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November 08, 2001 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-11-08

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 8, 2001


U.S. cracks down on money trails

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration
carried out a series of raids yesterday on U.S. busi-
nesses suspected of helping to funnel nillions of
dollars to Osama bin Laden's terrorist network,
arresting a Massachusetts man and seizing evidence
in several cities.
Overseas, two Arab financiers were questioned by
Swiss police cooperating with the United States.
"By shutting these networks down, we disrupt the
murderers' work," said President Bush, announcing
the first major crackdown on companies, organiza-
tions and people suspected of aiding terrorists who
carried out the Sept. 11 attacks.
Law enforcement officials, speaking only on con-
dition of anonymity, said investigators believe tens of
millions of dollars a year flowed overseas through
the al-Barakaat network, one of two organizations
targeted by the day's law enforcement raids. These
officials said much of the money consisted of funds
that Somali residents were sending home to relatives,
adding that they suspect a portion was skimmed for
use by al-Qaida and other terrorist networks.
Customs agents, acting on an order signed by Trea-
sury Secretary Paul O'Neill, seized evidence at nine
locations in four cities: Boston, Minneapolis, Seattle
and Columbus, Ohio. Assets of nine organizations and
two people in the United States were frozen.

In addition, evidence was seized at two storefronts
in northern Virginia, officials said.
The United States also asked allies to freeze assets
that aid bin Laden and his al-Qaida organization in at
least nine countries. Some of them acted even before
Bush announced the crackdown on the network sus-
pected in the Sept. 11 attacks on Washington and New
In all, the names of 62 entities and people were
added to a list of suspected terrorist associates tar-
geted by Bush in an executive order signed last
month. The earlier list included 88 groups or people
whose assets had been frozen because of their ties to
al-Qaida and other terrorist groups.
The new list covers groups and people affiliated
with two suspected bin Laden financial networks -
Al Taqua and Al-Barakaat Material distributed by
the White House said the two organizations maintain
a presence in more than 40 nations, the United States
among them. Bush said both "raise funds for al-
Both are informal, largely unregulated financial
networks - sometimes called hawalas - that
authorities say funnel money to al-Qaida through
companies and nonprofit organizations they operate.
Bush's statement were quickly rebutted by the
chairman of the al-Barakaat group, speaking in

Mogadishu, Somalia. "This is all lies," Ahmed Nur
Ali Jim'ale told The Associated Press in a telephone
interview from Dubai. "We are people who are hard
working and have nothing to do with terrorists," said
Jim'ale, who is on the administration's target list.
In Boston, Mohamed M. Hussein and Liban M.
Hussein were charged with running an illegal money
transmitting business, according to a criminal com-
plaint. Officials said Mohamed Hussein was in cus-
tody, but the other man was not.
The two men ran Barakaat North America Inc. in
Dorchester, Mass., a foreign money exchange, with-
out a state license, according to a U.S. Customs Ser-
vice affidavit. The business moved over $2 million
through a U.S. bank from January through Septem-
ber, the government said.
Federal authorities in Columbus, Ohio, sealed off
a money-transfer and check-cashing business on the
administration target list. Barakaat Enterprise shares
a small strip mall with a pizza shop and beauty
salon, with private homes across the street.
A notice taped on the front window of the busi-
ness said: "All property contained in this building
is blocked pursuant to an.executive order of the
president on Sept. 23 of this year under the
authority of the International Emergency Econom-
ic Powers Act."

New NYC mayor
ready to rebuild
devastated city

NEW YORK (AP) -- Michael
Bloomberg's upset victory in New
York's mayoral race will test the cen-
tral premise of his campaign - that a
man who built a major media compa-
ny from the ground up can now
rebuild a city with a devastated down-
town and a fragile economy.
The 59-year-old billionaire Republi-
can - who touted his complete lack
of political experience as one of his
greatest strengths - will assume con-
trol of the nation's largest city during
one of the most difficult periods in its
Yesterday, Bloomberg was frank
about the challenges, including the
likelihood of getting a lot less sleep.
"When the alarm went off, I think I
moaned a little bit, and rolled over and
thought to myself, 'You know, if I
hadn't been so fortunate, I'd be able to
sleep in a little more,"' he said.
The short list of decisions
Bloomberg faces represents the kind
of political minefield that would make
even a veteran politician question the
wisdom of a career in public service.
His first priority will be to nurse a
city still recovering from the World
Trade Center attack back to financial
and emotional health - and at the
same time, seek creative solutions to
successive years of projected $4 bil-
lion budget deficits. Even so,
Bloomberg saw no reason yesterday to
rule out grand schemes such as an
expensive new sports stadium.
"This is the Big Apple," he said at

his first news conference a$ mayor-
elect. "We are a city of big projects, of
big ideas, of big complexes and a big
The tasks in front of Bloomberg are
not all new. The businessman, whose
experience with unions has been mini-
mal, must negotiate new contracts with
the police and teachers unions; do
something about the city's failing 1.1-
million student school system; and
begin the delicate work of trying to
heal racial and ethnic rifts in one of the
most diverse communities in the
He must do all this while filling the
shoes of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who
in the wake of the Sept. 11 attack has
been elevated from a modestly popular
incumbent to civic sainthood.
At least Bloomberg can point to a
fairly broad coalition of support
among city voters: Exit polling found
that he ran even with Democratic
opponent Mark Green among Hispan-
ic voters and picked up about one-
quarter of the black vote in Tuesday's
It was this breakdown in the tradi-
tional Democratic coalition, the $50
million or more that Bloomberg spent
on the race and Giuliani's backing that
turned Green from odds-on favorite to
loser and gave control of City Hall to
Fifty-five days before he takes
office, most of Bloomberg's plans
remain thin.
He supports raises for police and

House avoids confrontation with Bush
Top Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee backed away yes-
terday from a veto confrontation with President Bush and said they would sup-
port his effort to hold anti-terrorism spending to $40 billion this year.
A day after Bush threatened the first veto of his presidency during a White
House meeting with congressional leaders, committee Chairman Bill Young (R-
Fla.) said he would oppose any additional anti-terror funds when his panel writes
a defense spending bill next Tuesday.
And Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-Calif.) who chairs the Appropriations defense sub-
committee, said he was dropping plans to propose adding $12 billion in emer-
gency money for the Pentagon. Lewis, who for weeks has insisted that more
money is needed for the war in Afghanistan, was among those who attended the
session with Bush.
"I woke up at 3:30 in the morning and I said to myself, 'I don't want to put the
country through an exercise that would put us off the track,"'Lewis said in an
interview, referring to the country's sense of unity.
Democrats and some Republicans have said billions more are needed this year
for the FBI, public health, border and airport security, the military and other pro-
Tire company pays $41.5 million settlement
Bridgestone/Firestone Inc. will pay $41.5 million in a settlement to head off law-
suits by states over defective tires the company recalled more than a year ago.
Each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
will get $500,000, according to a copy of the settlement obtained by The Associated
Press. There are no restrictions on how the money can be spent.
Nashville, Tenn.-based Bridgestone/Firestone will spend $5 million on a con-
sumer education campaign and $10 million to reimburse attorneys' fees for the
Bridgestone/Firestone announced a recall of 6.5 million ATX, ATX II and
Wilderness AT tires on Aug. 9, 2000, after receiving reports that some tires sudden-
ly failed. Since then, federal investigators have documented 27'l deaths from thou-
sands of accidents involving the tires.
Many of the accidents involved rollovers of the Ford Explorer, the world's best-
selling sport utility vehicle. The Wilderness AT tires came as standard equipment.
Attorneys general have been investigating whether Bridgestone/Firestone and
Ford were aware of problems with the tires long before the recall was announced.
RAMALLAH, West Rank search is going to continue at this
."- point," Sewell said late last night. "But
Israeli occupation we are still proceeding as though the
ends after 3 Weeks sailor is alive."
It was not known how the sailor fell
Israel ended its three-week occu- overboard, Sewell said. The sailor was
pation of Ramallah, the Palestinian not identified because his family had not
government and commercial center, yet been notified.
yesterday as part of a gradual pull- The USS Kitty Hawk is part of a
out from parts of six West Bank three-ship battle group being used as a
towns it seized last month. helicopter base for special operations
Elsewhere,.two Palestinians were troops as part of the U.S. effort in
killed by Israeli fire, including a Afghanistan.
West Bank man accused in the death
of a Jewish settler. Prime Minister WASHINGTON
Ariel Sharon said the man was
responsible for several deadly Government to drop
attacks on Israelis and was "elimi- pizza regulations
nated" by undercover troops.
In the Ramallah pullout, Israeli Hold the pepperoni. The government
tanks, jeeps and armored personnel wants to drop decades-old rules that dic-
carriers drove out of the northern tate the ingredients of frozen pizzas,
neighborhoods before dawn. down to how much meat, sausage or
The convoy passed several Pales- pepperoni must be in the toppings.
tinians, who stood in the heavy rain Kraft and other pizza makers say the
holding a sign with an arrow and rules prevent them from lowering the
the words: "Tel Aviv that way, and fat content or trying out new sauces or
stay out." ethnic styles.
Under the Agriculture Department's
WASHINGTON regulations, a meat pizza must have a
Sailor falls off aircraft crust, cheese, a tomato-based sauce and
S7 Cat least 10 percent to 12 percent meat by
carrier in Arabian Sea weight. A 12-inch pepperoni would typ-
ically have about 20 pepperoni slices.
A search was under way last night for The rules, known as standards of
a U.S. sailor who fell overboard from an identity, were intended in part to pro-
aircraft carrier in the Arabian Sea. mote consumption of meat and cheese,
The sailor fell from the USS Kitty said consumer advocate Carol Tucker
Hawk at 7:22 a.m. EST and a search and Foreman, who oversaw the depart-
rescue operation was begun immediate- ment's food regulation during the
ly, said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Don Sewell. Carter administration. "That doesn't
Repeated helicopter searches and several make sense in today's society" she said.
dives found no sign of the sailor.
"We don't know how long the - Compiled from Daily wire reports.

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Newly elected New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a Republican, claims
victory at a celebration party early yesterday morning.

teachers but has refused to say how
much. IHe wants to move city workers
out of Manhattan to free up prime
downtown office space for companies,
but it is unclear how that would hap-
pen. He says he will not raise taxes
and will continue the city hiring
freeze, but has not said how he will
bridge the projected deficits.
Voters, who identified the jobs and
the economy as the most important
issues in exit polls Tuesday, were will-
ing to take a chance anyway.
"Bloomberg was not a typical politi-
cian --- and voters were looking for

someone who had the experience to
help turn the economy around," said
Lee Miringoff, director of polling at
the Marist Institute of Public Opinion.
It remains an open question whether
Bloomberg can adapt from a maverick
businessman to a mayor who governs
by consensus.
He said he likes to delegate authori-
ty and listen to new ideas, though
some employees at the Bloomberg
financial news service have com-
plained about the company's manage-
ment structure and what they perceive
as resistance to change.
O regon
sues over


SALEM, Ore. (AP) - The state of
Oregon sued the U.S. government yes-
terday over a federal directive that
essentially blocks the state's assisted-
suicide law.
The lawsuit challenges the authority
of U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft
to limit the practice of medicine in Ore-
gon by attempting to bar physician-
assisted suicides.
Oregon Attorney General Hardy
Myers also filed a motion yesterday
seeking to temporarily prevent the fed
eral government from implementing th
order barring doctors from prescribing
federally controlled substances to hasten
the deaths of terminally ill patients.
"Ultimately, what we're seeking to d(
is waylay the federal government fror
illegally interfering in the practice o
medicine in Oregon," said Kevin Neely
a spokesman for Myers.
On Tuesday, Ashcroft dealt wha
could be a fatal blow to the country'
only law permitting assisted suicides b
serving notice on Oregon doctors tha
their licenses to prescribe federally con
trolled drugs will be revoked if they par
ticipate in Oregon's Death with Dignit
The order does not call for crimina
prosecution of doctors. And it does stip
ulate that pain management is a vali

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