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March 26, 2002 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-03-26

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March 26,2002

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internal investigations

By Steve Jackson
Daily Sports Editor
According to Athletic Director Bill Martin,
Michigan has no immediate plans to take down its
Final Four banners or sanction itself for the
$616,000 in loans that four former basketball play-
ers allegedly received while at Michigan.
"It's premature to go there," Martin said.
A federal indictment handed down Thursday said
that former Michigan booster Ed Martin used those
loans as a means to launder money from his illegal
gambling ring in Detroit-area factories.
"These are allegations, and we can't lose sight of
that," said Bill Martin, who called the dollar
amounts in this case staggering. "Our judicial sys-
tem talks in terms of proven guilty, and we're deal-
ing with allegations."
In his opening statement, Martin outlined four
keys points regarding this case: The University is
taking these allegations very seriously; Michigan
has fully complied with NCAA on this issue and
will continue to do so; the basketball program has

already suffered from the Ed Martin scandal; and
the athletic department is committed to supporting
current coach Tommy Amaker.
"We expect more at Michigan," Bill Martin said.
"I think one of the most important jobs of an ath-
letic director is to hire coaches and staff of honor
and integrity that can win the right way at the
national level."
By waiting for the NCAA or the U.S. District
Attorney's office to make the first move, quick clo-
sure on the Ed Martin saga, which began in 1996,
may not be possible for Michigan.
But Bill Martin is confident that the process will
move more quickly in light of recent events.
"I don't think that process will take that long,"
Bill Martin said. "I think tiat this will go right on
the NCAA docket."
Although no immediate action is planned, Martin
will be meeting with Amaker, interim University
President B. Joseph White and University General
Counsel Marvin Krislov this week to determine
what Michigan will do independently on this case.
At the request of the U.S. District Attorney's

Office, Michigan will not conduct any further inter-
nal investigations, but the law firm hired to investi-
gate the case back in 1997 has been consulted
several times since Thursday's indictment. The Uni-
versity has spent $140,000 in legal fees to investi-
gate possible NCAA violations related to Ed Martin.
"Do I think that academically and athletically
Michigan can transcend this event? Yeah I do, but
it's going to take some time," Bill Martin said. "I've
got to hang my head low. Let's fac.e it, this is not a
happy time."
But Bill Martin said that he is "very confident"
that the current program is clean.
He sees this scandal as part of a larger problem in
the culture of high school and college basketball.
He said he supported measures like making fresh-
men players ineligible and tying the number of
scholarships to the program's graduation rates, but
such reforms are still not popular on the national
Bill Martin also said he also understands the diffi-
culties associated with completely policing players
See MARTIN, Page 9

Athletic Director Bill Martin speaks at a press conference yesterday to discuss the
ramifications of last Thursday's indictment of former Wolverine basketball booster
Ed Martin.

Greek Week funds camp
for children with AIDS

By Jordan Sdrader
Daily Staff Reporter
Ten-year-old Matthew O'Neil was
born HIV-positive, but his illness was a
taboo subject for him until he began
participating in the Camp Heartland
There, he could speak about AIDS
without being judged and feared.
"I could not talk about (AIDS) with
my friends at school," O'Neil said.
"They tell their parents and then they
can't be my friend.
"It wasn't 'till I went to Camp Heart-
land that I felt I had a future," he said.
Camp Heartland, founded by Neil
Willenson in 1993, is a camping and
outreach program for children and
teenagers who have been infected with
AIDS and HIV or who have been other-

wise impacted by the disease.
Willenson brought four kids involved
with the camp to the University yester-
day for a presentation titled "Journey of
Hope" in coordination with Greek Week
2002. Greek Week, which began Satur-
day and concludes April 3, donates most
of its proceeds to Camp Heartland. Last
year's contribution of $36,000 was one
of the largest received by the camp.
Willenson founded Camp Heartland
after witnessing bigotry and fear against
a mother and child with AIDS in his
hometown of Mequon, Wis.
He said he wanted to give children a
place where they could be themselves.
"They come, sometimes, to share
their secret for the first time in their
young lives," he said. "They know it's a
safe place to share their secret and that is
very, very powerful."

The campers came to the Universi-
ty with a message of education and
They tried to dispel myths about the
contraction of AIDS, explaining that it is
generally contracted only by unprotected
sex and use of contaminated needles and
not by casual contact.
The kids also urged the audience to
lead safe lifestyles so their own experi-
ences would not be repeated.
Fraternity and sorority members
made up most of the audience and
received points for their Greek Week
teams by attending.
LSA senior Katie Clark, a Greek
Week organizer, said the presentation
helped Greeks realize that there is more
to the week's events than games.
"There's a big percentage of us who
See AIDS, Page 9

LSA sophomore Jessica Magnatta and LSA freshman Mike
Canete search for golf balls in a pool of red jello during Greek
Week Diag Day yesterday morning.

Essay now
an option
onGRE s
By Louie Melzlish
Daily StaffReporter
Students considering graduate school will have a once-in-a-
lifetime opportunity for the next few months: The ability to
choose the type of admissions test they can take.
Effective Oct. 1,
the Graduate Record The dew GREsystm
Examinations, the
most popular admis- gk f
sions test for gradu-
the exception ofs-ih Uitthenstudents can chdse
medical,pbusiness f et weent test with a multiple
and law schools- ice lnaiytical sectlon or one
will include an ana- with an analytial writing essay.
lytical writing, or i"h~nlyia riig fo
essay, section, replac- cnit o:j-iut rsn
ing a multiple choice yor esecieo n su"td
section that evaluates and a 80 0rnute "Analyze an Ar
analytical ability. In ment task,
the meantime, stu-
dents will be able to
choose which version of the test, new or old, they wish to take.
"For people who are more comfortable with essays, like
people in the humanities, (the change) could be to their bene-
fit," Jaime Bederman, national director for graduate program
marketing with The Princeton Review, Inc., said. The Prince-
ton Review offers test preparation for numerous standardized
tests, including the GRE. "For people in engineering and the
sciences and foreign students, they probably-would prefer the
multiple choice analytical section," Bederman said.
The new analytical writing section will include a 45-minute
"Present Your Perspective on an Issue" task and a 30-minute
"Analyze an Argument" task. The other sections of the test are
multiple choice, including a verbal test, focusing on English
language skills, as well as a quantitative reasoning test, which
See GRE, Page 9

White forms new executive committee

By Tyler Boersen
Daily Staff Reporter
Following the announcement of University
Chief Financial Officer Robert Kasdin's resig-
nation in April, interim President B. Joseph
White has created an executive committee to
coordinate the activities of the five offices not
permanently filled
The Finance and Capital Projects Commit-
tee will be composed of various senior offi-
cials from each of the affected University
offices and will help to coordinate the
finances of the University's schools and col-
"The purpose is to make sure we are keep-
ing all finances and capital projects on track

across the entire University," White said.
The committee will include interim Provost
Paul Courant and former interim Provost and
University Secretary Lisa Tedesco. Tedesco
stepped down last semester from her position
as interim Provost because she wanted to
devote herself to her position as University
secretary. The ongoing presidential search
preempted the completion of a search for a
permanent provost.
Also included on the committee are Asso-
ciate Vice President for Finance Tim Slottow
and Associate Vice President for Facilities and
Operations Hank Baier. Both formerly report-
ed to Kasdin, but will work directly for the
president until a permanent CFO can be

"In some ways the higher the level of office,
the less effect a person has on day to day
- B. Joseph White
Interim University President

Associate Vice President for Health System
Finance Doug Strong will represent the med-
ical center as Vice President of Medical
Affairs Gil Omenn steps down in July to pur-
sue research interests.
Executive assistant to the chief financial

Officer Sue Burnett will join White to round
out the committee.
White said he is not worried about the lack
of permanent officers at high levels of the
University because they have primary impact

Peace nominee
discusses U.N.
sanctions of Iraq

Racist feelings statewide
boost tolerance dialogues

By Matt Randall
and Karen Schwartz
Daily Staff Reporters
Convicted felon and two-time Nobel
Peace Prize nominee Kathy Kelly ques-
tioned the morality and legality of the
United Nations' sanctions against Iraq
last night, commenting on what she
called tragic conditions and issues Iraqi
civilians face largely because of U.S.:
Kelly, who helped initiate "Voices in
the Wilderness," a group dedicated to
campaigning against these sanctions,
has been to Iraq 14 times since 1996
when +he nmaisn heon he aid she

has had her passport taken away and has
been threatened with jail time and fines
for breaking laws she feels are cruel and
should not be obeyed..
"We don't believe it's criminal to
bring medicine and toys to people in
Iraq. We think the economic sanctions
are criminal," she said.
Kelly also said she believes the sanc-
tions violate international law and the
U.N. charter.
She alleged the sanctions are still
being imposed on Iraq because of the
United States' desire to control petrole-
um and recycle funds between the
Mideast and the U.S.
See KELLY. Pae 9

By Shabina S.,Khatri
Daily Staff Reporter
A hateful message scrawled across the Diag
early last week set off a wave of student protests
condemning the disturbing increase of ethnic
intolerance on campus.
LSA senior Panther McAllister, speaker of the
Black Students Union, said the University's
silence on the issue must end.
"(The administration) should at least come
out and say they disagree with what happened
rather than pretending it didn't happen. The
chalking on the Diag was not just an attack on
black students, but the University's admission
policy as well," she said.
The University's administration issued a state-
ment last week condemning the racial epithet as
well as all hateful speech.
But McAllister said the statement should have
been sent to the entire campus community rather
than just to student leaders and the focal media.

Vice President of Student Affairs E. Royster
Harper said the University is more than willing
to show its strong commitment to open dialogue
and respectful exchange.
"We already made the statement. If we just
need to make sure more people know, then that's
what we'll do," she said.
Ann Arbor is one of several Michigan cities
experiencing an increase in racial tension. The
National Action Network, a civil rights organ-
ization centered in New York, responded to
complaints and violence in Warren, Novi and
the East side of Flint last week by issuing
travel advisories and warnings to the three
University alum Rev. Horace Sheffield III
who heads NAN's Michigan chapter said Michi-
gan is the first state to receive warnings in a
nationwide campaign to protect blacks from
"We based our warning and advisories on the
See RACISM, Page 9

Two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee Kathy Kelly speaks
an.ths enudt +aand anEtins 2ainst rn a.

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