4A -The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 18, 2002 OP/ED I Gtbe l irbiguu flg 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 letters@michigandaily.com EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 JON SCHWARTZ 'Editor in Chief JOHANNA HANINK Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. NOTABLE QUOTABLE Lives could have been saved had they not been stopped by members of the Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice." - The Saudi Gazette's conclusion re 15 girls who died in a school fire last Monday. Police from the named Commission refused to let the girls out of the building because they were not wearing the "correct Islamic dress. "As reported by the BBC. THOMAS KuLJuRGIS 'E TATIVELIY SPEAKING aOUSE UN, TO C{.A~IY~ -'TL nsESMT V\S SAM E WILL NOT ZVLEOUT TH4E USE .._...." OF. "NUCULPW W1AVOQ~S. 4CLEAt V1EA1oQSA'g.E S TIU= i,, RDISCUSSED. I 0 The crisis of Muslim leadership AMER G. ZAHR THE PROGRESSIVE PEN Tt has been fashionable since Sept. 11 to ques- tion the moves and motives of Muslim-Ameri- can leaders and organiza- tions. Most commentators have resorted to criticizing Muslim-Americans for not condemning terrorism enough, accusing organiza- tions of having terrorist ties and advocating the profiling of individuals and organizations. These criticisms are mostly empty, unsubstantiated and motivated by both ignorance and outright racism.f This column is not that type of critique. This is, rather, my own take on how most Muslim-American leaders around this country have acted in their own interests rather than carrying out the will of the greater Muslim community (I am not including Arab-Ameri- can organizations in my critique because the leading one, the American-Arab Anti-Discrim- ination Committee, has conducted itself very effectively, I believe). Sadly, most Muslim-American organizations have found it beneficial to support the president in just about every move he has made. Most organizations and leaders support the "war on terror" almost unconditionally. They have invit- ed President George W. Bush to speak at their galas and at a recent Republican Party event in Toledo, Ohio. A Muslim speaker there found it fit to announce that "George W. Bush has vision and is a modern day Abraham Lincoln." Ask all those bearded men getting stopped in airports whether our president has vision. Ask those Muslim women who are having their scarves pulled at whether they feel that Bush is their emancipator. Or ask the more than 1,000 men still incarcerated without charge, including Ann Arbor's own Rabih Haddad, whether they see Bush as a visionary. Our leaders have sold us out. I believe most of them are more concerned about getting invit- ed to White House dinners than they are about expressing the real concerns and troubles that are so prevalent in the Muslim community. Muslim leaders are parading from one event to another trying to convince our community that supporting Bush in his fight against terrorism is a necessity if we are to advance politically in this country. They are dead wrong. Unfortunately, they are doing us much more harm than good. All that will come from their tactics is a belief in the federal government that as long as you fulfill the personal desires of a few select Muslim lead- ers, you don't need to address the real underly- ing concerns of the community at large. This behavior on the part of our leaders only encourages some of the ridiculous oppositions being forwarded by our president, like his famous remark of "you're either with us or with the terrorists." Our own Muslim leaders have not been man enough (unfortunately, they are almost all men) to explain to our president and his associates that we are neither with him nor the terrorists and that we neither support our government's policies abroad nor the policies of Osama bin Laden and his ilk. On this campus, things are a bit better, although there are some individuals in our Mus- lim Student Association who share the belief that we have to keep our mouths shut on "con- troversial" issues. I truly hope that none of these individuals become our future leaders, either on this campus or elsewhere, until they realize the errors of their ways and how much they are in fact hurting our community in the long run. Many of these future doctors, lawyers, engi- neers and successful businessmen will find themselves, by virtue of their wealth and famil- ial ties, brought into the inner circles of Muslim leadership in this country. I hope they can remove themselves from thinking the most important thing in life is what they wore to the annual Eid dinner last week and instead think of what they can do to make their community come out of the current crisis it is in. Muslims, of course, need to be involved in important issues that affect them, Iraq and Palestine among them. Some members of our community have visions of "Islamicizing" every issue, going as far as to say that Muslims need not be involved in issues involving any type of nationality. I believe those who espouse this type of thinking are grossly misled. Muslim leaders need to be involved, but they must hon- estly represent our community's views. It is not OK for Muslim leaders to tell the president we support him in his wars, because we do not. It is not OK to say we need to weather the racial pro-' filing, because we need to weather no such thing. It is not OK to stray from controversial issues amid worries of ticking off the adminis- tration, for we are surely not defined by our acquiescence to Bush and everything that revolves around him. Rather, we are defined by how we act in times when our positions might be unpopular, for it most often those positions that are most worth fighting for. Those of you who are more concerned about getting a Ramadan card signed "W" than you are for standing up with principle and honestly representing the views of Mus- lims in this country, I am talking to you. You might end up having dinner with the presi- dent one day, but if you keep the current course, you will be eating that meal at the expense of the rest of our community. Amer G. Zahr can be reached at zahrag@umich.edu. 0 0 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Interim provost responds to Daily's coverage of AAUP grievance policy TO THE DAILY: In a recent viewpoint (Faculty grievance pro- cedure 'stacked deck,' 3/14/02), representatives of the American Association of University Profes- sors criticized the University's grievance process. I write to add some additional facts and perspectives to the discussion. The current grievance procedures for Uni- versity faculty were developed as a joint effort between SACUA and the Provost's Office. These recommended procedures were approved by Senate Assembly on May 18, 1998 and were subsequently adopted by the schools and col- leges with only minor unit-specific changes. A tenured member of the faculty, who is appointed annually by SACUA, monitors the process. Since 1998, faculty members have filed 15 grievances. In all of those cases, the Grievance Review Board, which is made up of a panel of three faculty members, either found the issue not covered by the grievance policy or found against the faculty member on the issue or issues raised. The AAUP representatives choose to inter- pret this recent history as indicative of an unfair system. They argue that the system is flawed because the GRB has only advisory power to the dean. This criticism might support a call for review of the current policy if there were instances in which the dean did not accept the recommendation of the GRB. Instead, the GRB itself has each time substantially rejected the grievant's claim. The AAUP viewpoint also suggests that the faculty peers who comprise the GRB feel inhibited from recommending in favor of the grievant because of fear of reprisals by the dean. However, the minutes of the SACUA meeting on Feb. 11, 2002, (which were approved on March 4, 2002, but unfortunate- ly are not yet available on the SACUA web- site) show otherwise. One member of SACUA pointed out that in the two cases in which he served on Grievance Review Boards, he personally did not feel pressured by the administration. Another-member of SACUA said that he has chaired two GRBs, and that he was given freedom to conduct the proceeding. Even when a grievance is denied, the school or college or central administration often takes remedial action. There have been a number of recent examples in which specific adjustments were made by the dean or provost to assist the faculty member in response to the recommenda- tions of the GRB. Finally, the AAUP editorial failed to men- tion that many faculty complaints are brought to the University's informal conflict resolution process, allowing resolution of conflicts without employing the formal grievance process at all. During calendar year 2001, the Mediation Ser- vices for Faculty and Staff office assisted 55 faculty members in 33 separate cases. The for- mal grievance process is but one of many ways in which faculty can seek to resolve conflicts. PAUL COURANT Courant is the University's interim provost. 0 VIEWPOINT' -PART 2 OF 2 A call to end the Daily's negative bias against BAMN BY AGNES ALEOBUA BEN ROYAL The Michigan Daily has perpetrated a trend of negative coverage about The Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action By Any Means Nec- essary since September 2001. This egregious policy has ranged in substance from outright untruth, to half-truth and innuendo; in form, it has ranged from phony "expose pieces," to "news pieces" to signed regular columns, to signed viewpoints, to prominently featured let- ters, to unsigned official editorial proclamations. No other political group in memory has been subjected to this kind of political treatment from the Daily. Yet judged by any objective stan- dards, BAMN's real accomplishments and con- tributions have been greater than those of any other political organization at the University. Furthermore, while preferring not to give credit to BAMN, the Daily itself has actually supported the overwhelming majority of BAMN's posi- tions and most of its actual initiatives. At the heart of the Daily's ill-conceived, malicious policy toward BAMN and the new That BAMN has fought side by side with the University administration in the courtroom and mobilized many thousands of University students and students around the country in ral- lies and marches since the lawsuits were filed in the fall of 1997 are facts sufficient of them- selves to disprove the Daily editors' central contention. Ironically, despite the recent trend of nega- tive coverage by the Daily editors, many of our efforts over the years have been editorially endorsed by the Daily. From our original effort to secure student intervenors' status in the Uni- versity of Michigan Law School case along with the National Association for the Advance- ment of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union in the undergraduate case, to the boycott of the Michigan Union in protest of discriminatory policy toward black and Latino social events to the recent editorial opposing the use of the SAT in college admissions. We have organized in coalition with many of the establishment civil rights leaders and the organizations they represent; we have received support from several elected officials including Congressional Reps. John Conyers and Carrie talked of his organization's commitment to its ongoing coalition with BAMN. The unfounded criticism that our "divisive rhetoric" has alienated moderate supporters crashes headlong into these facts, which are themselves only the tip of the iceberg of the support which we have organized and coa- lesced into a growing struggle to defend affir- mative action. In reality, it is The Michigan Daily's divisive rhetoric and the rhetoric of BAMN's other demagogic opponents that has represented an attempt largely in vain to divide the new civil rights movement, by attempting to divide the supporters of affirmative action from their most dedicated and effective leadership. In his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail," Martin Luther King talked about the opposition to the movement of people "who prefer a nega- tive peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly say, 'I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your meth- ods of direct action."' Over the past year, the Daily editors have been such people. As for BAMN's "radicalism," it consists rlim_ -- T% - - - -- - --- - _. k Aj