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March 15, 2002
tr exit, s ', , . 02002 The Michigan Daity
Regent Horning bashes
By Shannon Pettyplec.
and Kara Wnzel
Daily Staff Reporter
Racial tensions, anti-affirmative action views
and bickering regents were the themes of a let-
ter written by Regent Daniel Horning (R-Grand
Haven) to Regent Kathy White (D-Ann Arbor),
which was obtained by The Michigan Daily
yesterday afternoon.
In the letter, Horning openly expressed his
views against the University's use of race in
admissions and responded to an accusation
made by White that the appointment of a white
University Board of Regents chair and vice-
chair is unacceptable. Last month the regents
approved the formation of committees and the
election of a chair.
"Your comments 'we can't have two white
males as chair and vice-chair ... even my dad
thinks so,' are glowing examples of why affir-
mative action is simply another term for entitle-
ment," Horning said. "Kathy, insulting
comments like yours reek of everything that is
wrong with affirmative action."
In the letter, Horning said even though he
has publically defended the University's
admissions policies, he is personally opposed
to them.
"I have openly defended the importance of a
- have openly defended the importance of a diverse student body, yet privately
.. I certainly don't feel they are based on merit."
- Regent Dan Horning in a letter to Regent Kathy White (D-Ann Arbor)
diverse student body, yet privately I have held
to my chest that I don't think our admissions
policies will withstand this legal challenge, and
I certainly don't feel they are based on merit,"
he said.
Horning goes on to describe in his letter how
he believes affirmative action keeps qualified
students out of the University while letting less
qualified minority students in.
"I would like to invite you to join me the
next time I visit with a high school senior and
his/her parents to explain why a 3.85 GPA and
30 ACT score just aren't enough for the Uni-
versity of Michigan ... even with a letter of rec-
ommendation from a sitting regent," Horning
said in the letter. "Can you imagine me explain-
ing that if they were a minority or from an
underrepresented group of people it would be
acceptable but being a Caucasian from western
Michigan creates a problem?"
In an effort to show that the chair and vice-
chair positions were not racially motivated
Horning said in the letter "This year's Michigan
See HORNING, Page 7
Personal ino., tests found
scattered near Dennison
By Tyler Boersen
and C. Price Jones
Daily Staff Reporters
just throwna
The pape
way but w
The privacy of many students was jeopard- Little Chem
ized late last Thursday night when winds blew "Informa
old test forms and grade reports from an open shredded,n
dumpster. around outo
Many Astronomy 101/111 tests dated from Aikman said
1997 to 2000 were found among computer- Also disc
printed lists of student names, social security much of th
numbers and class grades. two building
Students listed on the sheets were angry that in the Offic
the University disposed of their sensitive and abilities des
private information in this fashion. Universit
"I am definitely kind of mad," recent LSA that studen
graduate Mark Sandri said. "The University issue to the
should not throw things away in public dump- out could o
sters. ... It is pretty private information to be accident.
Mediator may
join GEO, 'U'
Daily Staff Reporter
away where anyone can get at it."
rs were not shredded or torn in any
ere disposed of in boxes into the
near David Dennison and the C.C.
istry Building.
ation like that should probably be
not left out and allowed to blow
of a dumpster," LSA senior Amanda
overed in the scatter which covered
e lawn and sidewalk in front of the
gs were letters written by an official
e of Services for Students with Dis-
cribing a student's mental illness.
y spokeswoman Julie Peterson said
ts' privacy concerns are a serious
University, and the papers laying
only be described as a mistake or
"The University would never intentionally
handle those (documents) in a way to make
them available to the public," she said.
While the social security numbers leads to
questions of student privacy, the Astronomy
tests and answer sheets question the honor of
the exams.
"I'm very concerned about this because it
sounds like the confidentiality of students, and
possibly the integrity of an exam, have been
compromised, albeit not intentionally," Robert
Owen, LSA associate Dean for Undergraduate
Education, said.
"It sounds like we need to develop and
implement more secure procedures for dispos-
ing of trash that may contain confidential mate-
rial," he added.
The tests and papers were cleaned up the fol-
See PAPERS, Page 7
The second annual SPEAK OUT brought Eating Disorder Awareness Week to a close last nifif.
Youcan recover from this, you can do it. I'm living proof that you can get help and over come this,"
$SPAK co-president Lauren Victor said.
Inside: A wrap up of Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Page 3.
Regents dwell on fin ace,
blrefly touch on secuity
Members of the Graduate Employees Organization last
night said negotiations between GEO and the University took a
drastic turn. After both sides called Tuesday's discussion on
By Shuanon Pettyplece
and Kara Wenzel
Daily Staff Reporters
Despite the dozens of home invasions and peep-
ing tom incidents that occurred over the last three
months, the University Board of Regents spent over
an hour discussing finances at the University Med-
ical Center, and 20 minutes on student safety at
yesterday's monthly meeting.
Some regents, such as Regent S. Martin Taylor
(D-Grosse Pointe Farms), feel students are not
doing enough to protect themselves, despite the
University's increased security measures.
"Students have to understand that they are their
own best protectorates," Taylor said. "Everybody
always thinks the bad stuff is going to happen to
someone else."
Vice President for Student Affairs E. Royster
Harper told the regents the University has set up
outreach programs now and during previous orien-
tations to educate students on campus safety, but
students need to do their part as well.
"It's a challenge to get them to do the right
thing," Harper said.
Regent Andrea Fischer-Newman (R-Ann Arbor)
said she believes the University needs to be doing
more to keep students safe, and students need help
learning how to protect themselves.
"I am, as a parent and as a regent, concerned
about safety in residence halls more than anything
else," Newman said.
It is very easy to get in and out of those dorms if
See REGENTS, Page 7
child care promising and a step in the
right direction, the University's bargain-
ing team suggested bringing in a state-
provided mediator, a maneuver that
union members said signified an inabili-
ty to communicate.
"Mediators come in when there is a
belief that the break-down in bargaining
comes from problems communicating," GEO Chief Negotiator
and Rackham student Alyssa Picard said, adding that GEO
members do not agree that a mediator would solve the troubles
between the union and the University. "In our case, that's not
what is going on. What is going on is that they don't want to
put the money into childcare. We don't think we're having
trouble communicating."
University spokeswoman Julie Peterson said the University
See GEO, Page 7
LSA junior Galy Guzman and Engineedng senior Naween Somani, a member of the Indian
Student Association, talk yesterday at the Campus Summit.
CCIapus Sullmit
i i
stresses diversity,
leader connection
Regents discuss issues
with students at chat
By Kara Wenzel
Daily Staff Reporter
In an attempt to help students understand what the
University Board of Regents is and what they do, the
Michigan Student Assembly's communications com-
mittee held a fireside chat for students and regents to
get to know each other last night.
Regents S. Martin Taylor (D-Grosse Pointe
Farms), Andrea Fischer-Newman (R-Ann Arbor),
Kathy White (D-Ann Arbor) and Larry Deitch (D-
Bingham Farms) answered questions about topics as
diverse as their favorite college memory to what the
Board of Regents does.
Taylor explained that the regents are like the board
of directors at a corporation. "We appoint the presi-
dent of the University, set the salary of the President
and generally govern the University," Taylor said.
White is currently taking time off from her profes-
sorship at Wayne State University to serve as a White
House Fellow, a unique opportunity she explained to
the students. "About 11 to 19 people come from
around the country to serve in high level offices to
work on policy issues," she said. "I work with the
Secretary of Agriculture."
White said she is really enjoying her job. "Later in
your career you're going to want to do this," she said.
Taylor told students that lately the bulk of the
regents' time is spent on selecting a new president.
"We have also spent a lot of time on the affirma-
tive action lawsuits," Newman said. "But we also do
things like set the calendar and decide whether or not
the bathrooms will be redone in your dorms."
One student asked the regents why they recently
instated committees and a chair and vice chair posi-
tion on the board.
"In all the other universities in that state of
Michigan, you won't find one that operates the way
we do (without committees or chairs)," Taylor said.
"Pure and simple, it's a matter of good gover-
White said the president having to talk to eight
By Karen Schwartz
Daily Staff Reporter
Interaction with students of different
ethnicities can be rare in the early years
of a student's University experience,
attendees of a Campus Summit said last
Leaders from over 30 student organi-
zations came together with faculty, staff
and administrators last night to discuss
promoting diversity, dialogue and inte-
gration on campus.
The Campus Summit was designed as
a means of building unorthodox connec-
tions across campus and between stu-
dent leaders.
The over 50 participants addressed
questions of cultural separation and
interaction between students as well as
how and when to most effectively affect
students and raise cultural diversity
awareness campus-wide.
"I don't think there has really been a
.F...., 1.. - -4-.41- n- - +-+'-t
address this issue on a larger scale,"said
Arti Desai, president of Mortar Board,
one of the groups that co-sponsored the
event. Desai, an LSA senior, added that
the summit is a way to unite the campus
to participate in a necessary discussion
and a way to help move the ideas from
conversation topics to action.
"People talk about it in small groups,
with friends or in student organizations,
but they don't necessarily talk between
groups or with administration."
For LSA freshman Nancy Stano, the
event was an important chance to dis-
cuss what hinders people in their
attempts to interact and get to know
eachother. It also was a chance to find
ways to help students overcome these
hindrances and look for the uniqueness
in others.
"Students have to want to get to know
each other and to appreciate the differ-
ences in one another," she said. "Stu-
dents and groups have to appreciate their
-. n U5MRAIT D-ne7
Regent Larry Deitch (DBingham Farms) participated in
yesterday's fireside chat with the Board of Regents.
regents individually was unwieldy, so having a chair
helps the board organize.
"We all still have a vote each," Taylor said. "There
See FIRESIDE, Page 7
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