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November 16, 2001 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-11-16

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November 16, 2001

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BANGI, Afghanistan (AP) - Northern
alliance forces and Pashtun tribesmen encircled
two of the Taliban's last remaining strongholds
at opposite ends of the country yesterday. The
Taliban's supreme leader vowed to fight to the
death and to seek the "extinction of America."
Backed byeU.S. warplanes, the alliance laid
siege to the northern city of Kunduz, where the
defenders include an estimated 2,000 to 3,000
foreigners loyal to Osama bin Laden.
In the south, the Taliban clung to tenuous
control of its birthplace, Kandahar. Opposition
leader Hamid Karzai said his sources told him
there was "turmoil" in the city; other sources
said local Pashtun tribesmen had surrounded the
A U.S. official, speaking on condition of
President m
search on
Rackham dean to lead
advisory panel; 2 students
to get spots on committee
By Elizabeth Kassab
Daily Staff Reporter

anonymity, said there were spurts of fighting
near the city center as the Pashtun fighters
advanced. Most of Kandahar province, outside
of the city, is in the hands of anti-Taliban rebels,
he said.
Gen. Tommy Franks, the U.S. commander of
the Afghanistan campaign, said American spe-
cial forces were operating near Kandahar. Inside
the city, Franks said, "we do see signs of some
fracturing" within the Taliban ranks. Pashtuns
are Afghanistan's largest ethnic group, and
served as the backbone of the Taliban's harsh
five-year regime.
Pakistan strengthened its border defenses
closest to Kandahar with tanks and extra troops,
worried that unrest - and bin Laden supporters
- could spill across the frontier.

In other developments:
Eight international aid workers arrested
three months ago for preaching Christianity in
Afghanistan were reported in good condition in
Pakistan after being helicoptered to safety by
U.S. special forces. The women in the group,
including two Americans, signaled to their res-
cuers by burning the body-covering burqas they
had been forced to wear.
U.S. Homeland Security Director Tom
Ridge confirmed that documents that would be
helpful in making a nuclear device were found
in a building in Kabul, described as an al-Qaida
safe house. But Ridge said the documents con-
tained information taken off the Internet that
could have been widely available to people other
than terrorists.

British troops arrived at the Bagram air-
field, north of Kabul, on what the Ministry of
Defense said was a mission to prepare the facili-
ty for use in a future humanitarian mission.
In Washington, the Pentagon said some
senior Taliban and al-Qaida leaders were killed
in airstrikes this week, but had no evidence bin
Laden was among them. Defense Secretary
Donald H. Rumsfeld told a news conference the
United States will find bin Laden even if he
leaves Afghanistan.
The northern alliance has captured some
senior Taliban military leaders, said a U.S. offi-
cial, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
Some senior Taliban officers also have defected,
the official said. The official declined to say
whether U.S. officials had interviewed the pris-

President Bush launched airstrikes against
Afghanistan on Oct. 7 after the Taliban refused
to surrender bin Laden, wanted in the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon.
The Taliban supreme leader, Mullah
Mohammed Omar, sought to portray the Tal-
iban's recent retreats from urban centers as part
of a larger strategy aiming to destroy America.
"If God's help is with us, this will happen
within a short period of time - keep in mind
this prediction," he said in an interview with the
BBC, conducted over satellite phone. "The real
matter is the extinction of America, and God
willing, it will fall to the ground."
See WAR, Page 7


Economy showin
signs of recovery
By Ted Borden
Daily Staff Reporter

Moving toward its goal of naming a
successor to University President Lee
Bollinger by spring, the University
Board of Regents
announced yester-
day that the eight
regents themselves
will serve as the
presidential search
Regent Larry
Deitch (D-Bing-
ham Farms) will
chair the commit-
Lewis tee, and Regent
Daniel Horning (R-Grand Haven) will
serve as vice chair.
The regents also gave Rackham Dean
Earl Lewis a unique present for his
birthday yesterday, naming him chair of
the Presidential Search Advisory Com-
mittee. The advisory committee has not
been formed, but Deitch announced that
the committee will consist of seven fac-
ulty members, two staff members, two
students, two alumni, and one represen-
tative from the Dearborn and Flint cam-
Bollinger will leave the University at
the end of the semester and become
president of Columbia University next
summer. Former Business School Dean
B. Joseph White will serve as interim
president until a permanent replacement
is found.
"We hope to fill out the committee
shortly and keep the process moving
toward a relatively quick resolution by
springtime," Deitch said.
"We want to be thorough and as
inclusive as possible, but we also want
to make a decision," Lewis said. "I think
that means an aggressive schedule."
The committee is expected to be
named in the coming weeks, and Lewis
said he hopes to meet with the commit-
tee immediately.
Exact details of how the search will
proceed are still being worked but. The
regents have decided to employ an exec-
utive search consultant to aid in the
process, but they have not yet decided
which firm. No decision has been made
See SEARCH, Page 7

Consumer confidence will continue
to decline in the next year as labor mar-
kets proceed to weaken and unemploy-
ment rises but consumers are not as.
pessimistic as they have been during
past recessions, a University economist
said yesterday.
Richard Curtin, director of the Uni-
versity's Index of Consumer Sentiment,
was speaking at the Michigan Theater
as part of the University's 49th Annual
Conference on the Economic Outlook.
During his presentation, Curtin reflect-
ed on the economic fallout of the Set.
11 attacks and spoke on the consumer
outlook for 2002.
"Never have we seen an event have
as much impact as this has," Curtin
said. "But, the most striking result is
how little impact the attacks had on
already declining confidence."
Curtin noted that while overall con-
sumer sentiment and expectation are at
their lowest levels since the nation's last

Alice Augustus of Dexter looks at vehicles with Taylor Glaseenapp, a salesman for
Howard Cooper Import Center on State Street. Despite the economic downturn, car
sales have surged as automakers try to draw customers by lowering Interest rates.

recession during the early 1990s, peo-
ple are not as pessimistic. "Consumers
do expect some gains in the next year
- they see this as short-term," Curtin
The main difference between the cur-

rent weakened economy and the one
which occurred a decade ago is infla-
"We have very low inflation now,"
Curtin said. "This is an important posi-
See ECONOMY, Page 7

$2. million gift to fund
public service program

Yesterday's blue sky reflects In the windows of the Law Quad. This week's
unseasonable warmth is expected to give way to snow showers by Thanksgiving.
approves new

University of California regents formal-
ly approved yesterday an admissions
policy to judge would-be students on
their personal as well as their academic
records. The policy, known as compre-
hensive review, was endorsed by a
regents committee Wednesday and for-
mally approved 15-4 with one absten-
tion by the full board yesterday.
Under comprehensive review, admis-
sions officials look at grades and test
scores plus such things as whether a stu-
dent overcame poverty or has special
talents. Critics had branded the new pol-
icy as backdoor affirmative action,
banned by state law, but regents amend-

is policy
ed the policy to say it wouldn't be used
to inject race into admissions.
As a leading public university, UC's
decision sends a signal to other schools
struggling with how to balance academ-
ic merit with personal endeavor in an
era when using subjective criteria such
as race has come under legal fire.
Regents voted to drop race-based
admissions in 1995. They rescinded that
vote in May, but are bound by a 1996
state law banning most state affirmative
action programs. After race-blind
admissions went into effect, enrollment
of blacks and Hispanics tumbled. The
figures have rebounded since then, but
not at Berkeley and UCLA.

By Kylene Kiang
Daily Staff Reporter
University alum and former U.S.
Attorney Robert Fiske Jr. announced
this week that he will contribute $2 mil-
lion to the University's Law School as
part of the newly created Fiske Fellow-
ship Program for Public Service.
"I'm very pleased to be able to help
share the rewards of public service in
this way. Basically, this fund is to help
others experience.two of the most
influential things in my life - Michi-
gan Law School and public service,"
Fiske said yesterday.
Beginning in May 2002, three recent-
ly graduated or third-year Law students
pursuing careers in government service
will be chosen to receive a one-time
$5,000 stipend plus full debt repayment
assistance on educational loans for three
According to the program appli-
cation, recipients will be selected
based on "demonstrated commit-

ment to public service values, acad-
emic achievements and the nature
and quality of the proposed govern-
ment position."
Fiske "really wanted to make a state-
ment," said Law School Dean Jeffrey
Lehman. "He
wanted to ensure
that we can keep
moving forward."
In light of the
Sept. 11 attacks,
the scholarship
program aims to
assist students dur-
ing difficult eco-
nomic times.
F"iske "I think this is
an extraordinary opportunity. ... It will
definitely have an impact in students in
terms of affording an education and also
increasing the accessibility of public
service," said Lehman.
Fiske said newly graduated stu-
dents often have less consideration
for the public service field, citing

that private firms offer significant-
ly higher salaries.
"In many cases, people will opt to go
to a higher paying job. Hopefully, this
will attract more people into govern-
ment service" he said.
"The Fiske Fellowships will make
public service a more realistic option for
our country's best-trained attorneys,"
said Robert Precht, director of the Law
School's Office of Public Service.
Fiske graduated from the Law
School in 1955. He is a senior mem-
ber of Davis Polk & Wardrell, a
New York City-based law firm. His
experience in public service
includes being appointed U.S. attor-
ney for the Southern District of New
York in 1976.
He also served as independent
counsel in the Whitewater investiga-
tion in 1994. Currently he serves as
a member of the Commission of

Review for FBI
also known as

Security Programs,
the Webster Com

tomorro330 p.m. I camp randal l stadium I abc
The Badgers have an explosive offense,
but their defense has given up more thanA
30 points in all five of the team's losses.

Amaker era begins with Oakland visit

By Joe Smith
Daily Sports Editor

The Wolverines kept the Little Brown
,ug in Ann Arbor with a 31-10 over
innesota. Wisconsin did not play.
A Michigan win means next week's
" . !11 _ 0 . 1 --!, J __- _1 t

Whenever Oakland University basketball coach
Greg Kampe entered a recruit's living room this
past year and attempted to woo them into a Griz-
zlies uniform, there was one special memento from
his 18 years of coaching that he never forgot to
show them:n
The game film from wome 's aske t all ia
last years 97-90 victo- is ready to tip off with its
ry over Michigan. highest-ever preseason
The "biggest win in
school history" for the ranking. Page 10.
Grizzlies shocked the college basketball world and
put Oakland, just beginning its second season in
Division I, on the map.

start the revitalization of the program against a
team whose upset victory over the Wolverines was
the first leak in the worst season for Michigan in 19
The heavily anticipated rematch is tonight at 7
p.m. in Crisler Arena.
Amaker, who won two national titles as an assis-
tant with Duke, spent the past four years at Seton
Hall that included one Sweet Sixteen appearance.
He uses his code words of "passion and patience"
when speaking of Michigan's expectations this sea-
son focused merely on "improvement.:
Amaker didn't have to watch last season's game
when Brian Ellerbe sat then-freshmen Avery
Queen, Bernard Robinson and Maurice Searight
for the first few minutes of the game for discipli-
nary reasons. Oakland proceeded to catch fire from

U 11


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