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February 21, 2002 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2002-02-21

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 21, 2002 - 7A
U.S. pledges to retrieve all kdnapped citizens

WASHINGTON (AP) -The Bush adminis-
tration, in a policy shift, pledged yesterday to
"make every effort" to gain the release of any
* American kidnapped overseas, placing new
emphasis on private citizens.
Previously, the U.S. government focused on
protecting its diplomats and workers around the
world and didn't review every private kidnap-
ping case "to the extent to which it would be
examined now," State Department Richard
Boucher said.
But in a restatement of a long-standing U.S.
position, the administration ruled out paying
ransom or making other concessions, and it
advised corporations with kidnapped employ-
ees to do the same.

"Paying ransom, allowing the terrorist to
acquire benefits from hostage taking, only
encourages further hostage taking," said
Richard Boucher, the State Department
The new U.S. policy was put this way:
"The U.S. government will make every
effort, including contact with representatives
of the captors, to obtain the release of
hostages without making concessions to the
The U.S. government - despite its strict no-
ransom policy - could become involved in
hostage-taking cases in which companies end
up paying millions of dollars for the release of
private Americans.

"What may be a little different now is to say
we will look at every kidnapping and every
hostage-taking to consider what the U.S. gov-
ernment can do to gain the safe return of the
individual, whether it's an official American or
a private American," Boucher said.
Boucher also said the U.S. government
would emphasize the arrest afterward of kid-
nappers, who he said "go from one crime to
another, if they keep getting away with it."
Last year, an oil consortium paid a reported
$13 million ransom to free seven foreign oil
workers in Ecuador - including four Ameri-
cans. The governments of Ecuador and
Colombia later arrested a gang of 57 people
alleged to be the kidnappers, and said they

had been responsible for several previous kid-
nappings, too.
Yesterday's statement is the result of a review
of a 1995 policy begun at the National Security
Council in the closing days of the Clinton
administration. It reflects a consensus within
government agencies that include the State
Department, CIA, the Pentagon, the Justice
Department and the FBI, and it was approved
by President Bush.
A senior U.S. official said there were some
disagreements among various officials, but
none of a major nature. A second official,
speaking on condition of anonymity, described
some of the internal exchanges as vigorous and
said the Pentagon was particularly adamant in

urging careful consideration of when military
force might be employed.
As a result of the new policy, a committee of
officials known as the Hostage Subgroup, will
be required to examine every case in which an
American is taken hostage overseas.
"We will try to react with every appropriate
resource to get the American back," Boucher
"It may be pounding on a foreign ministry
door; it may be working with law enforcement
authorities - but we're going to look and see
what we can do to get Americans who are
being held out of detention,"he said.
The spokesman also left open the possibility
of using force.

Continued from Page 1A
ation room are expected to be added to the commons in the
near future. He said the renovations will likely begin dur-
ing the summer but first need the approval of the Universi-
ty Board of Regents.
"Each stage will take a while. It should take a year or
two to go through all the stages," Tubbs said.
The recreation room will include pool tables and an
area for studying. In addition, the offices that now occu-
py the first floor of Pierpont will be moved to the base-
ment to make room for the renovations.
"We're trying to make the main floor more of a stu-
dent-friendly environment," Tubbs said.
In addition to the improvements made to the first
floor, there are also plans to redesign the ground level
of the commons. Currently, Leonardo's, the restaurant
area in the lower level or Pierpont, is used by various
musical groups for performances including jazz, open
mic, improvisational and local bands.
"Espresso Royale Cafe will be moved back to create a

larger open area for bands to perform' said Tubbs.
Improvements are also being made by the residence
halls on North Campus. Bursley Residence Hall recent-
ly redesigned its Northbar convenience store to create
The Blue Apple. The grand opening took place on Mon-
day with a live band, food and a raffle. The renovations
have created a more lounge-like atmosphere outside the
store, and more items have been added to the store.
Bursley and Baits activities are also offered once a
month to all residents.
"Bursley has one of the strongest communities for a
residence hall," said Timothy Winslow, president of
Residence Hall Association.
Students gave various suggestions in improving the
general community of North Campus.
"If they added more places to eat, that would be a lot
better," said LSA freshman Adrienne Kraft.
Many shared sentiments that while activities are
offered on North Campus, most end up seeking enter-
tainment elsewhere.
Winslow added, "If you want to party, you have to go
to Central Campus."

Passing by

the michigan daily

Pedestrians walk by a homeless man on the corner of State and Washington streets yesterday. The man sits against the
building that used to house Olga's Restaurant. Future plans for the site designate it as a retail and apartment complex.

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Continued from Page 1A
pension of classes. Instructors will be more qualified if
GEO's requests concerning training, pay and budgeting
are met, he explained.
Undergraduate support is crucial to GEO's efforts
and is already widespread in the student body, he said,
citing the approval of the Michigan Student Assembly,
LSA Student Government and Students Organizing for
Labor and Economic Equality. SOLE has offered to
speak to classes on how undergraduates will benefit
from GEO's struggle.
"Members of SOLE have been amazing in helping
us," de Leon said.
GEO's "strike package," a list of top priorities the
union is willing to strike over, was also approved at the

two membership meetings. The package includes:
a 24-hour child care center;
a greater wage increase than last proposed by the
N an enforceable University commitment to non-dis-
more and better training for all GSIs regardless of
a commitment to the "slot system," which does not
take the cost of tuition into account in hiring, and
a consistent hourly pay rate for all GSIs.
Though discontent was voiced by some members
about the methods of voting used at last night's meet-
ing, most said afterwards that they were pleased.
"I thought they were pretty organized," said Rackham
student Julica Hermann. "The way they presented stuff
today helped me to feel confident in what I was voting

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Continued from Page 1A
required and eager to serve.
"If you say there is an enemy at
the doorsteps of this country no one
would hesitate to fight," Hussein
Although mandatory service is
not appealing for many citizens of
the countries where it is applied,
retired University history Prof. John
Shy said mandatory service could
benefit a country when it faces a
serious military threat.
"I think we could not have fought
the. second World War without
mandatory service," Shy said. "You
figure out how you do that without
volunteers - you couldn't have

waged an all-out war without it."
But mandatory service does have
its drawbacks because it creates a
military full of apathetic soldiers in
addition to inequalities between
those who can afford to defer serv-
ice by enrolling in a university, Shy
"It's not a very happy solution
because you get a lot of people that
are not strongly motivated. In fact,
most people don't want to be there.
But if the circumstances are such as
they were in the U.S. after Pearl
Harbor and as they are in Israel,
people - whether they want to be
there or not - are strongly pres-
sured to do what they are supposed
to do," Shy said.
Shy said he believes that the mili-

tary service requirement will soon
be eradicated in some European
"Most modern states have
dropped, or are in the process of
eliminating, the draft," Shy said. "If
you're going to have universal mili-
tary service you better have an all-
out need for manpower," Shy said.
But states that face a more press-
ing military situation are unlikely to
eliminate their service requirements
any time soon.
"Israel could not survive without
it. After all, they only have a few
million people anyway," Shy said.
"As long as the Sharon government
is in power they will continue to
have a significant military problem
on their hands."

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Continued from Page1A
what happened," he said.
He also addressed the image of the United States in
the Muslim world and argued against the idea that
America is hated because it is seen as free.
Turanni attributed anti-American sentimentslargely
to American foreign policy and the way the term
"democracy" is used and enforced.
He discussed situations in Iran and Zaire as well as
Nicaragua, citing instances when he said the U.S. has
been responsible for democratic and anti-democratic
influences that have shaped the modern history of these
"When people asked for democracy, we took away
their democratic government and we put back the dicta-
tor," he said, referring to a situation in Zaire. "It hap-
pens over years and years and anti-American sentiment
grows and grows."
News coverage of world events is also an issue,
Turanni said. He said that some events that make head-
lines for days in other places do not get noticeable cov-
erage in the American press.
He spoke about the $5 billion given to Israel annually,
and how the amount of money Americans put into the con-
flict is more than the total amount of money given to
Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean combined, with
the exception of Colombia and Egypt.
"These are facts and figures people from Pakistan to
Morocco know ... this is something that is daily news.

People are very very interested in that," he said.
"We are not disconnected from the world anymore,"
he said. "But before September 11th people thought
... we can be busy just reading our own news ... with-
out realizing how involved with the rest of the world
we are," he said.
LSA junior Fatina Abdrabboh said that following
Sept. 11 she feels it is essential to have speakers and
educational programs that explain Muslim perspectives.
"There's been a revival in curiosity about the Muslim
world and the Arab world in general," she said. "It's
key to understand the concerns of the Muslim people
regarding U.S. foreign policy."
Abdrabboh added that University students have the
responsibility to broaden their horizons and expand
their understanding of world views, including gaining
an understanding of the "hatred" that the many in the
Muslim world have for the United States. "Central to
all of this is U.S. foreign policy," she said.
For LSA sophomore Kirstn Tatar, the event was a
chance to get a different viewpoint on world events.
She said she wanted to see a perspective other than that
presented in the U.S. media because she said she feels
the media does not always present viewpoints held
"We're kind of self-centered so we need to listen to
people who've been and experienced other perspectives
to know what's really going on," she said. "Our politics
in our country affect people in other countries and we
should be able to know what's going on and decide if
we want to do something about it."

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Continued from Page 1A
through dialogue, not violence.
"If someone did resort to arson,
they do not have the support of

injuries, but no one else was hurt in
the blaze.
It took almost three hours and
.over 400,000 gallons of water to
extinguish the fire. It is unknown
yet whether the building can ever be

Eman said most of that work was
done away from headquarters. But,
he said the chapter was planning to
accept any aid that was offered.
"We're going to utilize the
resources of the United Way of

1Ikiilm. L.

QD dIA W n-IL r 1105 ,U;1 .f- I Ith

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