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March 21, 2002 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-03-21

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10A -The Michigan Daily -Thursday, March 21, 2002


Carlberg awaits fourth NCAA chance
By Kyle O'Neill Sophomore Annie Weilbacher, who the big picture, and I hope at the
Daily Sports Writer is currently on pace to match Carl- end of (NCAAs) we will be swim-
berg's four trips to NCAAs, will be ming our best."
For Michigan senior Lindsay Carl- swimming in the 100-yard freestyle That big picture is something that
berg, today will be her fourth trip in as and 100 breaststroke. With her ability Richardson expects to be realized not
many years to the NCAA Champi- to improve her times in every big race, only in the pool, but also in the class-
onships. including four different occasions this room and the working world. His only
But by Saturday night, Carlberg will year when she bettered her career- senior competing at the meet this year,
return from Austin, Texas - the site of bests, Weilbacher has the best chance Carlberg, has met and exceeded his
this year's NCAAs - no longer an of earning All-America status. expectations concerning each of those
official member of a Michigan swim- The only member of last year's team aspects.
ming and diving team that depended on to be named an All-American was "Lindsay's going to be a wonderful
her leadership throughout her career. Emily-Clare Fenn, who did not qualify person wherever she goes in life,"
"Any time you've spent four years for NCAAs this year. Richardson said. "People come to our
with an athlete, it becomes a pretty "Annie's been consistently improv- program to go to NCAAs. Those who
poignant time for the University and us ing all year long," Richardson said. have gone there consistently set the bar
to see them go," Michigan coach Jim "Amy has a sore throat and a cold, but for the younger athletes. But Lindsay's
Richardson said. NCAAs "will be a she's in great shape and should be not only set it in the pool, but outside
special time (with Carlberg), but I will ready to go." of it as well."
remember the work-outs, the practices Even though the Wolverines compet- Carlberg will compete in the 100-
and the rest of her career just as well." ing have a good shot at making the yard backstroke tomorrow, and will
Joining Carlberg in Austin are three finals, this season has been about grad- conclude on Saturday with the 200
young swimmers who will try to live ual improvement for Richardson's backstroke. McCullough is the only
up to the standards that she has set for young team. individual to be competing today when
the team. But Carlberg is optimistic, "We're just going to focus on see- she swims the 500 freestyle. Tomorrow
calling this "the hardest working team I ing how well we can swim," Richard- she will race in the 200 free, and she
have ever been a part of." son said. "As a coach I would love to has the 1,600 freestyle on the third day
Newcomers to the team this year, see us place, but I'm not that con- of competition. Both Weilbacher (100
Amy McCullough and Kelli Stein, cerned with it. free and 100 breaststroke) and Stein
will make their first trip to NCAAs, "I understand this is a moment of (100 and 200 breaststroke) will be
competing in three and two events, truth for some teams, but we don't competing in their respective events
respectively. see this as live or die. Our team sees tomorrow and Saturday.

Last season, Samaniha Arsenault, Missy Sugar, and Jen Crisman led the Wolverines to a Big Ten Championship, but this year
the team is rebuilding. Just four swimmers will be competing for Michigan at the NCAA Championships, which start tomorrow.

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Dance Marathon 2002 would like to
Thank Our Generous Sponsors!

Congratulations to the

Marketing Gold Sponsors
Access Productions
LSA Student Government
Michigan Student Assembly
Pfizer, Inc.
UofM Business School
UofM Credit Union
UofM Union Bookstore
Wolverine Trading
Marketing Silver Sponsors
Kaplan Test Prep
Wright and Filippis
Marketing Bronze Sponsors
Apple Computer
Catering Platinum Sponsors
Arbor Spring Water Company
Bagel Fragel
General Mills
Point Dairy Services

Catering Bronze Sponsors
Afternoon Delight
Ann Arbor Brewing Company
Anthony's Gourmet Pizza
Bill Knapps
Blimpie Subs and Salads
Bob Evans
Cava Java
Cottage Inn
Gandy Dancer
Goodtime Charlie's
Guy Hollerin's
Joe-Joes Cafe
Kerrytown Bistro
Mr. Pita
Mr. Spots
Mrs. Field's
Original 60's Pizza and Subs
Seoul Korner
Thano's Lamplighter

Amy Abramson
Alok Agrawal
Kaema Akpan
Amanda Altman
Barbara Applebaum
Molly Armistead
Aarti Aurora
Catherine Baetens
Lindsey Balzhiser
Scott Banato
Bryan Barnes
Jillian Bates
Lindsey Beauchamp
Sarah Bederman
Tracy Bell
Aubree Benner
Josh Berg
Humaa Bhatti
Kavita Bhavsar
Sarah Billings
Nancy Blanchard
Kasey Boike
Bridget Bolterstein
Sarah Bowersox
Grant Bowman
Justin Bright
Stacie Buck
Erin Cantwell
Andrea Carone
Brad Carroll
Nina Catalfio
Anjan Chakrabarti
Rosalyn Chambers
Tracy Chichester
Mia Chilman
Sohin Chinoy
Alyssa Chirlin
Srayva Chirumamilla
Susan Cholakian
Jessica Christel
Corinna Christman
Duane Chung
Angela Clock
Jessica Cohen
Erin Conway
Christopher Cooke
Adam Damerow
Adrianne Davis
Lindsay DeFouw
Christina Deltatto

Michal Duer
Erika Ebel
Alison Elafros
Suzanne Eng
Richard Everson
Nicole Exe
Jessica Farhat
Corey Fernandez
Christina Flanagan
Travis Foley
Josh Fonger
Lauren Freyermuth
Kristen Gac
Kathryn Gapinski
Emily Garrisi
Lev Gartman
Kristie Gaynier
Jonathan Gleicher
Emily Gochis
Sarah Goesch
Stephen Goetz
Jessica Goodwin
Veronica Guitar
Shravanthi Gummadi
Adam Haba
Sandra Hakeos
Jennifer Hanson
Michael Harrington
Carl Hasselbarth
Jessica Henry
Ruby Hiramanek
Dana Holcman
Lauren Holder
Rachel Horowitz
Elizabeth Howard
Jody Hyvarinen
Adam James
Stephanie Johnson
Rebecca Jungel
Emily Kahn
Stephanie Kakos
Ntina Kalogeropoulos
Amy Kaplan
Amit Kapoor
Shari Katz
Samantha Katzman
Carly Kaufman
Monica Kennedy
Sarah Kilbourne
Matt Kish

Renee Linares
Thomas Mahon
John Marfoe
Melissa Marks
Christy Marks
Kristina Maruyama
Kellie Matteson
Nicole Matti
Wilfred McCloskey
Mellissa McElhiney
Melissa McGivefn
Nisha Mehta
Sean Meyers
Elizabeth Meza
Sarah Mill
Rachel Miriani
Anthony Munaco
Aaron Muncey
Deanna Murphy
Damini Nagpal
Inder Narula
Matt Nolan
Janet O'Connor
Jennifer Panush
Meera Pardanani
Payal Patel
Mona Patel
Janki Patel
Swapnil Patel
Jill Paul
Ann Peterson
Janet Pien
Laura Platt
Jaclyn Podor
Lisa Radak
Alice-Kate Raisch
Katun Rana
Diane Raskin
Purvi Ravani
Justin Reynolds
Cori Richards
Elissa Richman
Mary Riggs
Rhiannon Riley
Erika Robbins
Eleanor Robinson
Kristin Roehling
Jill Rogstad
Casey Ronk

Alexis Serote
Kabir Seth
Lisa Sew
Beej Shah
Juhie Shah
Aashish Shah
Caitlin Shapiro
Ani Shehigian
Anuja Sheth
Nancy Short
Megan Shuchman
Julie Sills
Carrie Silver
Jodi Siskind
Tiffany Smith
Steffany Snyder
Stephanie Sohl
Ingrid Spangler
Kimberly Spitz
Polly Stevens
Nathan Stormzand
Lindsey Strieter
Kenneth Su
Prerna Suri
Michelle Sweet
Jessica Szczygiel
Ruchi Talati
Meghan Tepas
Kathryn Thomas
Michael Thompson
Preeti Tijoriwal
Allison Tsai
Emily VanAntwerp
Eva VandenBossche
Kristina Vanek
James Vanek
Anita Vashi
Becca Wallach
Samantha Walsh
Michael Warren
Lindsay Watanabe
Erin Wayman
Corinne Welch
Kirsten Wendela
Autumn Wenglikowski
Robert Westerman
Tamera Whyte
Megan Wilbur
Erin Wilke
Rachel Williams




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