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December 07, 2001 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-12-07

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 7, 2001


Worker opens fire in Ind. actory

GOSHEN, Ind. (AP) - A man returned to the
factory where he worked after a dispute and
opened fire yesterday, killing a co-worker and
wounding six others, authorities said.
A SWAT team later found the gunman dead
inside the simulated-wood factory with an appar-
ently self-inflicted gunshot wound. A shotgun was
under his body.
"All I'm aware of is there was a dispute, and he
left the property and came back," Police Chief
Terry Schollian said.
The gunman had apparently just been fired
or was about to be fired from the Nu-Wood
Decorative Millwork, police said. His name
and those of his victims were not immediate-
ly released.
Six people were wounded, the chief said. Most
were "walking wounded," and one victim in critical
condition was upgraded to serious condition late

As many as 35 were inside the plant at the
time of the shootings, but most escaped
unharmed, Schollian said. Earlier, the mayor
and hospital administrators said they feared
30 to 35 people had been shot.
One employee called police from inside the fac-
tory to advise what route the SWAT team should
use to enter the building, the chief said.
Tammy Funderburk of nearby New Paris said
she spoke briefly by cell phone with her 18-year-
old son, who worked at the factory and escaped
"He saw the gunman coming and he had a big
rifle," Funderburk said. "He saw the gunman
shooting people and he ran out the back door as
fast as he could."
The shooting jolted this northern Indiana com-
munity of 29,000 about 100 miles east of Chicago.

Paramedics tend to a shooting victim yesterday afternoon at
the Nu-Wood Decorative Millwork plant in Goshen, Indiana.

Leahy, Daschle letters look identical
A newly opened letter to Sen. Patrick Leahy contained suspected anthrax and
handwriting that appear identical to an earlier letter to Senate Majority Leader
Tom Daschle, the FBI disclosed yesterday.
With the letter and the powder undergoing laboratory analysis, "We hope to
learn ... who did this and how they did it," said FBI official Van Harp.
The suspected anthrax in the Leahy letter "appears to be consistent with that
found in the letter sent to Senator Daschle," Harp said.
The Leahy and Daschle letters state in part, "09-11-01 You can not stop us.
We have this anthrax" and conclude, "Allah is great."
It will take weeks to complete all testing, because "there is a finite amount of
material in that letter" to Leahy, necessitating "a very cautious analytical
approach," Harp, assistant director in charge of the FBI's Washington field
office, said in a statement.
The FBI posted photographs on its website that detailed Wednesday's open-
ing of the Leahy letter at the Army's biodefense laboratory in Fort Detrick,
The first step in dealing with the Leahy letter was to cut a small opening in the
envelope and use a machine to suck out the suspected anthrax.
Struggling economy sends mixed signa1s
The number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits took the biggest
plunge in 18 years in late November while orders to American factories in Octo-
ber posted the first increase since May.
Balanced against those government reports yesterday, the nation's retailers said
the all-important holiday shopping season had gotten off to a disappointing start
with sales below expectations.
The lackluster sales reports from major retailers had a dampening effect on
Wall Street in early trading with the Dow Jones industrial average struggling to
hold on to strong gains posted over the past two sessions.
The Dow closed above the 10,000-level on Wednesday for the first time since
Sept. 5 based on investor optimism that the current recession, the first downturn
in a decade, will be short-lived.
The Commerce Department reported yesterday that factory orders rose by 7.1
percent in October following a 6.5 percent drop in September and a 0.1 percent
decline in August. Orders for both durable and nondurable goods had not regis-

Israel bombs police post in Gaza

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) -
Israeli warplanes bombed a police
post in Gaza early today, increasing
pressure on Yasser Arafat to step up
efforts to arrest suspected terrorists.
At least 20 people were wounded,
Palgstinian officials said.
The renewed military action came
hours after a crackdown by Arafat on
Islamic militants met angry resis-
tance in his own territory, as 1,500
Hamas supporters battled Palestinian
riot police for hours outside the
home of the group's leader. One
Hamas supporter died in an
exchange of fire.
The Israeli army said in a statement
that today's attack targeted the "Pales-
tinian security apparatus that supports
and aids terrorist operations. The
army will continue its operations in
order to defend the safety of Israeli
citizens and soldiers."
Two police buildings were com-

pletely destroyed - one a police
dormitory, the other office space,
including that of a women's police
Rescue workers used dogs to
search the wreckage for anyone
trapped. There were no reports of
anyone being found.
"This new Israeli crime came while
the Palestinian police are exerting
maximum efforts to safeguard securi-
ty," a police statement said.
Arafat says his forces have arrest-
ed 180 militants since suicide
bombers blew themselves up in
Jerusalem and 1-laifa on Sunday,
killing 25. But Israel accuses him of
acting in bad faith, charging that
those apprehended are low-level
figures, not the real planners of
At Shifa Hospital, doctors were
treating at least 20 people injured in
the strike, including 18 police and

two civilians. Medical workers said
the injuries did not appear to be life-
In another Israeli response today,
three army tanks entered the south-
ern Gaza Strip town of Abssan dur-
ing the night, witnesses said. Israeli
soldiers searched 10 houses and
arrested a number of people, leaving
after about 90 minutes.
Yesterday's protest involving
Hamas supporters was a violent back-
lash to an intensified roundup of
Islamic militants ordered by Arafat.
It came as a U.S. envoy and the
Egyptian foreign minister shuttled
between Israel and the Palestinian
territories, trying to stop more than a
year of Palestinian-Israeli clashes
and bring about a truce.
Arafat faces pressure from the
United States and continued strikes
by Israel if he fails. to stop militants
who have carried out a wave of dead-

"The president remains deeply
concerned that Palestinian jails.
are still built with bars in front with
revolving doors at the back," White
House spokesman Ari Fleischer said.
Palestinians insisted their efforts
were sincere and for their own good.
"The Americans did not impose
anything on us," said West Bank
security chief Jibril Rajoub. "We
know exactly what our interests are
and what our duty is."
Arafat said yesterday that the
United States had given him a list of
33 militants, and most of them had
been arrested. He said his police
were looking for the others.
The United States has been trying
to cool the Mideast conflict to keep
it from interfering with its operation
in Afghanistan. Since the Sept. 11
terror attacks on New York and
Washington, Arafat has been trying
to distance himself from Islamic mil-
Arafat met yesterday with U.S.
peace envoy Anthony Zinni and
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed
Maher. Both diplomats also saw
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres.
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - The number of
surgical calamities in which a doctor
operates on the wrong part of a patient's
body, and occasionally on the wrong
patient, appears to be increasing,
according to the organization that
accredits U.S: hospitals.
Reports of "wrong-site surgery" have
risen from 16 in 1998 to 58 this year,
including 11 in the last month, accord-
ing to the president of the Joint Com-
mission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations (JCAHO).
It is unknown whether this reflects a
true increase in this most notorious type
of surgical accident or simply more
complete reporting of cases.
About 80 percent of events cata-
logued by JCAHO were reported
voluntarily, with the balance com-
ing from patient complaints and
news reports.
"I think it's real," said Dennis
O'Leary, a physician who heads
JCAHO, which accredits about 95 per-
cent of the hospital beds in the United
States. "If you look at the trend line, you
see an increase in every single year"
since 1995.
The organization requests that
hospitals thoroughly investigate
each case of wrong-site surgery to
determine the sequence of events
leading to it. Although the reasons
are many, the trend toward high-
volume, same-day surgery appears
partly to blame.
"The preponderance of cases are in
ambulatory surgery centers. I think
patients are churning through these
places" O'Leary said. "People are busy
and patients are being put to sleep
before there is an opportunity to verify
who the patient is, what procedure is
going to be performed and on what
The mistakes include operations on

the wrong finger, replacement of the
wrong hip joint, fusion of the wrong
spinal disk, cataract removal from the
wrong eye and biopsy of the wrong side
of the brain.
A small number resulted in death.
Some had serious consequences, such


tered an increase since May.

Bush's global trade
authority increased
In a victory for a wartime White
House, the House narrowly approved
legislation yesterday giving President
Bush stronger authority to negotiate
global trade deals.
The vote was 215-214, and came
after House Speaker Dennis Hastert
made a forceful, last-minute plea for
supporting a commander in chief who
is leading the worldwide fight against
"This'Congress will either support
our president who is fighting a coura-
geous war on terrorism and redefining
American world leadership or we will
undercut this president at the worst
possible time," said Hastert, (R-Ill).
Shot back Rep. Charles Rangel,
(D-N.Y.): "We'll fight on this floor
but we'll salute the flag just like
anybody else. To infer ... that we're
not as patriotic as the next person is
Armed man arrested
near White House
Secret Service agents, operating on
a heightened alert since Sept. 11,
arrested a man concealing a large
knife as they patrolled near White
House gates early yesterday, officials
The man, identified as William
Thomas Duncan, led officers to a 1991
Dodge pickup, bearing Idaho license
plates, where they said they found an

assault rifle, an additional rifle with a
scope, an armored vest, a Kevlar hel-
met and a handgun.
The assault rifle, described as an
SKS with semiautomatic capacities
similar to an AK-47 or M-16, was
"in plain view" in the car, Secret
Service spokesman Marc Connolly
said. Connolly also said officers
found 1,000 rounds of ammunition
in the truck, as well as several
knives and items that could be used
in an explosive device.
New Jersey teachers
jailed for strike
By midday yesterday, more than
160 striking teachers in well-to-do
Middletown Township had been
jailed for violating a back-to-work
order. They are the first New Jersey
teachers to be locked up in 23
years, and some 600 more could
follow suit.
It is the biggest mass jailing of strik-
ing teachers since 1978, when 265
were locked up for 18 days in Bridge-
port, Conn., according to National
Education Association spokeswoman
Darryl Figueroa.
It is so busy at the courthouse that
hearings have been.assigned to three
The teachers, who make an aver-
age of $56,000 annually, are fight-
ing a move to increase their health
care premiums by up to $600 per
person, per year. Currently, they
pay $250.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

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EDITORIAL Michael Grass, Nicholas Woomer, Editors
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