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November 09, 2001 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-11-09

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 9, 2001 - 7A

Mazar-e-Shari is eyb
JABAL SARAJ, Afghanistan (AP) - At the crossroads "This would give more facilities to the United States to
of a dozen northern provinces, Mazar-e-Sharif is the linch- get rid of terrorists," said Mohammed Karim Khalili, leader
pin in the Taliban's grip on northern Afghanistan. Seizing it of the Shiite Muslim opposition.
would give the opposition and the US.-led coalition their For the Taliban, losing Mazar-e-Sharif, could threaten to
first in-country staging ground for the fight to capture isolate thousands of their troops elsewhere in northern and
Osama bin Laden and topple his Taliban protectors. northwestern Afghanistan.
For the United States and the northern alliance, Mazar-e- "Yes, we are interested in a " Gen. Tomy
Sharif offers two key prizes: a working airport and a road Franks, commander of U .S. forces in the Afghan conflict,
link to Uzbekistan about 40 miles to the north. told reporters in Washington. "Wre interested in it because
That would enable the United States and its allies to rush it would provide a land bridge, as has been said, up to
in large quantities of ammunition, tanks, artillery and other Uzbekistan, which provides us, among other things, a
supplies to bolster the ill-equipped opposition forces. humanitarian pathway for us to move supplies out of Cen-
Uzbekistan supports the U.S.-led campaign against terror- tral Asia and down into Afghanistan."
ism and has allowed about 1,000 U .S. soldiers to be sta- Taliban troops defending the front lines outside Mazar-e-
tioned on its soil. Sharif, a city with an estimated population of about
U U.S. officials stressed the corridor could also be used to 200,000, are being pummeled by US. warplanes, while
truck in food and other humanitarian supplies to help opposition, soldiers are waging a three-pronged attack from
Afghans survive the winter. the south.
The city's airport could be refurbished into a base not Most Taliban fighters are ethnic Pashtuns, the main eth-
only for flying in supplies but also for mounting air attacks nic group nationwide but a minority in the north. By con-
against Taliban forces elsewhere in the strategic north. trast, the people of Mazar-e-Sharif are mostly Tajiks and

Uzbeks. One of the three columns attacking the city is led
by Rashid Dostum, an Uzbek who ruled Mazar-e-Sharif
until it fell to the Taliban in 1998.
Pentagon officials say the situation on the battlefieldis
fluid, and Franks said, "it's a bit early to characterize this as
the success that will enable our establishment of the land
Reporters have no access to the area and are relying on
information from opposition spokesmen contacted by satel-
lite telephones. Normal telephone links tothe city have
been cut.
As a result, it is difficult to deternine conditions for civil-
ians in the city, who have been largely cut off from the rest
of the country for months.
There are 12 refugee camps in the Mazar-e-Sharif area
where 42,400 people live, according to UNICEF, a moder-
ate number compared with other parts of the country. Near
H-erat in western Afghanistan, for example, there are
210,000 refugees, according to U.N. figures. The total num-
ber of displaced within Afghanistan's borders is 350,000,
the U.N. says.

Strategic city
The northern Afghan city of Mazar-e Sharif has become a key
battleground in the last week. Isolated from Kabul to the south by
the Hindu Kush mountains, Mazar-e Sharif controls a northern
corridor of strategic towns and the only land route to Uzbekistan.
Q. 1,00 km Sharif,: Tlga'
Shebergan * _" onduz f
.~.Dara e Sufi
' Herat 4FarnrUd Rivgr 4r - ''u
= Ghaghcbura

SOURCES: Associated Press; ESRI; USGS


Special forces raid questioned
1~ ~ ' A I '

Los Angeles imes
WASHINGTON - Three weeks after it took place,
the only ground attack known to have been mounted by
U.S. forces in Afghanistan is coming under criticism
from some former special forces officers and military
Some of the critics contend that the Oct. 19 raid,
which struck an airfield and a residence of the Taliban's
leader in southern Afghanistan, misused stealthy special
operations troops by deploying them as part of a noisy
assault that also included a sizable force of U.S Army
Others charge that U.S. commanders shouldn't have
risked the troops in an effort that = with news leaks the

night it happened and film footage afterward - was pri-
marily a show for the world news media.
But other experts and special forces veterans contend
that although the mission captured neither Taliban lead-
ers nor key documents, it was well executed - and that
the more important question is why there apparently have
not been more like it.
Pentagon officials continue to strongly defend the
Although they acknowledged earlier this week that 31
troops suffered injuries in the attack - significantly
more than initially reported - they say the injuries were
all minor and not a result of enemy resistance. Air Force
Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, called the mission "flawless."

Continued from Page 1A
Arbor. "I attended Dr. Fareed's lecture to learn more about
Islam. It's a fascinating religion and an interesting lifestyle."
Vinay D'Souza, an LSA senior, attended the lecture to
learn more how Islam fits into the larger international com-
'I attended to learn more about the Muslim way of life,"
said D'Souza. "I have heard a lot in the news recently about
Islam and I wanted to learn about it from an Islamic scholar. I
was interested to hear how Dr. Fareed would respond to ques-
tions about the current international situation."
Somia Ahmad, a first-year Dentistry student, has attended
all of the lectures sponsored by the Muslim Student Associa-
tion this year.
"I've been coming to all the lectures to gain insight andsto
participate in dialogue about Islam and the current situation,"
said Ahmad. "Now more than .ever, it is important to teach
people about both the differences and the similarities between
the Muslim world and the United States."
Sana Ashcraf, an LSA junior, identifies with both Islam
and the Western world.
"I am a Muslim and I am an American. It's very difficult to
know which way to think," said Asheraf. "I have lived here all
my life and I want what is best for the United States. I can't

relate when Muslims terrorize - they use religion as a
scapegoat for hate crimes."
Fatima Aziz, an LSA junior, appreciates the Muslim Stu-
dent Association's efforts during this year's Islam Awareness
"I think this year's Islam Awareness Week helped to
improve non-Muslims understanding of Islam," said Aziz. "I
feel that Muslims and non-Muslims alike are reaching out to
try to understand each other."
Omar Razzacki, a member of the Muslim Student Associa-
tion, spoke with interested students about the teachings of
Islam this week.
"We set up booths on the Diag and in the Union so we
could talk about Islam with Muslim and non-Muslim stu-
dents," said Razzacki, an LSA junior. "Many students have
questions about Islam, we provided an outlet for answers."
Kenan Basha, vice president of the Muslim Student Asso-
ciation, considers Islam Awareness Week to be a positive cat-
alyst for student discussion.
"I definitely think this week improved non-Muslims under-
standing of Islam because people were able to discuss Islam
face to face," said Basha, a Business junior.
"Face-to-face interaction helps to break down stereotypes.
Students can see that their Muslim friends are really no dif-
ferent from their Jewish or Christian friends and that is really
important in today's world."

Continued from Page 1A
Moore understood the cultural bur-
dens she faced.
"I connected with her in a way I
had never connected with anyone
since leaving home. She brought out
the best in me and taught me to focus
on the positives in life. She has a won-
derful gift to make people comfort-
able and for interacting with a diverse
group of people," Selassie said.
Malcolm Bernard, Elisa Moore's
cousin, said because Moore enjoyed
interacting with people of different

cultures and nationalities, she devel-
oped a passion for international busi-
Her father said that along with her
work, Elisa Moore. loved singing for
gospel choirs. The University of
Michigan Gospel Chorale, which
Elisa Moore practiced with a few
times, perfbrmed several energizing
songs during the memorial. David
Moore said the chorale was invited to
perform because his daughter loved
Christian gospel music.
David Moore said religion was a

He said she was the vice president
and one of the founding members of
a church group called Adventist Stu-
dents for Christ. She had been on her
way to attend a meeting of the group
when she struck a deer on U.S. 23 and
lost control of her vehicle.
David Moore said his daughter was
a loyal Democrat, and she volunteered
for former President Bill Clinton's
campaign by encouraging people to
He said the last message she left on
her mother's answering machine was. a
reminder to perform her civic duty by

major part of the
daughter's life.

last year of his

Continued from Page 1A
versity Musical Society-sponsored events or even know what
the Life Sciences Orchestra is.
"We also want to make certain that our students have the
best possible opportunity to participate and experience the
arts and culture that come to our campus on an annual basis;'
Monts said.
This will include collaborating with the different colleges
and schools within the University as well as individual
groups, such as the Arts at Michigan Program, he said.
As for diversity, Monts said the University needs to main-
tain its position at the forefront of the drive for diversity.
"We want to highlight and fold into the campus environ-
ment high level activities and events that inform us about the
broad range of issues facing diversity in higher education," he
said. "I see myself as sort of a coordinator of these things.
Monts added that he would look to the University's deans,
students and colleagues in the provost's office for ideas.
"What I'm hoping for is what I call 'yes-able' propositions

good ideas put forth as proposals to which we can say yes
to,' White said.
Monts will take on the new position in addition to main-
taining his current post.
"Lester Monts has a big leadership job currently," White
"That work is going to continue. This role is one of work-
ing closely with me as president of the University to ensure
that we maintain continuity and momentum in the areas of
the arts, diversity and undergraduate education. I think that
the Bollinger administration has done a very good job of
launching important initiatives, of which these are three."
While the position is not an executive office, Monts will
make reports at the monthly University Board of Regents
White added the post is not permanent.
"I think that Lester and I had agreed that we would just
take it a step at a time," he said, adding that once a permanent
president is found, Monts may advise that person on how the
office functioned during the interim presidency and a final
decision can be made from there.

Continued from Page 1A
cans. He also outlined actions the
government has taken to strengthen
homeland security, including deploy-
ing National Guard troops to airports
and giving law enforcement authori-
ties more powers.
"None of us would ever wish the
evil that has been done to our coun-
try, yet we have learned that out of
evil can come great good. During the
last two months, we have shown the
world America is a great nation," he
The address was billed as an
update on the war in Afghanistan,
the anthrax scares at home and the
new responsibilities of government
and all Americans.
He also outlined actions the gov-
ernment has taken to strengthen
homeland security.
"Our great national challenge is to
hunt down the terrorists and
strengthen our protections against
future attacks; our great national
opportunity is to preserve forever the
good that has resulted," Bush said.
"Through the tragedy, we are renew-

"During the last
two months, we
have shown the
world America is a
great nation."
- President Bush
ing and reclaiming our strong Amer-
ican values."
He said the country is different -
"sadder and less innocent; strong
and more united" - than before the
He spoke in Atlanta, chosen
because it-is home'to the federal
Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
vention, the nation's leading disease
control facility.
Recognizing in polls a desire by
Americans to get involved in the
fight against terrorism, the president
suggested ways people can serve
their country. He urged people to
head into "careers of service," such
as firefighting or police work.

Continued from Page 1A
Not needing to search bags "will
give police officers a better oppor-
tunity to look out for behavior of
people and hidden things," Brown
said. "The biggest issue with Crisler
and Yost is that they don't have a
prohibited items list."
While the original policy changes
only affected the football stadium,
the Athletic Department and DPS
decided to include the other two
arenas to keep policies consistent.
The new policy will last only as
long as it has to, she added.
Other colleges, such as Michigan.
State University, have been using
similar policies but differ on the
reach of the restrictions. Michigan-
State's policy states that absolutely
all packages are prohibited.
"We certainly stepped up our
police presence," said Lt. John
McCandless, special events coordi-
natpr at the Michigan State Depart-
ment of Police and Public Safety.
"People have to be sensitive to the
fact that we are trying to create a
safe environment."

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