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October 29, 2001 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-10-29

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 29, 2001



Gunmen kill Catholics in Pakistan


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Gunmen burst into
a Roman Catholic church in eastern Pakistan
during services yesterday morning and sprayed
the congregation with bullets, killing at least 16,
people. including the clergyman and several chil-
dren, according to police and church officials.
The assault in Behawalpur - headquarters for
one of the extremist Islanic groups the United
States has listed as a terrorist organization -
was the most vicious incident in the worst day of
unrest and violence in Pakistan since the U.S.-led
bombing of Afghanistan began three weeks ago.
"The method used and the inhuman tactics
clearly indicate involvement of trained terror-
ists," Gen. Pervez Musharraf, the Pakistani presi-,
dent, said in statement. "I would ... like to assure
everyone that we will track down the culprits and
bring them to justice."
Elsewhere yesterday, a bomb hidden under a
seat in a bus killed three passengers and injured
25 in the southwestern city of Quetta, near the
Afghan border. Protesters who have blocked Pak-

istan's main highway into China commandeered
an airport they feared might be used by U.S.
forces in raids against Afghanistan. And the gov-
ernment signaled growing alarm over thousands
of armed men and boys who have gathered in
northwestern tribal regions, preparing to join Tal-
iban soldiers in A fghanistan.
No one claimed responsibility for the church
attack or the bus explosion.
The combination of yesterday's events fueled
an increasing sense of insecurity across Pakistan.
The government ordered extra police and securi-
ty personnel into Christian neighborhoods across
the mainly Muslim country after intelligence
reports indicated Christians would be targeted
for terrorist attacks. An additional 3,000 frontier
troops were placed on standby near the highway
and airport protest sites near the town of Gilgit.
The unrest and anxiety pose the greatest chal-
lenges yet to MusHarraf's efforts to keep extrem-
ist religious elements and public protests under
control in the face of mounting anger over U.S.

bombardments of Afghanistan and nearly daily
incidents of Afghan civilians being killed by
misguided bombs or targeting mistakes.
Pakistan's extremist religious groups have
organized dozens of demonstrations in the past
several weeks protesting Musharraf's decision to
assist the United States in hunting down alleged
terrorist Osama bin Laden and attacking the Tal-
iban movement that protects him. '
Musharraf made an unusual and unannounced
appearance on national television during prime
time to condemn the attack on St. Dominic's
church in Behawalpur, 300 miles south of Islam-
abad, the capital. The city is home to extremist
Islamic leader Maulana Masood Azhar, founder
of the Jaish-e Mohammad organization, which
the United States has identified as a terrorist
Although Pakistan's Christians, who make up
about 3 percent of the population, are occasional-
ly subject to harassment, acts of violence have
been rare.


Bush to sign airline bill over objections

President Bush's chief of staff suggested yesterday that the president would
sign a Senate-passed airline security bill even though he disagrees with a provi-
sion to make all airport baggage handlers federal employees.
"I suspect he wouldn't want to have to sign it but he would. He wants airline
security," White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card said.
A House Republican version of the bill is "the best way to go" Card said on
NBC's "Meet the Press."
House Republicans and the president want the government in charge of over-
seeing, but not employing, airport security.
In his weekly radio address Saturday, Bush called on Congress to reject the
Senate proposal, adding that the House version would ensure that "security man-
agers can move aggressively to discipline or fire employees who fail to live up to
the rigorous new standards."
According to Card, Bush has confidence that Congress can pass a bill that
"meets the responsibilities that he thinks are most important: Give the federal
government the flexibility to do the best job that it can do for airline security."
Card made the comment in a separate TV appearance on "Fox News Sunday."
The House plans to take up the airline security bill Wednesday.
ZAMBOANCA, Phlippines
Bomb kills six in food court in Philippines
A powerful bomb tore through a food court yesterday, killing at least six peo-
ple and injuring scores while U.S. military officers were in town to discuss help-
ing the government fight Muslim rebels.
The Americans were unhurt in the early evening attack in this city in the
restive southern Philippines, officials said. They were staying at a tightly guarded
military camp a few miles from the site of the explosion, said Lt. Gen. Roy
Cimatu, who heads the Philippine military's Southern Command.
There was no evidence the group of more than 20 Americans was targeted, but
Cimatu said the bombing might have been a protest against their presence. There
were no credible claims of responsibility for the attack.
Cimatu said among the suspects was the Abu Sayyaf, an extremist Muslim
group the Philippine military is targeting in a major offensive focusing on nearby
Basilan island.
The Philippine government suspects the Abu Sayyaf of carrying out other
recent bombings in Zamboanga as a diversion from the military offensive across
the straits on Basilan.


Israeli forces pull out of West Bank

- Israeli forces began pulling out
of two West Bank towns yesterday,
hours after Palestinian gunmen
raked a bus stop in northern Israel
with automatic gunfire, killing four
The shooting attack in Hadera and
a drive-by shooting earlier in the day
that killed an Israeli soldier had
thrown the pullback into question,.
with Israeli officials demanding a
cease-fire before they would with-
But Raanan Gissin, an aide to
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, said
the redeployment operation had

"Apparently during the day," he
said, the Palestinians "have taken
several steps and during the evening
they have started to comply with
their obligations," Gissin said.
Witnesses said tanks were still
within Bethlehem and the nearby
town of Beit Jalla but had begun
moving back toward Israeli territory.
The pullouts from the two towns
were to be test cases for Israeli with-
drawals from four other towns it
entered after the Oct. 17 assassina-
tion of Rehavam Zeevi, an ultrana-
tionalist Israeli Cabinet minister, by
Palestinian militants. The other

towns are Jenin. Qalqilya, Ramallah
and Tulkarem.
Israel has demanded the Palestini-
ans enforce a cease-fire for the pull-
outs to take place. The Palestinians
say they should take place uncondi-
Israel said it had entered parts of
the towns to hunt for Zeevi's killers
and to prevent further attacks on
Israelis but it came under heavy
criticism from the United States and
other nations.
The rsraeli incursions represented
the most extensive Israeli military
action in 13 months of fighting.
They left 38 Palestinians dead,

failed to net all of Zeevi's killers and
angered the Bush administration,
which .worried that further unrest
would undermine support among
Arab nations for its anti-terrorism
Yesterday's attack took place
when two gunmen - who were
identified as Palestinian policemen
by the Israeli army - drove through
Hadera, north of Tel Aviv, police
"Two weapons were aimed at the
two sides of the road and then ter-
rorists opened fire," the area police
chief, Yaakov Borovsky, told Israel

I .

The Department
The University

of Philosophy.
of Michigan

Michael Fried
Herbert Boone Professor of Humanities and
Director, Huma nities Center
T"he Johns Hopkins University
"Roger Fry's Formalism"
Friday, Novenber 2, 4:00 p-m.
Angell Hall Auditorium A, 435 South State Street
Director, The Getty Research Institute

KARACHi, Pakistan
Student linked to
Cole handed over
A Yemeni microbiology student
wanted in connection with the bombing
of the USS Cole was secretly handed
over to U.S. authorities by Pakistan's
intelligence agency early Friday, Pak-
istani government sources said Saturday.
Pakistani officials said the student,
Jamil Qasim Saeed Mohammed, 27,
is an active member of the al-Qaida
terrorist organization, which is run
by Osama bin Laden, the alleged,
architect of the Sept. 11 attacks in the
United States.'
Mohammed's arrest by Pakistani
intelligence officers and handover to
U.S. authorities -- which bypassed the
usual extradition and deportation pro-
cedures -- was the result of a broad
investigation by U.S. and Pakistani
intelligence officials into the activities
of Arab students who are suspected of
having ties to al-Qaida, the sources
CAIRO, Egypt
Islamic charities deny
funding terrorist orgs
An organization of Islamic charities
denied yesterday that its members
could be funneling money to terrorists,
and urged the United States to give evi-
dence to back up its suggestions that
they are doing so.
Since the Sept. I1 attacks, the Unit-
ed States has frozen assets of one
Saudi charity, the Wafa Humanitarian
Organization, and U.S. officials have

said Islamic charities are a key
source of fund-raising for Osama bin
Laden and his terrorist organization,
"We dare anyone to prove that any
Islamic charity organization is
involved or has supported any (terror-
ist) body," said Hamid bin Ahmed al-
Rifaei, head of the Saudi-based
International Islamic Forum for Dia-
logue, an umbrella group of about 100
non-governmental Islamic and other
charities from around the world.
United Airlines
CEO steps down
United Airlines chief executive
James Goodwin resigned yesterday,
saying it was time "for a new leader to
guide the organization" which has
struggled financially and laid off a fifth
of its workforce since Sept 11.
The company's board of directors
unanimously elected John. W.
Creighton as Goodwin's replacement.
Creighton, who has been a member
of UAL's board of directors since 1998,
he served as president and chief execu-
tive officer of Weyerhaeuser Company
from 1991 through 1997.
"Our immediate goal is to restore
United's financial stability," Creighton
said in a statement. "We intend to
work hand-in-hand with our employ-
ees and unions to accomplish this
Goodwin's resignation came two
weeks ago after a letter he wrote to
employees was made public.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

James B.

Duke Professor of Literature and Romance Studies,
Duke University

Professor of Philksophy, IHlarvard University
Saturday, November 3, 9:30 a.m.
Vandenberg R(rom, Michigan League
All events open to the public without charge


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