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January 25, 2002 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-01-25

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 25, 2002 - 3


Tuition costs on state candidate

Man needs more
* than directions
A woman reported that she saw a
man masturbating in his car early yes-
terday, according to Department of
Public Safety reports. The woman
stated that she was approached by the
man, who was driving a small light
blue car and asking for directions.
After seeing the man, the woman went
to the Union and called DPS.
Nigerian e-mail
thought to be a
money scam
The LSA Building received a
strange e-mail message Wednesday
morning from Nigeria, DPS reports
state. The e-mail was promoting a
money-making venture believed to be
Money reported
missing almost
two months later
It was reported Tuesday morning
that $65 was stolen from a desk in
East Hall, according to DPS reports.
The incident occurred between Nov.
29 and Dec. 6 of last year.
Bench stolen
from Arboretum
An unknown person stole a memor-
ial bench from the Geddes entrance of
Nichols Arboretum Tuesday morning,
DPS reports state. A second bench
was also found damaged.
Husband arrested
after hitting wife
A man was arrested for assault-
ing his wife at the University Hos-
pitals emergency room early
Wednesday, according to DPS
The man had struck his wife in
the face while arguing about their
pending divorce. DPS responded
and arrested the man for assault,
parole violation and violation of
court orders.
Trespassing man
escorted out of
graduate library
A person was found trespassing
on the second floor of the Harlan
Hatcher Graduate Library Monday
afternoon, DPS reports state. The
person was informed of the trespass-
ing policy and escorted out of the
Student pushed
at demonstration
A University student was pushed
off the steps of East Hall Monday
afternoon at an affirmative action
demonstration, according to DPS
reports. He was not injured.
SMan falls in right
place; injuries
promptly treated
A man stated that he slipped and
fell by the front desk of the main
entrance of the University Hospitals
Monday night, DPS reports state. He
had minor injuries.
Male suffers from
morning sickness

A person called DPS and said a
male resident of Alice Lloyd Resi-
dence Hall was dizzy and throwing
up Tuesday morning, DPS reports
state. The caller indicated that the
male was conscious and alert. Ann
Arbor Fire Department and Huron
Valley Ambulance were contacted.
* Clocks stolen at
the Media Union
Staff at the Media Union report-
ed the theft of six clocks early
Wednesday morning, according to
DPS reports. The clocks were
taken from six separate interview
rooms at the Media Union some-
time over the weekend, and are val-
ued at $30 each.
-Compiled by Daily StaffReporter
Jeremy Berkowitz.

Editors Note: This story has been reprinted
in its entirety due to an error in yesterday 's
printed issue.
By Tyler Boersen
and C. Price Jones
Daily Staff Reporters
LANSING - Although Gov. John Engler
did not speak about growing tuition costs in
his State of the State address Wednesday
night, the candidates for governor from both
parties guaranteed to tackle the rising costs of
higher education.
Engler promised to leave the future governor
with a healthier budget than when he took office
in 1991, though he did not endorse any specific

"I will not leave to the next governor the mess
that was left to me," Engler said.
Both Attorney General Jennifer Granholm, a
Democratic candidate, and Lt. Gov. Dick
Posthumus, a Republican candidate, agree on
monitoring universities' abilities to raise tuition
above inflation rates.
"I recommended the creation of a Michi-
gan tuition savings plan so that families can
save for college with tax free dollars," said
He added his support for a plan that would
reward universities who maintain low tuition
rates and punish those do not.
"It is not acceptable to raise rates on the
backs of students when there are other means of
securing funding," said Granholm.
"You have got to haul (the university

boards) in and tell them that that funding is
going to be compromised if (they) don't keep
tuition at a reasonable level," she added.
Sen. Alma Wheeler Smith (D-Salem Twp.)
plans to use student scholarship money to bol-
ster overall higher education funding.
"We've got to look at delaying the tax cut,
but (Engler) says he's not going to do it,"
Smith said. "I would certainly look very hard
as governor of the state at the money we've
set aside for the merit scholarships. ... I can
serve a lot more students by putting those
dollars in higher education."
Sen. John Schwarz (R-Battle Creek) defended
Engler's past commitment to higher education.
"Because it wasn't an integral part of the
State of the State message doesn't mean that
it hasn't been discussed intensively and in

detail," he said. Schwarz is running for the
GOP nomination.
"The 15 state universities would consider it a
triumph if there were no cut. ... I have that
opportunity (to maintain funding) as chair of the
Senate Appropriations Committee on Higher
Education," he added.
U.S. Rep. David Bonior (D-Mt. Clemens)
said that as governor he would address the
single business tax and income tax to ensure
the availability of resources for higher educa-
Former Gov. James Blanchard, also running
for the Democratic nomination, was absent
Wednesday. In total, seven candidates have
announced their intentions to run for their par-
ties nominations. The Republican and Democra-
tic primaries will take place in early August.

r Mmm Mmm Good!

Court gives Hope
college police
power off-campus


HOLLAND (AP) - The Michigan
Court of Appeals has ruled that Hope
College police officers deputized by
the Ottawa County Sheriff's Depart-
ment can enforce laws off campus.
Ottawa County Assistant Prosecutor
Jon Hulsing said the ruling is "a huge-
ly important decision" for the sheriff's
"This is the first appellate opinion
we have addressing this issue," Huls-
ing told The Grand Rapids Press for a
story yesterday. "From that perspec-
tive, it's important."
Local judges ruled earlier that Hope
police can be deputized and enforce
laws beyond the campus bounds.
A motorist convicted of drunken
driving challenged that assertion and
appealed to the higher court.
Motorist David Lee VanTubbergen
argued that the relationship between
the sheriff's department and college's
Department of Public Safety violated
constitutional protections that separate
church and state.
But in an opinion issued Wednes-
day, the appellate court in Lansing
decided that the arrangement is legal
and denied VanTubbergen's appeal.
Judges Richard Griffin, Hilda Gage
and Patrick Meter signed the ruling.
Hope police arrested VanTubbergen
on July 15, 1997, in Holland while the
two officers were driving from one
college-owned property to another.
Holland District Judge Hannes
Meyers Jr. rejected defense motions
to suppress evidence arising from the
arrest and convicted VanTubbergen in
a bench trial. Ottawa County Circuit
Judge Edward Post later affirmed the
Defense attorney Donald Hann
argued that Hope College police offi-
cers were not authorized to make traf-
fic stops and arrest anyone off college
property. It violates state and federal

A worker at New York Pizza Depot on Williams St. takes freshly cooked pizzas out of the oven yesterday
Driling ban OK'd by House
LANSING (AP) - The Michigan House overwhelm- Township, Ken Bradstreet of Gaylord, Clark Bisbee of
ingly approved legislation yesterday to ban additional Jackson, Steve Vear of Hillsdale, Susan Tabor of Eaton
drilling from the state's shoreline under the Great Lakes. County's Delta Township and Cameron Brown of Sturgis
The legislation wouldpermanently prohibit the state voted against the drilling ban.
from issuing drilling leases. It would extend the federal Drolet said he's worried the ban would force more oil
government's ban on drilling for oil and gas under the to be shipped across the Great Lakes to Michigan.
Great Lakes, which ends September 2003. "It's better to get oil from below the lakes than to bring
"We don't care what the federal government is doing," in oil four inches from the water," he said. "This ban may
about drilling, said Rep. Scott Shackleton, the Sault Ste. further endanger the lakes."
Marie Republican who introduced the bill. "The Great The bill goes to the state Senate, which will likely,
Lakes belong to the Great Lake states." approve it.
A number of House Republicans failed to amend the Gov. John Engler has been a supporter of drilling under
bill to end it at the same time as the federal ban. They the Great Lakes. He says a drilling ban isn't scientifically
said lawmakers should evaluate the state law after the fed- justified and that drilling can be done safely.
eral government completes its study on drilling. "We can continue to move forward with drilling in
The House voted 98-7 to approve the bill. Republican the state of Michigan without an impact on the lakes,"
Reps. Larry DeVuyst of Alma, Leon Drolet of Clinton Engler spokeswoman Susan Shafer said yesterday.
Wayne State president looking
to upgrade university's image

"It allows people
who are paid by
agencies to
enforce the law."
- Donald Hann
Defense attorney
constitutions, he said.
Hann also argued that using
employees of a religious school -
Hope is affiliated with Reformed
Church in America - had the effect
of improperly advancing religion
because "knowing their paycheck
comes from a Christian college could
greatly affect the (officers') actions"
and "allowing a Christian college to
become a public police force is an
excessive entanglement."
But the appeals court found "no
intent on the part of the government to
either aid, promote, restrict, hinder or
otherwise affect religion or any reli-
gious organization."
It said the danger of Hope officers
intentionally or inadvertently imposing
personal religious beliefs was mini-
The officers are bound by state laws,
not college rules, while off campus,
the appeal court ruled.
Hann said he wasn't surprised that
his appeal was denied but expressed
concern that the ruling gives sheriff's
departments sweeping powers.
"It allows people who are paid by
non-governmental agencies to enforce
the law," he said.
Hulsing said the Legislature
intended to give sheriffs the power
to deputize.

DETROIT (AP) - Irvin Reid wants
Wayne State University to shed its
image as a low-profile commuter
As its president since 1997, he's
worked tirelessly to make Wayne State
- already Michigan's third-largest
university, with 30,000 students - a
bigger player in the state's higher edu-
cation scene.
That effort has included drawing
students not just from metropolitan
Detroit but also from around the
world; upgrading the level at which its
sports teams compete; and scouring
the country for donations.
Outside of Michigan, "when you say
'Wayne State,' people say, 'Where is
it?"' Reid said in a report yesterday in
the Detroit Free Press. "Ninety percent
of our students come from within a
50-mile radius of the campus. I'm try-
ing to broaden our reach."
Some students and faculty members
grouse about cutbacks to academic
programs and steadily rising tuition
under Reid's regime. Others find him
more accessible than his predecessor,
David Adamany, now president of
Temple University in Philadelphia.

"Reid has involved faculty in as
many things as he can," said Seymour
Wolfson, a faculty member for 26
years and president of the Wayne State
Academic Senate, which represents
3,000 faculty members.
"He talks to us about budget issues.
He will come to the policy meetings of
the Academic Senate, and we would
never get that with Adamany."
Under Reid's guidance, Wayne State
Begun building an $18.5-million
welcome center and a $6-million
bookstore, scheduled to open in
Received $127.9 million in pri-
vate gifts from fiscal year 1997-2000,
about 40 percent more than the $78.6
million received in fiscal year 1993-
Begun construction of the univer-
sity's first dormitory, an $18-million
structure that will house 360 students,
starting in August. It is part of a plan
to have 5,000 beds on campus by
Begun upgrading all of its athletic
teams to NCAA Division I - the
highest level of college athletic com-

petition - from Division II.
Reid's critics wonder whether these
and other initiatives are causing acade-
mic quality and affordability to suffer.
Freshman tuition for 15 credits
increased from $1,620 per semester
in 1997 to $1,944 in 2001. During
the same period, a semester's tuition
for master's degree candidates taking
12 credits rose from $1,908 to
Reid said he explored ways to mini-
mize the impact on students before
every tuition increase, but declining
state funding effectively forced him to
raise tuition each year.
"The school is blaming the state"
for decreased support "and the state is
blaming the school," said Rodney Day,
a freshman computer science major
from Detroit. "Then, we're the ones
who get hit the hardest."
Budgets for academic programs,
meanwhile, have lost nearly $3 million
under Reid, according to the Free
Press. And spending for non-academic
departments like facilities and human
resources has been cut by about 13
percent, for an overall loss of about
$12 million.

Saturday February 1
Tickets $12 8:00 PM 40

F All Ages

What's happening in Ann Arbor this weekend

"Beyond Realism: Fic-
tion, Film, and 'Modern
Japan'"; Sponsored by
the University Center for

"Let's Look Forward: Life
Planning for Undergradu-
ate Women"; Sponsored
by the Center for the Edu-
cation of Women, 1:00
n m__ Cnter fMr the Fdui-

Kiwanis Upscale Resale;
Sponsored by the Kiwanis
Club of Ann Arbor, 9:00

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Centers, 764-INFO,
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www. umich.edu/ -info
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