4 - The Miphigan Daily - Tuesday, October 23, 2001 OP/ED 01 (Tbe £rbigu &* 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 daily. letters@umich.edu EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 GEOFFREY GAGNON Editor in Chief MICHAEL GRASS NICHOLAS WOOMER Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles; letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. NOTABLE QUOTABLE We are known for humanitarian treatment, so basically we are stuck. Usually there is some incentive, some angle to play, what you can do for them. But it could get to that spot where we could go to pressure ... where we don't have a choice - and we are getting there." - An FBI agent as quoted in The Washington Post on the possibility of using torture to interrogate prisoners. .- 1 C r, ' ,, A A K r I vc~vM ass CteW~c AO S e.Yno,. rl T ckor }- Ortset tow on 'hC'dx. in +o b Krei Yo v Can +0 now. 0 0 Dilemmas in a race conscious world PETER CUNNIFFE ONE FOR THE ROAD n interesting e- pulled off an airplane to calm the jittery white race matters. mail was circulat- folk. Many suffer under the misguided notion ed among Asian Racial separation isn't just for law enforce- that the point of the college admissions process groups on campus last ment though. People often seek to socialize is to find the people with the best high school week. It complained bitter- specifically with people of the same race, espe- grades. If it was so simple, why have any ly that Asian students were cially in places like colleges. Many students, process at all? College admissions is about hanging out with other 'including some minorities, ask why, if integra- putting together the best class, not rewarding Asians too much and hurt- tion is the goal, do minority students band individuals with good SAT scores. And part of ing their opportunities for together in student groups with those of similar a good class is diversity. Diversity in socio-eco- integration. The author(s) hue and as the old cliche goes, sit at their own nomic background, geographic diversity, diver- of the missive, discrediting their plea before it table in the cafeteria? Unfortunately race has a sity of experiences and interests and many was ever sent, decided to remain anonymous. way of dividing even where the intention (as it other factors. Including race in this calculation Also last week, was the umpteenth campus is for the University) is to unify. Many minori- is important because those of different races do visit of the Rev. Jesse Jackson, at the unfortu- ty students have friends of mostly the same have different experiences that we need to be nate behest of the race baiting, deluded mem- race because it is often more difficult, from exposed to truly improve our understanding of bers of the Coalition to Defend Affirmative both ends, to relate to students of different the world around us and also because we live in Action By Any Means Necessary. Besides the races. In our segregated society, where most a diverse society that is getting more diverse all appreciative supporters, Jackson was met by people grow up with people of mostly the the time. We won't be well prepared for it upset protesters, whose personal attacks on same race, how can we be surprised when unless we are educated in a diverse environ- Jackson's family life certainly helped make racial differences keep people apart here? I ment. Grades and test scores are still the biggest their anti-affirmative action message much have problems with many minority student factors in the admissions process and no one more compelling. Or not. groups (basically their tendency to overplay gets in that isn't expected to succeed academi- Just two events from last week, but they are the real, though not as bad as they say, dis- cally, but building the best class from all the indicative of things that go on constantly here; crimination against them and further alienate qualified applicants means using a broad range tensions involving issues of race that continue their members from other students) but I cer- of other factors to bring together people with to bedevil the society. I, and probably most tainly understand why they exist, different experiences and views. people, were taught that we shouldn't care Race is part of who you are. It often affects Discrimination would be keeping out peo- about race growing up. We heard all about the how you live, how others view you and what ple of races you don't like. Trying to promote civil rights struggles of our parents' generation, opportunities you have. People join race-cen- diversity in general to provide a better educa- learned about Martin Luther King, Jr. and were tered groups because society foists similar tion for everyone cannot be equated with that. told that such struggles had allowed us to ban- experiences and challenges upon them. Conservatives often like to say we need to ish the ugliness of our discriminatory past. But, It's the habit of many to complain about ensure diversity in viewpoints, not race. But of course, we've all learned by now that you "reverse discrimination" when they see such race most definitely affects how you view the just tell that to children, at least the children groups or look at policies to promote diversity, world and how it views you. And I've noticed where I grew up, where I could count the black such as the University's race sensitive admis- quite diverse views around here in any case. kids in my school on one hand. sions process. Affirmative action is an ethical- As sad as it is, race plays a huge role in our Americans like to think of themselves as ly torturous issue for many, including myself, lives. It would be wonderful if race didn't so tolerant people who judge others based on the bcause allowing someone's race to alter their drastically separate people that we need mea- content of their characters, not the color of chances of admission is at odds with all those sures like affirmative action to bring them their skin. But who is naive enough to really ideals of treating everyone equally we were together. But it does. believe that is true? Ask a black person pulled taught growing up. But the reason that affirma- over for driving through a white neighborhood. tive action is ultimately the right policy is Peter Cunniffe can be reached Or an Arab or other unsuitably dark individual, because it reflects the inescapable reality that via e-mail atpcunniJ@umich.edu. Just like (really bad) music ... DUSTIN J. SEIBERT TE MANIFESTO This column is dedicated to ers lack in unison? The ability to sing and sizes murders never committed, bids never my little band of haters ... write songs. The true musician is able to carry served, guns never shot, and drugs never you know who you are ... all aspects of his/her music, including the slang; One part already-famous-rap-affiliated you make me love what I lyrics. Who writes Miss Spears' lyrics about mentor (DJ Clue, Jay-Z, etc. will do); One part do even more. finding that special man? Probably some dirty "bling-bling" that must be returned at end of arson Daly is the corporate bigwig with an abundance of "nude" video shoot; two parts hot single with snappy anti-Christ. Take a Christina Aguilera photos stashed on his hard catch-phrase (phrase need not be intelligible good look at him; drive. How did Jennifer Lopez manage to get words), and three parts big label promotion those villainous beady a record deal with that god-awful voice of that will make you famous for a few months, eyes, that demonic monot- hers? Because she's J-Lo ... a gorgeous movie rape you outta your loot, and leave you broke one, that deceptive clean-cut, take-him-home- star with a posterior that speaks volumes. in the street. There is nothing wrong with to-mommy demeanor and that ridiculous Regardless of her star status, she should never appreciating commercial hip-hop, however it black painted fingernail. He and his claim to have been allowed to set foot in the studio. manages to get the most criticism from the fame MTV vehicle Total Request Live have What truly irks me is how hip-hop and many opponents of the violent, negative played significant roles in the burgeoning pop- R&B music have teetered into the pop catego- lyrics. The underground lyricists, who actually ularity of the garbage that passes for good ry. It seems that lately the lines have been provide higher quality music with something music, and otherwise tops charts regularly. blurred between the genres. Take Sisqo, a cap- intelligent to say, will probably never get the Sure, I'm still a youngster - I was a ital offender - he started out with Dru Hill acclaim that they deserve. child during the unforgivable era of '80s singing deep, soulful, gospel-laden melodies So is everybody who appreciates what I music. However, I was cultured in the ways ... only to graduate to "The Thong Song," the consider shallow music wrong? Absolutely of a vast array of music that emphasized the shameful summer super-hit that put him on not - I have my fair share of simple, non- talents of the artists' musical abilities, as the map as a solo artist. Depending on which introspective, rump shakin' music ... no big opposed to the live performance aspect. Let's awards show you watch, he is considered Pop, deal. If music, however, is considered art, be honest ... the "big three" artists of the Hip-Hop and R&B. Other artists with great then the stuff that is topping the billboard '80s: Prince, Madonna, and Michael Jackson, voices, such as Mariah, Pink, and Christina, charts in most genres these days is color-by- wowed the masses with dance moves, have also happily sacrificed their full potential numbers, and the Picassos and Da Vinci's pyrotechnics, and controversial lewd behav- for the almighty dollar. The demographic that should be paid their due. Most newer acts ior, whereas their actual singing left some- these artists are catering to these days don't borrow and steal from their "predecessors" as thing to be desired. These three artists have require much ... all that these 14-year-old star it is, yet they manage to water it down into one thing in common that is detrimental to struck little girls really need is a video on TRL something not quite as respectable. Regard- my argument, that being the questionable and access to mommy's Visa; next thing you less, you can never squash that which will genre of popular music. know, you have a multi-platinum album on earn people lots of money, and so this Perhaps my beef is with pop music in gen- your hands. Mission accomplished. garbage will live on until it ceases to make eral. Two decades ago, it appeared to have a These so-called "lyricists" out here are dough, if it ever does. For the time being, bit more class. Now, everyone is playing killing me these days. I'm no hip-hop purist, though, can't someone do something about copycat ... record executives are on a constant but the repetitiveness of the same old recycled Carson Daly? Quickly? search for the next heartthrob with the pretty material is mind-boggling. Instant recipe for a Knowledge. face, chiseled jaw, colored hair, large breasts, platinum-selling rapper: One part I-grew-up- tight booty and recently sold soul to grace tough-in-the-projects (pick any major city); - Dustin .Seibert can be reached MTV's airwaves. What do most of these jok- Two parts mediocre lyrical ability that empha- via e-mail at dseibert@umich.edu. V LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 9 0 Hamas, Hizbollah are terrorist organizations TO THE DAILY: I am writing in response to Wael Hakmeh's viewpoint entitled "Discussing diplomatic hypocrisy hypocritically," (10/22/01). In his viewpoint, Hakmeh states that "We should write zations must be receive the same treatment as Osama bin Laden's, Al Qaeda is experiencing; global condemnation. It is a great surprise to me that Hakmeh's viewpoint attempts to justify the use of terror against innocent civilians. There is no imagin- able situation in which the calculated killing of civilians is acceptable. Certainly, many innodnt people on both sides have suffered as a result of this conflict. Editorial page seems to be 'one-sided' TO THE DAILY: In his viewpoint, Wael Hakmeh writes: "We should praise Syria for its allowing Hamas and Hizbollah to fight for their (the Palestinians'?) freedom, to rid their land of the illegal Zionist < : s$ < ::::n : . : .:: . . . . .. . . . : . . . .:.. .. .. .t ... : .