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October 16, 2001 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-10-16

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 16, 2001


Powell seeks to bolster Musharraf

Los Angeles Times
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - U.S. Secretary of
State Colin L. Powell arrived yesterday in Pakistan
with political and military offers to reinforce the
government of Gen. Pervez Musharraf, including a
compromise formula for a new government in neigh-
boring Afghanistan that would allow some Taliban
members to participate.
But Powell's mission to South Asia immediately
faced new obstacles as tensions erupted between

Pakistan and India on two fronts in and near the
long-disputed region of Kashmir, ending a 10-month
cease-fire and threatening to pull the United States
even deeper into the volatile region.
India unleashed artillery, mortars and rockets
across and near the Line of Control dividing the
Himalayan region, according to Pakistani presiden-
tial spokesman Maj. Gen. Rashid Qureshi.
Pakistani officials said one woman was killed and
36 injured when India shelled positions in the Pak-
istani region of Sialkot and along the Line of Control

in the Rawalakot district. India said 11 Pakistani
posts were destroyed and 12 guerrillas killed along
the Line of Control.
The shelling on both fronts started less than an
hour before Powell landed here. In New Delhi, the
Indian capital, a government spokesman said the
troops were not acting on government order.
ButQureshi dismissed claims that India was trying to
block infiltrators from crossing the Line of Control
in an area that has three lines of defense, including a

Continued from Page 1
the capital into darkness, and sent .resi-
dents fleeing.
Officials also said they are finding
signs that the Afghan regime and its
allies .have, through great efforts, man-
aged to conceal more weaponry than
U.S. forces had previously known.
Rumsfeld and Air Force Gen.
Richard B. Myers, chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, described how an
American bomb had struck a cave
complex in Karam, west of Jalalabad,
that apparently held a large arsenal of
weapons and ammunition.
Taliban officials have contended that
U.S. forces killed 200 civilians at the
town. But U.S. defense officials argue
that any deaths were caused by sec-

ondary explosions when a bomb
aimed at the cave ignited a huge arse-
While they acknowledged that
their intelligence on the cave's interi-
or is limited, the fact that it burned
for as many as four hours shows that
it contained an extensive cache of
"They were not cooking cookies
inside those tunnels," Rumsfeld said.
"Let's face it, you do not spend that
kind of money, and dig that far in, and
store that many weapons and muni-
tions, that would cause that kind of
sustained secondary explosions, unless
you have very serious purposes for
doing it."
He added that the people in the
vicinity who were casualties "were
clearly connected to those activities."

Continued from Page 1
there is strong and good cooperation
between the athletic director and the
Board in Control," Bollinger said.
SACUA members said they had
mixed feelings about a separation
between the board and the administra-
"I feel as faculty we need to be able
to communicate with you," said
SACUA Vice Chair Jack Gobetti, a
Dentistry professor. "We have 900 ath-
letes we really need to watch and take
care of. I think we absolutely need to
have a direct line to the president."
Bollinger acknowledged the impor-
tance of a strong board and said clarifi-
cations to the bylaws will encourage

"Having a fully functional board is
extremely important and it should be
an important committee group that has
a meaningful role and should make an
impact," he said. "Over time the board
has been not always meaningfully
engaged in the issues of athletics."
Bollinger said his view of the Board
in Control is a reflection of the role
such committees play at other Big Ten
Specific examples of the proposed
bylaw changes were not discussed, but
Bollinger said he would consider
reassessing the size of faculty repre-
sentation on the board.
"I got a sense that he wants to for-
mulize how much power the board
has. I mean really change it," said
Medical School Prof. Charles Koop-

Saron's coalton showing some strain
Trying to keep his coalition from unraveling, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon warned ultranationalist defectors yesterday that if they bring him down,
they'll only help Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
"You made his (Arafat's) day," an angry Sharon told his former allies in a
speech on the opening of parliament's winter session.
The first crack in Sharon's broad-based government appeared yesterday when
the National Union party said it was leaving because of Israel's troop pullback
from some Palestinian areas. It signaled a growing division over a U.S.-led push
toward a return to peace talks with the Palestinians.
Sharon put together an eight-party coalition after his laijdslide election victory in
February. The departure of the National Union, which has seven seats in the 120-
member parliament, did not rob Sharon of his majority - his coalition still controls
76 seats in the legislature. However, the defection served as a warning that Sharon's
government can quickly unravel if he resumes peace talks with the Palestinians.
The National Union left after the government carried out one of its truce
promises - a troop pullback yesterday from two Palestinian neighborhoods in
the West Bank town of Hebron. Israel seized the areas 10 days earlier to stop
shooting on Jewish settler enclaves.
Nervous mailrooms proceed with caution
With anthrax-contaminated letters arriving in offices from Nevada to the
nation's capital, mailrooms and delivery services across the country are putting
new handling procedures in place.
Mailroom employees are being warned to check packages for misspellings in
common names and words, to look for powdery substances and excessive or
inadequate postage, and to contact authorities about any suspicious mail.
SThe Postal Service announced the creation of a task force to examine mail
security and hazardous-material safeguards. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention issued guidelines for handling letters and packages. And private
delivery companies are scrutinizing their own procedures.
At NBC, where one employee contracted the skin form of anthrax and another has
shown symptoms, the network has stopped accepting mail from the Postal Service.
"Our entire mail system is being looked at by professionals," said spokes-
woman Kassie Canter. "Our interim procedure for the near-term future is that
we're accepting UPS and FedEx, and they're being screened. Employees have the
option not to accept anything."




Continued from Page 1
"I think initially enrollment of minorities will go
down, but I don't think'it will change that much,"
said LSA junior Chantelle Gendron. "Possibly you'll
see an increase in academic achievements because
the criteria (for admissions) will change."
Jodi Hybarinen, an LSA junior, said: "Admissions
should be more socially and economically based
than racially based. If the argument (for affirmative
action) is that you didn't have opportunities, it

shouldn't be about race, it should be because you
went to a bad school district."
Statistics on minority enrollment in states where
affirmative action policies have been dismantled are
ambiguous at best.
In Florida, where Republican Gov. Jeb Bush
implemented the One Florida Initiative program last
year as a substitute for racially sensitive college
admissions procedures, figures released last month
showed a 5 percent increase in minority enrollment.
But the program's critics argue that while minority
numbers may be up overall, the University of Florida


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- the state's largest and most selective school -
saw a steep decline. The increase in minority student
enrollment was also accompanied by an overall rise
in the number of students statewide applying to
Florida universities. The One Florida Initiative man-
dates that the state's universities accept the top 20
percent of all graduating high school seniors.
In the University of California system, where affir-
mative action was banned in 1995, the number of
minority students dropped initially but have
rebounded in recent years. However, the numbers are
not as high as they were before 1995.
Continued from Page 1
ed students to think about who they'll
be living with and to be conscious of
issues like how many parking spots are
Spectrum Apartment Search rental
consultant Erin Miller said that,
although it is a good idea to start look-
ing early, there's no guarantee prices
won't change.
She recommended that students
choose roommates and establish a
price and location ahead of time, and
that spending $550 to $700 per month
is a reasonable price bracket for apart-
ments in Ann Arbor.
Students looking for more informa-
tion about housing can attend the
housing fair Nov. 5 from 2 p.m. to 6
p.m. at the Michigan League.
Continued from Page 1
11. Afghanistan of the Taliban, McCain
would support a United Nations role in
rebuilding the fractured nation.
"The U.N. isn't very good at peace-
making, but it's pretty good at peace-
keeping," he said.
McCain further advocated an
expanded war on terrorism - one that
stretches beyond Afghanistan's borders
to countries such as Syria and Iran that
harbor known terrorists. As to how
long U.S. military attacks might last,
McCain said he did not know but that
"we probably will take casualties" and
that "the more our adversaries think
we're steadfast, the shorter it'll last"
McCain's speech turned personal
last night as he recalled a former cam-
paign worker of his who was one of
the victims on United Airlines Flight
93, which crashed in Pennsylvania. It
is believed that the plane was headed
for the U.S. Capitol or another target in
Washington before passengers thwart-
ed the terrorists, bringing the plane
down. McCain was in the Capitol on
the morning of Sept. 11.
McCain said he believes the former
staffer may have played a part in
bringing the plane down before it
neared Washington.
"Mark Bingham may have saved my
life and the lives of others," he said.
Although much of the speech
focused on the attacks, the main rea-
son McCain appeared in Ann Arbor
was to kick off Schwarz's campaign
for governor. Schwarz is now fighting
an uphill battle for the GOP nomina-
tion against Lt. Gov. Dick Posthumus.
The GOP establishment in Lansing
has overwhelmingly supported Posthu-
mus, but Schwarz is hoping he can
attract moderate Republicans and
independents to vote.for him, as he did
for McCain during his successful 2000
presidential primary campaign in
Michigan, which Schwarz chaired.
Schwarz, a University alum, pro-
moted himself as someone with the
necessary experience and integrity to
run Michigan during an economic
downturn and cited his role as chair of
the Senate subcommittee that oversees
funding of higher education as proof.

Jehovah's Witnesses
to get day in court
The Supreme Court said yesterday
it will decide if an Ohio town vio-
lates the rights of Jehovah's Wit-
nesses by requiring permission from
the mayor to canvass neighborhoods.
The Jehovah's Witnesses claim
the 3-year-old ordinance in Strat-
ton, Ohio, was designed to limit
their ministry. Members of that
faith routinely go door-to-door, giv-
ing out free literature and recruiting
In the small Ohio River town,
people planning solicitations must
first divulge their names, addresses
for the past five years and the names
and addresses of their affiliations.
The mayor grants permits, which a
homeowner can demand to see.
The ordinance applies to anyone
who goes door-to-door, including
salesmen and people seeking dona-
tions. Violations are misdemeanors.
Concorde to resume
flights to New York
Air France and British Airways said
yesterday they would resume Concorde
service on Nov. 7, some 15 months
after the supersonic jet was grounded
by a deadly crash.
Both companies said the return of
Concorde flights to New York reflected
confidence in the future of the aviation
industry in the wake of the Sept. 11

"Concorde's return to New York is
symbolic of Air France's tribute to the
people of this city, to their strength and
their strong resolve to rebuild," Air
France chairman Jean-Cyril Spinetta
said in the statement.
British Airways chief executive
Ron Eddington said, "We hope Con-
corde will play a major part in
rebuilding confidence in New York
and demonstrating that it is business
as usual between the U.K. and the
Suspect PAC uses
attacks to raise funds
Republicans have asked a federal
prosecutor to investigate a group called
the George W Congressional Campaign
Committee that is using last month's ter-
rorist attacks to raise money.
The Republican National Commit-
tee obtained a recent letter sent by the
group soliciting contributions of $250
to $1,000 and listing an Austin, Texas,
post-office box as its address.
"Dear Friend and fellow Ameri-
cans," the letter begins, "On Septem-
ber 11, enemies of freedom committed
an act of war against our country.... I
am writing to ask for your help - to
assist in making America stronger, to
make a difference in the success of our
great country."
The letter, postmarked Oct. 3, says
that to succeed in its mission, the
group must ensure each new congres-
sional district is "represented by indi-
viduals with our shared vision."
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.






uride House


Intellectual Challenge
Public Service
Room and Board
Informational Meeting
Tuesday, October 16,7-9 p.m.
Pendleton Room, Michigan Union
refreshments served

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