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November 08, 2001 - Image 22

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2001-11-08

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8B - The Michigan Daily - Tipoff 2001 - Thursday, November 8, 2001

The Michigan Daily - Tipoff 2001 -


Welcome to the new Crisler
Arena. What is still among the
oldest arenas in the Big Ten has
been renovated since last year,
recalling a time in Michigan's
basketball history when Win-
ning was the precedent, and
national championships were on
everyone's mind.

Most fans don't get to enjoy this kind
of inside look at their team's locker-
room. Most college players don't get
to enjoy a lockerroom as well-con-
ceive and comfortable as this one.
Most teams don't have the history of
Michigan, and it's finally time for
everyone -fans, players, coaches,
recruits, opponents - to remember it.

1l e


Photos by MARJORIE

MARSHALL/Daily, except bleachers by BRETT MOUNTAIN/Daily

Lockers were enlarged vastly,
including the seat hei gbt for play-
ers. In past years, the olverines
had to slouch in their own lock-
ers. Players now have plenty of
room to roam and store their per-
sonal gear.
Instead of stools, players are
gven a navy, leather chair with a
lock "M" stitched into it. The
hang er for their uniform and
clothing is a silver hoop. The pat-
tern on the wall is criss-crossed,
like the net. The padding on the
bench cushions are textured as a
The comfort is improved. The
design? Brilliantly conceived.

Above the elegant, curly maple paneling
in the Michigan lockerroom's colorful
corridor, lights shine on several photos of
former Michigan All-Americans as one
prepares to enter the revamped locker-
In connecting Michigan players to their
successful predecessors such as Cazzie
Russell and Chris Webber, Amaker want-
ed to evoke an image of a "winning tradi-
There's no better example of this than
Rumeal Robinson's national title clinch-
ing free throws in 1989 - which symbol-
izes Michigan's lone crown.
This memorable moment was captured
forever in a full-scale, painted mural -
which is the first thin that players notice
when stepping into their new home.
A few feet ahead is the lounge, which
now contains a wall entertainment unit
with an innovative sound system, refrig-
erator and a microwave.



Students will finally be
moved down to the C risler
Arena floor, in the form of 623
bleacher seats.
And when they do they may
not recognize the place - as
Crisler has undergone a huge
overhaul since Amaker has
arrived on the scene.
The changes, discussed by
Amaker, women's basketball
coach Sue Guevara and
Athletic Director Bill Martin,
are all a part of Amaker's plan
to both liven up Crisler and
bring back the "timeless" and
"traditional" nature of the pro-
"I don't think of Michigan
being anything
ir ricky of
A maker
said. "I


the new CRISLER

Amaker especially wanted Michigan's lockerroom to compare with many other suc-
cessful programs. He felt a classy lockerroom would not only add comfort to his current
players, but also impress incoming recruits. And it's no secret that Amaker landed a top-
10 recruitin class for the 2002 season. Whether the lockerroom had any impact on their
letters of in ent, Amaker feels it is a solid first step.
Former Wolverine Jimmy King, who was a member of the most highly-publicized recruit- V
ing class in college basketbalrhistory - the Fab Five - had the opportunity to view the
new plush lockerroom and couldn't hel but feel slighted.
"Of course I'm jealous," King said. "We never had anything like that."
The Fab-Five didn't have a renovated lockerroom, but donned the "classic" jerseys that
simply state "MICHIGAN" on its chest. This year's Wolverines will wear similar gear,
replacing the block "M" from the past two seasons.





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T tradition



t's important for our current players to know what the HISTORY has bee

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sometimes when they walk out on the floor "I want us to put a BANNER u

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- Tommy Amak

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