OP/ED 5A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 7, 2002 PART 1: CLASS STRUGGLE he Graduate Employees Organization, local 3550, is the union that represents all GSIs and GSAs at the University. This is the first of a series that will attempt to demystify+- and emphasize the importance - of the Graduate Emploees Organization. Part 1 will establish the historical context - withan editorial slant - of unionized University student-workers. GEO and the University are currently in the process of contract renego- tiations. GEOs contract with University was slated to expire an Feb 1, after what would be the 12th contract should have been negotiated. However, negotiations between GEO and the Univer- sity have not been going well. The contract has been extended for two weeks - to buy time. Now negotations have come ... D' GEO HISTORY-IN-BRIEF . m PART o a l3orand thetivefan editi ei f the itiA ntxtofGE a 35 ame Uii GEO Local 3550 and the University of Michigan: A student's primer n the winter of 1975, life at the Univer- sity was forever altered when the Grad- uate Employees Organization took the historic action of striking. After eight months of relatively fruitless negotiations with the University concerning the group's first contract, the union's membership voted 689 to 193 in support of a strike and for the next month Ann Arbor was inun- dated with picket lines, disrupted classes, arrests and posturing on both sides. The strike was finally ended when the adminis- tration and GEO settled upon a contract and the administration agreed that there would be no academic reprieves for those ho.supported the strike. GEG leadership rejoiced in the news, proclaiming "this is only the beginning." Over the past 30 years GEO has con- stantly fought for the recognition of unique role of graduate students play at the Uni- versity. As both employees of the Univer- sity and students their importance is often overlooked. The first attempts to organize a union were in 1970 in response to the decision of several departments to reduce funding allocation to Teaching Fellows - as GSIs were then called. Since the early days graduate student unions have continu- ously been confronted with obstacles, from an unreceptive student body to an adminis- tration unwilling to fairly negotiate. The first effort at unionization was unsuccessful when the Michigan Employ- mont Relations Committee refused to acknowledge the union. MERC ruled that Teaching Fellows in themselves could not be considered an acceptable body for collec- tive bargaining but if Staff Assistants and Research Assistants were included the orga- nization could hold a recognition election. Faced with the likelihood of an extended legal process the budding movement faded. However, when, the University announced a 24 percent increase in tuition coupled with no increases in TF salaries efforts to unionize were given a new impe- tus. The Organization of Teaching Fellows was created; the OTF's proposals included' an end to discriminatory hiring practices at the University, full tuition waivers and official recognition of the group. Eventual-' ly OTF expanded to incorporate RAs and SAs in its membership and changed its name to GEO. In 1974 GEO began the arduous process of negotiating its first contract with the University. Over the next eight months the Univer- sity refused to negotiate in good faith, arguing that graduate students were not employees despite the fact that they received compensation in return for their labor. In early 1975 GEO offered to enter into binding mediation with the University, a request that was denied outright. GEO proposals would have benefited the educa- tion of all University students, such as cap- ping class size at 25 students in most classes and at 20 in classes where discus- sion was essential. After the strike concluded and the antagonistic nature of the relationship between GEO and the administration was soothed, the effort to create a second con- tract began in 1976. The administration quickly demanded that GEO not pursue two grievances from the previous contract. In response, GEO filed an unfair labor practice complaint with MERC. The administration responded by arguing that GEO did not represent employees. After an extended series of trials, in 1980 a judge ruled that GEO did represent employees and the organization thus had collective bargaining power. Throughout the 1980s GEO continued to staunchly advocate proposals that improved the academic and educational experience of the University. Mandatory training for graduate instructors and the official recognition of affirmative action in hiring practices were both fruitful developments for GEO and the University as a whole. Despite the obstacle of often dealing with a hostile administration GEO was able to secure necessary wage and benefit increases. However, in both 1996 and 1999 GEO was forced to resort to walk-outs as des- perate measures to capture the attention of the University community and to illustrate their vital role at the University. The Uni- versity cannot be willing to sacrifice the quality of a significant part of undergradu- ates' education over the perfectly reason- able demands that GEO has set forth. The University issued a report on the undergraduate experience last semester. One of the most important part of the undergraduate experience is student- teacher interaction. GSIs teach mnore than fifty percent of contact hours at the Uni- versity. They cannot be overlooked. With the current GEO contract set to expire on the Feb. 15, it is imperative that the University finally recognize that the interests of GEO and the University are not mutually exclusive. If the University desires to continue its reputation of being at the forefront of academia it must be willing to increase compensation and bene- fits to attract the most dynamic and talent- ed graduate students. The mass unionization of GSIs across the country has proven to be an indicator of the value that graduate students bring to the educa- tional process - and of the value that uni- versities should place in them. FILE PHOTO After contract negotiations failed in 1996, members of the Graduate Employees Organization, the graduate student instructors' union, went on strike to protest. Grad students and unions: A thriving national tradition It was a busy year for progressive activists in the United States. In 1966, the Vietnam War was heating up and the opposition was growing, Huey New- ton's Black Panther Party was taking up arms in the streets of California's East Bay in a battle against a racist society and a lit- tle organization known as the Teaching Assistants Association gave birth to the graduate student employee organizing movement. The group started out as an advocate for improvements in the working conditions of graduate student employees as well as undergraduate education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, but when the state legislator proposed a bill to deny out-of- state student employees tuition waivers in 1969, the membership numbers swelled and the organization decided take direct action. The TAA threatened to strike if the bill was passed and as a result the bill was quickly withdrawn. The employees recog- nized the TAAs potential power and decid- AM 1 ... . A - - -1 4- N tl lM D unions, primarily on state university cam- puses in affiliation with the American Fed- eration of Teachers (AFT) and the United Auto Workers (UAW). Several other orga- nizing drives including four other Big Ten schools and several Ivy League schools. Because state universities are more tightly governed by state labor regulation, it has been easier for organizers to create recognized unions at state schools. Now, graduate employee organizers are now hoping to spread the movement into private schools. For most of the move- ment's history there had been a tightly sealed barricade around the nation's private universities which created a precedent for these schools to effectively say, "Teaching assistants are not employees; they are stu- dents." The wall that separated graduate employees at private schools was torn down on March 1, 2001 at New York Uni- versity. A campaign tha,t from the employees' graduate students everywhere are going to organize." And she was right. Less than a month after the victory at NYU on a campus only a subway-ride away, Columbia graduate employees filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board. Beverly Gage, a Columbia history-teaching assistant, said at the filing of the petition, "Grad employees at public universities have made major improvements through unionization; now it's time for the Ivy League to catch up." As of now, the campaigns continue. Organizers seek - as they shoud - to unionize every last campus in the nation and existing unionized graduate employees are currently reaching out to the non-union- ized workers at their schools. The most recent victory to date was at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, when on Friday, Jan. 18, the Massachusetts Labor Relations Commission ruled that Resident Advisors are, in fact, workers that can legally be represented by a union. This DOWN TO THE WIRE is a series-analysis of the Grad- uate Employees Organization This, the first part, examined the historical context of GEO and the unionization of student- wnlpr t vn1-ot-cand fliv7V- Fledgling GEO made the cover of The Michigan Daily from March 12, 1975 after their month long strike ended and contract settlement was