One hundred eleven years of editorrilfreedom .
CLASSIFIED: 764-0557
February 19, 2002
- -- --- - - -- - -- - -
* to plague
Residence hall invaded
yesterday, in spite of new
security measures
By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter
Despite an increase in security
and the locking of entry doors 24-
hours-a-day, East Quad Residence
Hall was struck yesterday morning
by a second home invasion in less
than three weeks.
At around 10:30 a.m., a person's
keys were stolen from a women's
shower while she was inside and used
to enter two residential rooms for rea-
sons of theft.
Personal items were also stolen from
another other unlocked room in East
Quad within close proximity to the
other two.
No perpetrators were observed in
the residence hall, and DPS has no sus-
DPS has been busier than usual this
academic year, trying to tackle the puz-
zle of 11 peeping-tom shower incidents
and 67 forced entries. This weekend,
DPS finally got a reward from their
investigation of the recent crime wave,
when three arrests were made in regard
to the incidents.
DPS spokeswoman Diane Brown
said that, while they are glad to have
suspects in custody, there are other
leads which are being followed that
* may lead to more arrests.
"We're one more step in that direc-
tion," Brown said.
The recent crime wave has forced
University Housing to increase security
around the residence halls.
Doors are now locked around the
clock and there has been an increase
of officers in some residence halls.
Despite some grumbling, the reaction
from students has been positive over-
"You can actually see the campus
police around. ... They're more visible
and accessible," LSA sophomore
Emily Guigelaar said.
Since December 2000, 37 LCD
projectors have also been stolen
from various University buildings.
Suspect Ronald Richardson, a 26-
year-old Ann Arbor resident, was
arrested early Sunday by the Washt-
enaw County Sheriff's office. DPS
issued a $500 reward for informa-
tion which they later increased to
$1,000 when eight projectors were
stolen in December 2001.
But DPS officials believe Richard-
son did not act alone
"The reward is still offered because
we believe other people are involved,"
Brown said.
Nineteen-year-old Ann Arbor resi-
dent Honar Jamal Zakholi was also
" brought into custody Saturday as a sus-
pect in the home invasion reported at
West Quad Residence on Feb. 6, when
an unknown person entered an
unlocked room. The suspect was dis-
covered by the resident said they were
looking for a friend. Nothing was
removed from the room.
Zakholi was arraigned Saturday and
released on bail Sunday. A date for a
preliminary hearing has yet to be set.
Brown said Zakholi is also being inves-
tigated as a possible suspect in other
When the victim of the West Quad
home invasion was asked how she felt
now that there was a suspect in cus-
tody, she said she was surprised
because it was the first time she heard
about it.
"They haven't given me a call," she
But, the LSA junior was very
impressed with the efficient work of
DPS in tracking down a suspect.
"I really didn't think it would be pos-
sible to catch anybody," she said.
Jermain Mills, also a 19-year-old
Ann Arbor resident, was arrested Fri-
day night after he was seen stealing a
wallet in the Shapiro Undergraduate
When DPS officers arrived, he
attempted to flee the scene, but was
eventually caught.
Mills was arraigned on Saturday on
By C. Price Jones
Daily Staff Reporter
LSA sophomore Tyra Saechao tapes a "Stop Hate" sign on her patio's sliding door to help raise awareness about campus
hate crimes.
Student groups attempt
toraise ht wrns
Spring break travelers returning
from sun, snow or their home town
will discover an entirely different
hanger - the new 97-gate, 1.5-mile
Edward H. McNamara Terminal at
Wayne County's Detroit Metropolitan
People arriving after Feb. 24
"will think they landed in a differ-
ent town," Michael Conway, direc-
tor of external relations for Detroit
Metro Airport, said. "You'd be real-
ly shocked. ... It's going to take a
little while to get used to it just
because it is different."
Many vacationers flying Northwest,
KLM or Continental will depart from
one of the older 103 gates inside the
Davey Terminal, and return to a newer
gate with different baggage claim belts
and parking garages at the new Mid-
field terminal.
Passengers parking and flying
before Feb. 24 will also land near the
new parking complex, far from where
they first parked.
"When you arrive, go to the domes-
tic arrivals level," Conway said. "There
will be a shuttle to the other parking
To help veteran travelers used to the
old airport layout accommodateD to
the newer areas Conway added that the
linear design of the building is very
simple, facilitated by "a mile and a half
of dual moving walkways."
Conway emphasized some other
changes taking place with the new
Big Changes at Metro:
Features of Midfield Terminal
The new mile-long terminal
includes dozens of moving walkways
with restrooms and shops at each
A 40-ft. diameter water fountain.
11,500-space parking deck with
self-pay stations.
Entrance to the terminal is on the
6th level of the parking deck.
p Drop-off is on the 4th level.
terminal concerning the extra bag-
gage claim belts and international
Problems with inadequate bag-
gage claim belts are going to be
resolved with 18 belts, plus the six
already existing in the old terminal,
he said, adding that not all of the
belts would need to be running to
meet capacity.
Because 10 of the gates will be used
for international flights, international
connections will be more easily avail-
able in the same concourse, Conway
The stress on University travelers
returning to exams and other work
could be exaggerated with the gate and
parking disorientation. But students
have mixed, though mostly optimistic,
feelings about the role of the new ter-
See AIRPORT, Page 7
By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
The next time students living in residence halls check
their mailboxes, all the usual assortment of junk mail
and bills will be accompanied by a bright red flyer, part
of the new "Stop Hate" campaign at the University.
The campaign was prompted by a recent derogatory
message scrawled across LSA freshman Alex Robin-
son's dry-erase board: "I hate niggers."
Though the message, accompanied with a drawing of
a German swastika, was erased by his neighbors before
Robinson had a chance to see them, he said he was still
shocked and angered by them. And though the incident
occurred three weeks ago, Robinson said it was a signal
of a larger problem that many thought had dwindled.
"I am over it. I've talked to my parents and every-
thing. I don't want to be nonchalant and say it's no big
deal because it is a big deal," Robinson said.
"I guess I've been sort of braced or prepared ... these
things can happen," he added.
But Robinson said the harassment sparked him to
speak out for other students who have been victims of
hate crimes but who have not reported them.
"After a couple days, I was more about action, what
can I do to respond," he said. "While this event is maybe
over, (racism) isn't over."
Robinson said the support of his family, friends
and classmates - especially those in his Psychology
120 class "I, Too, Sing America," which focuses on
race and racism - helped him to resolve the inci-
Presidential search process
opened to public discussion
By Kara Wenzel richesta fullestp cano be
Daily Staff Reporter " h n o lo l
The University Board of Regents' presidential
search advisory committee opened forums this
month for students, faculty, staff and community
members to discuss what type of University
president they want.
The committee, which is comprised of 16
members of the faculty, staff and student body,
first met Jan. 9. Members are working with A.T.
Kearney executive search firm to recommend
potential candidates to the regents, who have
final say in the decision.
Since the regents created the presidential
search committee at the end of last year, the two
groups have been in constant contact with each
other. By holding the forums, the committee is
trying to solicit input from the public about what
important characteristics the president should
"We are canvassing the higher education com-
munity looking for nominees who will eventual-
ly become candidates," Earl Lewis, Rackham
maintained with the highest confidentiality."
- Earl Lewis
Presidential Search Advisory Committee Chair
dean and chair of the PSAC, said.
"We are looking all over ... for someone who
has a full and deep understanding of higher edu-
cation. We're not excluding anyone," he added.
In the past, there have been upwards of 200
nominees for the search, and Lewis expects no
difference this time.
Unlike the previous presidential search, where
almost all information was public, confidentiali-
ty has been a major concern in this search.
Legally, the regents are under no obligation to
reveal candidates until they have decided on one
or more finalists.
"The richest and fullest pool can only be
maintained with the highest confidentiality,"
Lewis said. "The PSAC hopes to complete its
work by late spring or early summer, leaving the
regents to determine the new president and have
him or her in place by fall."
Last month, the regents released a list of crite-
ria they are looking for in a president of the Uni-
Among the criteria are a commitment to com-
prehensive diversity, but not a specific commit-
ment to uphold the practice of affirmative
Lewis said the outline is considered to be a
"skeleton" of the types of traits the new presi-
dent should have.
The public has been asking the committee to
"think about the meaning of diversity, affirma-
See SEARCH,Page 7
Ambassador speaks
about rights in India
Dental Prof. Michael ignelzi works in his office,
though research Is only part of his job.
Prof. praised
for creaivit
By Andrea Pappas
For the Daily
Assistant Dentistry Prof. Michael Ignelzi
will be awarded for his inventive teaching
style next month when he receives the
Charles Craig Teaching award from the
national dental honor society, Omicron Kappa
Building off of television game shows such as
"Jeopardy!," Ignelzi has brought the game show
dynamic of question and answer trivia into the
classroom - his creation, dental Jeopardy in a
PowerPoint format.
"I have three one-hour sessions to teach about
anomalies in children's mouths, such as texture,
shape, eruption and color," he said. "Because
there are between 100 and 105 students at a time,
this is a great way to break up the large group and
to encourage them."
The award was designed to recognize dental
educators who use innovative techniques in
teaching dentistry, which in turn motivates
students to be life long learners and dental
educators themselves.
Ignelzi said he is proud of the impact the award
will have on the University.
"Winning this award dismisses the idea that the
University is only about research. But, no, it is
also about quality teaching," Ignelzi said. "It is a
By Shabina S. Khatri
Daily Staff Reporter
Internationally acclaimed actress Sha-
bana Azmi received a standing ovation
yesterday as the University presented her
with the King/Chavez/Parks Visiting Pro-
fessorship Award.
Theatre Prof. Glenda Dickerson said
Azmi, who currently serves as an ambas-
sador to the United Nations and is a
member of the Indian Parliament,
received the award for her role in suc-
cessfully infusing multicultural content
into the educational system.
"The content of her films strikes at the
heart of oppression and is a catalyst for
change," Dickerson said.
Azmi delivered a keynote interview on
Asian film, as part of the Center for
South Asian Studies ongoing film and
popular culture series, entitled "Bolly-
wood and Beyond."
"For the people of my generation, Sha-
bana Azmi has redefined what acting has
come to mean. In combining art and
political activism she has made her mark
as a remarkable and inspiring public fig-
ure," South Asian Studies Director
Ashutosh Varshney said.
Azmi fielded questions about women's
rights, health care and underrepresented
"A woman should celebrate her body
with autonomy. When a film caters to the
male gaze by focusing only upon a
woman's swiveling hips or shaking navel,
she loses that autonomy," she said.
Shabana Azmi a IN sambass~ador zand member of India's