6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 9, 2001 THE SUNDAY NIGHT ALTERNATIVE. Free dinner. Live music. www.frontlinechurch.org FOUND: ORANGE CAT. Male, fixed, white on chest. nicki48198@yahoo.com REWARD Missing from Grad Lib. Plastic pouch aprox. 15 floppy disks. 764-9361. KELLER WILLIAMS 734-476-8376 Why Rent When You Can Own This Condo on a Gorgeous Lake? Excellent condition: must see to appreciate. 2 Bdrms., 2 Bath $112,000 *** PARKING AVAILABLE *** Call Varsity at 668-1100 from 9am-5pm or Rob & Katrina at 913-0159 after 5pm. DOUBLE MATTRESS & frame $100, tan love seat $100, new kitchen cart $50, wooden rocker $35. Central campus. 996-2537. NOW AVAIL. Covered prkg space in prime area. Well-lit and secure. 665-8825. PARKING SPACES AVAILABLE 665-8825 THE FISH Doctors Aquarium Showroom. Anything you need for your fish! Create the best eye candy in your dorm! 10% off with student I.D. 434-1030. ** 4 to 5 PERSON APARTMENT ** 3 Bedroom Bi-level with Separate Den. 2 full baths. Furnished. Heat and water included. 668-1100. ***3 BDRM. APT. 1004 S. Forest #B3. May lease. Please stop by apt. and call 332-6000. ***5 BDRM. HOUSE. 1206 Cambridge Ct. $2750/mo. Stop by and call 332-6000. ***7 BDRM. HOUSE, can fit 8. 948 Greenwood. $3950/mo. 332-6000. ***LEASE CANCELLATION*** Contemporary 2 bedroom. Private entrance on scenic west park. Flexible leases & free Laundry! 741-9300 www.annarborapartments.net. **AVAILABLE 12-01. Amazing 4 bdrm. hse. Huge bdrms. Tons of storage. All new kitchen, bath, carpet, and paint. Parking/laundry. $1500/mo.:665-7815. 1 & 2 BDRM. FURN. APTS. 402 Hill St. Central Campus. Avail. Sept, 2002. A/C, Ldry., Prkg., utils. incl. Call 332-6105. 1 & 2 BDRM. @ 1130 Oakland. Parking, spacious, laundry. 769-7025. 1 & 2 BEDROOM at 408 Hill. Remodeled, bi-level, spacious. 769-7025. 1 BEDROOM at 1026 Vaughn. Near B- School. 769-7025 or 222-0868. 2 6-BDRM. apts. by SAB. 1 May, 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 6-bdrm, by CCRB. All 2 baths, ldry. on site, dishwshr., garbage disp. Call 668-1118. 2 BDRM. at 908 Sybil. Near IM Bldg., A/C, Modern. 222-0868 or 769-7025. 2 BEDROOM @ 910 Packard. Modern, A/C, balcony. 769-7025 or 662-5960. 4 BDRM. APT. Avail. immed. Everything new. Corner of State & Hill. 323-3175. 4 BDRMS AT 808 E. KINGSLEY. Avail. Sept '02. Furn. Idry. Next to UofM Nursing School. Free prkg for 2 cars. No pets. Util. incl. $1950/mo. Call 248-738-7022. 4-5 PERSON HOUSE Avail. Now and Spring 2002 Main & Hoover. Plenty of Parking! $2300, Call (734) 260-2629. 415 BENJAMIN- Modern building, furn. 1 bdrm. for 1-2 persons, $740; 2 bdrm. bi-level w/ balcony for 2-3 persons $1,350. dshwr., a/c, prkg., & Idry. May/May & Sep. 2002 leases, benjaminrentals.com, (734)657-0684. AVAIL. FALL 2002. Brand new 5 bdrm. Penthouse. Right on South Univ. 2 full baths. A/C, prking. A must see. 665-8825. AVAIL. FALL 2002. One bdrm. on Lawrence St. 5 bdrms. on E. Washington. Very nice. Please call 971-3193. AVAIL. FALL '02. Kerrytown and Hill areas, several exceptional houses - $2650 &, up. 5-6 people. No pets. 546-6552. www.umrentals.com AVAIL. FOR FALL 2002. 4-9 bedroom houses in prime locations. 665-8825. AVAIL. 'IN JAN: Single bdrm. at 616 Division. Fully fum., new kitch., ldry., prkg., rent neg. Call Matt at 222-0914. AVAIL. JAN. 1 bdrm. William and Division 8 ft. ceilings, hard wood floors, good closets, Gallatin Realty Co. 994-1202 ext 23. AVAIL. SEP. 10 bdrm. hse. 1114 Prospect. 3.5 baths. 2 modern kitchens. Free Idry. Prking. for 6 cars. $5200/mo. 665-2723. AVAILABLE 2001: 1-9 bedroom houses. Locations: Church, Greenwood, Forest, S. Division, etc. Please visit michiganrental.com. Call 994-3907. AVAILABLE FALL. Efficiencies, one two and three bedroom apartments. Call Michigan Realty 662-5500. AVAILABLE FALL. Extra large two bedroom apartments on tentral Campus that will easily accommodate four people. Different floor -plans to suit your needs. Parking and Laundry. Lots of amenities. Call Michigan Realty, 662-5500. EHO. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Awesome 3 bedroom. Too many amenities to list. A must see. 741-9300. BEAUTIFUL APTS.!! 3 seperate 1 bdrm units. 1021 E. University. Heat and water mel. Ideal for grad. students. One unit A/C. umayuri@aol.com ROOM FOR RENT in house 1 blk. from campus. Central air, prkg., Indry. Available immediately, rent negotiable. email akung@umich.edu. Angela @ 276-2822. ROOMS FOR RENT at 808 E. Kingsley. Avail, now.' Next to UM Nursing School. Furn. rooms. Share kitchen and 2 baths. Prking. on premises. No pets. All util. incl. Rent $350-375/mo. Call 248-738-7022. ROOMS FOR RENT: beautiful units, newly renovated. 323-3175. SINGLE ROOM, N.W. corner of central campus. Very nice. Call 971-3193. SPACIOUS 2 BDRM. 628 S. Ashley incl. heat, prkg, Immed. Occu. $800 455-1487. STOP - LOOK - AND LEASE *** Top Campus Locations *** 1 and 2 Bedroom Apts. Get a complete listing and personal tour. 625 Church Street. Varsity Management 668-1100. THE WALNUT/GEDDES APARTMENTS ** Bet. S. University and Geddes Rd. ** Extra Large 3 person - 2 bdrms PLUS Den. Spacious 2 person - 1 bedroom apts. Furnished, A/C, Laundry, Parking, Intercom. Call Res. Mgrs., Rob & Katrina at 917-0159. WANT LOWER RENT and a bigger place? Many U of M students are now choosing Ypsilanti. Only minutes away and much better deals. 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms from $580 for Fall 2002. You should check it out. Call 487-5750. MICHIGAN TELEFUND Now hiring students for flexible night and weekend schedules. Fun work atmosphere and great job experience. Earn $7/hr. plus nightly bonuses. Apply online or stop by 611 Church, Suite 4F. www.telefund:umich.edu. 998-7420. NATIONWIDE CAMPAIGN. Immediate openings. Earn $5000.00/month. Flexible hours. Email: netgo@netgo.com OFFICE ASSISTANT NEEDED: Center for Gene Therapy needs motivated person for help in seminar marketing, website maintenance, photocopying, and general errands. $8.50-10/hr. Work study approved. Call 647-3413. PAID EXPERIMENTS White, male subjects needed for a paid experiment on Central Campus. 1.5 hours guaranteed $15 with possible bonus. Register online at www-personal.umich.edu/-huangwei/SR.htm PERSONAL TRAINER to work with select clientele in unique fitness environment. A passion for developing a very high standard of training, impeccable interpersonal skills, certification preferred. E-mail resume to: pascoel@aol.com or call (734) 369-2593 PHYSICAL ASSISTANT NEEDED for disabled male law student. Pay negotiable, will train. Call Chris 761-9551. 0 umich.edul-ancm 6 6 $1500 WEEKLY POTENTIAL mailing our circulars. For info call 203-977-1720. $500 CASH IN 2 HOURS guaranteed. Are you at least 18 yrs old? Do you have internet access? Do you' need cash? guaranteed. www.greatwealthpublishing.com 4 CollegeDigzxcom Free Off-Campus Housing, Sublet & Roomate Searching 6 BEDROOM HOUSE, great football prkg, laundry, 3 baths. $2700/mo for faill'02. Hutch @provide.net 9 BDRM, 4 bath, 2 kitch., basement, prkg. 606 Catherine next to S. State St. $3825. Deinco Properties. 678-4400. 1995 CHEVY ASTRO van with wheelchair lift. Good condition. $9,500. Call after 5 P.M. 231-839-7229, ask for Dave or Laura. CARS FROM $500 Police impounds. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 4494. '94 HONDA ACCORD EX 4-dr., 4 cyl., 125k, $7000 OBO. jatrain@umich 332-4856. 914 WOODLAWN. 2 units joined together with a room in lg. house. 8 people. 3 baths. 2 living rooms. 2 kitch. Separate entrances. Basement. Ldry. Garage prkg. Rent as one unit $1550 per unit, both units $2900. 248- 348-4519. AAAAAHHHHH! Start with unbelievable large 2 bdrm. bi-level apt., 1.5 baths, and contemporary in every way. Ad a great location near the CCRB, free residential shuttle, fantastic rec room, a state of the art weight room, and you have GEDDES HILL! 741-9300. www.annarborapartments.net ALL MALE STUDENT house seeking 2 renters til May.Quiet, private rooms, 4 blocks to campus. $425/mo. Util. incl. 623-1290. ALL RENTED FOR 2002-2003 THANKS, MICHIGAN DAILY! AMAZING APTS. AND HOUSES www.jacobs-properties.com AMVEST: 1, 2,& 3 bdrm. apts. & 4 bdrm. hses. for 2002. Call 260-3610 or our website www.amvestproperty.com. ARE YOU LOOKING for housing on cntrl. campus for 2002? Call Amvest Property @ 260-3610 or check out our website www.amvestproperty.com. AVAIL 9/02: Very nice 6 large bdrm, house. 3 full baths. 6+ prkg. spots. Ldry. hdwd. floors, high ceilings, completely updated. 816 E. Kingsley. $3600 + utils. 996-0119. AVAIL. FALL 2002 Sylvan St. 4 bdrm., 2 bath., Idry, prkg, A/C, $1900/mo. Please call 717-6913 or 971-6902. BURNS PARK: Sunny 2 bdrm. apt. Avail. Late Dec. - Aug. hardwood floors,afree ldry., heat/AC incl., Dogs ok. $975. 734-332-9609. BY U OF M CAMPUS. Own bdrm., share kitch./bath. $435-$555. Short term lease possible at higher rate. Incl. utils. 741-8882. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. We are currently showing houses and apartments and accepting applications for Fall 2002 leases. Campus Management, Inc. has served the U of M community since 1966. Choose from over 300 units ranging from efficiency/studio apartments to 6 bedroom houses. Visit our website at www.campusmgt.com or call us at (734)663-4101. CAMPUS ONE, TWO, THREE bedroom unfurnished apts., in turn of the century homes. Off street parking, hardwood floors, fireplaces. Avalable fall 2002. Call (734) 761-8990. CARRIAGE HOUSE Across from CCRB, large contemporary 2 bedroom bi-level apts. 1.5 baths, furnished. 741-9300. www.annarborapartments.net CONGRATULATIONS! You've located the best 3 Bdrm. Apts. on Campus. Great Locations. Furnished. 668-1100. **2 BEDROOM APT. with one bdrm avail. Up to 2 people. Outstanding location. $500/mo, neg. Call Ann Jonas 761-1786.** 1 BDRM IN APT avail. Jan.-Aug. Very close to campus. $580 or best. 913-5513. 1 BDRM. WINTER SUBLET at 715 S. Forest. $855 neg. mcl. all utils. 507-0783. AVAIL. BEFORE JAN. 1 or 2 rooms. $400 and $435 per month. 502 Benjamin. Nice female roommates. 827-0977. AVAIL. JAN. eff. William and Division 8 ft. ceilings, hard wood floors, good closets, Gallatin Realty Co. 994-1202 ext 23. AVAILABLE JANUARY 2002 - SUBLET Extra large room available. Furnished. All utilities included. Call 668-1100. ROOMMATE NEEDED for winter semester. Female pref. Low rent and prkg. Ldry, 2 full bath. 1000 Packard. email at tracey1199@aol.com SUBLET, Victorian 2 bdrm., Central Campus, All yours thru May, or share with me. 960 +elec., 996-2537. WANTED: 1-2 bdrm apt. near B-School. Leave message w/ location, 546-0004. WINTER SUBLET - 2 large Bedrooms available. 703 Church near Piza House!! Call 214-1644. WINTER SUBLET - Looking for a girl for one room of a six bdrm. apartment. Great House and location. Contact Sarah at spolitizi @umich.edu or (734) 332-0160. WINTER SUBLET - Room in 2 bdrm. apt., Woodbury Apts., Quiet place for $450. Contact Ben at bekarjal@umich.edu or (734) 730-3070. WINTER SUBLET- Your own room, free heat, and two great roommates! Asking price is $400 but is negotiable. Contact Erin at efarrer@umich.edu or (734) 995-6760. **** ************* *** ********** Do you have any plans for the winter? Do you like to drink cheap coke? The Michigan Daily is hiring for the position of Circulation Manager. Gain invaluable management experience within a student run organization. Stop by the Student Publications Bldg, at 420 Maynard and pick up an application, or call764-0558. Deadline: Friday, Nov.30. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT needed for busy 'church office. Must be highly organized, dependable, energetic & able to work against deadlines. Excellent communication and computer skills. Minimum 2 years secretarial experience. Responsibilities include office work and management, some supervisory responsibilities, publishing of newsletter & weekly bulletin. Send resume to Trustees, First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104. All resumes will be reviewed and acknowledged. If any questions, call Annabel Erskine at 663-9376. ANN ARBOR YMCA seeks PIT front desk help. Midnight to 8am. Some wknd. & holidays a required. $8.50, YMCA membership & AATA pass. Fill out appl. @ 350 S. Fifth Ave. or email cwood@annarborymca.org EOE ATTENTION- Free info online work from anywhere using a pc. Call 888- 724-5158. www.itsdreamtime.com. ATTENTION: Work from home. Internet/mail order. Up to $1000-5000. P/T - F/T. 1-800-257-1491. www.hmbizforyou.com CUSTOMER SERVICES/SALES Flexible work for students - $14.05 base/appt. No telemarketing/No door-to-door. We train. Full and professional environment. Call Mon.-Fri., 944-1223, llam-6pm. www.eamparttime.com DRIVER WANTED Local Ann Arbor route, great pay and $bonus plan, company will pay for chauffeurs license. Good driving record a must. Call 741-9300. EVER WONDER WHY YOU SMOKE? Want to make a quick $40? Female smokers age 25-35 needed in a study on smoking and genetics. Only takes 2-3 hours of time. Blood withdrawal and questionnaires involved. Call 1-800-742-2300, #6308. HIRING SHIFT supervisors & crew personnel for lunch, nights, & weekends. Apply at Y & S Sandwich cafe, 734-662-7701. INSTALL ADVERTISING GRAPHICS on University newstands. General maintenance. Flexible hours. Excellent pay! Year round. Call 877-280-0261 ASAP. LABORER TO HELP BRICKLAYER, Full time (8-5). Must be strong and enjoy outdoors. Construction experience or athletic enthusiast. $10-12/hour. Call 449-4960 LAWYER'S CLUB dining is now hiring for lunch and weekends only. $8.45-$9.35/HR. TO START + MEAL BENEFITS. Catering opportunities & flex. sched. Apply in person @ Lawyer's Club. 551 S. State St. Call 764-1115. LIFEGUARDS NEEDED Dexter Community Pool. Starting pay is $8.25. Please call (734) 426-1935, John Robinson, Pool Director. REAL LIFE LIVING SERVICES is accepting applications for Direct Care/Personal Aides. Great for people w/ experience in OT, PT, ST, Psych, Social Work, Nursing, Human Services! $7.75 - $9.00/hr. Applicants must be 18 years of age, possess a valid unrestricted drivers license and have a HS diploma or GED. 734-222-6076. EOE SCOREKEEPERS is now hiring Cooks, Floormen and wait staff for immediate openings. Bring your class schedule and apply today at 310 Maynard A2 - Across from Borders Books Downtown. 995-0100. WORK STUDY STUDENTS are needed for several office positions at Student Publications. We're looking for punctual, energetic students with a sharp eye for detail. Duties: payables, payroll review; mail, phones, filing, cash receipts, library, data entry, advertising tear down. Various hours available. Pay $8 per hour. Call Ava Richard for information at 764-0550, 210E Student Publications. chl . a ASST. TEACHER (LOVE TODDLERS). Cook, clean, organize, enjoy pets and outside. 9-2pm or F/T. $8-10/hr. 769-2795. BABYSITTER NEEDED for 2 year old special needs child. In Chelsea area.rOwn transporation req. N-smkr. Must have ref(s). $8/hour. Call Tricia (734) 433-9982. PART-TIME HELP WANTED in home day care. Afternoons. 332-9719. SEEKING RESPONSIBLE person who likes kids to care for two, ages 7&11. M, T, Th, 3:30-5:30. Refs. req. Shayne@994-6223. 0 !!!GRAD STUDENT ALERT!!! FALL 2002 Old West Side. -1 and 2 bedrooms. Must See! Call Res. Mgr., Johm at 623-6414 or 668-6906., !!6/7 BEDROOM TRI-LEVEL!! 2 bath cathedral ceilings, skylights, newly remodeled kitchen, exercise & computer facilities, shuttle service near CCRB. 741-9300. www.annarborapartments.net $!$!$!$!$!$! AVAIL. NOW. 4 bdrm, 3 full baths, near Stadium & buslines. Pets OK! Prkg. 1507 White St. $1700/neg. 996-0119. * '3 BDRM. APT. Carpet, Idry., prkg., fireplace. Sept. 2002 lease. 572-1036. * 6 BDRM. HOUSES. Carpet, ldry., prkg. May or September 2002 lease. 572-1036. COLLEGE CLEANERS: Prof. Dry Cleaning & Ldry. Free summer storage. 715 N. Univ. Next to Hill Auditorium 662-1906. THESIS EDITING. All disciplines and formats. 25 years U-M experience. 734-996-0566 or writeon@bizserve.com '#1 Absolute Lowest Spring Break Price Guarantee! #2 Reputable company, Award-Winning Customer Service (see website) #3 Free Meal Plans! (Earlybirds) #4 All Destinations! #5 Campus Reps earn $$, Travel Free! Enough Reasons? 1-800-367-1252 www.springbreakdirect.com #1 SPRING BREAK VACATIONS! Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas, & Florida. Book Early & get free meal plan. Earn cash and Go Free! Now hiring Campus Reps. 1-800-234-7007. endlesssummertours.com ***ACT NOW! GUARANTEE THE BEST SPRING BREAK PRICES! SOUTH PADRE, CANCUN, JAMAICA, BAHAMAS, ACAPULCO, FLORIDA & . MADRIGRAS. REPS NEEDED... TRAVEL FREE, EARN $$$. GROUPS DISCOUNT FOft 6+. 800-838-8203 OR WWW.LEISURETOURS.COM. COZY 1 BDRM. basement apt. Walk to campus, prestigious neighborhood. Washer, dryer, separate entrance, unfurn. Pets allowed. Avail. Dec. 1. $500/mo. 761-6549. 0 6 FA D E S M B A S T E P S EJ E C T O U R E R R E D DAC H A O D A P A I N S R O O T A N D B R A N C H E E L S S I R S IB IS A C T M A M M A L NO D E M A IL TIARA F M T O P T O B O T T O M EN L A E A G E R S S E RES H O T N O W S U E R O L I O M I E N B A G A N D B A G GAG E MAR A T O RJC G R I L L AL IN E R AIH E E R IE P A Y S S T Y D R o S S LARGE 5 BDRM. HSE. near B-school. Quiet neighborhood, prkg, Idry, 3 baths, dwshr. Avail. spring. $3000. 734-475-2577. L i MEDICAL STUDENTS. Avail. Dec. 2 bdrm apt. Walk to Medical Center, Riverhouse Condos. Prkg, Idry. Lease takeover. $900/mo. 668-6583. 2 lines 7.40 9.90 12.40 14.90 17.40 3 lines 11.10 14.85 18.60 22.35 26.10 FSIinnnm t 34 135 1315 1I 'I I I (I I 1ICn n~ ~n~ Camnus Rentals