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February 22, 2002 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-02-22

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 22, 2002


Afghan warlords rival for nower NEWS IN BRIEF -

v .1

WASHINGTON (AP) - Growing signs of insta-
bility in Afghanistan, where rival warlords are bat-
tling for power, threaten to propel the American
military into a bigger role in fending off chaos.
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who long
has argued against a U.S. peacekeeping role in
Afghanistan, said for the first time yesterday that
he was unsure whether that eventually might be
He said Afghanistan's interim leader, Hamid
Karzai, has good reason to worry about instability
because rival factions still are jostling for power, al-
Qaida and Taliban fighters remain on the loose and
Iran is creating trouble by spiriting weapons across
the border in support of factions opposed to Karzai.
"It's not a pretty picture," Rumsfeld told a Penta-
gon news conference.
Highlighting the problem, a U.S. official said the

Central Intelligence Agency is warning in a classi-
fied analysis that Afghanistan could descend into
civil war unless more is done soon to bring stability.
The report cites tensions between ethnic Uzbeks
and Tajiks in northern Afghanistan - two groups
that made up much of the U.S.-supported northern
alliance - and in regions where no clear leader took
power, said the U.S. official, speaking on the condi-
tion of anonymity.
More-stable regions include the capital of Kabul,
although even there Karzai earlier this week
accused high-ranking members of his own adminis-
tration of a personal feud that led to the mob killing
of the civil aviation and tourism minister at the
Kabul airport last week. Karzai's Foreign Minister
Abdullah, however, publicly discounted those
claims, saying the minister was killed by a crowd of
would-be Islamic pilgrims angry over flight delays

to Saudi Arabia.
Also in Kabul, gunmen opened fire on a British
patrol and the British returned fire, a peacekeepers'
spokesman said yesterday. It was the second such
incident in less than a week.
In the north, thousands of ethnic Pashtuns are
fleeing, claiming that anti-Taliban commanders
have been inciting people to loot their homes and,
in some cases, kill Pashtuns, a U.N. spokesman said
An additional concern for the United States is that
some anti-Taliban warlords have tried to create situa-
tions in which U.S. firepower is used against rival
Afghan forces, making it appear the U.S. military is
taking sides in civil conflict.
"It's in our interests as a country to take the kinds
of steps ... to assist that country in providing a more
stable and secure environment," Rumsfeld said:

Colombian jets heavly
bomb revolutionanes

Arafat calls for peace after bloodshed *
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat repeated a call to halt violence yesterday, and
his security forces arrested three suspects in the assassination of an Israeli Cabinet
minister, one of Israel's conditions for releasing Arafat from a two-month siege.
Arafat's West Bank office was among the targets of Israeli air strikes yesterday,
the third day of punishing Israeli reprisals for Palestinian attacks. Four Palestinian
civilians, three gunmen and an Israeli Arab were killed and two Israeli soldiers
were wounded in the day's bloodshed.
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said in a nationally televised speech and news
conference that his government would set up buffer zones to separate Israel and
the Palestinian ruled areas to provide security.
Palestinian security took a step toward easing tensions by arresting three sus-
pects in the Oct. 17 assassination of Israeli Cabinet minister Rehavam Zeevi, ful-
filling a key Israeli condition for removing the tanks besieging Arafat's
headquarters in Ramallah. Sharon spokesman Ranaan Gissin said the three must
be put on trial before the blockade would be ended.
Israeli air strikes against Palestinian security buildings in the West Bank and
Gaza continued until midday.
Bush fails to dissuade China of missile sales
President Bush failed to persuade China yesterday to halt sales of missile
technology, an issue of rising importance as the United States fights its war on
Bush was ending his six-day Asia tour today with a visit to the Great Wall
and an appeal to Chinese young people to embrace human rights and reli-
gious tolerance.
"No nation is exempt from the demands of human dignity" Bush said in a joint
news conference yesterday with Chinese President Jiang Zemin.
Bush was unable to win China's agreement on halting the sale of missile and
nuclear technology to Iran, Pakistan, North Korea and other nations. Iran and
North Korea, along with Iraq, make up the "axis of evil" that Bush has targeted
for the next phase of his drive to wipe out terrorism.
The United States says China, reneging on a pledge in November 2000, helped
Pakistan last year with missile expertise and provided equipment or technology to
North Korea, Iran and Libya.

(AP) - Military jets flew hundreds of sorties
against a major rebel stronghold yesterday, bring-
ing Colombia's 38-year civil war into a potentially
bloodier phase after the peace process was abrupt-
ly halted.
Bombs were falling on rebel territory just
hours after President Andres Pastrana - angered
by a rebel hijacking of a civilian airliner -
broke off peace talks and condemned the rebel
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or
The government ordered 13,000 troops to advance
on the rebel stronghold, and three planeloads of
counterinsurgency troops landed at an airport in Flo-
rencia, a three-hour drive to the west.
Army officials said 85 targets were hit in more
than 200 sorties against the rebel safe haven, a
Switzerland-sized area that was the site of the
peace negotiations. The government did not
comment on casualties, but there were uncon-

firmed reports that the aerial bombardment hit
the tiny hamlet of Rubi, killing and injuring
A woman reached by two-way radio in Rubi said a
boy about 4 years old and an adult were killed and
four people were wounded. The woman, who gave
her name only as Adriana, pleaded for medical sup-
plies. Officials in San Vicente del Caguan, the rebel
zone's main town, said they would try to send an
ambulance at daylight.
The warplanes' targets included clandestine
airstrips and rebettraining camps in the zone, which
Pastrana ceded the area to the FARC in November
1998 in an effort to bring the 16,000-strong rebel
army to the negotiating table. The rebel haven in
southern Colombia is sparsely populated, with about
100,000 people.
A top army commander predicted a bloody fight,
but there were no signs that military troops had yet
entered the zone.
"It's dicey, and we will surely suffer casualties, but

Blanca Escandon lies on the road after being
shot by rebels of the Revolutionary Armed
Forces of Colombia, at a guerrilla roadblock.
we have a moral obligation to win this war," Gen.
Euclides Sanchez told Caracol Radio.
Residents in San Vicente del Caguan posted white
flags at their homes. "The white flags symbolize
peace. We, don't want anything to happen," said
homemaker Amelia de Ficaro.

China's Olympic spending to beautify Beijing

The Los Angeles Times

To understand why San Diego-based
Cubic Transportation Systems has
made China a top priority, take a look
at the to-do list for the 2008 Summer
Olympics. It includes a $1 billion plan
to add at least 60 miles of track and 60
stations to Beijing's subway system.
For Cubic, which produces high-tech
fare-collection systems, that job alone
would be comparable to outfitting the
entire Los Angeles subway system.
As Salt Lake City winds up its
Olympic debut, companies such as
Cubic are looking ahead to the grand
prize: Beijing 2008. Even in the
hyped-up, world bound by the five
interlocking rings of the Olympics,

China is big - very, very big. China's
$23-billion budget is more than seven
times as large as Salt Lake City's and
Sydney's in 2000, more than five times
the projected spending for Athens,
Greece, in 2004 and 32 times what Los
Angeles spent in 1984.
The differences in costs are Olympian
because Beijing, unlike the other cities,
has so far to go to provide the basics. To
win the coveted Olympics bid, Chinese
officials agreed to spend more than $20
billion just on infrastructure, building an
Olympic village with an 80,000-seat sta-
dium, tripling the miles of the city's
expressways and cleaning up one of the
world's most polluted cities.
To fulfill those lofty ambitions,
China has agreed to turn its capital into

a giant construction zone. The $480
million Olympic village - designed
by Baltimore urban design company
RTKL - is one of 37 Olympic venues
spread between Beijing and five other
cities. China is spending billions of
dollars to divert water from southern
China to parched northern China, relo-
cating thousands of polluting factories
from Beijing to the hinterlands, adding
400 bus lines and investing $3.6 billion
in high-tech gadgetry, including a digi-
tal network capable of HDTV trans-
mission for all Olympic venues.
For months, the Beijing Olympic
Organizing Committee has been enter-
taining a stream of foreign delegations.
The best opportunities for foreign
companies appear to be in project

management, construction, transporta-
tion and services such as financing,
tourism and environmental technology.
"China is making all the right moves
trying to spur international competi-
tion," said Steve Shewmaker, a senior
vice president at Cubic.
"The time to start talking with Bei-
jing about the Olympics is now, not in
three or four years," said Patrick Pow-
ers, director of China operations for the
U.S.-China Business Council, who met
with Beijing Mayor Liu Qi, also head
of the Olympic Committee , last fall.
"They're moving forward with their
plans the first half of this year, and
there is already significant competition
for the committee's attention from
major corporations and governments."

Support withdrawn
from Sudan civil war
The United States announced yester-
day it was suspending efforts to help
broker an end to Sudan's nearly two
decade civil war after government heli-
copter gunships attacked civilians wait-
ing for food at a U.N. site, killing at
least 17 people.
Wednesday's attack on the World Food
Program depot in Bieh, in the oil-rich
western Upper Nile area, was swiftly
condemned by U.N. officials and the
United States, which has tried unsuccess-
fully in recent months to get Khartoum to
halt bombardment of civilian targets.
"We don't see how we can pursue
(peace efforts) if these kinds of attacks
are going to continue," State Depart-
ment spokesman Richard Boucher said
in Washington. "But we want a full
explanation." The Sudanese govern-
ment offered no immediate comment
about the attack.
Ex-priest sentenced
to nine to 10 years
A former priest who has become a
central figure in a sexual abuse scandal
that has shaken Boston's Roman
Catholic community was sentenced to
the maximum of nine to 10 years yes-
terday for fondling a 10-year-old boy.
Former priest John Geogan "hid
behind his collar" and his position in
the church to prey on young boys,

Judge Sandra Hamlin said in announc-
ing the sentence.
She detailed Geoghan's admissions
of molesting other children and psycho-
logical evaluations citing his lack of
concern for his victims and his tenden-
cy to blame them for his acts as evi-
dence he was not a candidate for
Under the sentence, Geoghan could
be eligible for parole in six years. The
judge ordered strict monitoring after
any later release.
Former Nazi guard's
citizenship revoked
A federal judge stripped John Dem-
janjuk of his U.S. citizenship for the
second time yesterday in his 25-year
battle with the Justice Department,
declaring that "devastating" testimony
confirms the retired autoworker was a
Nazi death camp guard.
The ruling against the 81-year-old
Demjanjuk sets in a motion a years-
long process that could end in his sec-
ond expulsion from the United States.
"The government has proven by clear,
convincing and unequivocal evidence
that defendant assisted in the persecution
of civilian populations during World War
II," U.S. District Judge Paul Matia said.
The Ukrainian immigrant has main-
tained that he was a prisoner of war.
But the judge said that World War II-
era documents, including a military
service pass, prove that Demjanjuk
worked in Nazi camps.
- Compiledfrom Daily wire reports.


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