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October 18, 2001 - Image 18

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-10-18

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8B - The Michigan Daily- Weekend, etc. Magazine - Thursday, October 18, 2001








The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Magazin

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A Profile of Life in Kuri, Bolivia



Kuri is a small town in the province of Cochabamba, in the cou
located in South America. Almost everyone in Kuri, which is about 45
subsistence farmers. It's not an easy life. The people of Kuri make ha
and can only eat what their fields produce, and there is usually no ext
They own their own land, and receive no income because there is usua
extra food to sell. When the families do have a surplus of food it is ofi
find transportation to the nearest market. They mostly grow potatoes
year there was too much rain and many of their crops died.
Kuri has one school, with one classroom for all the children. TI
medical post that is rarely staffed and under-equipped. Most of the h(
are made of adobe, a mud mixture, and have dirt foors. Mattresses ar
potato sacks and hay and there are rarely as many beds as there are fa
Typically, a family will wake up when the sun rises around 6 a.
breakfast and doing household chores, the parents will walk down to
begin working the land. The younger children go to school and the ol
usually 10 and up, go with their parents to work. Working can consisi
things, from gathering firewood, to plowing a field, to planting seeds,
crop. The family usually works the entire morning, breaks for unch a
working until the late afternoon. The sun sets at about 7:30 p.m. - or
in the community have electricity and soon after, all of Kuri goes quiet
While there are many problems in the community, many peoph
happy lives. There are regular games of football, a church group meel
extended families often live together and have each other as a suppori
contrasted.with an overwhelming sentiment within the community th
causes many problems that need to be solved.

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