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February 21, 2002 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-02-21

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2B - The Michigan Daily - Weekeld Mavaite - Thursday, February 21, 2002

The Michigan Daily - Weekeld Magaziie -

Ran doms want USA
to win more medals

By Manish R4a1i
Daily Arts Writer

The Michigan Daily: Hello, is
Daniel there, and if so, may I speak with
Random: This is he.
TMD: Hi, This is Manish with The
Michigan Daily. You've been chosen for
Weekend Magazine's random student
interview. Do you have a little bit to do
R: How much time will it take?
TMD: About 10 minutes, maybe 12.
R: OK, I'll do it.
TMD: Have you heard about all this
crap going on down in Georgia right
R: Uhh ... no.
TMD: It's that guy, he runs a ceme-
tery and instead of cremating the bodies,
he just shoved them in a box.
R: Oh yeah, I've heard of that ...
that's weird.
TMD: No kidding. The reason why I
ask is because I'd like to know: When
you die, would you rather your body be
buried, cremated, mummified or left in


the woods for the wild dogs to eat?
R: (laughter) I'd rather be buried.
TMD: Why's that?
R: I just think it's the proper way to
go, after you're dead.
TMD: Why is being buried more
proper than being cremated?
R: That's just a personal thing, it
depends on what the person wants for
TMD: On the theme of dying ... have
you seen the "Rosie O'Donnell Show?"
R: Yeah, I've seen it ... I don't watch
TMD: That's OK, as long as you
know who Rosie O'Donnell is. If the last
thing you can do before dying is have an
intimate (and I mean intimate) moment
with Rosie O'Donnell or else consume
three gallons of Meijer brand dog food,
which would you choose?
R: (laughter) That's a tough choice ...
ummmm ... I don't know, I guess I think
I'd go with talking to her.
TM: Oh, this isn't about talking to
her, my man. This is about having an
intimate moment with her. A really, real-
ly intimate moment.
R: Geez, I don't know ...
TMD: Intimate moment with Rosie
O'Donnell or three gallons of dog food.
R: I just don't know if I could pick.
TMD: I tend to agree with you ...
how could you pick between O'Donnell
and dog food? Impossibility, I think I'd
just bite the bullet and kill myself. So let
me ask you a personal question: Are you
slightly embarrassed to be an American,
knowing that the Germans are beating
the crap out of us in the Olympics?
R: No. But in your own country, it
would be nice if we won more medals
than everyone else.
TM]D: Do you know what "WWJD"
stands for?
R: I don't know what it stands for but
I've heard of it before. It something reli-
gious, right?
TMD: Yeah, it means "What Would
Jesus Do?" What do you think Jesus
would do if he saw that the Germans
were beating the crap out of us in the
R: I don't know, he probably doesn't
play favorites, he probably just watches,
just like everyone else. He probably
doesn't root for anyone.
TMD: Do you believe in Jesus?
TMD: On a scale of I to 10, 10 being
"extremely" and I being "not at all":
How pissed would you be if I told you
that I'm from MCI and this whole
"interview" nonsense was just a way of
keeping you on the phone so that I can
now offer you a great deal on local
phone service?
R: (laughter) Probably a 10. Yeah, I'd
be pissed if you were from MCI.
TM: Because, seriously ... have
you ever thought about all the money
you might save if you switched? I could
offer you a great deal ..' what phone
service are you using right now?
R: I have no idea, it's provided by the
University. Is this really about phone
TMD: No, I really am with the
Michigan Daily, so you don't have to be
pissed at all.

Sign Estelman signs copies of his book
"Sinister Heights"; Morgan signs copies of
her book "Death Is A Cabaret." 1:30 p.m.,
Aunt Agatha's Books, 213 S. Fourth, free;
Amelle See Thursday. State Theater, 1:45,
4, 6:45 & 9:15 p.m.
Gosford Park See Thursday. State Theater,
2, 4:30, 7 & 9:30 p.m.
Lantana See Friday. Michigan Theater, 4,
6:45 & 9:15 p.m.
Monster's Ball See Thursday. Michigan
Theater, 4, 7:00 & 9:30 p.m.
Paradime, Dirty Americans P-Dime straight
out of D-town. The Blind Pig, 208 S. 1st
St., 10 p.m. $6 ($8 under 21) 996-8555.
Ten Words for Snow Melodic Eskimo guitar
rock. Elbow Room, Ypsilanti, 10 p.m. $5
Reggae Ambassada Reggae to da max,
man. T.C.'s Speakeasy, Ypsilanti 10:30
p.m. $3 4834470.

Elizabeth Rex See Thursday.

Britney Spears and her trashy friends prepare for their explicit sex scene that will be in



Cavafy's World See Thursday.

Women Who Ruled: Queens, Goddesses,
Amazons 1500-1650 See Thursday.
Joseph Cummine Signs Cummine signs
copies -of his book "The Snow Train." 2
p.m., Barnes & Noble Bookstore, 3245
Washtenaw, free; 677-6475.
Amelie See Thursday. State Theater, 1:45,

Amelie See Thursday. State Theater, 6:45
& 9:15 p.m.
Gosford Park See Thursday. State Theater,
7 & 9:30 p.m.
Lantana See Friday. Michigan Theater,
6:45 & 9:15 p.m.
Monster's Ball See Thursday. Michigan
Theater, 7:00 & 9:30 p.m.
Lucie Blue Tremblay, Vickie Shaw

$20 ($15 student) 761-1451.
Avant Mondays: Lipson, Miller, Pearle &
Wallace Trumpet, viola, violin and bass get
together for an evening of oddity. The
Firefly Club, 207 S. Ashley St., 8 p.m. $5
0 This can only mean one thing, no expla-
nation required. Tap Room, Ypsilanti 9:30
p.m. Free 482-5320.
Women Who Ruled: Queens, Goddesses,
Amazons 1500-1650 See Thursday.

Bell Hooks Reads Hooks reads from and
signs copies of her book "Communion: The
Female Search For Love." 7 p.m., Borders
Books & Music, 612 E. Liberty, free; 668-
Amelie See Thursday. State Theater, 6:45
& 9:15 p.m.
Gosford Park See Thursday. State Theater,
7 & 9:30 p.m.
Lantana See Friday. Michigan Theater,
6:45 & 9:15 p.m.
Monster's Ball See Thursday. Michigan
Theater, 7:00 & 9:30 p.m.

4, 6:45 & 9:15 p.m.
Gosford Park See Thursday. State Theater,
2, 4:30, 7 & 8:30 p.m.
Lantana See Friday. Michigan Theater,
5:30 p.m.
Monster's Ball See Thursday. Michigan
Theater, 8:30 p.m.
Voices on the Verge Standing on the verge
of getting it on . The Ark, 316 S. Main St.,
7:30 p.m. $11 761-1451.
Phil Ogilvie's Rhythm Kings Knowledge is
KING! The Firefly Club, 207 S. Ashley St. 5
p.m. $7. 665-9090.
"Open Mic Side Show" Side show? Ooo, I
hope there is a bearded lady. Mom?. T.C.'s
Speakeasy, Ypsilanti 9 p.m. $2 483-4470.
Elizabeth Rex See Thursday, 2 p.m.
Cavafy's World See Thursday.
Women Who Ruled: Queens, Goddesses,
Amazons 1500-1650 See Thursday.

Paccinnatc fnll< frnm I uric and IcChinn - '

rdsUidte IU I U I Lui.e dnl U ICsUndI"
recovering Baptist comedy from Vickie BOOKS FireyJazz Jam Session Break out your
Shaw. The Ark, 316 S. Main St., 8 p.m. BOKFrey

Happy Birthday!
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Stuart Townsend experiences a Lester Burnham moment on crack courtesy Aaliyah in "Queen of the Damned."

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