4A - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 22, 2002 OP/ED ctie flchiigan zilyg 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 daily.letters@umich.edu EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 GEOFFREY GAGNON Editor in Chief MICHAEL GRASS NICHOLAS WOOMER Editorial Page Editors NOTABLE QUOTABLE Reassurance is good. Cash is better." - Ahmad Fawzi, a spokesman for the United Nations' special envoy to Afghanistan, as quoted in this week's Newsweek describing a needed long-term American commitment to the project. c espose0 t " %IaO4JS Fa 0t -Wilk 3 abtO 'Y t oY10 b~av Pals Mjo.h 1 iicd O sca li 4~~wthinwa 0 Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. a Y AA44f - Lawlessness will get us nowhere PETER CUNNIFFE ONE FOR THE ROAD This Sunday marked the first anniversary of George W. Bush's ascendance to the presidency. A .lot has hap- pened since then. Enough to make most people forget about how he came into office; weaseling, brow- beating and scheming to stymie vote-counters until appointees of his father and his father's patrons dispensed with the anachronistic system of vot- ing and elevated him to the presidency. Bush, like his Supreme Court benefactors, is today showing that he, too, has little use for the rule of law or trusts sharing authority with others. He is proving it, appropriately-enough, in Cuba. The administration has decided to ignore one of the most widely accepted and respected pieces of international law ever created, the Geneva Convention, declaring captured Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters are mere "illegal combat- ants" and not soldiers entitled to its protection. That technical argument could possibly be made for the al-Qaeda members, but it's absurd to say, as the Pentagon has, that Taliban soldiers weren't really soldiers because they didn't have uniforms. And in any case, the convention requires that detainees be protected by it until a "competent tribunal," which doesn't mean a declaration from Donald Rumsfeld, determines their status. The European press has already been having a fit over the conditions the prisoners are being held in at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The hand ringing over them being exposed to the ele- ments seems unnecessary. They are, after all, exposed to the elements of Cuba. We should be so lucky. But these should clue us in to the criticism we are likely to face over what happens to the prisoners next. Rumblings about more substan- tive matters are starting to be heard and these are what pose the real danger for us. The United States will soon begin interrogat- ing the prisoners, with no promise of legal repre- sentation. There are worries that inappropriate measures will be employed in the interrogations, which are justified by statements from Rumsfeld such as "I do not feel the slightest concern at their treatment." He repeatedly reminds us that the prisoners are getting more than they deserve. The possibility of eventually trying the detainees in military tribunals is also of great concern. Set up for the purpose of preventing anyone but the administration from deciding how to handle these prisoners, they circumvent regular courts and allow the fates of the prisoners to be dictated by our self-appointed betters. Our courts have successfully prosecuted many terror- ists and foreign criminals, but trusting them would mean sharing authority, which the admin- istration has been hell-bent on avoiding. The reason employing military tribunals is not a good idea is obvious. No one outside of this country trusts them. European countries, which have apprehended many suspects wanted by the United States, are already refusing to extradite them because of the possibility they will be tried in forums that seem to defy every legal norm of modern society. And they are absolutely right. Sending people to closed courts that likely use secret evidence, with uncertain legal standards, without guaranteed adequate counsel and that can hand out unappealable death sentences is something no country should be willing to do. And what happens to our credibility on human rights issues after we try people this way? What do we say when other countries put their own citizens or even ours on trial in such unjust courts? It's hard to muster sympathy for members of the Taliban and al-Qaeda, but that isn't neces- sary to see that our treatment of them has to be better than the "intense interrogation" and mili- tary tribunals the administration has made clear it prefers to use. This isn't about them, but about us, how"the rest of the world sees the United States and thus how they will be willing to inter- act with us. Do we want to squeeze every last drop of information out of people we found in Afghanistan and then quickly and easily dispose of them, or do we want to get the people cap- tured by other countries too and all the people they will capture in the future? When*we diplomatically and militarily engage in new campaigns against states that have to be dealt with if we're serious about fighting terrorism, such as Syria and Iraq, do we want the support that will require from our allies or do we want to alienate them with how we deal with a handful of prisoners? The federal courts can handle them. That clever lawyers could get them off or trying them somehow poses a danger to judges or jurors is absurd. Our courts have handled dangerous ter- rorists many times before. Their lawyers didn't get them off and there haven't been any reprisals against those who convicted them. The important thing is that they had lawyers and their trials had legitimacy. It may seem satis- fying to deny the protections of civilization to our often barbarous enemies, but if we don't we are tying our hands in the future and squandering what moral authority we have. The prisoners in Cuba need to have their sta- tus determined by a competent tribunal, be taken out of the legal limbo they have been consigned to and brought to a proper U.S. court (or an inter- national court if the administration prefers) if we want to preserve our capability to apprehend such people in the future. The administration, from covering up who it meets with to burying old presidential records (both in contravention of the law), has made quite clear its attitude toward being accountable to anyone but itself. Little complaint was raised about it ignoring the law in the United States, but the foreign reaction thus far has to make Bush realize that our allies won't be so easily rolled over. Bush's contempt for international law is well known (he wanted a new strategic arrange- ment with Russia to be based on a handshake instead of a treaty), but our ability to act in the world is at stake. Preserving it is simple:=Just fol- low the law. 0 I 6 Peter Cunnife can be reached via e-mail atpcunni(j@umich.edu. The truth about cats and dogs: Los perros DUSTIN J. SEIBERT THE MANIFESTO ttempting to figure out the inner work- ings of the males of our species is probably akin to the difficulty of a 100- level sociology class. What most of us desire on the whole isn't vast or compli- cated: Good food, a televi- sion with cable, some income coming in ... it varies, but rarely does it get complex. Of course, when it comes to matters of the opposite sex, it is then that things get all convoluted ... imagine putting a drop of motor oil in a gallon of clean water and you get the idea. Unfortunately, if the fellas actually sit and ponder on the weight of much of our decision making in regards to the opposite sex, the outcomes will almost always lean in the same direction ... Can it all be so simple? Is the basis of the majority of the decisions that men make depen- dent on whether it will score us a piece of ass? I wish that I could say that that is not entirely the case, but there is absolutely no denying that, at least at some point in every man's life, our phal- lic members dictate our actions, often with less than savory results. It's a crying shame the amount of money we will spend, the promises that we will make, or the deplorable amount of shit we will endure when Sgt. Johnson is stand- ing at attention. I suppose it was God's cruel joke just to let those suckers hang there and make big decisions for us while "big head" is upstairs trying to play catch up. Otherwise collected, straight-thinking gen- tlemen flip the script and turn into macho bone- heads should the right woman happen to come into eyesight. Guys, remember when you were six years old and a pretty lady came into the room? You would do something silly, like run headfirst into a wall and bounce off of it like you were imitating Voltron or something? (Kiss my ass -- I know I am not the only one!) Things likethat were okay then, but innocence is lost in adulthood and our decisions are more pivotal in determining whether we win the affections of the girl. Men are often labeled as obnoxious, sleazy, doggish men who view women as little more than sexual objects, wishing to surpass a mean- ingful relationship for love of the booty. This may appear to be the case with most of the dudes that women dismiss as dogs, but I think that only a small handful of fellas want to actu- ally stay all mixed up in the game forever ... most guys are, in fact, in search of wifey materi- al and not every woman can be that. Men have "needs" just like women, and there is a good chance that, if a woman finds herself only hold- ing a man when her legs are spread open, then chances are she is only fulfilling that particular man's "need." We are sexual creatures by nature, but it is not at all limited to carnal pleasure ... sex and physical pleasure can get a relationship going only so far and that applies to both sides. I can- not support a man stringing a woman along by means-of dishonesty, unfortunately it is an all too common practice. When all is said and done though, we eventually need to be loved ... men look for that woman that will make them no longer desire the chase, because that special, woman has sane or a number of aspects about them that the man doesn't-see in all the females that he messed with in the past. Our promiscuity will only take us to a certain point in our lives ... I can almost guarantee that most men will not find that in a woman who has no reservations about jumping in bed with him immediately. Though it should go without saying, most every man loves his mama. Even the hardest hard-rock dude walking the streets with several babymamas and a warrant on his head will buckle down for his mother. She is the very first female influence in our lives and for that reason she is often.the foundation of what men desire in a significant other; when we say we want a woman like our mother, we are telling the truth. It often turns out to be a contradiction of sorts - call it male chauvinistic "role play" if you will, but most men are not exactly comfortable with the idea of the woman being the aggressive bread-winner in the relationship. This doesn't mean stay at home and live off of your husband (that bothers me and many others); the idea is that we want to take care of you, but we don't want to have to take care of you. One aspect that bothers me most about men is the ease that it takes for a woman to come between us. Sure it is common for people in new relationships to find themselves hanging out with their old friends less and less, but don't let a woman put a bug in a man's ear ... the lat- ter get turned so inside out that their better judg- ment escapes them for moment in time - long enough to completely ruin a good friendship. Only later do they come to their senses and real- ize that they were being mind-fucked, hoping and praying that Leroy and the fellas will for- give them. Indeed, a sound mind is often corrupted by a member of the opposite sex ... it is only well into the relationship, or completely following it, that people realize that they were behaving like different people, at least for a while. One thing about fellas is that our friends will usually tell it like it is - if you are dealing with wifey materi- al and they approve, then the woman's rating slyrockets. If they identify her as the walking "doorknob," then they won't hesitate to let us know. Even more important? Our mothers. If we get to the point where we wanna bring you home, then you are definitely the move. If she approves? Even better still. Like I said, it ain't hard to figure us out, but for some reason, things don't always work out like they should ... so goes life. Knowledge. Dustin Seibert can be reached via e-mail at dseibert@umich.edu. V LETTER TO THE EDITOR Shirvell missed point of Daily abortion editorial TCl T= 'LI'lAnI V. hood receives does not provide funding for abor- tions. Instead, the monies are used to promote reproductive choice and health in the form of edu- cation, contraception, STD prevention, prenatal and postnatal care, and reproductive health choices V> - - - - - - -:kIRi t~. !. 1..Wi # 'fi"YIFR . ....... A