One hundred eleven years ofedtorinlfreedom
October 9, 2001
CLASSIFIED: 764-0557
Iwww. michigandaily com
La. t
WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States
pounded terrorist targets in Afghanistan from the
air for a second night, then followed up with day-
light bombing today in an effort to undercut the
Taliban militia sheltering Osama bin Laden. Anti-
Taliban forces inside Afghanistan appeared ready
to strike in concert with the American barrage.
As U.S. warplanes and naval forces unleashed
assaults halfway around the world, the Bush admin-
istration raised its guard at home.
"We've learned that America is not immune
from attack," President Bush said as he created an
Office of Homeland Security and put former Penn-
sylvania Gov. Tom Ridge in charge.
The creation of an anti-terrorism office under-
scored America's heightened anxiety. The FBI said
it was investigating the possibility that the anthrax
bacteria detected in two Florida men was the a
result of terrorism or criminal action.
"Every American should be vigilant," Attorney
General John Ashcroft said.
The Pentagon said five long-range bombers, 10
sea-launched warplanes and 15 Tomahawk cruise
missiles struck an undisclosed number of targets
last night, including early warning radars, Taliban
ground forces and military command sites. It was
smaller than Sunday's opening attacks.
After a few quiet hours, a single jet dropped one
bomb near the Kabul airport before dawn today,
rattling windows in the capital. There were no
immediate reports of damage or injuries.
Then, around 8:15 a.m. local time, jets bombed
the Taliban stronghold of Kandahar in southern
Afghanistan, Taliban officials said. Taliban soldiers
replied with heavy anti-aircraft fire.
Feeding while firing, the U.S. operation dropped
37,000 packages of food rations yesterday - about
the same number as Sunday.
U.S. officials said the military strikes, expected
to continue at least another day, were designed to
destroy terrorist camps and bolster opposition
forces fighting the Taliban. All of the aircraft
returned safely, the Pentagon said.
Bush has not disclosed his plans to follow up the
air strikes. However, U.S. officials said he wants to
shake bin Laden and fellow terrorists from Afghan
hideouts and into the hands of American or other
anti-Taliban ground forces.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair hinted that the
offensive would expand.
"In time, (the airstrikes) will be supported by
other actions, again carefully targeted," Blair said.
He didn't elaborate, but the British defense min-
istry said that ground orations were an option.
Anti-aircraft fire lit the skies over the Afghan
capital of Kabul, where electricity was cut and Tal-
See ATTACKS, Page 7
A bank set ablaze by Talban supporters to protest the British and U.S. attacks on Afghanistan bu
Key defenses c
The Washington Post
QALAI SHARIF, Afghanistan - Rebel
leaders said yesterday that two nights of U.S.-
led strikes have crippled the ruling Taliban
militia's key defenses but had not yet allowed
them to break out of the pockets they control
to contest Taliban-held areas.
The bombs and missiles, which last night
sent thunderclaps rolling through the valleys
here north of the capital, Kabul, have
destroyed radar systems and damaged Taliban
air defenses and its air force, the rebels said.
Afghan radio reports said last night that the
Kabul airport and a television transmission
tower were struck by massive explosions.
But some commanders of the rebel North-
ern Alliance were disappointed that the first
phase of the U.S. military operation had not
done more to help them advance against Tal-
iban positions. U.S. warplanes and cruise
missiles, for instance, did not strike the gov-
ernment forces perched above the Bagram air
base north of Kabul, a key juncture for any
drive toward the capital.
"The U.S. can't win by .bombing," Haji
Almaz, a top rebel commander, said in an inter-
view yesterday in his headquarters north of the
rns in Quetta, Pakistan, yesterday.
front lines. "Bombing is not effective against
the Taliban. Soldiers (on the ground) and the
Northern Alliance are effective."
In some parts of the country, though, rebels
said their forces have taken advantage of the
American-led assault. The rebels claimed to
have seized control of two districts near
Mazar-e Sharif, a strategic town in northern
Afghanistan, and captured 200 Taliban sol-
diers. The Afghan Islamic Press agency
reported that yesterday's attacks by the United
States and Britain struck Mazar-e Sharif and
Kunduz, another Taliban-held city close to
Provost search put on hold until
regents select next 'U
Bollinger could be asked to
step down from Michigan post
before the academic year ends
By Rachel Green
Daily Staff Reporter
The search for a new provost will be put on hold
while the University's Board of Regents looks for a
new president.
The regents held a private, informal meeting yes-
terday near campus, their first since University Presi-
dent Lee Bollinger last week announced he was Bol
leaving to accept the presidency of Columbia Uni- with
versity. "
Pfizer w1ants
tax breaks for
property deal.
By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
the provost search is "temporarily on hold," said
ry Krenz, special council to the president. As
president, Bollinger chairs the
provost search.
Regent S. Martin Taylor (D-
Grosse Pointe Farms) said he
hopes this search moves more
quickly than the 18-month
search that replaced President
James Duderstadt with Bollinger
in 1997.
Regents were given short
notice from Bollinger regarding
his departure, given that talks
hiColumbia began in June, Taylor said.
I think people have all put that behind them.
What's done is done. Now it's our obligation to push
forward. It's just life, so we have to go on," Taylor
While the regents declined to comment on any
official action, Taylor said he is pleased with the effi-
ciency of yesterday's meeting.
"I think the community should be assured by what
we've done and what we've not done," Taylor said.
"The Columbia board met Saturday morning; we
met Monday morning."
Regent Olivia Maynard (D-Goodrich) would not
comment on when Bollinger would be leaving Ann
Arbor or whether the regents would ask him to leave
before the end of the academic year.
"We met and we've begun the process of planning
See SEARCH, Page 7
Cooking for a cause
Lynn Meadows of Chelsea expresses her desire for peace to LSA freshman Areaj
El-Jawaleri at the Students for a Peaceful Alternative rally on the Diag last night.
Protesters clash
over war effort
In the first of a series of discussions between the city of
Ann Arbor and pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc., City Council
members debated last night with company officials about pos-
sible benefits and problems with the company's possible con-
solidation and expansion of theit Ann Arbor laboratories.
The University and Pfizer, a global corporation focusing on
the research and development of new drugs, reached a $27
million agreement for a 55-acre parcel of land near North
Campus two weeks ago. The agreement was later approved by
the University Board of Regents.
The deal would allow Pfizer to relocate current employees
to its primary Ann Arbor facilities at Huron Parkway and Ply-
mouth Road. The company also hopes to expand that facility
to allow for space for an additional 600 jobs.
nD.; .. r (lek1 ?r n rnhrlrv n-1- nt m-1nv2.Ona 'im-
By Daniel Kim
and Jordan Schrader
Daily Staff Reporters
In opposition to the bombing of
Afghanistan carried out in the last two
days by the United States and Great
Britain, the Coalition to Stop Scape-
goating and the War and Students for a
Peaceful Alternative held separate
peace rallies yesterday on the Diag.
But anti-war chants were just half of
what amounted to a day of rhetorical
tug-of-war as Young Americans for
Freedom led counterdemonstrations at
both events.
"This policy of the U.S. can only cre-
ate more hatred," said Luke Massie, one
of the fondrso Af the Coalition to Ston
leader of the Coalition to Defend Affir-
mative Action and Integration and Fight
for Equality By Any Means Necessary,
which initiated the founding of the anti-
war coalition last month.
"The Bush administration says this
is not a war against Afghanistan. This
is what (the government) said about
the Vietnam War. It wasn't true then,
and it is not true now," added Massie.
Not to be outdone, YAF was just as
vocal in its support for the American
military response to the Sept. 11
attacks on the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon.
"We, the Young Americans for Free-
dom, support the U.S. and its effort to
maintain freedom," said LSA senior
Peter Anel the leading voice during
LSA Student Government President Rachel Tronstein and Rep. Emily Senk cook yesterday for
familia st2Uind at tha RnnId M onanlId Hns near CS Mott Children's HnHnItal. Rnnald