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December 06, 2001 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-12-06

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, December 6, 2001 - 7A

Continued from Page 1A
on the part of the NAACP that BAMN's philoso-
phy was not exactly in line with its own. Togeth-
er, the two organizations cooperated in
coordinating a host of events to precede today's
hearing at 1:30 p.m.
The University of Cincinnati's student gov-
ernment has also taken a vested interest in
these cases, holding forums and seminars to
educate students about affirmative action and
the lawsuits.
"If they rule unfavorably for University of
Michigan's admissions, affirmative action
Continued from Page 1A
about the public schools her kids go to, and how wh
ever there's an ethnic issue the parents get involved a
fix the problem," said Kluczynski, who is white.
LSA junior Aundrea Johnson, programming ch
of the Black Student Union, is more skeptical ab4
the findings. "The numbers probably reflect U of
and not necessarily Ann Arbor," she said.
"From my own personal experience, I think t
neighborhoods in Ann Arbor are very segregated,
terms of where people live and their level of inter
tion. If there's no interaction how can you say ther
a lot of integration going on?"

could end next fall in all four states," said Rob
Richardson, the University of Cincinnati's stu-
dent body president.
The Law School admissions policy was
struck down at the district court level, while
another judge upheld the undergraduate policy.
Student body vice-president Angela Wilson
said she expects protesters to take the result of
today's hearing in stride. A ruling from the
court is expected sometime next year.
"The students here are ready to more for-
ward, whatever the decision here, because we
know this is going to move forward to the
Supreme Court," she said.
Buses carrying students from four Detroit high
LSA sophomore Ankur Narenda, an Indiar
said he acknowledges that while the Univer
appear integrated, it is still very much segrega
en- "Black people hang out with black peopli
and with whites. It's not a segregation due to p
but due to culture. People do branch out, b
lair end of the day everyone still tends to go bacl
out cultural preference," he said.
M Segregation remains particularly acute in1
cities of the Northeast and the Midwest, s
the Metzger, a Wayne State University demo;
in Stagnant manufacturing-based e conomr
ac- inability to annex outlying areas can lock
e's housing patterns in place.
Discrimination remains a problem as well

schools with University of Michigan students act-
ing as chaperones left yesterday afternoon.
They were to spend the night at a church
with the Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, a vocal
Cincinnati civil rights activist who used to
march with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
"I have a feeling there's not going to be a lot
of sleeping," said Rackham student Jessica
Curtin, a member of BAMN. "I have a feeling
there's going to be a lot of discussion."
"Everyone is excited and looking forward to
it," she added. About 50 people were to leave
Ann Arbor for Cincinnati as early as 4 a.m.
today, in addition to the 120 who left yesterday
afternoon, Curtin said. Two buses are also leav-

ing from Eastern Michigan University.
The rain that is expected in Cincinnati today
may only serve to increase the marchers' deter-
mination, Curtin said.
Protesters were planning to congregate this
morning on the University of Cincinnati's cam-
pus and walk to nearby Hughes High School,
where the high school students will join them
in their march through the streets of Cincinnati
to the courthouse. Thousands of protesters are
expected to converge on Fountain Square,
Richardson said.
But other students have not heard much
about the hearing. "I see sighs and stuff," said
Cincinnati freshman Nick Rotter, who said he

the nation's progress on civil rights, he said.
"It's still largely the case, particularly with blacks
and whites, that we want to live with folks like us,"
Metzger said.
Chicago had the highest white-black segregation
ration nationally, at 87.9.
In Michigan, Flint is the most segregated city, with a
score of 80.2, followed by Warren at 73.2; Detroit,
67.6; Grand Rapids, 65.8; and Lansing, 46.3. No figure
was assigned to Livonia or Sterling Heights because
their black populations were below 1.5 percent of the
total, too small to be statistically meaningful.
Ann Arbor was also the state's most integrated city a
year ago.
- The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Continued from Page 1A
Office appearance. "I want the families
to know that they died for a noble and
just cause."
The Pentagon initially reported two
were killed. A third died en route to a
hospital. Officials said they had no infor-
mation on the seriousness of the injuries
or how many were Army or Air Force.
All 22 were described as special oper-
ations forces, but officials would not say
whether they were Green Berets,
Rangers, or other kinds of special opera-
tions troops. It appeared likely most
were Green Berets.
The deaths bring to four the number
of Americans killed inside Afghanistan
in the two-month war. CIA officer John-
ny "Mike" Spann was killed Nov. 25 in
a prison uprising while questioning

against affirmative action before October,
a he spontaneously joined the march
itown. He talked to other students there
;ained some more insight into the issue
ill has some reservations.
think it has good intentions but it goes
it the wrong way.
day's hearing comes near the end of final
is for University of Cincinnati students,
h officially conclude tomorrow.
good number of students are so wrapped
ith exams and moving back, (the lawsuits)
a't really merited the attention they would
" said junior Chris Paul, a resident adviser
houn Residence Hall.
forces captured in the fighting.
Several hundred U.S. special opera-
tions troops are in Afghanistan to assist
the Afghan opposition forces. The Pen-
tagon has credited them with helping
turn the tide against the Taliban in
northern Afghanistan last month by
enabling more precise and effective U.S.
bombing; in the south they are heavily
engaged in aiding a collection of anti-
Taliban forces in a fierce fight for con-
trol of Kandahar.
U.S. officials familiar with the evolv-
ing battle for Kandahar said it appeared
that the opposition forces were too few
to initiate a final, climactic assault on.
the Taliban and al-Qaida holdouts inside
the city. Nonetheless it remains the Pen-
tagon's strategy to let the opposition
forces take the lead on the ground,
rather than send in the Marines or other
U.S. ground troops to finish the fight.

Continued from Page 1A
Islamic Studies department. He said
enrollment in the class has increased
greatly in the past three years, and is
expected to keep growing, and he feels
responsible to encourage a greater
understanding of Islamic culture.
Knysh said his class next semester
will show students that the internal
diversity of Islam creates a variety of
religious viewpoints - including the
fundamentalist and militant beliefs
that the media highlights - because it
has no Pope-like leader to create a uni-
fied doctrine.
Ashutosh Varshney, the director of
the Center for South Asian Studies,
said his political science class, "Poli-
tics of India and South Asia," will also
include more information next semes-
ter about the terrorist situation in
South Asia.
Kennedy said that his course is part
of a broader initiative to advance
scholarship and discussion within the
University. The International Institute
created the initiative following a sym-
posium with University President Lee
Bollinger a week after the terrorist
Prof. Norman Yoffee said AAPTIS
has prepared a masters program to
train journalists, security personnel
and businessmen in Arabic language
and culture, and will start developing
it as soon as support from federal
agencies and the University is
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Continued from Page 1A
sories were gone," said Leslie Smith,
sales manager of Eddie Bauer in Briar-
wood Mall.
"Considering the trend, they are
moving slower this year based on the
Smith added that last year the
heavy snowstorms forced the mall to
temporarily close.
One business that has benefited
from the weather is Lucky Dog, a hot

dog vendor that operates outside year-
round near the C.C. Little Building.
"We're out here unless winter
doesn't permit us to get in here, like
last January when there was really
heavy snowfall," said hot dog seller
Richard Perrault.
He added that he has been enjoying
the weather and that, subsequently,
Lucky Dog has been fairing better
with more people outside.
"When it's cold, people don't like to
be out as much," Perrault said.
Goss and Shapiro predicted that

colder weather will soon arrive.
"Don't be fooled by this weather,"
Shapiro said. "January is going to
bring out the snow shovel."
Kahlbaum offered an explanation
for the recent wave of warmth.
"An upper-air pattern has been
bringing warmer-than-normal air,"
Kahlbaum said. "We will have a
strong cold front coming through on
Saturday, so it will be getting colder."
Temperatures are expected to be in
the 30s this weekend, with a low of 26
degrees on Saturday.

Continued from Page 1A
cence since the indictment, saying that although there might
have been a price-fixing conspiracy between Sotheby's and
Christie's, he did not know about it and did not orchestrate
"As confirmed by the lie-detector test I have taken, the
truth is on my side," Taubman said in response to the indict-
ment. "While any trial is difficult, I look forward to the
opportunity to clear my name in court."
But the jury found Taubman's words hard to believe.
During the trial, which began Nov. 9, prosecutor John
Greene of the U.S. Department of Justice's antitrust divi-
sion focused on testimony from Sotheby's former chief
executive, Diana Brooks, who testified that Taubman and
Tennant held a secret meeting in 1993 in which they
agreed to eliminate discounts and end the rivalry between
the two auction houses. ,
Tennant, who lives Andover, England, has refused to
come to the United States to face charges.
As chairman of the company and real estate mogul, Taub-
man "thought he was above the law," Greene said. "You
don't become a millionaire without knowing how to read
the bottom line."

During the trial, defense attorney Robert Fiske, a grad-
uate of the University's Law School, said Brooks had
conspired to fix prices without Taubman's permission or
Fiske also presented testimony from other Sotheby's
executives who painted Taubman as a simple business-
man who fell asleep at board meetings and did not
have the know-how to plot such a conspiracy with his
"We agree with the prosecution that a crime was commit-
ted," Fiske told the jury.
"The question for you is whether Mr. Taubman had any-
thing to do with that agreement."
Brooks pleaded guilty to the same price-fixing charges in
October 1999 and had also faced three years in prison
before testifying against Taubman.
In addition the University of Michigan, Taubman has
also given substantial donations to Brown University
and Harvard University, which have created the Taub-
man Center for Public Policy and American Institutions,
and the Taubman Center for State and Local Govern-
ment, respectively.
Two of Taubman's major contributions to the Detroit area
include Briarwood and Somerset malls.
- The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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