One hundred eleven years of editorialfreedom tit! NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 7640557 www mlchigandally. com Wednesday February 6, 2002 LSA to change elective requirements By Kara Wenzel Daily Staff Reporter Students currently enrolled in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts can look forward to more leeway in their schedule choices due to changes approved by LSA fac- ulty Monday. Among the proposals LSA Student Gov- ernment members presented to LSA deans was one aiming to increase the number of elective credits from outside the college that students can count toward an LSA degree from 12 to 20. A new interdisciplinary category will be Askew faces misdemeanc assault charg By Jeremy Berkowitz Daily Staff Reporter added to the existing five distribution areas - natural science, social science, humani- ties, creative expression and mathematics and symbolic analysis - that can be used to ful- fill the last nine of 30 distribution credits. Students may now take up to three credits in any interdisciplinary courses, which are to be cross-listed with LSA and another school within the University. LSA-SG President Rachel Tronstein said, "We are working on making minors in other schools and colleges available to LSA stu- dents, and we believe this is the first step." Academic minors in other schools will be a real possibility for LSA students in about a Playing with food year, she added. interdisciplinary studies ... such a Tronstein said the policies and details are give grant money and look at fac still being worked out by the LSA Curricu- she added. Until now the undergrad lum Committee. Which interdisciplinary lum did not reflect the same mentali courses will be available for credit toward These changes to the faculty distribution and what classes of students will help remove curricular impedime be affected by the new system are yet to be disciplinarity," LSA Associa determined. Undergraduate Education Robert LSA-SG members researched peer institu- in a written statement. tions and found that the schools they studied For those who are serious about stu focused on interdisciplinary programs. They ferent disciplines, the University cur submitted proposals to the LSA deans last students to dual-enroll in the Schoolc year for an increase in the credit allowance either LSA or the College of Engine outside LSA, Tronstein said. to pursue two degrees, a process thatr "Everything else within U of M promotes 11 semesters of coursework on averag *Camipus as when they ulty tenure," uate curricu- ity, she said. code "will nts to inter- te Dean of I Owen said udying in dif- rently allows of Music and ering, usually requires 10 to ge. prepares for national civil rights conference Michigan running back and LSA junior B.J. Askew was arraigned Monday on a misdemeanor charge of domestic assault and battery. If found guilty, he could be sentenced to a maximum of 93 days in jail and a $500 fine. Pittsfield Twp. police arrested Askew Sunday night after he called them following a dispute with his 20-year-old girl- friend. The couple was apparently arguing when he pinned her to the bed and then threw her out of his residence at the Spicetree Apartment Complex. He let her back in only after he reopened the door, and she then bit him on the forearm. Askew then called police from his neighbor's resi- dence. According to an official statement Askew from the Pittsfield Twp. Police Depart- ment, "Officers responding to the scene determined that there was a probable cause an assault had occurred and a domestic relationship existed between the parties involved." Askew was released on bond, although he will have to appear in court for a pre-trial hearing on Feb. 20. The Athletic Department could not confirm whether Askew will be face any disciplinary action. "I don't know enough to comment on it" said Bruce Madej, athletic director for media relations. Askew is not the only University football player to face charges of assault this year. Freshman cornerback Markus Curry plead guilty to a charge of assault with no battery Jan 14. He faces sentencing Feb. 14. By Maria Sprow Daily Staff Reporter Student activists from around the country will visit campus this weekend to take part in the sec- ond national civil rights conference hosted by local members of the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action and Integration and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary. The conference is scheduled to begin 9 at a.m. Friday with a discussion about civil rights achieve- ments. Detroit-area high school students will join University students and BAMN members in a march and rally at 1 p.m. on the Diag. This conference follows a previous national con- ference that was held at the University over the summer, and although BAMN members said they did not know whether the turn-out would be lower or higher than the summer forum, they expect whoever comes to be more politically involved. "I think it will be bigger," said BAMN member Agnes Aleobua, an LSA junior. "It will definitely be more widespread.... There is a wide range of -issues that we have to take up." Most of the expected attendees marched in Cincinnati in December when the two lawsuits filed by the Center for Individual Rights against the University's admissions policies came before the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. "The people who are going to be coming to the conference this weekend are going to be more politically active," said RC junior and BAMN "There is a wide range of issues that we have to take up." - Agnes Aleobua BAMN member member Ben Royal. "They have already been involved over the past semester in helping organize the march in Cincinnati and passing the new peti- tion around." An original petition, in which people showed their support for affirmative action, was presented to the appeals court judges on Dec. 6 by Miranda Massie, who represented the student intervenors in the lawsuits. BAMN members created a new peti- tion following the appeals to get more signatures of those supporting affirmative action. Although the judges made a statement criticizing the use of a petition in a judicial setting, Royal said petitions and other forms of action will make an impact on the admissions trials. "The fact that they delayed the hearing so that it could be heard by the full court - which is some- thing that rarely happens - the fact that (this was) the first time in history that they've ever issued tickets for a hearing and the fact that they had an overflow room speaks to the impact that we had See CONFERENCE, Page 7 ALYSSA WOOD/Daily Justin Leitch sculpts a falafel at Jerusalem Garden on South Fifth Avenue yesterday. Retail fraud a problem at local shops By Ted Borden Daily Staff Reporter In recent months, retailers have had to cope with a sour economy, wavering consumer confidence and poor holiday sales. Yet they have also dealt with one traditional loss that has remained con- stant over the years - retail fraud. "It doesn't change. It's a cost of doing business in retail," said Ed Davidson, owner of Bivouac, on South State Street. "The expense is there with the rent, wages and electrical bills. The goal is to minimize it." But this practice shows no signs of abating anytime soon. In a survey con- ducted by the University of Florida, retail "shrinkage" - as shoplifting is commonly referred to in the business world - was shown to have caused loss- es exceeding $27 billion in 1999, the last year for which figures are available. Richard Hollinger, director of the University of Florida's National Retail Security Survey, said the rate of shrink- age, as a percentage of total sales, has hovered about two percent for much of the past decade. But in recent years, it has decreased "largely due to the success of anti- shoplifting technologies. Also, stores have done a much better job of tracking inventory," he said. He noted that a great deal of shrink- age "is the result of disgruntled employ- ees," who were responsible for about 46 percent of the last survey's recorded losses. The average loss for apparel stores per incident of employee theft was $1,078.13. In contrast, the average loss per shoplifter was $222.67. "Shoplifting is actually easier to deter," Hollinger said. "Customers can be scared off by cameras. But employees know how the security measures work." Discussing security measures is taboo for almost all retailers. None of the 10 Ann Arbor store managers spoken to regarding this subject would consent to discuss it. Davidson said shoplifting is "human nature. We've caught shoplifters who are parents of students. It really runs the gamut." Popular targets for shoplifters include electronic goods, such as CDs and DVDs, said Hollinger, because they are easier to steal and sell for a profit. "They are less likely to be tagged and the price break point is not that high," he added. Rich Kinsey,-detective sergeant at the Ann Arbor Police Department, said he receives many reports each week of retail fraud from local retailers. "We're not as high as some urban areas, but it occurs," he said, adding that reports can come from any type of store, be it a drug store or a high-end depart- ment store. Ida Hendrix, general manager of Bri- arwood Mall, said she shared the same sentiment. "We are on the low end of the scale," See FRAUD, Page 7 Native American oet discusses rejudice ALYSSA WOOD/Daily Ann Arbor realtor Jim Wines speaks against a proposal to create small apartments In residential neighborhoods at the city planning commission meeting last night. Ci~ty councilJ nxes housing proposal By Rob Goodspeod Daily Staff Reporter The Ann Arbor City council unanimously rejected a pro- posal to allow for the creation of apartments connected to sin- gle-family homes Monday night. Urban planning experts say the proposal would pro- vide needed low income housing options, but many Ann Arbor residents have voiced opposition. In a public meet- ing last night, some complained that the new rule could allow for an influx of students into family neighbor- hoods. "We feel threatened by an invasion of students and unscrupulous landlords," said Gary Supanich, a resident of South Forest Avenue. "We seek to strengthen - not destroy - our neighbor- hoods," he added. Some residents complained that the new regulation could not 6-a an4'nrr.ntl nn-1y By Mica Doctoroff For the Daily Adk Native American poet, author, screen- writer and producer Sherman Alexie filled the Michigan Union Ballroom to capacity yesterday evening as he spoke about how ignorance leads to hate. Titled, "Killing Indian's: Myths, Lies, Exaggerations," Alexie's presentation was a continuation of the Martin Luther King Jr. Symposium. But sentiments were not solely limited to issues concerning Native Americans. Alexie explained that prejudice looms in all walks of life. he said. "Using hate, fear and ignorance you can get men to fly airplanes into buildings. Using hate, fear and ignorance you can get our country to bomb a ninth world country," he said in reference to the events and after- math of Sept. 11. "We get taught to hate each other," he said. Alexie questioned whether Americans are in a better place with President Bush in office. He said he does not think Bush has decreased the problems of pain, racism, classism and homophobia in our nation. "Growing up, we are taught that anyone C - *Al l .,.c-'I LAURIE BRESCOLL/Daily Sherman Alexie, who wrote the screenplay for the film "Smoke Signals," i I