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February 01, 2002 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2002-02-01

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ESA, there's always hope --2Friday, February 1, 2002 - 7

The vodka wall

There once was a freshman who There was beauty in this place. I
wanted to draw cartoons for The hope I gave more than I destroyed.
Michigan Daily. Three bad submis- To everyone I know: I'm sorry I was
sion pieces, political scandals, a late. I was making a paper.
new millennium, an election, burn- To the someone else: One day we
ing couches, campus issues, college won't apologize.
life jokes, countless pens, and three- - MANISH RAIJI
and-a-half years later, I still love it. Associate Editorial Page Editor, Columnist
Thanks to everyone who has ever
offered encouragement, criticism, or I want to tell that my pipey is not a
suggestions- even if they occasion- beaver. But sometimes, beavers have
ally got me in trouble. I'm glad to to eat a cherry. And the truth is that all
have had the opportunity to draw my love goes to a beaver, a pipey, a
"Tentatively Speaking" and to make wrinkle, a cherry and thank god I have
people smile in the process. mad cow disease.
A special "Thank You" to Jack, DAVID "BAD" ROCHKIND
Dave and Jeff, Emily, Nick and Mike, Photographer, 2008
Johanna, and everyone at the Daily
who works so hard at making the kind What can I say, I wanted to be a
of quality paper that a guy is proud to journalist. The Daily was just another
have his work run in every week. way to achieve that goal. But what I
TOM KULJURGIS realized in about three days is the best
EditorialCartoonist part of the Daily is the people that
challenged me intellectually, philo-
sophically, and honestly. I feel like a
Everyone hates goodbyes. You better person for it, and I wish I could
hate to say goodbye to your parents give back to the Daily as much as it
when you pack up for college. You gave to me. If you haven't already, join
hate to say goodbye to your friends the Daily and do your part. You'll
when you go off on that summer thank me for it.
internship. This goodbye, though, is JIM SECRETO
especially bad because we're done. Editorial Page Writer
This is it. It's time to grow up and
face the world outside of Ann Arbor, Maderchodon...Tumhara baap tum
and for us, that means outside of the se mukhateb hai. Samjhe, gushtiyon
Daily. I am so glad I had the experi- aur gushtoron. Baap. Meaning Daddy.
ence of the Daily to get me through Mujhe byebye kehne ka shoq naheen,
college. Things wouldn't have been mugur aik cheez zuroor boloon gaa.
half as fun. It wouldn't be half as Chodo. Jeeto. Aage barho. bhund
hard to say goodbye to college. maaro. Dil do, dil lo, mugur haar
Thanks Mom, Dad, and all my kabhi, kabhi na mano. Buss. Khudah
friends out there that I've forced to se dostee karo, mushikil se mohobbat
read my articles. Lots of love. karo, sachai se yaari lagao. Yaaron ke
Robyn. yaar, dushmano ke dushman bano.
ROBYN MELAMED Ishq karo, zulm ko toro. Doubt rules.
Associate Arts Editor Deal with it. Michigan Daily paind-
abad. Pakistan zindabad.
More than anything else, what the WAJAHAT SYED
Daily has taught me is to perfect the Columnist, Kabul Bureau Chief
art of procrastination. I can now guilt-
lessly go home after spending 10 What with the threatening e-mails to
hours laboring over the next day's fellow staffers and the rash proclama-
paper and sit down to watch television tions claiming I had been wronged, I
instead of starting a paper that was due made my own bed at the Daily. And
last week. If my GPA were charted now I'm crawling out of it.
since my freshman year, it would But the truth is that I learned a lot
resemble a graph of Enron's stock about ... oh, journalism, and ... Jessica
value. I'm really glad the University Curtin's state of mind. I also learned
doesn't send report cards home any- valuable life skills from the Daily's busi-
more. ness manger, who, for over eight years,
JEREMY W. PETERS hadn't wrestled with anything more dif-
News Editor ficult than a bucket of chicken wings. I
also learned about The Daily's building
In the long run, we're all dead. manager, who, over the course of two
-It's unfortunate to steal profundity years, preserved his job by doing noth-
from somone else, but I'm not feeling ing more than shaving his beard.
profound. These are all unpleasant images of a
the michigan daily

prolonged adelescence. Fun
somehow. But these are s
concerns, so never you mind
I learned the most from
cheerleading careerists who(
the flow of information int
Through them, I learned that
a lot like the real world, onl
the kiddies smoke pot.
If you join the Daily, you':
the world a favor. And y
something in return
I guarantee it.*
*Guarantee of something it
"With home being on the
of the world, I should haveI
my parents. Focus on studies
,early and return home. I di
that. Instead, I've spent th(
years at The Michigan Daily
ing lines of code, or dea
servers. You hate it, you o
life would not be complete w
To all those who prec
thanks for teaching me and r
a better person.
To my online staff, "B
Chris A., thanks for putting
crazy editor.
But most of all, to The]
Daily: thank you for being
away from horne.
On this bittersweet occasi
to thank the following;
I want to thank the guy wh
a death threat from a Hotm
because he made me feel1
important. You know you'
good job when people star
you were dead.
To the people who perio
mail me to tell me that they
for my eternal soul: Than
means a lot, really.
These folks will be p
know that I have indeed
the Lord as my savior a
have a very personal rel
with Him. In fact, I ma
umich.edu e-mail account.
ever feel like saying a lit
prayer to Jesus Christ, yo
never be afraid to drop hi
via me - sinner that I
Yours in the light of Christ
Editorial Page Edit

ctioning ... I remember when I decided to go
enior year to the Daily's mass meeting in Sep-
l. tember of '98. Then I looked out my
a band of window at the storming rain, and
controlled thought better of the idea. "I'll go
this town. tomorrow," I told myself. Tomor-
college is row was warm and sunny, and when
y some of friends began assembling a football
game on Palmer Field, (Surprise!)
ll be doing "I'll go tomorrow" raced through
you'll get my head again. Luckily my brother,
all the way in Cambridge, Mass.,
called me to tell me that I needed to
go to the meeting.
ICKERHAM He always knew when I was
Columnist about to make a mistake.
n return not Nearly four years later, I sit here
guaranteed. in the Daily remembering some of
the best times of my life. Stopping
other side at a gas station to find out if
listened to Charleston Chews are called
s, graduate Charleston Chew in Charleston,
d none of N.C.(they are). Partying with Eddie
e last four Money on New Year's in Orlando
either fix- ("I don't do it for the Money, I do it
ling with for the fans!"). Knowing Rick Piti-
ove it, but no was coming to Michigan
iithout it. (Oops!).
eded me, These moments forged bonds
making me with friends who I'll never forget,
and memories that I'll always
ibik" and remember.
up with a I came to the Daily dreaming of
covering games in Cameron Indoor
Michigan Stadium, Husky Stadium and the
my home Rose Bowl (that one never hap-
pened. Thanks Drew.)
UL WONG I leave remembering not these
Online Editor memories, but the friends I made.
Thanks Sam.
on I'd like Sports Editor

KIMITSU YOGACHI/Friend of a friend of a friend of a Daily person
M-Dog and mgrass celebrate the vodka wall. The innocent have been
protected by black boxes. It's on Hill Street west of Packard.



THETA MU DELTA proudly announces
that John Schwartz and Dave Enders are the
new presidents of our fraternity.
Congratulations, guys.

One huldred eleven2i(

ho sent me
ail account
like I was
re doing a
rt wishing
dically e-
re praying
nk you, it
leased to
nd that I
nage his
So if you
ttle cyber
ou should
im a line,
am - at
tor, Cokumnist

-. - -_-..-w.
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dr' Ffh

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