckle their seat belts.
"The plane crashed with a roaring
sound, and I managed to come out from
the plane, and I saw thick smoke and.
flames," he said.
The jet hit one side of the 1,000-foot
mountain and plowed toward the peak,
leaving a trail of fallen trees 30 yards
wide and 100 yards long.
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan
U.S. soldiers die in
accidental explosion
At least four U.S. soldiers were
killed yesterday and a fifth was
injured when rockets they were try-
ing to destroy accidentally blew up.
The casualty toll could rise because
some soldiers were missing after the
noontime explosion, U.S. officials

The accident, coming at a time of
increased combat activity as the
winter snows melt in the rugged
Afghan mountains, highlights the
dangers troops face even when not
under hostile fire, Pentagon offi-
cials said.
The blast occurred at a demolition
range next to the compound that
once housed former Taliban leader
Mullah Mohammed Omar, accord-
ing to local government spokesman
Yusuf Pashtun. Several U.S. special
forces troops live in the compound.


U.S. cardinals invited
to Rome to visit Pope
Pope John Paul II has summoned
American cardinals to the Vatican for
an extraordinary meeting to talk about
sex abuse scandals in the U.S. church.
The talks will take place early next
week, a senior Vatican official said yes-
terday. The official said the cardinals
would meet with some Vatican officials
as well as the pope.
A source close to the U.S. Conference
of Catholic Bishops said the meeting has
been scheduled for April 23-24. The
source spoke on condition of anonymity.
"Bringing together this level of
Church leadership in Rome on this
most serious issue is the right move at
the right time," Detroit's Cardinal Adam
Maida, who plans to attend, said in a
statement. Maida is leader of the Arch-
diocese of Detroit's 1.4 million Roman
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

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