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October 26, 2001 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-10-26

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 26, 2001 - 7

Olyismpic officials plan
for Games even 1n war

Continued from Page 1
Civil libertarians have complained that the new law gives
government too much power to investigate Americans.
Authorities have arrested or detained 952 people in connec-
tion with the Sept. 11 attacks, including 168 detained on
immigration charges. Many have been arrested for relatively
low-level crimes - bank fraud, false identification or over-
staying on visas. Most remain in custody, officials said.
A small number of these people, who are not cooperating,
are believed to have terrorist connections or links to the 19
hijackers who crashed airliners into the World Trade Center's
Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field. One,
detained in Minnesota, had sought suspicious flight instruc-
tion. Two others, detained in Texas, were found with a large
amount of cash and box-cutters similar to those used by the

Mohammed Jaweed Azmath and Ayub Ali Khan are jailed
in New York as material witnesses. The two, detained on an
Amtrak train in Fort Worth, Texas, seemed nervous when
approached and told conflicting stories about their travel
plans, police said. When officers said the travel plans sounded
suspicious, according to a police report, Azmath said: "I did
not have anything to do with New York."
Officials plan to run anthrax tests on items from the men's
Jersey City, N.J., apartment, which contained magazine arti-
cles about bioterrorism.
The legislation allows intelligence officials to share infor-
mation with prosecutors for the first time. The immediate
affect will be that a bundle of intelligence files from the CIA
and other agencies on terrorism suspects will be shipped to a
JuAice Department terrorism task force .headed by Assistant
Attorney General Michael Chertoff.

SALT LAKE CITY -- Olympic officials have begun out-
lining emergency plans that would allow the 2002 Winter
Games to proceed almost regardless of the extent of escala-
tion in America's war against terrorism, Salt Lake Olympic
Committee President Mitt Romney said Wednesday.
As state health officials strive to ensure that sufficient
quantities of the anti-anthrax drug Cipro will be readily
available to treat the 82,500 athletes and visitors expected to
attend the Feb. 8-24 Games, Romney said Salt Lake offi-
cials are mulling over other measures, including chartering
a fleet of airplanes that would pick up athletes in their own
countries and shuttle them to Salt Lake.
Romney said plans are being made to counter a variety of
threats related to traditional, biological and chemical war-
"We have been conducting very intensive contingency
planning to consider all of the possible scenarios the world
could throw at us, to ensure that the Games go forward,
nonetheless," Romney said. "We want to have the Games
regardless of what's happening in the world."
Romney said charter planes would only be used in a
wartime scenario that created severe restrictions on air trav-
el. Scott Williams, deputy director of Utah's Department of
Health, said officials are in discussions with the Centers for
Disease Control in Atlanta, attempting to determine how
best to make available Cipro, nerve agents, anti-toxins and
vaccines at the Olympics.

"We want to make sure it isn't supply holding up our
response" to problems, Williams said.
Romney said there still exists no contingency plan that
covers the cancellation or postponement of the Games.
"You proceed with the Games almost regardless of the
turbulence," he said. "There is no good Plan B ... There is
no good contingency that's worth considering."
A priority, Romney said, is calming athletes who might
be nervous about traveling to the United States. He said
efforts are underway to communicate directly with all of the
prospective Olympians through letters or e-mailse Romney
detailed some aspects of the Games' security plan in a five-
page letter to the national Olympic committees, the interna-
tional federations and sponsors about a month ago.
The Salt Lake Games will include an extra 2,000 Utah
National Guard members, and the Athletes' Village will be
surrounded by two fences and extensive security. All food
served at the Games will make a stop at an off-site security
warehouse, and mail might be severely or completely
restricted, he said. Fans can expect delays at the entrances to
venues because of searches and other security steps. No
bags larger than 10 by 12 by 6 inches will be allowed in the
Games' areas.
Romney said there has been no reduction in ticket sales
or increase in hotel cancellations since the Sept. I1 terrorist
attacks, but, he said, he still had concerns about misinfor-
mation that might confuse athletes and sponsors.

Continued from Page 1
when it brought the Genocide Aware-
ness Project to the Diag.
The display, which consisted of a
number of large photos of aborted
fetuses juxtaposed with photos of
genocides caused tension between
many passers-by and center members,
but the shocking photos are what
organizers feel make the displays
"If people knew what (abortion) did
to an unborn child, they might. ques-
tion the legality," said LSA senior
Andrew Shirvell, president of the Stu-

dents for Life group on campus. The
group will be presenting a demonstra-
tion using 40 tombstones representing
aborted fetuses on the Diag today,
although the annual event is not con-
nected to yesterday's display.
Shirvell said Students for Life is very
supportive of the center's campaign,
even though the student group had
nothing to do with the trucks on cam-
The truck project shocked students
on both sides of the abortion debate.
"I would see faces turn from smile
to shock or awe. We had a lot of
thumbs up, waves, and the middle
digit. One student ran up to the truck

to throw fruit at it," Harrington said.
LSA sophomore Nathan Leaman
said he wasn't that affected by the pic-
tures on the trucks.
"I wasn't personally offended, but
its not something I really want to see,"
he said.
Not all pro-life students agreed with
the demonstration.
"I agree that it is inappropriate. I
think the pro-life goal is not to instill
fear in communities, but to help
women who have been challenged by
unwanted pregnancies," said LSA
sophomore Katharine Heeringa. "It's
midterms week and I don't want to see
that on my way to class."

Continued from Page 1
it would be put to better use if it were
given back to the universities.
Glenn Stevens, executive director of
the Presidents Council of the State
Universities of Michigan, said higher
education appropriations should
remain steady and not be cut.
"Any cuts in state funding inevitably
put greater pressure on tuition," he
Substantial cuts in higher education
funding in the early 1980s forced dou-
ble digit tuition increases across the
Stevens, a professor at Northern
Michigan when the cuts were being
made, said the number of tenured fac-
ulty had to be reduced.
"At U of M, some programs were

substantially reduced and even elimi-
nated," he added. However, he said,
even with the state facing similar bud-
get problems in the early 1990s, the
state did not cut higher education
funding and tuition increases were
"That was a measured value to the
universities because it really set the
stage for very modest tuition increases
in the next few years," he said.
Although University of Michigan
President Lee Bollinger had signaled
that any extra dollars the University
receives from the state would go back
to students, the issue has since become
more complicated.
The recent budget shortfall has cre-
ated a possibility that the 1.5 percent
funding increase the University
received for the academic year might.
be removed by the governor and
Continued from Page 10
more students live in already crowded
campus housing for two years would
require the University to build new resi-
dence halls. Housing Director William
Zeller said he could not comment when
the University might build new resi-
dence halls or begin renovating existing
structures, but he said the report has
helped to further dialogue between
administrators and the Housing Office
about the need for additional housing.
"We will be moving forward to have
more complete discussions with the stu-
dents and the community, but right now
we are in the preliminary stages of plan-
ning," Zeller said.
The University announced earlier this
year that it would build the first new
residence hall on campus since 1968.
In addition, the commission's report
focuses on maintaining a strong com-
mitment to a diverse student body by
recruiting students from underrepre-
sented areas across the country.
Hanlon said the commission kept the
issue of diversity among age, gender,
ethnicity and location at the forefront of
many of their meetings.
He said he hopes the University will
maintain a diverse student body, regard-
less of whether affirmative action con-
tinues to be a factor in admissions.
"I firmly believe that diversity is a
value to your education, and this is well
established," Hanlon said.

replaced with a cut of as much as 3.5,r
percent. On the basis of a 1.5 percent
increase, the University raised tuition
by 6.5 percent for the fall and winter
terms. Whether tuition will rise for the
winter 2002 semester has not been
But Rep. John Hansen (D-Dexter),
whose district includes northern Ann
Arbor, said a repeal of the tax credit is
unnecessary. The Legislature could
simply appropriate additional funds to
the colleges, which would then be
expected to lower tuition.
Kolb said the House Appropriations
Subcommittee on Higher Education's
failure to approve the repeal delayed
any action'on the I-louse floor. He
blamed the stalling on fellow subcom-
mittee member Paul DeWeese's failure
to show up on time to the subcommit-
tee meeting.
Continued from Page 10
through community projects and
mini courses sponsored by the Uni-
The details of the proposed week,
labeled the "Sophomore Convocation,"
have not been sorted through.
Scobey said the week shouldn't be
planned for students' breaks and
added that the commission is in favor
of making the University's schedule
more flexible so students can take
greater advantages of educational
The commission recommends that a
campuswide task force study the pos-
sibility of altering the academic calen-
Monts said the proposal would
probably not include giving students
fewer days off.
"Questions about more class days
off will be a sticky issues with the fac-
ulty who already feel that they lack
ample time to cover course material,"
he said.

Continued from Page 1
director of community relations, said the number of peo-
ple on the streets in Ann Arbor has noticeably increased
in the past 18 months, causing merchants and residents to
look for a way to decrease panhandling activity and get
the people who need help with their substance abuse
problems into treatment.
The Loose Change for Real Change program, which has
been an idea of concerned citizens for years but did not get
started until September, uses the money people would normal-
ly give to aggressive panhandlers to pay for their rehabilita-
The program encourages people to deposit their loose
change in collection boxes at a number of merchants in the
downtown, State Street and Kerrytown areas instead of giving
money to panhandlers.
The rehabilitation programs funded by the loose change
take place at Dawn Farm at 502 West Huron St., a local non-
profit agency that helps people with drug and alcohol prob-
lems and provides housing assistance.

The program's downtown street outreach worker is
Charles Coleman, a self-described former alcohol and drug
addict and panhandler who now walks the streets of Ann
Arbor in search of people who could benefit from the ser-
vices of Dawn Farm.
Coleman said the money students and other pedestrians
give to panhandlers is often used to support drug habits and
that giving panhandlers money is actually hurting them.
"Word gets around that Ann Arbor is a gold mine (for
handouts) and people come on buses to take advantage of stu-
dents' generosity to buy drugs and alcohol,' Coleman said.
"As long as we continue to give the money, people are not
going to change."
When Coleman spoke to students at the Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly meeting Tuesday night, he encouraged
them to either deposit their change in the boxes located
inside businesses or simply not give money to panhan-
"There is no program like this in the country," Coleman
said. "We have been so successful that already I was able to
take two homeless people into treatment)... my goal is to
help two people a month from now on."

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