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January 11, 2002 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-01-11

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 11, 2002 - 7

Woman among seven
"ekilled in plane crash

The Washington Post
Sgt. Jeannette Winters couldn't come home for
Christmas because she had gotten orders to go to
Afghanistan. She sent her father a guitar instead.
A gospel musician, Matthew Winters was
awaiting her return so they could play a duet
together: he on the guitar, she on the piano.
Late Wednesday night, four Marines knocked
on his door with the grim news that his daugh-
ter wouldn't be coming home.
"They told me it's been a crash and my
daughter was in it," Matthew Winters told the
Associated Press yesterday. "My daughter
meant a whole lot to me, She was a very loving
person. She liked people. She was a people per-
son, and I was very proud of her."
Jeannette Winters, 25, was a radio operator
aboard the tanker plane that crashed into a
mountain in southwestern Pakistan Wednesday
on its approach to a base in Shamsi, 170 miles
southwest of Quetta.
The cause of the crash, the deadliest incident
yet for U.S. forces in the war against terrorism,
is under investigation.
Continued from Page 1
aren't a laughing matter.
"I actually never paid attention to it until
after my father committed suicide, and then
lately I've been watching shows where people
are joking about shooting themselves in the
head. I just don't think that's funny, because so
many people really do it," Landry said.
She said the stigmas often harm people with
mental illnesses physically as well as mentally.
"I think that the biggest stigma (with depres-
sion) is that people tell you to just get over it.
They think depression is just a phase you're
going through, but it's a disease," Landry said,
adding that people do not seek help because they
do not want to admit they have a serious problem
or show signs of weakness.
"It takes a lot of courage to admit you're
depressed and to seek help," she said. "Those
are the people I admire the most."
Tandon said through treatment, people with
mental illnesses, like Nash, can work and
the michig an daily.

The first U.S. servicewoman killed in the
war, Winters died along with six other Marines
who had been based at the Miramar Marine
Corps Air Station in San Diego.
Relatives and friends gathered at the Win-
ters's family home in Gary yesterday. At her
old high school, an American flag hung at
half mast for a former student known as a
hard worker with a positive attitude who ran
track, sang in the choir and got along well
with teachers and classmates.
"She was a good kid, friendly with a
bright smile," said teacher Michael Prohl.
"She always had her work done and did any-
thing you asked her to do."
Winters's death was a reminder to those who
knew her that the war against terrorism is not
as distant as it often feels.
"When things like this happen somewhere
else, you would have read about it and you
would have felt bad because it was an Ameri-
can," said Calumet Principal Leroy Miller.
"But when you know one of them, it puts a
face on it and brings it home like no other
build lasting relationships.
"This movie does more good than bad," Tandon
said. He said the movie shows Nash "as a human
being. This is not some statistic, this is not a crazy
man, this is a human being."
Although Tandon said he thinks "A Beauti-
ful Mind" will help alleviate stigmas associ-
ated with mental illnesses, he said the movie
is only making up lost ground from previous
Hollywood dramas, such as "One Flew Over
the Cuckoo's Nest," which featured a zombie-
like Jack Nicholson after his character
received electroshock therapy.
"It has taken a long time to get over that," he
said. "It's only now that electro-convulsive therapy
is being considered as not such a bad thing."
But Landry said that it's important people
take responsibility for educating those
around them. "I don't think the media needs
to be responsible for all of society's lack of
knowledge about mental illness," she said.
"Movies are movies. I think that we need real
people and real news stations and real organi-
zations talking about it."

Continued from Page 1
LSA junior Michael Simon, co-chair of the campus ACLU,
said while discussion centered around the rights of Arab
Americans in light of the Sept. I1 attacks, the planning for
this project began earlier than that.
Ann Arbor Police Chief Daniel Oates, Delphia Simpson of
the Michigan ACLU and Prof. Robert Perry, the chair of
African-American studies at Eastern Michigan University,
joined in addressing student's questions about the need for and
legality of racial profiling.
"The issue is so important that it is only a matter of time
until we have national legislation," said Oates, who added that
the Ann Arbor Police Department has been collecting data on
traffic stops for the last 18 months and will be releasing a
report on their findings.
Maintaining that racial profiling contradicts the constitu-
tional freedoms given to all Americans, Prof. Perry - Ravi
Perry's father - said, "We need to begin to understand that
this is a diverse country, and that we're not all white. ... It con-
tradicts the values that we stand for in this country."
Citing records kept by police departments in Maryland and
New Jersey that used racial profiling in traffic stops and air-
port security checks, Simpson said these checks did not help
to catch more criminals.
"It's ineffective and it does not keep us safer," she added.
While Oates maintained he is against the concept of
racial profiling, he said there are circumstances when
race may be used as one factor among many to locate
and target possible suspects. One such instance involved
the questioning of some of the 80 Arab Americans living
in Ann Arbor on temporary visas last year. The voluntary
interviews were sought by the FBI and the Justice
Oates met with leaders of the Ann Arbor Muslim commu-
nity in an effort to make the interviews run smoothly and alle-
viate, the fears of those sought for questioning. He said he
became involved with the interviews at the request of both the
FBI and the Muslim community.
"These people are guests of the American government. The
government has a right to question these people, he said. "In
this particular instance, the choice to talk to these people did
not amount to racial profiling."
But Prof. Perry said he did not agree that these interviews
were as amiable and freely given as Oates saw them to be.
"People we are here on temporary, non-immigrant visas,
who are asked by the government to make a choice, I don't
know how much choice they have, particularly when the
choice is coming from high levels of government," Prof.
Perry said.
Several students attended the symposium to voice their
opinion that racial profiling is a necessary procedure in ensur-
ing public safety.
Rakham graduate student Justin Shubow said he believes
politicians and law enforcement officers realize the necessity
and unpopularity of enforcing racial profiling to catch crimi-
"They have to use it, but they can't admit it," he said.

Continued from Page 1
protested outside the court.
"Public opinion and political repre-
sentatives pushed the judge to say
enough is enough and that you have to
present evidence," said Tariq Colvin, a
trustee of the Islamic Center of Ann
"I think what this does is it brings
us to a point, a fork in the road. ... My
worry is that there is going to be some
other angle they will come from that
will potentially subvert the due
process," Colvin said.
Nazih Hassan, vice president of the
Muslim Community Association for
Ann Arbor said the INS has had
ample time to present its evidence.
"If they have something, please put
it out in the open and we'll examine it
and act accordingly," Hassan said.
Hassan said he was disappointed
that the hearings remain closed to the
public and media.
"The government is really alienat-
ing the Muslim and Arab community,"
Hassan said. "We're losing trust we
have in the government."
Dance, an adjunct professor at
Wayne State University, said the gov-
ernment may have pressed for a
Continued from Page 1
Cynthia Wilbanks, vice president for
government relations.
Whether the 1,100-page bill, mod-
eled after Bush's Texas education
reform bill, will correct educational
problems or only appear to is
"There is much disagreement in
Texas," said Cecil Miskel, a profes-
sor in the School of Education.
"State tests showed substantial
changes in the students' scores.
National tests don't show such a

closed trial from because of a para-
noia about revealing too much infor-
mation to the public that could be
leaked to terrorists.
"I suspect that the government,
which is not against giving fair trials,
is obsessed with secret evidence,"
Dance said. "They've got to have
closed trials. ... They didn't want evi-
dence disclosed which might work to
the benefit of the enemies of the coun-
Dance said Haddad, who came to
the United States in 1998 from
Lebanon, would not be considered a
citizen because even though he has
applied for permanent residency, he
has not applied for citizenship.
Haddad's attorney said his client
applied for permanent residency in
Dance said that application process
usually takes three to four years.
"You cannot look at him as a citi-
zen," Dance said. "You have to be a
permanent resident for five years
before you can even apply for citizen-
ship," Dance said.
"He wasn't denied anything ...
because he's not a citizen. But he is
entitled to due process," Dance said.
- Reports from the Associated Press
contributed to this story.
strong change."
Miskel added that the efficacy of
the Texas reforms is still being
Receiving $900 million this fiscal
year, the Reading First program is
designed to ensure that all students
from kindergarten to third grade can
read at grade level by the end of third
"The state of Michigan should be
able to get a little over $28 mil-
lion," Miskel said about Reading
First. Miskel added that the money
would fund the training of extra


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Continued from Page 1
Eight were brought from the Navy's
USS Bataan in the Arabian Sea and a
number from the U.S. detention centers
in Bagram and Mazar-e-Sharif, military
officials said.
"This thing is being done ... with the
most expertise that we can bring to bear
on it," said spokesman Steve Lucas at
the U.S. Southern Command, the
Miami-based command that is helping
coordinate the move.
"These suicidally murderous peo-
ple have compatriots at large," said
Lucas. "We don't want to provide
them any information that could

make a big terrorist splash."
In two separate deadly incidents,
prisoners got hold of weapons and
staged an uprising while held in a
fortress in northern Afghanistan, while
others killed Pakistani guards after
being apprehended trying to escape
into that country.
American troops have held the pris-
oners in much greater security since
taking custody of them.
"Nothing like this to my knowl-
edge has been done before (consid-
ering) the level of threat and
probably the size and distance too,"
Lucas said of the imminent transfer.
"I'm not sure that anyone has every
handled detainees of this type."

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