12A - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 12, 2001
The early morning sun lights the sky behind the damaged section of the P
terrorists crashed a hijacked airliner into the Pentagon. One month later,.
Center and created tons of the same in Afghanistan. Smoke spires from r
One month later September 11, 2001
ica remembers
The Associated Press
At a still-smoking ruin, before a still-ravaged
military headquarters, in far-flung places still reeling
from unthinkable acts, they stopped to commemorate a
a milestone yesterday: A month had passed since
terrorists made their indelible mark.
'w ,e .'x,. aAt the Pentagon service, there was a
s= red rose on the seat of each relative of
t' ~each victim - the 125 people in the
building and the 60 passengers and crew
whose plane was taken over and crashed
by four hijackers.
"On Sept. 11, great sorrow came to our
country, and from that sorrow has come
great resolve," said President Bush.
At the World Trade Center, there was a
moment of silence at 8:48 a.m., the time
of the first attack on Sept. 11. Workers at
the massive grave paused from the
cleanup duties, took off their helmets and
joined arm in arm. "Don't look at the ter-
rorism over there, look at the heroism
over here," said Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, a
Fire Department chaplain.
At St. Paul's Cathedral in London,
AP PHOTO British firefighters mourned their fallen
Pentagon two days after the attack as rescue work continues after brethren in New York. There was an inter-
Americans have removed 260,000 tons of rubble from the World Trade faith commemorative service at the Roman
uins in both lands. Catholic Cathedral of St. John the Evange-
hree people list in Cleveland ("My attitude is people
the through need to find more hope;' said 36-year-old
is they walk Valeria Philmon) and a mentrial Mass at
rough lower Boston's Cathedral of the Holy Cross.
ttan several This was the way it was on Thursday,
er terrorists Oct. 11, 2001 - groups of people com-
stroyed the ing together to remember something that
ade Center is unforgettable, to commemorate the hor-
rific events even as smoke continued to
rise from the smoldering rubble of sky-
AP PHOTO "The fire is still burning, but from it
One month after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade has emerged a stronger spirit," said Mayor
Center, New York City firefighter Kevin Bohan pauses at Rudolph Giuliani, with the city's fire and
MARSHALL/Daily a memorial service near Ground Zero yesterday. police commissioners in front of a black-
ened building.
"Sometimes, it feels like yesterday,
sometimes it feels like a year ago or
more," he said. The terrorists, he said,
"attempted to break our spirit - instead
they have emboldened it."
Fire Department bagpipers played
"Amazing Grace" on instruments decorat-
ed with small American flags. Prayers
were offered first for the 343 firefighters
and 23 police officers lost in the attack,
and then for all the dead. So far, there are
u 422 confirmed dead and 4,815 listed as
missing. In addition, 157 people on the
two trade center jets were killed.
It was a brief service, just 15 minutes
long; the idling engines of the heavy con-
struction machinery could be heard in the
background. The 23rd Psalm was read,
and prayers were offered. At the end, the
bagpipes played "Americathe Beautiful."
The same song was sung at the Penta-
*"C . gon, along with "God Bless America."
Thousands listened as taps was played;
the names of the 189 victims scrolled on
computer monitors.
"Their deaths, like their lives, shall
have meaning," said Defense Secretary
Donald H. Rumsfeld. Gen. Richard
DAVID KATZ/Daily Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
S Comfort moves up the Hudson River along the west side of lower Manhattan several days after terrorists flew two planes into the Staff, said the victims were heroes, "not
ers of the World Trade Center in this view from Jersey City, N.J. Smoke rises from the site where the 110-story buildings used to stand, because they died, but because they lived
tinues to do today.beasthyddbtbasety id
in service to the greater good."
^- "One life touches so many others. One
death can leave sorrow that seems almost
unbearable;' said Bush. "But to all of you
who lost someone here, I want to say: You
are not alone. The American people will
never forget the cruelty that was done
here and in New York and in the sky over
Pennsylvania. We will never forget all the
innocent people killed by the hatred of a
He decried the terrorists as a "cult of
I evil." He pledged that America would be
relentless in seeking them out.
Everywhere, there were memorials of
different sorts. Restaurants nationwide
pledged to give part of the day's proceeds
to funds for the victims. At the New York
u Stock Exchange, representatives of New
York's uniformed services rang the open-
ing bell, and were cheered.
At Boston's Logan Airport, United and
H ~American Airlines employees began a
AP PHOTO monthlong "flag run" to Los Angeles,
Workers pause to watch a memorial service through broken windows of a damaged pedestrian symbolically completing the planned
bridge yesterday at the site of the ruins of the twin 110-story World Trade Center towers In New flight paths of the two jets that were
York. hijacked out of Logan and crashed into 4
the trade center. Employees have lined up
Peruvian 1,400 volunteers to relay an American
hters stop flag cross country, running 24 hours a day.
yestery t It is scheduled to arrive in Los Angeles on
Lima, Peru to Nov. 11, Veterans Day.
observe a
moment of "This is a beautiful day for a beautiful
silence for the cause. How could I say no?" said Curt
one month Detzer, an American Airlines pilot and
anniversary of one of the first runners.
the terrorist In Denver, hundreds gathered for a ser-
ataks that vice organized by the United Airlines'
Firefighters spray water on a fire in the rubble at Ground
Zero In Manhattan several days after the twin towers were
brought down by terrorists.
New Yorkers pause to view one of the many sidewalk The USN
memorials In Manhattan in memory of the thousands who twin tow
lost their lives in the Sept. 11 attacks. as it con
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