LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 1, 2001- 3A RESEARCH' City council hopefuls campaign for seat Behavior affected ! by iron deficiency Iron deficiency, a known cause of anemia, also affects the brain and. behavior, creating a concern among University researchers. WIth funding from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, researchers will begin a multi-project program to examines the brain and behavior of a person experi- encing early iron deficiency. Six other universities, including Pennsylvania State University, Universi- ty of Wisconsin, University of Minneso- ta, University of California-Davis and Wayne State University, have joined together to examine the effects of iron deficiency anemia in about a quarter of infected infants worldwide. The study will also include poor and minority chil- dren in the United States. Iron is required to build myelin in the brain, which covers nerves and helps them send signals. It also is needed for many chemicals of the brain to function correctly. Deficiency of iron is now to affect the hippocampus, an area of the brain that play an important role in memory. Studies show that infants and chil- dren suffering from test lower in men- tal and motor development. They also show behavioral differences than those young people with adequate r iron levels. X-ray switch may allow further use An ultrafast switch for X-ray machines will expand the use of the machine, which is a requirement in hospitals, space observations and labs, according to University researchers. The switch will allow researchers to ' learn about the dynamics of molecular motion by following the movement of atoms, and was developed by Universi- ty physics researchers from the Center for the study of Frontiers in Optical Coherent and Ultrafast Science. Researchers used an ultrafast laser, which hammered the surface of a crys- tal to generate a short pulse. The pulse modified diffraction patterns through the crystal and was used to change energy from one beam to another. The switch between beams allowed researchers to capture the motion within atoms, much like a camera uses light to take a photo. Meditation helps patients of AIDS For patients suffering from the AIDS virus, meditation and massage provide comfort near the end of life, . according to researchers at the Yale- Griffin Prevention Research Center, a part of the Yale School of Medicine. The study, which is the first of its kind, will examine the effectiveness of relaxation techniques in improving the perceived quality of life of patients thanks to a $200,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health. Researchers hope that the study will significantly contribute to AIDS management, according to a recent press release. Trauma risk rises after every fall Though athletes get up after injur- ing their head, even a mild head injury puts them at risk for further traumatic brain injuries, according to researchers at the University of Penn- sylvania School of Medicine. Following a concussion, the brain experiences an increase in vulnerabili- ty to severe and permanent injuries head injuries for at least 24 hours after the incident, according to the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania study. Victims of accidents and abuse are also prone to later injuries because the effects of repetitive head injuries may not be felt for months following a con- cussion, according to a recent press release. Researchers studied the effects of brain trauma in mice. They found a second injury greatened the effects of the first one if delivered within 24 hours, but permanent damage was not immediate. The rats did, however, show measurable breakdown in motor skills 56 days after the second injury. Researchers are now looking at the correlation between this breakdown and Alzheimer's disease. 1 - Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter Lisa Hoffman. By C. Price Jones and Louie Meizlish Daily Staff Reporters With only five days remaining before elections, the eight candidates for five seats on the Ann Arbor City Council are putting the finishing touches on their campaigns. Two of the races are uncontested. Running unopposed are 3rd Ward incumbent Heidi Cow- ing Herrell and 5th Ward incumbent Wendy Ann- Woods, both Democrats. In the 1st Ward, Democrat Robert Johnson is facing his first election after being appointed to, the council in December 2000. Johnson said that if re-elected he plans to tack- le the traffic problem, parking ordinances and the housing problem. "We need to do something about the housing problem," he said. There are housing arrangements for those with lower incomes and higher incomes, but those who make $40,000 to $50,000 per year have a hard time buying homes. "I want to try and deal with the growth in a way that will not destroy what makes Ann Arbor beautiful." Facing off against Johnson is Republican chal- lenger Scott Wojack, a secretary in the University's Office of Financial Aid and an unsuccessful candi- date last year for the state House of Representatives. "I want to make more changes and do more things to make the city grow," he said. Wojack said he would focus on increasing the city's tax base if elected this year. He said the city should increase its tax base by offering tax abate- ments to companies in order to encourage them to relocate to the city. He also supports having the city offer tax rebates to residents willing to utilize renewable energy sources. In the 2nd Ward, Republican Michael Reid faces incumbent Democrat Joan Lowenstein, appointed last year. Reid, a portfolio manager with Ann Arbor-based Exchange Capital Man- agement, wants to focus on improving the city's financial state. "We may well see some departments experi- encing cuts in staffing and services they're pro- viding," he added. Lowenstein, an intellectual property attorney who was appointed to the council in August 2000, wants to monitor the results of a trans- portation study for northeastern Ann Arbor and to continue working to beautify the city. "I used to teach at the University so I feel I have a link to the community," she said. The race for the 4th Ward seat includes Repub- lican incumbent Marcia Higgins and Green Party member Michael Nowak. Higgins, an executive assistant at the venture capital firm Ardesta, plans to continue to focus on the budget and traffic congestion. "We started a budget and finance committee a year ago," she said. "We're looking at how it's running, getting rid of duplication of ser- vices." Nowak, whose wife Christie unsuccessfully ran for the other council seat in 4th Ward last year, is hoping the Greens will have a good chance of taking the seat that because there is no Democrat running. "We thought it would be a good opportunity to run a Green against a Republican without the issue of being a spoiler," he said. Nowak, for his part, wants to work to increase bike use in the city and also supports creating a civilian review board to watch over the Ann Arbor Police Department. Democrats currently have an 9-2 majority over Republicans on the council, including control of the mayor's office, which is occupied by first-ter- mer John Hieftje. Nominations for Golden Apple award to st, By Daniel Kim Daily Staff Reporter "Tni hn nrafr Starting today, a professor who has made an exceptional difference in the lives of the University students may be nominated for a Golden Apple Award. Students Honoring Outstanding University Teaching awards the Gold- en Apple to the nominee who consis- tently teaches "each lecture as if it were their last" and inspires and engages students in their pursuit for knowledge. "The Golden Apple Award was the most meaningful," said economics Prof. Jim Adams, the recipient of the 1998 award, "because this is one award conferred directly by students." "To be honored for teaching is the most wonderful thing ever," added chemistry Prof. Kathleen Nolta, the recipient of the award in 2000. The award was inspired by Rabbi Eliezer ben Hurkanos, who taught 1,900 years ago and challenged his students to live everyday as if it were their last. The professor who wins the award this year will deliver his or her "ideal last lecture" at the award ceremony, teaching is the most wonderful thing ever." - Kathleen Nolta Chemistry prof. which will be held on Jan. 22, 2002 in the Michigan League Mendelssohn Theatre. The lecture is open to all Uni- versity students. The Golden Apple Award's unique feature of requiring the recipient to give his or hers "last ideal speech" - or "the drop dead lecture" as Adams calls it - is not only an opportunity for students to hear a personal speech from the recipients, but a chance for the recipients to think back about their own teachers who had influences on them, Adams said. "It should not be called 'the last lec- ture,"' said Nolta. "It makes it very scary." Once all the nominations have been :arttoday reviewed and the winner for this year's award decided, SHOUT "will surprise the faculty by coming to the class and informing that he or she is the winner," said Shani Lasin, assistant director of Hillel, the sponsoring organization of SHOUT. The winner will be announced in early December. Last year, about 550 students par- ticipated in the nomination process, said Brian Netter, an Engineering junior and chairman of SHOUT. "We're hoping this year that we can get over a thousand students to nom- inate deserving faculty members," added Netter. "To be indifferent is one thing that is unforgivable and unacceptable. If students expect to have any control over the teaching they receive, they can't afford to be indifferent about an opportunity like the Golden Apple Award," Nolta said. To submit nominations , students can go online at www.umich.edu/ -umshout, simply write the name and the department of the professor whom they are nominating, and briefly explain why the professor is worthy of the award. The deadline for the nomi- nations is Nov. 22. ESA junior Sarah Ashcroft enjoys the weather and smokes a cigarette yesterday afternoon in the Diag. 'U' helps cigarette addicts break habit By Lisa Hoffman Daily Staff Reporter , Four years after taking her first puff of a cigarette, LSA sophomore Amanda Bart says' it's too hard for her to quit. Bart is not alone, according to a Stu- dent Life survey taken in 1999, which said 28 percent of University students smoked cigarettes within 30 days of answering their questions. "I started because of a friend (for) stupid reasons," Bart said. She added that smoking is a relief from stress. "Now I can't stop. All of my friends smoke. My roommate smokes. It's hard to quit," she said. .. Despite a general downward trend in the number of smokers in the United States since the 1960s, the number of adolescent and young adult smokers has continued to rise since the 1990s, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Most students at the University think smoking is pretty harmful for their health," said researcher and Nursing Prof. Carol Boyd. "But, despite that, students said they still smoke." Boyd and fellow researcher Sean McKay conduct the Student Life survey, of which the 2001 version will be released in March. "We expect that 2001 results will reflect the national trend of college stu- dents," Boyd said. "Typically, people age 20, 21 and 22 have a higher smok- ing rate." She added that this year's data will likely vary by class, based on historical trends. Recent surveys show a general decline in the number of adolescents and young adults who smoke, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse website. To promote this decline, educators at the University Health System continue to look at new ways to facilitate students trying to quit smoking and ways of encouraging students to not start. "We try to focus on two different areas, prevention and cessation," said Marsha Benz, a health educator. "Most students aren't heavily addicted, but they are in a spot where they decided whether or not to go into hard core addiction. It's easier to quit now then when they're smoking two packs a day." "Health benefits come very quickly,' added Benz's coworker Carol Tucker, also a health educator. Benefits include fresher breath, whiter teeth and more money to spend on other things, Tuckerj said. For students trying to quit, UHS offers special kits called "Quit Kits," which include a variety of items to help students kick the habit. The clinic also provides nicotine replacement products. Health educators are also implanting a new Internet-based service that pro- vides tailored messages for individuals trying to quit smoking. Locally-based HealthMedia developed the system. "People make a plan that can be used while trying to quit and after," Tucker said. "It's a tailored way because of the personal information provided through very specific questions." Inquiries include details about a per- son's smoking habit and barriers stand- ing in the way of them quitting. Ongoing promotions to discourage stu- dents from smoking and encourage quitting are organized by the Social Norms Media Campaign, a group developed at UHS, which uses print material, bus signs and flyers featuring its icon, a troll, to get their message across. "It is a fun way to get people to look at the message," Benz said. "This year's theme is 'How doyou really feel about smoking,' so we're taking photographs of students with yucky faces about smoking." The upcoming Great American Smoke Out on, Nov. 15 also provides education and encouragement to people trying to quit. ome to the 2nd Annual Housi hundreds of U-M students will for housing options, both on- ant November 5, 21 In the Michigan League I There will be refreshments and give-away We look forward to seeing you at the larg Ann Arbor's housing marke U-M Housing and Off-Campus Housing ~{:- Off-Campus Housing 1 Residence Halls LIIH HARVESI ng Fai b e sea 201 I lalli ys so con rest gath et. g Staff ir, where rching rmpus. room ne enjoy! ering of Housing AMM Family THE CALENDAR What's happening in Ann Arbor today EVENTS National Depression Screening Day; Spon- sored by the University Business-State Rela- tions in the Southern Cone;" Sponsored by the University Letin and Caribbean Studies Cen- 6800 "Challenging Community: Women Activists and Detroit;" Panel discussion sponsored by the SERVICES Campus Information Centers, 764-INFO, info@umich.edu, or www. umich.edu/ -info