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November 01, 2001 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-11-01

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 1, 2001



still resists
U.S. call to
Los Angeles Times
JERUSALEM - Israeli forces yes-
terday assassinated an Arab militant,
killed three Palestinians they said had
fired on them and raided a West Bank
village where they arrested six people,
including a man they called a would-
be suicide bomber. The moves came as
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon continued
to defy American requests that Israel
withdraw from Palestinian areas and
halt assassinations.
The latest violence and Palestinian
casualties undercut the Bush adminis-
tration's intensified diplomatic efforts
to achieve some semblance of calm in
the region as Washington tries to
maintain Arab support for the U.S.-led
war on terrorism.
American officials, including Presi-
dent Bush, have repeatedly urged
Israel to pull its troops out of Palestin-
ian areas they occupied after the assas-
sination of a right-wing Israeli cabinet
minister by Palestinian militants two
weeks ago. But in a telephone conver-
sation today with U.S. Secretary of
State Colin Powell, Sharon again
insisted he would not order his army to
withdraw until Yasser Arafat's Pales-
tinian Authority cracked down on mil-
itant groups operating from Palestinian
"We have no intention of staying
and we'd like to leave as soon as possi-
ble but (the Palestinians) are not com-
plying," said Raanan Gissin,
spokesman for Sharon.
Israeli officials say the army's raids
and what it calls "targeted killings" are
in response to intelligence warnings of
a wave of planned terrorist attacks.
Israel has no choice but to pre-empt
and intecept militants before they can
put their plans into effect, say officials.
Palestinians say the latest Israeli
military operations, especially the
assassination of Palestinian militants,
will only deepen the bitterness that has
fueled 13 months of violence. Eight
hundred and fifty people have died,
about 80 percent of them Palestinians.
Palestinians contend that they are
only fighting back against Israeli
As a subtext to the ongoing vio-
lence, Sharon is involved in a sharpen-
ing political dispute with his foreign
nhister, Shimon Peres; overhow to
deal with the Palestinians.
Peres says he is open to meeting
with Arafat at a conference they are
both scheduled to attend this weekend
on the Spanish island of Majorca. He
is also reported to have prepared a
peace plan that includes shutting down
Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip,
home to more than 6,000 Israelis, as a
"good-will gesture" to the Palestini-
Sharon's aides have made no secret
of the prime minister's adamant oppo-
sition to Peres meeting Arafat this
weekend or to any such gestures-espe-
cially ones that involve territorial con-
cessions-before the Palestinians halt
all violence and crack down on mili-.
tant groups.
The Israeli army confirmed yester-
day that it used helicopter gunships to
assassinate a man it called a key mili-
tant in the radical Islamic group

Hamas, firing anti-tank missiles at the
house where he was staying in the
West Bank town of Hebron. The army
said the man, Jamil Jadallah, 25, a sus-
pect in a number of terrorist attacks
against Israelis, was on the verge of
carrying out another such operation
inside the Jewish state.
Israeli troops shot and killed two
other Palestinian gunmen, who it said
were members of Palestinian security
forces, who had earlier opened fire on
an Israeli vehicle in the northern West
Bank, the army said.

U.S. economy declined in third quarter


The U.S. economy, weak from a yearlong slowdown and battered by the
terrorist attacks, declined in the July-September quarter in the strongest sig-
nal yet the country has slipped into a recession.
The Bush administration insisted that quick congressional passage of a
stimulus package could avoid a full-blown downturn.
Private economists said the real worry now is whether a mild recession
will become something much worse as a result of more threats of terrorist
"I think the economy is going to continue to struggle until a sense of personal
safety has been re-established," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at
Economy.com. "Right now the economic clouds are thick and growing darker."
The Commerce Department report yesterday showed that the gross domes-
tic product - the country's total output of goods and services - declined at
an annual rate of 0.4 percent in the third quarter.
Wall Street ended a choppy session with the Dow Jones industrial average
falling 46.84 points to close at 9,075.14. It had been up more than 100 points
earlier in the day on relief that the GDP decline was less than had been
Pentagon to call more reserves than expected I
The Pentagon expects to call up more reservists than the 50,000 originally
believed needed for the war on terrorism, officials said yesterday. Most will be
reporting for homefront duty.
The increase reflects heightened concern about potential terrorist attacks on
federal installations as well as an expanding war effort in Afghanistan, where
U.S. planes bombed military targets for a 25th day.
Reviewing progress in the bombing campaign, Rear Adm. John Stufllebeem
told a Pentagon news conference that attacks have so severely damaged the Tal-
iban's military communications system that commanders in the field are having
trouble summoning new supplies and troop reinforcements.
"We believe that puts a terrific amount of stress on their military capability," he

Victoria Clarke, spokeswoman for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. said
he had notified the White House that the reserve call-up would exceed 50,000,


but she offered no new projected total.
"We're not benchmarking it," she said.
Bush and Putin find
common ground
A boost in relations from unprece-
dented cooperation in the war
against terrorism could lead Presi-
dent Bush and Russian President
Vladimir Putin to find common
ground next month on trimming
nuclear arsenals and defending
against missile attack.
Diplomatic caution keeps Ameri-
can officials from predicting success
in the Bush quest for leeway to pro-
ceed with a limited defense against
missile attack and Putin's hope for
substantial reductions in long-range
nuclear arsenals.
"We will reach agreements with the.
Russians on what we can reach agree-
ments on," Undersecretary of State
John R. Bolton told military and diplo-
matic reporters over scrambled eggs
"It would be premature to be opti-
mistic or pessimistic," he said.
3 major networks sue
over recording system
The three major television networks
yesterday sued the maker of the first
Internet-ready personal digital video
recorder, saying the ReplayTV 4000
allows people to make and distribute
illegal copies of television programs.
The lawsuit, filed by NBC, ABC and
CBS in federal court in Los Angeles,
claims SONICblue Inc.'s ReplayTV
4000 would violate their copyrights by

allowing users to distribute copies of
programs over the Internet.
The networks also complained that
technology in the personal video
recorder can automatically strip out
In a joint statement, the networks
said the device "deprives the copyright
owners of the means by which they are
paid for their creative content and thus
reduces the incentive to create pro-
gramming and make it available to the
High court questions
aflinnative action
Supreme Court justices seemed
exasperated yesterday at the turn of
events in what was supposed to be a
blockbuster affirmative action ruling
this tefffi4 ".
The two sides now cannot agree
what they are fighting about, or
whether there is even acase at all1
The small, white-owned con-
struction company at the heart of
the case has switched the focus of
its opposition to a government pro-
gram barely mentioned in earlier
legal filings.
The government claims the program
that was supposed to be at issue is no
longer used in Colorado, where the
company is based. The government
also says the company has lost its right
to appeal.
"What are we supposed to do now,
please?" Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
asked the government's lawyer.
- Compiledfrom Daily wire reports.


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