0-- A AM - -p--_ U V Vs. The Michigan Daily - Weekend Magazine - Thursday, March 28, 2002 - 10B The Michigan Daily - Weekeid Maguire E3 ELITE ENTERTAINMENT EXPOSITION E3 LYLE HENRETTY - LESS THAN ZERO PIN THE ROCK ON THE E SPAGGER THE RETURN OF th anniversary BIOENGINEERING THE MASTER RACE Coutesy Uof Sony Man, these guys are sweet. BILLBOARD TOP 10 1. 0 Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack, Various Artists - Good stuff, but when a compilation is the best album on the top ten list, America is going south. Big time. 2. B2K, B2K - Your way, right away, every time, homey. 3. Drive, Alan Jackson - Better than Creed. Period. 4. Under Rug Swept, Alanis Morissette - If Depeche Mode mixed with a George Forman Grill. OK, that doesn't make sense, this album sucks poo. 5. Full Moon, Brandy - Well, Brandy, show us yours and we'll show you ours. 6. Hybrid Theory, Linkin Park - Hey, it's nice to see crap can still float. 7. Word of Mouf, Ludacris - There is probably a worse fate than listening to this CD for eter- nity. No, there isn't. 8. M!ssundaztood, Pink - We must have, Pinky, because we have no clue why you're popular. 9. Fever, Kylie Minogue - Oh, she sucks. 10. J To Tha L-Of! The Remixes, Jennifer Lopez - Take us out back and put us out of our misery. od has erred ont the side of compassion b~y no give ganies t ou o' birhday prty insillhated nt th hertsof herest of us. promisuous, p~erfect fodder for an evening out with the Lucil, vespent the last year making pfoGod's gross gys or the6ofice pinc.Ydon't have to calt her in the micacuatonand creating a new rae elt ihthi onn ree ememberher namend if she threatens own~ skin color, abudreiiu be 4f and .nccpble to telt yourwf, i t dos' mtte, bease Spaggrs ar. at: ik ...:.i social practies sure to raise b4h r andluhter in even dirty 1ying wheres Do'wry guiys, Spagger maes the reddest of liberal cardios. will have fuily dysun ta sexual organs, so there wiWl Is it possible to id such a grou~p? Of course not! That's.be....misanlig of you wife whire sh' be idrve. why <, along withD. Leon.Gdskiof the University of around.on .U South Carolina's bigenetics laboratpry and famd cuua Th marsmn ofben a page is furtheredby. anthropologist Dr.t Seva MckRunningIorse have spent the their stu~pid religious belief in an invisible diety (named last eighn nionths genetically engineering ai new breed of Eeeboni) that sieintly wtches over them, Each and every human emibryos designed.speificlly for the rest of pgr wiU be egeeredto be adevout eebonian. The humanity to hte. The new race, called the $paggers (patent diety.wil onie day come to Earth and set aill pgg.sfree, pending) wilt hop~efhuy be available for moral outrage and but only if they've lived good lives and obeyed their nor- violent hate-crimes by the end of the third quarter next year. mas.Al religious hatred could be turned toward their asi.. The Spaggers would be the ultimate second-class citizen, nn beliefs, and no one's feelings would be hurt, as I've and would have to be kind and polite to "us normals," o mad...p.the. .e thing! Jews and Muslims can rejoice, they would b.sbjct.....eg.srutiy, yhg a ./r bine bombs, and take out a.cp fFeb..ia beingtied to a ee and beaten with tire irons. They, of places of shp. course, would have ..ga ..e..use .the constitution,.The Spag sthemselves will be a turqu.ie-yellw,. s human people, but dirty Spaggers. easily id ible color chose for its repugnance and easy h page g p would immediately take ver al ofaidentifiablityin large groups. The "turq.iseyellw. thejbs mode r society d .ms.u nfid Pstil threat will b h English as well as their native homeless people and weathennen would automatieally Spaggish, whilh has been designed for optimal mokabli- become Spaggerjobs aswouldany surbservient job hereto- ty.rinstance, the Spaggish definitive article p fore referred to as "slave worke, since the positions will no...et.....o.ycomear to the American childre s wrd vlnger be paid. Of course, this raises questions about the for fecally" Even ci dren will be able to make fun of and hpaggrswoilmd e.ican lthatese.d tO make money n,....w.telifs. yat the Spagger slave,.hu..learn. .hese jobs. Simple. Seinthe government doesn't have to healthy ways to aim their violent .ussat those who pay Spaggers, we ca ..kea... teir wages and put themi eal.y d eeit. .back into the economyleating "Spagger Camps."dwhich Which brings me to the nuae itsef. Spaggers was will be perated ythe former prostitutes, maids andhome- chosenfor its similarity to other offensive raialsurs, less. pe e (or "Spagger armers)..........s....... eS as the malleability of the word.Otherhan Mypren wil alsowipe out the ditl debate raging over simply eing them Spagge, or"Spagn the optionsof the use ofsteg eup eol if scietist wants some live " .ipagy "Spage and r Stupid f***ig Spagger," tejosodemrkowiththey only have to go out ad.kithem- areao ille....... seves a Spagge. O, if they'd prefer to just cut one open Spaggerbashin would reach its pinnae eery yearin alive, its their perogati e As I'm.not a doetr, pi' not sure April.ed he"Spag Pride" parade m.chensdown .f l th .oitcs. Snew'e egnrig thm rsevs Michigan Avenue. Families line the o. d carrying rock long new Spaggid e .rseisasesqsonsaothesortattheyro.Eghldrenm t w ilato(a kpefny.all) kodinhard-wn.origbein.thsauseoakemonwyt fthr of those dmb t Spaggerslav e don.' des.re to live fr nating he e pet-up ggnetssions mfedaily lif. Volent cite l the y dofohum niry.h will pa butcease, as the socially-d ngerous .ght .. Lr heerr. lyenrdesermvd i tasforminto skiflfCl ane-the-Spg- hi donen nmd woudheikenank tseefopherys wa er"Thiscatke the paa of bkballoom n eqalnumber ttrs in thers es Oek th brwbubtiti lo hapad du leaer or exper.. orsetwetoptm, n insea. Uh, got any gum? WEEKEND BOX OFFICE Gross in millions of dollars 1. Blade H(33.1) - Snipes, killing vampires. He's a credit to his craft. 2. Ice Age (31.1) - Good for your kids, if they're morons. 3. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (15.1) - Seriously, Spielberg should be eliminated without mercy. Shot with a walkie-talkie. 4. Showtime (8.2) - Eddie Murphy, reminding us why Eddie Murphy hasn't been funny since the '80s. 5. Resident Evil (6.0) - Follows in the tradition of "Double Dragon," only dumber. 6. We Were Soldiers (5.8) - "Braveheart III: Bravehearter." 7. The Time Machine (5.2) - Guy, if you really needed the money, you should have mugged Russel Crowe and eaten his children. That'd been cool. 8. A Beautiful Mind (4.3) - Crowe, I hope Guy kills and eats your chilren. 9. Sorority Boys (4.2) - Balls, Randy. 10. 40 Days and 40 Nights (2.6) - Josh Hartnett should be working security at Payless. We hate earth. "I understand that n... ,so..in 100,000 sufmfrom the dis- ease, and I am also aware that there are 100,000 members of my union the Screen Actors build ... .I think, therefore, it is in some way consider- ate of me that I have taken the disease for Myself.... - Dudley Moore, on his terminal supranuclear palsy DID You KNow? Pierce Brosnan, under contract not to wear a tuxedo outside of the "James Bond" franchise, was allowed to dishevel his tux for scenes in 1999's "The Thomas Crown Affair." Courtesy of The Internet Movie Database pren ANDY T DAILY BY AYLOR-FABE FILM EDITOR enefit Ann Arbor pres t is the musical for people who hate musicals. "Singin' in the Rain" has grown to be one of the most beloved American musicals of all time, and for the 50th anniversary of its release, a remastered print of the film will premiere at the Michigan Theater on April 20 and will sub- sequently be in theaters across the country this summer. The proceeds from the premiere will go to the scholarship fund at the Allen Creek preschool in Ann Arbor. Kerry Kelly Novick, Gene Kelly's daughter and presi- dent of Allen Creek, has been instrumental in arranging for the world permiere to take place in Ann Arbor at the historic Michigan Theater. "Singin' in the Rain" has become the quintes- sential musical, in part because of its technical brilliance but mostly because of the charisma and magnetism of Gene Kelly. Kelly, with his athletic and versatile dancing and his compelling on-screen persona, has become one of the icon~s of dance. Kelly was a dancer who was able to successfully combine masculinity with his art. As Kerry said, his ability to maintain the lead- ing-man role while still dancing "has to do with his particular style of dance and his own person- ality. The style was athletic and that made it masculine. And also that it was unabashedly sexy." Despite the unbelievable popularity of the film, Gene "never thought of it as his most important film artistically," said Kerry. By the time that "Singin' in the Rain" came out in 1952, Gene had already established his artistic style and "had already figured out how to photograph Editors: Associate Editors: Caitlin Nish, Andy Taylor-Fabe Writers: Rebecca Ramsey Photo Editor: David Katz Photographers: Emma Fosdick Cover Photo: Manish Raiji Arts Editors: Lyle Henretty, Luke Smith, Managing Editors, Jeiff Dickerson, Associate Editor Editor in Chief: Jon Schwartz dance on film, so I don't think it had the excite- ment of new discovery, new creation," added Kerry, "but he thougth it was great fun. He knew that it had something joyful in it." Kerry's son Ben, who is also a professor at the University of Michigan, commented that "although it wasn't a very daring film, every- thing works in it. It's very slick and polished." Kerry added, "Polish is partly responsible for its success. There are so many narrative and emo- tional elements (in the film) that it doesn't feel dated." However, at the time, it wasn't a massive success comercially or critically. It is only with the passage of time that it has come to be cher- ished as one of the great musicals. Part of what makes "Singin' in the Rain" so accessible to such a broad audience is Gene's ability to avoid, as Ben called it, "the cringe fac- tor ... Most musicals have a moment when you wince and think that just doesn't work. ("Singin' in thev Rain") simply doesn't have one. You don't have to apologize for this film." Although there are moments in. the film that defyt reality and tumble into the realm ofw Hollywood musi- cals, where people can burst a into song with no warning, there is never a scene in the film that you wish was not included. This is partly due to Gene's dynamic presence on-screen, his bright, slightly crooked smile and his fun-filled, acrobatic dance style. One of the most frequent comparisons that is drawn when Gene Kelly's name is mentioned is his relationship with Fred Astaire and their roles on the screen. Most people think of Astaire as the sophisticated gentleman dressed in a tuxedo in a ballroom, whereas Gene is traditionally thought of as the regular guy who dances in a sweater or a t-shirt and splashes in puddles. However, as Ben Novick said, "(Gene) resent- ed the fact that the public, perhaps understand- ably, portrayed him or saw him only through his roles. He did try to dress down ..< ... and yet this is the man who went to college, who was a very intellectual man. It was a big part of his life; he liked x>. fine art and could speak for- >x eign languages, and could speak with you very intelli- gently, while Fred Astaire was a Vaudeville kid who came up through the ranks of . Vaudeville. But off-screen, their roles were almost turned around." Kerry added, "it's one of the burdens of famous peo- ple that they do get character- ized according to other peo- ples' perceptions." On the other hand, rumors Court of Kelly's and Astaire's Gene in the navy, rivalry were greatly exaggerated as well. "(They) had the greatest respect for each other; they were friends. The mythic creation of a rivalry and a competition seemed real- '< ly foolish to them both. It was more a construction of press agents than any reality," said Kerry. However, their relationship was more complicated than a simple friendship. As Ben said, "(Gene) was frustrated about a o built up rivalry that wasn't really there professionally, and yet also, there was more to it than the public statement that both of them made saying, 'Oh, we're the best of friends." There was also, at least on my grandfather's part, an undercurrent of some resentment of how the public viewed the two of them. In adition to his identity as a dancer, Gene was also conflicted about his Irish identity. Although he is commonly identififed with his Irish her- itage, he seldom used his background profession- ally. There were several rea- sons for this, one of them being that he was also part Canadian. His Irish identity was never emphasized as a child. His mother actually took steps to downplay his{ > Irishness, for she saw their Irish hertiage as "disticntly < lower-class," as Ben said. 1c of Kerry and Be 945. tudes towar '70s, he ga for Ireland However, 1 giance to Ir Israeli grou As Ben s by helping against im Kerry adde ity with Is: ceived as fr Irishness pc being part against opp Gene's in can be exp tudes at the an emphasi '70s that th inition by e melting-pot WHAT' S NEWS IN ENTERTAINMENT "MR. TELEVISON" MILTON BERLE DEAD AT 93 - Actor, come- dian Milton Burl died yesterday at his home surrounded by his fami- ly, CNN reports. The television star single-handedly sold thou- sands of televison sets just as the medium was rising to pop- ularity in the late '40s. Berle, known for his wry sense of humor and giant cigars was a mul- tiple Emmy-winner and the first inductee into the the International Comedy Hall of Fame .and the TV Hall of Fame. DUDLEY MOORE DIES IN NEW JERSEY - In another sad turn, actor, courte musician Dudley Moore died yester- day at his home in New Jersey, CNN reports. The 66 year-old had been struggling with progressive supranuclear palsy for years. The actor was best known for his roles in 1979's "10" and as a drunken composer in 1981's "Arthur," for which he recieved an Academy Award nomination. Moore was also the recipient of various Tony Awards, two Golden Globes and a Grammy. NICK STAHL TAPPED FOR NEW TERMINATOR MOVIE - Riding a wave of attention from his role in Todd Field's "In the of Warner Bros. Bedroom," Stahl has been selected to replace Edward Furlong as John Connor for the third install- ment in the series, "T3: Rise of the Machines." Production is scheduled to begin in April and end in September, and the film will be released Summer 2003. MTV PROVIDES INTERNSHIP OPPERTUNITY FOR COLLEGE STU- DENTS - Mastercard International and MTV have joined forces to create the "Priceless Edge" internship pro- gram for college students 18-25-years old. The internship gives 12 students the chance to work on the production of Fearless Entertainment's "Music in High Places," which airs on MTV Interested students can go to www.mastercard.com to find out more about the internship and other pertinent information. THE O.J. ALL STAR OF THE.WEEK RICKY THE RHINO Jeff Deverett, a producer of the Canadian-produced kid show "Ricky's Room" is protesting the opening of and suing the makers of the new film "Death to Smoochy." Deverett feels as if the film, a satire about a guy in a pink rhino costume stalked by an out-of-work kids- show host, is too close to his show. Deverett commented that, for kids, "this movie is Sept. 11." Yeah, just like that, moron. Gene Kelly (right) with his wife, Be