OP/ED 5A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 4, 2002 Money: My own, not yours Why you should support labor unions BY S. NAUMAN SYED A recent campus uproar about a book raises interesting and important implica- tions for all of us, as funding for an event that sold offensive material on the side is questioned. While Students Allied for Freedom and Equality erred in selecting a book with a chapter that questions the nature of the Holocaust, it was likely the result of some miscommunication. Even so, assessing who we make ties with, with what ideas, with what actions, is a lesson everyone can learn. A central idea behind criticism of the sponsors is that such entities should be wary of spending money on things which don't wholly conform to their own beliefs, even if those things differ but marginally. Everyone, from Interim University Presi- dent B. Joseph White to our government, should examine themselves and their asso- ciates and make sure they don't tacitly support unwanted ideas, unwanted groups, or unwanted actions. Of course, actions do speak louder than words. So while a hubbub is raised about the chapter that says what it says, perhaps a louder outcry should be raised for injustice, oppression and exploitation that occur daily in our names with our tacit, financial approval. First, we must look within. The only real way to change the world is to first practice, then preach; otherwise, hypocrisy undermines the cause. Where does our money go? Clothes? Food? Tuition? If Nike is an answer, perhaps we should reconsider, in light of its exploita- tion of the third world (and it is not alone). While we may agree with Nike's capitalist ideas, the vision of thousands of children sewing shoes all day for pennies is revolting. Yet those same shoes are on our feet! We must watch our steps. Likewise, though some believe tacos represent the downfall of our society, it is the reality behind tacos that is causing actual problems. We buy tacos and other fast-food in ever-increasing quantities, but this convenience has caused a great increase in the demand for meat. This car- nivorous trend that we engage in ultimate- ly costs 6 pounds of grain and 1250 gallons of water per Big Mac! We buy our way out of this injustice by importing beef: Third World nations are being economically pressured to feed their grain to export cows instead of feeding themselves. Even non-economists must realize that the opportunity cost of one burger should not be so high, yet millions of people are putting their money where their mouth is, not realizing the costs. Yet by buying that taco, we say we want the exploitation. The stomach-aches from fill- ing up on such food are small penance for causing all of those empty bellies. After ensuring our money isn't sup- porting injustice, oppression and exploita- tion, pressuring the groups we support to abandon tyranny as well is the next step. While the University student groups and departments may have inadvertently supported an incorrect isolated ideological incident, there are issues that go beyond mere idea, as the University implicitly supports many unacceptable activities. It must abandon these immediately. For instance, by paying Madeline Albright to research here, what kind of message do we send from the University to the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have died? By having her speak to us, does that mean that the University also thinks the sanctions are "worth it?" If not, then why are we spending money on her? Another issue often raised on campus is divestment from Israel. Initially, con- necting invested funds of the University and the death of hundreds of Palestinian children may seem absurd, but it only takes one more step in the model to see the blood on our hands. For instance, if we support the University monetarily, which has invested some of these funds in companies like Boeing that produce mili- tary products that Israel obtains, and the Israeli Defense Forces uses these to kill children, we are connected to murder the same way those 23 groups are connected to offensive ideas: By a trail of money. Israel certainly isn't the only such nation we tacitly support. Through our taxes, we monetarily support regimes in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. It all must stop. In the end, it all comes down to your beliefs, but whether you believe injustice, free speech, or just saving money, free- dom from links with unwanted implica- tions is clearly a goal we must all work toward, if not attain. Syed is an LSA freshman. BY ARI PAUL There has been a lot of criticism of labor unions in gener- al, coming from conservatives on this campus as well as questioning liberals, in the wake of the Graduate Employees Union victory. Some have said that GEO was asking too much. Some have said that union tactics go too far. Well, to start off, I will admit, even as a supporter of the workers struggle, and as radical and outrageous as this may sound to some of you coming from me, labor unions are not perfect. But now, let's address the criticisms I get from my fellow schoolmates about GEO. Some say, "but I want better GSIs." What these students forget is that GEO wants the same thing. GEO wants more training. Better benefits and protection mean better workers. The free trade economics students will yell "but simple economic analysis tells us otherwise." Well, they're dead wrong. The simple truth is that, if you have two GSIs, one who is willing to work for less and one who will only work in a livable environment, it is obvious is that the one willing to work for less is the one less capable. Let's look at another example. Last year, nurses in a Flint hospital went on strike because the management had them working long workdays. The union wanted shorter workdays. While the nurses were on strike, the hospital shipped in scabs that were willing to work more hours. So, if you were recovering from surgery, who would you rather have taking care of you? Someone who has worked too many hours and is about to fall asleep? Or someone who is well rested? This is something all those punks telling the GEO to "go back to work" on March 11 should think about. Do you want a GSI who has to bring his child to the classroom because they don't have childcare, and willing to teach more for less money? Or do you want GSIs who are undistracted, financially allowed to focus on their jobs as teachers? You make the decision. So where does the union fit into all of this? The only way that workers can secure that they will be paid enough and given livable benefits is with a union. Not once in the history of American capitalism has a compa- ny granted a worker health and dental or overtime pay or anything that workers enjoy today simply out of the kind- ness of the boss' heart. Pressure must be applied. The nurses in Flint didn't win because the hospital suddenly realized what it was doing was wrong, it was because every day the nurses picketed, each day rallying more and more support. The reality is that a company just wants to increase profit. It is simple economics. And the only way workers can confront a powerful company is to organize as one into a unit that is as powerful as the boss- es. This unit is the union. It is unfortunate that unions must often resort to tac- tics that some people find going too far, like work stop- pages. Some students call it insubordination. Well, I want to ask these students something. Was it insubordination and going too far for Rosa Parks to refuse to move to the back of the bus to end racist segregation in the South? Was it insubordination and going to far for the patriots to stand up to British at the Boston Tea Party in order to free themselves from colonial rule? The point is that the battle for change is never pain- less. It wasn't painless for our founding fathers and it wasn't painless for those fighting segregation. As for workers, they cannot receive far treatment from their bosses through polite suggestions, but only through action. And this action is not painless. But in the end, unions seek a better place for workers and the people who they serve. And this why unions are so vital for American workers, as well as workers around the world. Paul is an RCsophomore. Femnism's flat tires BY LAUREN STRAYER Considering the bra-burning of the '70s, the yuppie power suit-wielding of the '80s and the "gurrl power" of the '90s, feminism has changed and deteriorated. Though it once was the hip cause for both women and men, any woman who even utters the word today is immediately seen as a card-carrying feminazi. Our society has stopped understanding feminism as a legit- imate struggle for equality between the sexes and instead sees it as some sort of extreme religion of women who will only be satisfied with global rule. Why did this shift in paradigm occur? Why did American voters cheer when Laura Bush blatantly took her First Lady foot out of the West Wing and put it back in the residence? For conservatives who want to point at Hillary and preach about electing presidents - not spouses, there are two words: Nancy Reagan. Did voters believe Laura, our librarian turned First Lady, belonged in the proverbial kitchen? Some would say feminism died a natural death as sexism ended and women gained equality. Unfortu- nately, that assessment is not true. Though large advancements have been made, sexism is still a regu- lar part of women's lives, especially within pay scales, educational systems, careers and the legal system. What stalled the feminist movement? If we have not seen the triumph of equality, why isn't the move- ment still active, vocal, and visible? It comes down to three main issues that are subtle but effective road- blocks on the highway to equality. The first obstacle to eradicating sexism is one typi- cal of many causes - the difficulty in making reality out of ideology. Though remaining feminists have mostly parallel dreams and goals, they have complete- ly different ideas on the most effective means of achieving those goals. Take, for example, the ongoing discussion surrounding maternity leave. Feminists would like more time for recovery and bonding with newborns, but do not want new mothers to be penal- ized at work with decreased chances of promotion. Furthermore, many women want paternity leave for their spouses. The reality of this issue is that many businesses cannot afford to give both parents paid leaves of any serious duration and so, to be equal, give both parents a shortened leave of two or three weeks. Now, women have equality but are suffering a loss of time with their newborns. How can the feminist movement reconcile the decreased length of maternity leave with the gain in equality? Another issue helping to slow progress toward equality for women is the lack of a common under- standing of the biological differences between women and men and how those differences translate into dif- ferences in capabilities. U.S. Courts have vaguely stat- ed that exclusion from any job due to gender can only be based upon a lacking "bona fide occupational qual- ification" (BFOQ), a characteristic that differs between the sexes but is necessary for a specific job. Are height, strength, and weight legitimate? Reflect- ing the lack of a common answer, the courts are inconsistent proving that BFOQs are often suspect. Early gender decisions excluding women from cer- tain jobs and opportunities were based primarily on two arguments - a protectionist argument and a sepa- rate spheres argument. As with children but not men, court decisions argue that the state has a responsibility to protect women from the dangers of specific jobs. According to the courts, women are fundamentally interested in different jobs and strive for different goals than men. Though these arguments seem archaic, they still stand as court precedent and are used in new opin- ions regularly. In 1988, Sears Roebuck & Co. won a case allowing them to hire men over women for com- mission positions because women, inherently, are less competitive, less interested in money and less comfort- able with driving in poor weather to customers homes. Though these arguments are absurd, the courts agreed with Sears and let their hiring policy stand. With such problems standing between women and equality, it is unfortunate that all women do not con- sider themselves feminists. Feminism should not be a dirty word or carry a negative stigma, but instead rep- resent a greater goal to achieve equality between the sexes. Strayer is an LSA sophomore. (MEM1BEKS I LYcS (ED OF) THE 'IT 1OKD) THE DAILY'S EDITOKIAL 80AKD IS THE 8ODY THAT PKOPOSES, VOTES ON AND WKITES THE EDITO KIALS THAT APPEKAK ON THE LEFT SIDE OF PAGE 4 EVEKY DAY. TODAY WE'VE GIVEN M EMBE KS A CHXNCE TO, FOR ONCE, WKITE THEIK OWN (NOT THE DAILY'S) OPINION AND TO FINALLY GET X By-LINE. Zimbab-no-way: Oppose elections for the right reasons Arafat has failed everyone BY ZAC PESKOWITZ After years of political violence, rigged elections, land seizures and an all-encompassing war against every instrument of a democratic state, the outside world is finally responding to Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe. The Commonwealth of Britain's decision to sus- pend Zimbabwe from its ranks is a welcome message for Zimbabwe's leadership. While the troubled nation has already lost all good standing in the world commu- nity, the concerted efforts of international bodies and individual nations are needed to foster immediate change and urge African leaders to condemn Mugabe's tactics. From March 9 to 11, international observers wit- nessed the means Mugabe is willing to employ in his attempts to maintain power. Intimidation, fraud, mas- sive disenfranchisement and physical attacks by Mugabe's Zanu-PF party were the recurrent themes dur- ing the three days of elections. Amnesty International reported that 1,400 polling agents and observers were arrested during the course of the election. After a chaot- ic period of recounts and legal challenges, Mugabe won a sixth term as president. Despite this systematic abuse, South Africa, Nigeria and the Organization of African Unity deemed the results fair and democratic. While Nigeria and South Africa have renounced this position and now support the Commonwealth's action, their original apprehension toward denouncing the election process speaks vol- umes. Mugabe enjoys support from many elites in African politics for his involvement in the guerilla war against British rule that resulted in the independent Zim- babwe of 1980. Others have hailed Mugabe's unyield- ing support for African sovereignty. President Benjamin Mpaka of Tanzania wrote to Mugabe, "You have been firm defending the inalienable right of the people of your country to free, democratic, and sovereign gover- nance. Your firmness was good for all of Africa." Based on past injustices, Western support for bru- tal dictators and rebel commanders, such as the recent- ly deceased Jonas Savimbi of Angola, a questionable commitment to foreign aid and filching of African resources, many African leaders are uncomfortable with Western involvement in domestic affairs. Many are extremely uneasy with aligning their opinions and support behind a West that has repeatedly abandoned and mistreated Africa. While this apprehension is rational it must not obstruct the foundation of an inter- national movement opposing undemocratic practices in Africa. The West does not escape blame for this mistrust. While the troubles in Zimbabwe have received signifi- cant attention this focus has been absent in equally abhorrent situations. Elections in Kenya, Uganda and Madagascar have all involved varying degrees of gov- ernment impropriety and suppression of dissent. Yet, any outrage has been muted. The possible reasons for this discrepancy are troubling. Many have suggested that Prime Minister Blair's and President Bush's concern over Mugabe has little to do with a stolen election but is instead related to their shared belief that Mugabe's defeat would serve as an economic boon for the West. Movement for Democratic Change presidential nominee Mogran Tsvangirai would have ushered in a pro-Western government in Harare. With its rich natural resources and well-educated popu- lation Zimbabwe could serve as a powerful catalyst for Western corporations in the region. If the West is truly interested in stimulating democratic reforms it must not be selective in its enforcement and outrage. The people of Zimbabwe have no trust in Mugabe. A diverse coalition, consisting of the Zimbabwe Con- gress of Trade Unions, MDC and the Commercial Farmers' Union, has orchestrated two nationwide strikes in the last five years to protest Mugabe's actions. It is a testament to the harshness of Mugabe's rule that a group embodied by such disparate interests formed to oppose him. It is now time for the world community to join Africans in their struggle against undemocratic regimes. The combined responses of nations such as Switzerland, Australia, Nigeria and South Africa should serve as a warning for leaders across the continent. African and Western leaders will not be crippled by their divergent interests but will resolutely stand against undemocratic practices. BY DAVID LIVSHIz Israel is in Ramallah, that everyone knows. It's on TV, in the newspapers - and that is what is being discussed. What isn't being discussed is, why? The closest thing to an explanation that has been discussed is that Israel is trying to either: a) kill Arafat, b) exile Arafat or c) isolate him. That however is at best glossing over the issue, at worst it's a failure to accurately inform the public. Israel did not choose to re-occupy Ramallah because Ariel Sharon has some personal grudge against Arafat - as had been alleged by the BBC, and various Palestinian commentators. Rather, it has undertaken this operation to tear apart the infrastructure of terror that has been created by the Palestinian Authority and its chairman, Yasser Arafat. In 1993, when he signed the Oslo Accords, Chairman Arafat pledged himself to renouncing terrorism, and establishing a democratic government in the land from which Israel was to withdraw. Has Arafat kept his commit- ments? No, he hasn't. For the past nine years, under his leadership, the Pales- tinian Authority has developed from being a democraticallyvelected govern- ment to a regime which crushes dis- sent, sponsors terrorism and allows Hamas and Islamic Jihad (two well known terrorist groups) to operate unabated. Israel has repeatedly asked Arafat to crack down on terror or simply make a statement in Arabic denounc- ing it - something that he is obliged to do under the Oslo Accords that he long before there was an occupation. And while some might claim that the situation has now changed and the only thing that Palestinians want is freedom from Occupation - not the destruction of Israel, this too is not supported by facts on the ground. Recent polls taken in Palestine indi- cate that Hamas enjoys the popular support of over 70 percent of the popu- lation. The fact that Hamas, an organi- zation that does not acknowledge Israel's right to exist in any borders, has the support of the majority of Palestinians is disturbing. Israel can't afford to withdraw from the occupied territories unilaterally; this will allow Hamas and Islamic Jihad to operate in complete freedom. Israel has attempted to reach a negoti- ated settlement with the Palestinians, only to have its offer rejected in favor of violence. In the end, Israel, will of course, have to withdraw from the West Bank, it can't, however, do this until a Palestinian leadership that is willing to fight terrorism emerges. In the meantime, Israel is forced to take actions, as it has this week, to fight ter- rorism to protect her citizens. This doesn't mean that in the mean time the world should stand by and do nothing. The Palestinians are currently suffering because their government has decided that its political goals are more important than the welfare of its people. As a result, the Palestinian Authority has chosen to spend its lim- ited money obtaining missiles and bombs while allowing Hamas a monopoly on social services. Little wonder so many Palestinians Peskowitz is an LSA freshman. Sanctions on Iraq and the United States' national secunty BY CHRIS MILLER During the Presidential campaign, George W. Bush fre- quently voiced his disgust for "nation-building." While the war on terrorism has forced him to eat his own words to some degree, he still opposes things like peacekeepers for the entirety of Afghanistan, a presence that is sorely needed for some semblance of stability in that nation. Bush has yet to realize that the United States can and w.-++.L. ~ ~ nn~ rno ia r1in+ trrAUhth t he destruction, the actions of the United States regarding the sanctions are necessary and justified. The United States foreign policy establishment is not supposed to stay up late at night worrying about condi- tions in Iraq. Rather, it is supposed to be worrying about a Saddam-sponsored nuke going off in New York, Los Angeles and Tel Aviv. And why Tel Aviv? Aside from being a steadfast ally of the United States since its incep- tion, if the Israel fell victim to an Iraqi weapon of mass sactiml-r.i;-i tt u nr- A n.11hi- a ; v with a have deeply negative impacts, there would be a humani- tarian crisis in Iraq even if they weren't in place; with sanctions it is a question of the degree and not the exis- tence of Hussein-created suffering for the Iraqi people. Hussein is a madman who stole from his people even in prosperity; it is no surprise that he continues to do so even today. In fact, United States Navy ships have inter- dicted ships leaving Iraq with food and medicine allowed under the United Nation's "oil for food" pro- nram Wh9 Rraeiv uSadm can etter nmfit h yhav-