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March 08, 2002 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-03-08

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March 8, 2002

Vol IXl X1 0 it ,. IBc ISM

bill gains
By Loule MeIzibsh
Daily Staff Reporter
An agreement struck last month to
maintain the University's current level
of funding from the state while limiting
tuition increases to less than 8.5 percent
has broad support in the state Legisla-
ture, several lawmakers said yesterday.
So far, the bill has already been
approved by the Senate and awaits
action by the House Appropriations
"I think things are pretty much
agreed to as far as getting the bill passed
and signed by the governor," said Sen.
John Schwarz (R-Battle Creek), chair of
the Senate Appropriations Subcommit-
tee on Higher Education.
If the proposal sails through as
expected, the University's appropriation
from the state for the next fiscal year,
which begins Oct. 1, will be $363.6 mil-
lion, the same amount it received for the
current fiscal year. The agreement was
made towards the end of last month
when the heads of Michigan's 15 uni-
versities promised to limit their tuition
increases in exchange for not seeing any
cuts in their state appropriations.
Marilyn Knepp, associate vice presi-
dent for budget, planning and adminis-
tration, said the University should have
no problem keeping tuition increases
within the 8.5 percent limit.
"The recommendation (interim Presi-
dent B. Joseph White) and interim
Provost (Paul) Courant will take to the
Board of Regents will definitely be
below 8.5 percent for most students,"
she said.
But, Sen. Alma Wheeler Smith (D-
Salem Twp.), ranking Democrat on the
Senate Appropriations Committee, cau-
tioned that the state may be setting itself
up for cuts in higher education funding
in the future. "We're using one-time only
money to hold everyone harmless;' she
said, referring to the use of the state's
rainy day fund and Medicaid trust fund
dollars as well as tobacco settlement
money for the higher education budget.
"Next year if we don't see a remarkable
rebound in the economy, institutions will
see cuts in their budget."
This is in stark contrast to the higher
education appropriations process for the
current fiscal year which was not
resolved until just before the Oct. 1,
2001 deadline.
"This is pretty historic where all the
presidents got together and agreed
ahead of time - they had zero dollars
added and none taken away in exchange
for a cap on tuition increases," said Rep.
Paul DeWeese (R-Williamston), a mem-
ber of the House higher education sub-
committee. "That's never happened
before. Everyone thought this was a
win-win situation." f
The Senate subcommittee will be
hearing testimony from several universi-
ty heads, including the University of
Michigan's White, today at 9:30 a.m. in
the Clements Library.

Patriotic flare

Barry selected

as new head


Life Sciences

By Shannon Pettypiece
Daily Staff Reporter

Deputy General Counsel Liz Barry will be
leaving the legal world to fill the position of man-
aging director of the Life Sciences Institute.
"I am really pleased to have this opportunity to
be a part of this exciting venture at the very
beginning," Barry said. "I am really looking for-
ward to drawing upon my administrative ability I
have gained here at the University."
In addition to serving as a top administrator for
the Office of the General Counsel, Barry also
served on the team of lawyers defending the Uni-
versity's use of race in admissions.
Barry said she enjoys her position with the
general counsel, but was unable to pass up an
opportunity to work in the life sciences.
"I have really enjoyed the work that I have been
doing in the general counsel's office and that is
why it is hard to leave something that had been so
pleasing. This is just a unique opportunity to
make a significant contribution to the University,"
Barry said.
Although Barry has spent most of her career
practicing law, she said her experience as a senior
administrator has given her the skills needed to
succeed at her new position.
"What convinced me to take on this position is
the real potential to make a meaningful difference
with the life sciences. The University is one of the
very few places that is really poised to do the best

"... She was just at the
head of the class. On a
scale of one to 10, she
was a 12.
-Jack Dixon
Co-director of the Life Sciences Institute
in this area, and I am really excited to be a part of
this venture," Barry said. "My position for the
institute is going to be forms of support for the
scientific staff by taking on the administrative
The position of managing director came out of
a structural redesign made after the previously
appointed co-director Scott Emr, a medical pro-
fessor at the University of California at San
Diego, decided not to come to the University.
Jack Dixon, co-director of the Life Sciences
Institute, said he selected Barry based on her
extensive range of skills and talents.
"I got to know her over the last year and every
time I've met with her and talked with her I was
always impressed with how intelligent she was
and how quick she caught on to things. She has a
great style, she is well organize and extremely
thoughtful," Dixon said.
Dixon added that even though Barry is coming
See BARRY, Page 7

Signs of patriotism have increased across campus since Sept. 11.
inside: Patriotism may be more visible, but some question its validity. Page 3.

unit assists in
suspect search
By Mraret Engoren
Daily St Reporter
Responding to increased criminal activities in University residence
halls, the Department of Public Safety has created a canine unit. Two
tracking and bomb-sniffing dogs currently assist police when investi-
gating criminal activities on campus.
"We have considered a canine squad for a few years, but increased
campus crime forced us to hasten our plans," DPS Director Bill Bess
said. The dogs were purchased in February.
In addition to the new canine unit, which Bess stressed "is only used
to track suspects and investigate campus crime - not to search for
drugs," DPS has increased the number of police patrolling residence
halls and has instituted a 24-hour locked door policy.
"It is much more effective for DPS to increase the number of police
patrolling the residence halls than it is for the residence halls to be
locked 24-hours a day," LSA sophomore Kevin Gray said. "More
police may deter crime, but the locked doors don't because people are
able to get in by following after students who swipe their cards."
The overall crime rate is not significantly higher this year than it has
been during the last few years, but the number of peeping tom cases
has increased, Housing Security Director Ian Steinman said.
The increasing crime rate has also forced the University to explore a
number of other security options, Bess said.

5.5 hours of
time added
By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
Graduate Employee Organization members' estimates of
whether their planned strike would become an actualization
rose from "very likely" to "100 percent" at last night's bar-
gaining session. Despite the GEO and University bargaining
teams' agreement to 5.5 hours of addi-
tional bargaining time this weekend,
the statement was the strongest yet that
negotiations are not going positively.
Though GEO members could not
comment on the exact reason for the
change in estimates, they said the Uni-
versity's bargaining team indirectly asked for the shift to
"The University dared us (to strike)," GEO President and
Rackham student Cedric de Leon said.
Now that the union's membership has officially voted in
favor of taking Monday's work action, only two things stand
in the way of the walk-out - the bargaining sessions now
planned for Saturday and Sunday.
At a press conference yesterday morning, GEO Chief
Negotiator and Rackham student Alyssa Picard said in order
See GEO, Page 7

The bulletin board outside of the East Quad Security Office features
police sketches and reward posters for suspects in the recent home
Invasions. .
"We understand the current criminal behavior in the residence
halls is unacceptable," Bess said. "Peeping toms, thefts, break-ins
and assaults have gotten a lot of publicity. We are working with
the community to stop this."
The most important thing the University community can do is to
understand the risk and act accordingly, Steinman said.
"We have sent two mass e-mails to all residence hall residents
alerting them to the current situation and what they can do to
protect themselves," Steinman said. "Students need to know to
lock their doors and to report suspicious people in their residence
See SAFETY, Page 7

Gramlich: New policies
need long-term focus

Film Festival marks 40
year anniversary in AZ
By Andy TaylorFabe
Daily Film Editor Festival events

By Ted Borden
Daily Staff Reporter

In a speech to the Senate Banking Commit-
tee yesterday, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan
Greenspan gave his most upbeat assessment of
the economy in over a year, stating he believed
a recovery from recession is currently under-
way. Meanwhile, on campus, government poli-
cy experts from the Federal Reserve discussed
the success and failure of recession-related
government policies and mused on the current
state of the economy.
"The downturn wasn't so bad and we seem
to be going up again," Edward Gramlich,
member of the Federal Reserve Board of Gov-
ernors and former dean of the School of Pub-
lic Policy, said. "The recession has put
economic policy-making back on the table."
Gramlich, along with Paul McCracken, dis-
tinsuished nrofessor at the Business School.

and Michael Moskow, president and chief exec-
utive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago, weighed in on the policies of reces-
sions past and present in the panel "Policies to
Escape Recession: What Should We Do?"
Gramlich stressed that policies need to
focus on the long-term and said that "the most
important variable is growth of productivity,"
which in turn influences the federal budget.
"The general budget needs to be balanced
over the long run," he said, although he added
that deficits will occur and are allowable in
times of recession. Policies need to be simple,
according to McCracken.
"If you devise the most artistic policy, Con-
gress will spend the next 10 years arguing
over it," he said. McCracken praised policies
of the 1990s, which resulted in economic sur-
pluses. He also pointed out that the economy
"generally tends toward reasonable stability
See GRAMUCH. Page 7

The 40th annual Ann Arbor Film Fes-
tival begins its week-long program this
Sunday with an opening gala at the
Michigan Theater. The festival, which is
one of the oldest in the country to deal
exclusively with 16 milimeter film,
attracts filmmakers from all over the
world, from Ann Arbor to Singapore,
and explores a variety of styles and
visual techniques, ranging from tradi-
tional narratives and documentaries to
experimental films to animation.
The screenings begin Monday night
and go until the following Saturday
with multiple shows each day in the
main theater of the Michigan Theater.
Although each of the 108 films is only
showed once, the winners of the
$18,000 prize money will have their
films screened on Sunday evening.

Edward Gramich, member of the Federal Reserve Board
of Governors, spoke yesterday afternoon on the state of

entries, the Michigan Theater's screen-
ing room will be used to celebrate the
history of the film festival by showing
over 50 alternative films, like "To War
or Not to War,' a film about conscien-
tious objectors, and previously released

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