the michigan daily 0 6m ***NORTH CAMPUS**AVAIL. NOW. Furnished independent IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE AND 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. avail. spring/fall. Large rooms in a 5 bdrm., 3 bath. beautiful home 5 YOU'RE TIRED OF HUNTING. private balco vies w/ wooded views. '5mns7fom NothCapu l uLet Varsity find you the perfect 1 or 2 bdrm. Private shuttle to central campus. 741-9300. included. Great Deal! $450. 761-7376, eve, apt. Stop by 625 Church St. i flflRft AT 1026 L'A i(= N F, AVAIL. SEPT. 2 BDRM. condo. with for a complete listing. I NOW AVAIL. Covered prkg space in prime area. Well-lit and secure. 665-8825. OVER-ORDERED K2 UNI-COLOR BLIX FOR SALE. Makes 5 gallons - $118.95. Call David Katz.(Photo Editor at Michigan Daily) at 764-0563. OVER-STOCKED FUJI COLOR PRINT FILM ISO-400. $2.50/roll. Contact David Katz (Photo Editor at Michigan Daily) at 764-0563. PARKING SPACES AVAILABLE 665-8825 RETRO THREADS!!! 215S. STATE. 3RD FLOOR WOOL COATS & SWEATERS. SUEDE & LEATHER COATS. JEANS & 70'S GEAR. COOL CLOTHING! GREAT PRICES! '' #' t I DULiVI. tAlIUO t1UU tor a Fll Lease 769-7025 or 222-0868. 1 BDRM. AT 912 SYBIL for Fall Lease. Near IM Bldg. $690. Call 769-7025 2 BDRM APTS. on Hill St. Beautifully remodeled. Lg modern kitchens w/ microwave & dwshr. Contemporary furnishings. 741-9300. 2 BDRM. APT. @ 1600 Packard. Fall lease, furnished, A/C. $860/mo. 769-7025. 3 BDRM. LOWER FLAT in quaint, turn- of-the-century house. Beautiful woodwork, hardwood floors, Idry, prkg, full basement for storage. Walk to Kerrytown, downtown, or campus. Call 994-5284. 307 S. DIVISION. Effs./1 bdrm apts in older homes. $645-$755 incl. all utils. 741-8882 4 BDRM AVAILABLE TO RENT NOW! @ 1107 S. State, across from Yost, FREE heat & water, PARKING, laundry facilities. Make an offer! 483-4657. 415 BENJAMIN- Modern building, furn. 2 bdrm. bi-level w/ balcony for 2-3 persons $1,350. dshwr., a/c, prkg., & ldry. Sept. leases, ben, (734)657-0684. 5 BDRMS AVAIL FALL 02.530S. Fourth, 2 bath., free prkg., Idry., furn. $2400/mo. plus utils. 769-0765 or 747-7149 eves. 5 BR 1.5 BATH HOUSE close to Med. Campus and Kerrytown. Recently remodeled. Ldry. and lots of prkg. Call 994-5284. 6 BDRM, 2 BATH for Fall '02 at 418 High Street. $2750/mo. neg. Ldry, parking, deck. or call 663-8989. 6 BDRM. HOUSES avail, now. May + Sept. 2002. Close to campus + athletic facilities. Prkg. + Ldry. on site. Call 369-2840. 629 SOUTH FOREST - "The Stratford", just south of South University and The Village Corner. 2-bdrm., $1290-$1400, clean, quiet, non-smokers, 668-1111. A = Absolutely perfect for you. B = Big 2 bdrm. furnished apt. C = Converted mansion in Burns Park. D = Details at Varsity Mgm't 668-1100. AAAAAHHHHH! Start with unbelievable large 2 bdrm. bi-level apt., 1.5 baths, and contemporary in every way. Ad a great location near the CCRB, free residential shuttle, fantastic rec room, a state of the art weight room, and you have GEDDES HILL! 741-9300. 99 DODGE STRATUS ES 2.5L V6 engine, anti-lock brakes, 4 speed automatic, cruise control, AC, radio/cassette, 55K miles. $7000. Contact 248-475-0108 evening or 734-647-2780 day. CARS FROM $500 Police impounds. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 4494. VW GOLF GL, 1997. 4 door, automatic, 80K miles. $5000- best offer. 313-594-2190. '89 MAZDA MX6 TURBO 107K miles. Manual trasmission. Great condition. $2500. Call 972-4751. * SKY TECH COMPUTERS * Super Low Prices on all PC Parts! Open 7 Days! Ann Arbor 734-975-6932. 4005 Carpenter Road, at Ellsworth, Arbor Square. * * study. Near Med. Center on N. Campus. $1050/mth. Call 810-808-6632. AVAILABLE 2002: 6 bdrm. 200 Packard, $3000. 6 bdrm. 1104 Prospect, May, $2700, 6 bdrm. 314 E. William, May, $2700, 7 bdrm. 407 Hamilton, May, $3150. 827 Sylvan, 4 bdrm., $1800. Visit Call 327-0529. AVAILABLE FALL 2002. 1 bdrm on Lawrence / 4 bdrm on Woodlawn /5 bdrm on E. Washington. Call (734) 971-3193. AVAILABLE FALL Spacious unfurn. 2 room eff. Hardwood floors. Close to UM campus. 944-2405. AVAILABLE NOW Short term fully furnished 1 bdrm. Call today 741-9300. B-SCHOOL OR I.M. BLDG BOUND? We have the Perfect Extra Large 2 bdrm. apt. for you. Furnished with lots of closet space. Heat & water included. Balconies, A/C, parking and laundry. Call 668-1100. BEAUTIFUL DUPLEX near "the rock". 4- 5 bdrms. Dining room, living room, off- street prkg. $2000/mth. Call 734-276-2174. CollegeDigZ.Com Free Off-Campus Housing, Sublet & Roomate Searching CAMPUS AREA APARTMENTS AVAILABLE JANUARY We have an efficiency, a one bedroom, a two bedroom and a six bedroom apartment available near U of M central campus. Please contact Wilson White Co., Inc. at 734-995-9200. Equal Housing Opportunity. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. We are currently showing houses and apartments and accepting applications for Fall 2002 leases. Campus Management, Inc. has served the U of M community since 1966. Choose from over 300 units ranging from efficiency/studio apartments to 6 bedroom houses. Visit our website at or call us at (734)663-4101. CARRIAGE HOUSE Across from CCRB, large contemporary 2 bedroom bi-level apts. 1.5 baths, furnished. 741-9300. CENTRAL CAMPUS FALL 2002. Effs., I & 2 bdrms, fully furn. Amvest Properties. Call Mary 260-3610. KILLER LOCATION 6 bdrm. Apts. garbage disposal, dwshr., Idry on site., May to May, Please call 668-1118. LARGE FURNISHED 2 & 3 bdrm. apt. on S. State, Near UM bus stop, 5 min. to Mich. Union. Now & Fall lease. Heat & water incl., 2 sink bath, Intercom/sec. buzzer, new furniture, new appliances, balc. A/C., prkg, Idry, for 2-4 $1000-$1600. No smkg/no pets. 734-996-3539 or 734-678-7250, 9am -8pm. LUXERY CONDO AVAIL. MAY near I- 94 and Meijers. 3-4 bdrm., 3 1/2 bath. Many extras- carpet, whirlpool bath, deck, family room, 2 car garage. Quiet neighborhood. May-May. $1800/mo. 429-2463. LUXURIOUS 2 BDRM. APT. on Church & S.U. Gourmet kitchen and Leather furniture. One of a kind. Call 668-1100. LUXURY CONDO NEAR Med Center in Kerrytown. 2 bdrm., 2.5 bath., 2 car garage. $1625/mo. Call 734-426-8336. MCKINLEY STREET Spacious 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Bay windows, fireplace, balc,A/C, covered prkg. 741-9300. NEAR UNION Large contemporary studio, 1&2 bdrm. apts, Garage parking. 741-9300 NOW LEASING! Fall' 2002 1-5 bedroom apartments. Stop by for a brochure. Campus Rentals 1335 S. University at Washtenaw. 665-8825. NOW THAT YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, WHY NOT COME TO THE BEST? Park Terrace Apts. 848 Tappan. Deluxe 2 bdrm furnished apts. Call Res. Mgr., Steven at 769-3960. REMODELED 1014 SQ. FT. condo. I bed, I bath, washer/dryer, pool, and carport. $925/mth. Lease neg. Call 734-213-0904. ROOM FOR RENT in brand new house. Prime location, A/C. $499/month. 665-8825. ROOM FOR RENT! Now only $450/mo. Includes all utilities, laundry, and parking. Call 369-2840. VICTORIAN HOME Unique Studio, 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Skylights, high ceilings, hardwood floors, near business/law school. 741-9300. WORK IN BEAUTIFUL N.H. this summer! 6/16-8/16. Outstandting girl's sport camp (near 2 boys' camps) on Lake Winnipesaukee(near Boston, Maine coast) seeks skilled counselors for land, water sports, ropes, trips, arts. Transport pd. Interviews 2/13 and 2/19. Call/apply:; 888-860-1186. YOU DON'T HAVE TIME FOR MONKEY BUSINESS! And looking this hard for an apt. should be against the Law! Varsity has the perfect location for 2 bdrm. furnished apts. 668-1100. "GO WEST YOUNG MAN" to find your reasonable apt. You could save on these 1 and 2 bdrm. apts. Call Res. Mgr., John at 623-6414 or Varsity at 668-1100. $1500 WEEKLY POTENTIAL mailing our circulars. For info call 203-977-1720. $250 A DAY potential/bartending training provided 1-800-293-3985 ext 504. ABSENT-MINDED PROF. seeks resourceful house cleaner during the year and the summer. Occasional childcare optional. Near campus. $10/hr. 761-6549. ATTENTION: Work from home. Internet/mail order. Up to $1000-5000. P/T - F/T. 1-800-257-1491. AWESOME ALMOST FULL TIME JOB 4PM - 9PM M-F PLUS SAT. 800-949-0009 YPSI / ANN ARBOR AREA $11.00-$14.00 per hour CUSTOMER SERVICE/SALES 2002 ezpansion. Vector has openings to fill. $14.05 base/appt. no telemarketing/No door-to-door. We train. Flexible scheduling around classes. Scholarships/Internships. Conditions Exist. Call Mon-Fri 944-1223 11lam-6pm. HIRING ENERGETIC AEROBICS & pilates instructors. Call One OnOne Athletic Club at 761-4440 or inquire within. Ask for Ali. SUMMER INTERNSHIP RANKED ONE OF THE TOP 100 INTERSHIPS IN THE US! Nation Services group Is currently Interviewing for our summer management Internship. Responsibilities include all aspects of running your own business: Marketing, sales, project estimating, hiring in managing and employees, and financial analysis. Interns are trained in all aspects of small business and work closely with a consultant throughout the program. We provide all start up funds, insurance and licensing. Positions are open to all majors, a strong work ethic and superior communication skills are required. AVERAGE SUMMER EARNINGS ARE $6700. CALL 734-678-0915 FOR MORE INFO MATH AND WRITING tutor for 16 year old boy Patty or Jerry, 734-668-0016. MEN AND WOMEN, age 25-45,who have smoked between one and 100 cigarettes in their lifetime are needed for UofM study. Study pays $40. For more information call all 1-800-742-2300, #6308, e-mail and reference #6308 in the subject or visit 0 I a . 0-.- Great campus locations High Quality " 1,2,3, & 4 bedroom apartments " 4,5 & 6 bedroom houses * 24 hr. management & maintenance I AVAIL. MAY: Effc.dWilliam and Division, hardwood floors, good closets, big windows, Gallatin Realty Company 994-1202 ext. 23 CUTE 5 BDRM apt. in N. State area for Sp/Sum.; furn; price neg. ROOM FOR RENT. Thompson St. Apt. $275/mth.+ 1/3 electric & 1/3 phone. Male or female. Avail. Feb. 1-May 1. Call 997-9109 and ask for Melissa. SUBLET AVAIL. Now! 119 E. Liberty. 3 bedroom apt. close to Campus. $1500/mo.+ utils. 769-8555 or 662-0805. k i 1/2 OFF HAIRCUTS and all other services performed by apprenticing stylist in downtown A2 salon. Contact Garret at COLLEGE. CLEANERS: Prof. Dry Cleaning & Ldry. Free summer storage. 715 N. Univ. Next to Hill Auditorium 662-1906. THESIS EDITING. All disciplines and formats. 25 years U-M experience. 734-996-0566 or religious serviCes IMBOLCITUAL To honor the goddess Brid. Saturday February 2. 2 p.m. 1420 Hill Street. For more info, 697-2514 or LUTHERAN CAMPUS Ministry (ELCA) 801 S. Forest (at Hill), 734-668-7622 Worship: Sun. 10 AM & Wed. 9 PM Student Suppers: Sun. 6, Tues. 7:30 A MICHIGAN TELEFUND Now hiring students for flexible night and weekend schedules. Fun work atmosphere and great job experience. Earn $7/hr plus nightly bonuses. Apply online or stop by 611 Church, Ste. 4F. 998-7420. MICROBIOLOGY LAB ATTENDANT for Ann Arbor biotechnology company. P-T Please call 734-302-4000 ex. 104. PAID EXPERIMENTS White, male subjects needed for a paid experiment on Central Campus. 1.5 hours guaranteed $15 with possible bonus. Register online at !!!LEASE CANCELLATION!!! 6/7 bdrm tri-level, cathedral ceilings, skylights, large modern kitchen, new carpet fall 2002, free laundry, exercise & computer facilities, fully furnished, heat, H20, and lots of parking included. Call Lira 741-9657. $435 TO $555 AVAILABLE NOW! By UofM Campus/Hospital. Own bdrm, share kitch/bath. Incl. all utils. 741-8882. $500 REWARD! FIND us tenants for 1315 Cambridge & collect your reward money. Yes,this is serious. No, there are no strings - just cash. All SODECO @ 3211768, or see: ** ALL SHAPES & ALL SIZES ** Walnut St. Apartments 1 and 2 bdrms. and large 2 bdrm./2 baths. Furnished and parking. Call Res. Mgrs., Rob & Katrina at 913-0159. ******TAKE ANOTHER LOOK****** We LOWERED our prices. Sign a lease for one of our amazing apartments or houses at our discounted price and still receive $1000 cash. Offer expires 2/11/02. *****AVAILABLE Aug. I and Sept. 1, 2002 near Med. Ctr. Cmps. Modern 2 bdrm. apts. Prkg. A/C, Ldry., Balc., Furn and Unfum. 800 Fuller. 769-7520. a0 ANN ARBOR SHORT TERM lease available now thru Aug. 10th, Old west side home. 4 bdrm, dining , family rms., new carpet, appliances $1600/mo. 734-425-8491. AT THE END OF YOUR ROPE LOOKING for a 3 bdrm. apartment? Well, come hang out with Varsity Management at 625 Church St. or call 668-1100. We have just wbat youjneed! ATTRACTIVE EFFICIENCY NEAR Union in quiet brick bldg. Carpeted with prkg & Indry. avail. 417 S. Division. Sept lease. $635 + elec. Call 741-9622. AVAIL 9/02: Very nice 6 large bdrm, house. 3 full baths. 6+ prkg. spots. Ldry. hdwd. floors, high ceilings, completely updated. 816 E. Kingsley. $3600 + utils. 996-0119. AVAIL. FALL 2002. Brand new 5 bdrm. Penthouse. Right on South Univ. 2 full baths. A/C, prking. A must see. 665-8825. AVAIL. FALL '02 studio on Catherine near State with parking/laundry. $595. 214-3752. AVAIL. JANUARY. One bdrm and one eff. lease. Please cilI Mary @ 260-3610. Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 Narrow the gap 5 Family members 9 Teacher's assignment 14 Another, in Oviedo 15 Parmenides' home 16 Actor Ian et al. 17 Red-bearded god 18 Distinctive flair 19 Holiday visitor, perhaps 20 Zoologist's start-up? 23 Latin lover's verb 24 Angus's refusal 25 Bridge positions 27 Impressions 29 Laugh syllable 31 Mordant Mort 32 Comme ci, comme 9a 36 Familia member 37 Prophet's start- up? 40 Bygone auto feature 41 Loved 42 "What Women Want" actor 44 Subordinates of capts. 45 Lands in water 49 Tube 51 RN's concerns 53 Antlered beast 54 Santa's start- up? 2 In 3 Patch type 4 Stoolie, in Sussex 5 "Later, dude!" 6 "Well, _!" 7 Regular date 8 __-culotte: revolutionary 9 Pants fabric 10 Mavericks 11 Like top high school athletes 12 Huge success 13 Waco-to-Austin dir. 21 Endow with spiritual awareness 22 Forced entry 26 --pitch 28 Big bang cause 29 MDs' milieus 30 [Sigh!] 33 Irish seaport of song 34 Cal. page 35 Cliche 37 March by singly 48 Bird's-eye view 38 No longer at offerer rest 50 Tough curves 39 Mil. cooking 51 Words of help 40 Thick support 52 Opted 43 Right, as a 55 Columbia wrong launcher 46 Gymnast, at 56 Cereal "for kids" times 57 Ill-gotten gains 47 Current news? Alamos ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: "1100 Sq. Ft. Apts, Great for 2-5 people " Built in microwave, dishwasher, disposal * Beautifully furnished " Close to CCRB * Complimentary Resident Shuttle around Central and North Campus " Exercise Room, Aerobics Room " Study Lounge w/ Computers * Models open daily 741-9300 (EXTENDED HOURS) COMPLETELY RENOVATED 6 bdrm., by CCRB East and West Halls, Dennison, CCLittle and Chem. Bldg. Close to Campus Bars. Convienent bus stop. Call 668-1118. COZY 1 BDRM. bi-level apts. Central cam- pus. Fully furn., with prking. or Mary at 260-3610. DON'T WAIT! Start making plans now for your Fall 2002 campus area apartment. We offer fully furnished efficiency, studio, one & two bedroom apartments with many great features and professional service. For additional information and an appointment to view your new home, please contact Wilson White Co., Inc. at 734-995-9200. Equal Housing Opportunity. FALL 2002 - STUDIO AND EFFICIENCIES. Stop by 625 Church St. or call 668-1100. FALL 2002: 500 PACKARD, behind S. Quad! 5 bdrms, 2 bath, Ig. common area, kitch, prkg. Call 997-9824. FALL 2002: 715 CHURCH ST. Across the street from East Quad. Beautiful, quiet 1 bdrm. apts. Furn., Idry., prking., heat and water incl. No pets, No smoking. Call Bobbie (877) 426- 1360. FALL 2002: LARGE 2 bdrm. Apt. in prime campus location. Easily fits four people. Balcony, new bath., parking avail., heat and water incl. $1379/mo. 665-8825. FALL 2002: THE VISCOUNT! Two and three bedroom pent house units available. modern kitch., dishwasher, a/c, 1 1/2 baths., parking avail., across from CCRB, 665-8825. FALL RENTALS Large 1 bedroom apt. Fireplace. Hardwood floors. High ceilings. 2 blocks to campus. Available Fall. Ph. 944-2405. FIREPLACE Spacious 2 bedroon apt. Hardwood floors. Large rooms. Available Fall. Ph. 944-2405. GREAT APARTMENTS! 2, 3, 4, and 6 bdrm apts. available Fall '02. 508 Lawrence. Walk to Campus and Med. Center. Heat & water incl. Bartonbrook Properties 665-5620. rDV~l' Ar~fA.1 .Fall'(°M 1000 No increase ever if you renew consecutively at UTowers Univer~ity Tower% 536 S. Forest Ave. 761-2680 Showing Hours: Mon-Fri. 10-7 - Sat. 10-5 - Sun. 12-5 email: !!!OFFICE PERSON: Part-Time; 10-15 hrs./wk, flexible schedule, pleasant environment, management skills and resume building, downtown AA; Mac Skills a MUST. 761-7204. $$$HAVE FUN, MAKE MONEY!$$$ Be a campus rep. with Call 212-797-5246 $$EARN CASH FOR YOUR OPINION$$ $15-$140 for completing online surveys. SCOREKEEPERS PUB & GRILL is hiring part-time office personnel. No experience needed. Excel and Word helpful. Morning hours + some weekends. Grab your class schedule and apply today! 310 Maynard 995-0100/John. VETERINARY RECEPTJASST. P/T hrs. no exp. nec. will train 668-1466. ADVERTISE 40 WITH ~MICHIGAN DAILY .w 0 M A R T B L I P C AIM E L A S E A L I TE A W A K E; S H A K E A L E G R A K E S T E L E G R A M S T R E S Sl P R E C S H E T T O G A E D S C A R R A T' A L E R T B E A D S A V E' M I TIT H U R Y N C A A' E V A M A R V Y S A K I S' R E M E R I E T O U S L E O L D E N T A U T A N V I L S G O S S I P E D P E E V E L O O K A L I V E I V O R Y E R L E U S E S G E N E S M Y S T S A N K Deadline: Friday, Feb. 8 Publication Date: Wednesday, F gib. 14 P , I COst: $7.50 No student discounts Mail form or bring in person to: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Or call us at 764-0557 01/31/02 Stumped? Call 1-900-933-5155. 99 cents a minute 1..\ 3 4 7 8_.10 1 12 13 LJ l t 1 1 ( 18 name ph. # address payment E cash LIQcheck LQ mc Lvisa card # WClD [11W [LW LILIW exp. dateLID / DLI recipient's email address ,- - ( I 1 I i, I I fr mq -L di 1 11 11 11 11I _ I 1 1 1 I - 11 - 11 - 1 1 11 - It - L I II II I Al