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March 15, 2002 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-03-15

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 15, 2002 - 5

Beating their song

se in enrollment causes new
problems for college admissions
By And a Pappas record for this year," Peterson said. to keep class size at a certain level, the quality
For the Daily She added that while there has been a rowincr dents increases and the caliber of students at

y of stu-

With high school seniors applying to multiple
schools and sending in more than one initial deposit,
colleges and universities are having a difficult time
knowing how many students who accept will attend,
throwing off acceptance rates and posing questions
for University admissions.
The National Center for Education Statistics pre-
dicted that by 2010, more than 9,000,000 students
will attend college full-time in the U.S., up from
5,000,000 in 1970. University Spokeswoman Julie
Peterson said this influx in applications is due in part
to the children of the baby-boomers going to college.
Peterson also pointed to the University's introduction
of an online application which makes applying more
As of the end of February, the Office of Under-
graduate Admissions had a growing count of 24,511
applications for summer and fall 2002 admissions,
up from last year's number of 24,141. "That was a
record at that time, so we will clearly hit a new

trend in dual enrollment deposits, freshman enroll-
ment for the University is actually higher than in past
years. "We have not been increasing enrollment
intentionally, but a larger percent of those accepted
are saying "yes" than in the past" Peterson said.
As a result of this trend, the Admissions Office is
slightly reducing the number admitted to arrive at the
enrollment target of 5,300. Peterson cited the impor-
tance of not exceeding the enrollment target because
there are always limits to University space and
resources such as residence halls and computer labs.
Peterson also said increasing enrollment numbers
could be attributed to cost incentives. "As students
look at private and top tier school, costs become a
factor in decision making. It is possible that students
see top public universities like Michigan as valu-
able," she said.
Ted Spencer, director of Undergraduate Admis-
sions, emphasized the quality of students that results
and said that the increase in applications allows the
University to be selective in admissions. "As we try

gan is getting better each year," he said.
The trend in high application rates is consistent
across the nation. High school counselors from Ann
Arbor to San Diego have observed the same trends
among their graduating seniors.
"Instead of having one 'shoot for the stars' school,
they have three or four. Also, in many cases students
are not sure where they want to go so they apply to
many in hopes that getting accepted to some of them
will naturally narrow their choices;' Lori Musel, a
counselor at Torrey Pines High School in San Diego
said. Recent Campus Day participant and prospective
fall 2002 freshman, Courtney Ray, said "you never
know where you're going to get into so its important
to keep your options open." Ray applied to 12
In regard to final choices and decisions of stu-
dents, Spencer said, "multiple applications are fine.
We are managing it, and we understand the impor-
tance of making informed decisions and encourage
informal visits."

Sinaboro, a Korean drumming group, practices for their upcoming concert In
the Modern Language Building last night.


researchers link

snoring, hyperactivity

By Janet Yang
For the Daily

Children who snore are more inclined
toward inattentiveness and hyperactivity
than children who do not have sleep
Researchers at the University have
completed a study correlating sleep
problems and attention deficit disorders.
It was previously not understood why
hyperactive children respond positively
to stimulants such as Ritalin, but this
study concludes that hyperactivity is
really a way for children to express
sleepiness. Sleep disturbances, such as
snoring and brief breathing lapses,
would then cause greater hyperactivity
among children.
According to the University of Michi-
gan Health System study, children who
snore are twice as likely as other chil-
dren to have behavioral problems. This
article, published in the March issue of
the journal Pediatrics, is the largest and
most comprehensive study published on
this topic.
"We wondered whether, among the
many childrent out there who have
behavioral problems, there might be a

"Some evidence suggests that treatment
of a sleep disorder in a hyperactive child
will improve ... daytime behavior."
- Ronald Chervin
University neurologist

significant number who have symptoms
that suggest sleep disorders," said
Ronald Chervin, a University neurologist
and the study's lead author. "The associ-
ation may be particularly important
because some evidence suggests that
treatment of a sleep disorder in a hyper-
active child will improve not only the
child's sleep, but also daytime behavior."
The study involved 866 children
between the ages of two and 13. Parents
filled out surveys about their children's
sleep patterns and behavior. Parents rated
their children based on a list of symp-
toms for attention deficit/hyperactivity
disorder, which includes inattentiveness,
impulsiveness and excessive activity.
ADHD is the most common behav-
ioral disorder found among children. It
affects between 4 to 12 percent of

school-age children. Chervin's studies
concluded that among the test subjects,
16 percent were frequent snorers and 13
percent qualified under ADHD. Among
the snorers, 22 percent had ADHD,
compared with only 12 percent of
ADHD among infrequent snorers.
Although some other studies agree
with Chervin's conclusions, psychia-
trists and specialists are still divided over
the issue whether sleep problems affect
behavior or vice versa.
Some researchers believe that ADHD
is genetic and is not affected by sleep
whatsoever, while others are confident
that there is a connection. Chervin
advises that parents should consult a
physician if they are concerned about
their child's hyperactivity and sleep pat-
terns for further investigation.

* 1002 PONTIAC TR.
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The Universityot Michigan
Ceili Lterature, Science,
and the Arts
Joan Crawford and
Gay Male Subjectivity
David M. Halperin
Wi. Auden Collegiate Professor of
English Language and Literature
Public Lecture and Reception
Wednesday, March 20,2002,4:10 P.M.
Pondelton Room, Michigan Union

Presented by





' I
The following students will be among those recognized during the Honors Convocation program on

Sunday, March 17, 2002.

These individuals have demonstrated the highest level of undergraduate

academic success by achieving seven or more consecutive terms of all A's and earning the designation

of Angell Scholar.

The University of Michigan congratulates these students on their superior scholastic

achievement and wishes them continued success.





A. Dubenion-Smith* School of Music


Rahul Gandotra
Jill Ann Romanski*

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
School of Education

U-M Dearborn

Matthew Alan Bright
Xiaoyan Cao
Hiu Ying Chen
Michael Thomas' Dalton
Kevin Patrick Egan
Ann Christine Haas
Carolyn Beth Jacobs
Mark Haig Khachaturian*
Jason Christopher Lewis*
Ursula Carroll McTaggart
Gregory Alan Messinger
Amy Louise Morrow*
Mark Edmund Outslay
Joshua Phillip Palay
David Aaron Rosen

College of Engineering
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
Residential College
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Engineering
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Residential College
College of Engineering
School of Natural Resources and Environment
College of Engineering
Residential College
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Joelle Suzanne Busman*
Steven J. Ostrowski*
Philip Adam Rubin*
Andrew Sanusi*
Sara Mae Smith*

School of Business Administration
School of Management
U-M Flint
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Engineering
School of Nursing

Ii i


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